HomeMy WebLinkAbout021 Covenants - (2013-06-27) 1st AmendmentJ-509 AfterRecording,ReturnTo: The Watson Companies 2453826Attention:Shawn Holm use. 1 ora 08/27/2013as:12:sswe am s2e.ooCharlotteMills-GallatinCounty,MT MISC963 SW Simpson, Suite 110 Bend, Oregon 97702 FIRST DECLARATION OF ANNEXATION TO AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR NORTON RANCH THIS FIRST DECLARATION OF ANNEXATION TO AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR NORTON RANCH (this"Declaration of Annexation") ismade effectiveasof thedateofitsrecordingintheOfficialRecords forGallatinCounty, Montana, by NORTON PROPERTIES LLC, an Oregon limitedliabilitycompany, and NORTON RANCH HOMES, LLC, an Oregon limitedliabilitycompany (individuallyand collectively, the "Declarant"). RECITALS: A. Declarantcreateda residentialsubdivisionknown as Norton Ranch (the "Subdivision")by recording(a)thatcertainAmended and RestatedDeclarationofProtective Covenants, Conditionsand RestrictionsforNorton Ranch on October 14,2011, as Document Number 2399078 intheOfficialRecords ofGallatinCounty, Montana (the"Declaration"); and (b)thatcertainplatofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1 o n February 16,2011, as Document Number 2382592 intheOficialRecords ofGallatinCounty, Montana. B. Declarantisthecurrentowner ofthe followingdescribedrealproperty(the "Second Phase"): Norton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase II,filedforrecordintheOfficialRecords of GallatinCounty, Montana. C. Declarantdesirestoannex the Second Phase intothe Subdivisionpursuantto itsreservedrightsunder Article13oftheDeclaration. NOW, THEREFORE, Declaranthereby declaresthefollowingpursuanttoitsreserved rightsunder Article13oftheDeclaration: 1. Annexation. 1 - FirstDeclarationofAnnexation 03/03/23 22203 Norton East Ranch Ph. 5B FP 1.1 The Second Phase ishereby annexed intothe Subdivisionand shallbe held,conveyed,hypothecated,encumbered, used,occupied and improved subjecttotheterms of the Declaration.The Second Phase shallbe consideredpartof the "Property"under the Declarationand the platforthe Second Phase shallbe considereda "Plat"under the Declaration. 1.2 Each lotwithinthe Second Phase shallbe considereda"Lot"underthe Declaration,and eachowner of a lotwithintheSecond Phase shallbe consideredan "Owner" underthe Declaration. 1.3 The alleywithinthe Second Phase shallbe consideredan "Alley"under theDeclaration. 1.4 The open space withinthe Second Phase shallbe considered"Common Areas" undertheDeclaration. 1 Miscellaneous 2.1 Any capitalizedterm notdefinedinthisDeclarationof Annexation shallhave themeaning ascribedto such term intheDeclaration. 2.1.1 Intheeventof aconflictbetween the termsoftheDeclarationand the termsofthisDeclarationof Annexation,thetermsofthisDeclarationAnnexation shallprevail with respecttotheSecond Phase. [Signaturesbegin on the followingpage] 2 - FirstDeclarationofAnnexation IN WITNESS WHERE F,Declaranthas executedand deliveredthisDeclarationof Annexation asofthe1 day of M y' ,2013. DECLARANT: NORTON PR PER TIES L C, an Oregon L it iabili Company me: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of Deschutes ) The foregoinginstrumentwas acknowledged beforeme thisB day of HPV , 2013, by Kevin Spencer,the Manager ofNORTON PROPERTUS LLC, an Oregon limited liabilitycompany, on behalfofthecompany. OFFICIALSEAl- PrintName: T-d-rete Re 4/dfle .OTEA UE ETON Notary Publicinand fortheStateof Oregon. ./"COMMISSIONNO.465147 My Commission expires: 2 -/ / -/ YCOMMISSIONaptasSFEBRUARYft2016 [Signaturescontinueon thefollowingpage] 3 - FirstDeclarationof Annexation NORTON RANCH LLC, an Orego i td LiabilityCompany By- Na e: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of Deschutes ) The foregoinginstrumentwas acknowledged beforeme this 3 day of , 2013, by Kevin Spencer,theMember ofNORTON RANCH LLC, an Oregon limitedliability company, on behalfofthecompany. OFFICIALSEAL PrintName:TMra.- a 47A [11 TERESA SUE ALDRICH Notary Publicinand fortheStateof OregonNOTARYPUBLIC-OREGON My Commission expires:9 -/ / - / bCOMMISSIONNO.486147MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRESFEBRUARY11,2016 4 - FirstDeclarationofAnnexation