HomeMy WebLinkAbout019 Covenants - (2011-02-15) OriginalJ-503 2382596Page:1af41 02/16/201103:09:30PM Fee:$307.00 CharlotteMills- GallatinCounty,MT MISC NORTON EAST RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS Preliminary PlatApplication - This Declaration,made this1 day of A ,20 y Norton Properties, LLC, authorizedto do businessintheStateofMonTan2hose principalplace ofbusiness and address is63026 NE Lower Meadow Road, Ste 200,Bend, Oregon 97701 hereinalter referredtoasthe"Declarant". Declarantistheowner oflandin Bozeman, County of Gallatin,StateofMontana describedin Exhibit"A" attachedheretoand made a parthereof.Declarant intendsto develop thelandwith singlefamily residences,multi-familyresidences,parks,private open space and a varietyofuses by means of subdivision,and the purpose ofthis declarationisto createand keep thecommunity areadesirable,attractive,beneficialand suitableinarchitecturaldesign,materialsand appearance;and to guard against unnecessary interferencewiththenaturalbeauty ofthe community area;forallthe mutual benefitand protectionofowners withinthe community area. Declaranthereby declaresthatalllanddescribedinExhibit"A" shallbe held,sold, conveyed, encumbered, leased,occupied and improved, subjecttotheNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 covenants meaning thelimitations,covenants and restrictionsset forthinthisdeclarationand any subsequent amendments hereto,allofwhich are intended to enhance thedesirabilityand attractivenessoftheland.These limitations,covenants and restrictionsshallrunwiththelandand shallbe bindingupon allpersonshaving or who acquireany right,titleorinterestinand tothe land,and shallinuretothebenefitof the Declarant,theAssociationand each person who becomes an owner ofthe land. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS SECTION 1.The following words when used inthisdeclarationor any supplemental declaration(unlessthecontextshallprohibit)shallhave the following meanings. a. "Architect"shallmean a personregisteredtopracticearchitecturein theStateof Montana. b. "Association"shallmean the Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Community Association,and itssuccessorsand assignswhich shallserveand may be referred toastheHomeowners' Association. I 03/03/23 22203 Norton East Ranch Ph. 5B FP c. "Board" shallmean theboard of directorsoftheAssociation. d. "By-Laws" shallmean the by-laws ofthe Association. e. "Parks"shallmean allland and interestthereinwhich, has or may be conveyed to theAssociationor City of Bozeman, includingbutnotlimitedtoalllands identifiedas common open space,trails,publicpark,park,privateopen space, and detentionponds asdelineatedon thefinalplatofNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1,Phases I.The word Parks when used herein'inthe singular form may be referringa portionofthetotalParksdelineatedon thefinalplatof Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1.Any portionofthedesignatedParksnot specificallydesignatedascommon open spacemay be transferredtoan appropriateorganizationsubjectto the restrictiongoverning the maintenance and improvements ofParkscontainedherein.Common open space,includingthe detention/retentionponds, shallremain inthe ownership and controlofthe Association.Parks shallbe maintainedand improved consistentwiththe provisionsofthesecovenants governing maintenance ofparks and improvements of parks.AllParksare hereby declaredtobe dedicatedtobe public useand availablefortheuse and enjoyment ofthepublic. f. "Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Design Committee", alsoreferredtoas NERDC, shallmean thecommittee ofthreemembers who review building proposalsforconformance tothe provisionsofthesecovenants and approves, conditionallyapproves or rejectsthesame. g. "Declarant"shallmean Norton Properties,LLC and orsuch otherpersonentityor corporationNorton Properties,LLC may be,by arecorded document, designated as theDeclarant. h. The term "lot"shallmean and referto only thatlandsodividedintoa lot,tractor parcelthatis(a)describedinExhibit"A" orhereafterannexed subjecttothe Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 and (b)designated astheDeclarantfor residentialorcommercial use.The term lotdoes notincludeany portionofthe Parks. i. "Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1"shallincludeallland describedin Exhibit"A", togetherwith such otherland as may by annexed pursuanttothe provisionsoftheseCovenants. j. "Owner" alsoreferredtoaslotowner, member and home owner, shallmean and refertotherecordowner, whether one ormore persons or entities,ofafeesimple titletoorleaseholdinterestinany landwhich isa partofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1,includingcontractpurchasers,but excluding thosehaving such interestmerely as securityoftheperformance ofan obligation. 2 ARTICLE II LAND SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION SECTION 1.The landdescribedinExhibit"A" attachedheretoshallbe held,sold, conveyed, leased,encumbered, occupied and improved subjecttothisDeclaration. SECTION 2.The Declarantmay, pursuant to the following provisionsofthe section, from timetotime and in Declarant'ssolediscretion,annex toNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1allor any partoftheland describedin futureexhibits(notthen constitutinga partofNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1)owned by Declarant atthe time ofsuch development. a. The development ofsuch landshallbe effectuatedby Declarant recordinga declarationdescribingthe landtobe developed; settingforth-suchadditional limitations,restrictions,covenants and conditionsas are applicabletosuch land; and declaringthelandisto be held,sold,conveyed, encumbered, leased,occupied and improved subjectto theNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1 covenants. b. Upon therecordingofthe FinalPlatbecoming effective,the developed landshall become a partofthe Norton EastRanch Subdivision. c. The declarationdescribedin Section2a above may include,butisnotlimitedto, providingforthe following: (1) A designationofland classificationsas provided forby the Declarant; (2) A declarationof restrictionsapplicableexclusivelytoa specifiedarea. d. Only thelanddescribedin Exhibit"A" and thatspecificallydeveloped as provided forinthissectionshallbe deemed subjecttotheNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 covenants,whether ornotshown on any subdivisionmap filedby Declarant or describedorreferredtoinany document executed or recorded by Declarant.Nothing hereinorin any amendment heretoshallbe deemed tobe a representation,warranty or commitment thattheDeclarantwill commit or subjecttotheNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1covenants any landDeclarantmay now own orhereafteracquireexcept thatlanddescribedin Exhibit"A" and attachedthereto. ARTICLE IH LAND CLASSIFICATIONS AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS SECTION 1.Alllotswithin Norton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1shallbe classified intothe followingCity ofBozeman Uniform Development Ordinance designationsand carrytheirassociatedallowable uses,lotareas,widthsand coverage's,yards,setbacks and heights: 3 R-4 (ResidentialHigh Density District) SECTION 2.AlllotswithinNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1,except as specificallynoted,shallbe subjecttothe followinglimitationsand restrictions. Exceptions tothisregulationwillbe grantedon the basisofarchitecturalmerit or historicalprecedent,asdetermined by theNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Design Committee (NERDC): A. BuildingType Prefabricated,modular, mobile,panelized,factorybuiltand/orkitbuildingsof any type areprohibited. B.Foundations Foundation wallsshallbe exposed amaximum of 12" above the ground unlessthey are integralwithan approved design scheme. Concrete foundationsexposed more than12" above grade must have an approved architecturalfinish(texture,patternand/or color). Allfinishedfloorelevationsshallbe a minimum of 18 inches above the top ofthecurbin frontofthe residenceor building. C. Windows and Doors Windows shallbe made ofpaintedorstainedwood or cladinmetal or vinyl orbe a higher-gradevinylwindow package. Windows must match inmaterial,design and be overallproportionaltoone another on all elevations. Buildingswithwood exteriorsshallhave allopenings trimmed inwood bands of minimum 3" nominal width. Garage doorsare encouraged tobe builtofwood, steel,or fiberglass.Whenever alleys are not available,and lotwidth allows,itisrequiredthatgarage doors do notfacethe street.Exceptions willbe consideredbased on siteconditionsand design merit. D. Roof Pitchedroofsshallbe cladwithcedar shingles,naturalslate,artificialslate, asphalt/fiberglassshingleswith complimenting colors,approved by theNERDC. Steel willbe consideredbased on overallcomposition,unique detailingand design merit. The principalroofshallbe a symmetrical hip or gable form with a pitchbetween 4:12and 4 10:12.Steeperand alternativeroofdesignswillbe considered based on design meritas determined by theNERDC. Flatroofscomprising lessthan30% ofthe totalroofareaare permitted.Flatroofsusedas balconieson streetfacadesshallbe enclosed withsolidrailingsand integratedwiththe design,unlessotherwise approved based on design merit. Skylightsshallbe flatin profile(no bubbles or domes). Skylightsand solarpanels shallbe appliedparalleland flattotheroof. Shed dormers shallhave a pitchofatleast2:12.Hip dormers shallhave thesame pitchas themain roofvolume. Overhanging eave depth shallbe no lessthan 18",except inthecaseofeaves overhanging gable ends,which must protrudeatleast12".Accessory structuresshallbe a minimum of 12".Alternativedetailsand dimensions willbe considered based on overall design and composition. The eave may be encroached by a bay window or windows forno more thanhalfofthe running lengthofeach facade,cumulatively. Fasciadetailmust have aminimum totalfacedimension of5"unless otherwise approved fordesign merit and composition. Exposed raftertailsare stronglyencouraged. Guttersshallbe builtof paintedmetal or copper ofa color and finishthatblendswiththe finishcolorscheme. Chimneys shallbe constructedofwood, stone,brick,stucco or integratedwithoverall design and approved materials. Prefabricatedmetal fluesshallbe concealed within a chimney. Chimney capsmay extend no more than16"above the chimney top. Itisstronglyencouraged thatchimneys emerge from thehighestroofvolume. All roof-mounted equipment shallbe integratedintooveralldesign and screened.Vents projectingfrom the roofshallbe paintedtomatch overallroofmaterialcolor.No White PVC ventsshallbe exposed on roofarea. Roof topequipment shallnotface a public street. Exteriorantenna,satellitereceivers(dish)oraerialshallbe notbe locatedon astreet facingelevation,not on thefrontofthe home, and be screened or landscaped as approved by theNERDC. 5 No buildingheightshallexceed those specifiedby the applicableBozeman zoning ordinance(UDO). E. Walls Allfacadesofa buildingshallbe made ofsimilarmaterialsand similarlydetailed. Primary materialson a fagade may change only ata horizontalband ortheinsidecorner ofa separatecomposed mass/volume. Where fitting,facadesshallappear to have heavier materialson thebottom and lightermaterialsabove (i.e.,concreteand masonry shallbe below wood or stucco). Building wallsshallbe clad insmooth cutcedar shingles,wood clapboard,wood board and batten,cement board siding,wood fibersidingbrickorstone approved by the NERDC. Stucco or EIFS, preferablyasa secondary material,witha smooth or roughcast (pebbled)finish,and steelisalsopermittedupon approval based on overallcomposition and design merit. The colorpaletteofthe body ofthe house shallbe from white,cream, earthtonesoras approved by theNERDC based on colorscheme meritor historicalprecedent.All trim, frames,doors,and windows shallbe ina compatible accentcolor.Residentialcolor schemes must be variedfrom 2 the adjacentproperties,ineach direction.Attached dwelling unitsexempted from each other. Exteriorwood shallbe paintedor stainedwithsolidpigment or semi-transparentstain (wood frontdoors excluded). F.Porches Frontporches are requiredon allresidentialstructures.Minimum depth shallbe 5'and minimum width shallbe atleast30% ofthe frontingelevationwidth on singlefamily and duplex structures. The firstfloorelevationsshallbe a minimum of 18" and a maximum of5 feetabove the averagefrontingstreetelevationsmeasured from top of curb.Variances may be granted on a case-by-casebasis.The intentisto createa definingedge and a streetfriendly appearance,withan open, raisedporch toenhance privacy. G. ResidentialDecks Upper leveldecks must be integraltothe designand over firstfloorspace 6 H. Signs No signs,placards,ornoticesshallbe erected,placed,maintained or permittedtoremain on any partofany land inNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1,except such commercial signsashave been approved by theNERDC foridentificationofresidences, streets,parks or areas,places of business,orothercommercial uses.Signs must alsobe constructedtocomply withtheBozeman signordinance. I.Lighting 1.General ExteriorLighting:Allexteriorlightingmust be freeof glareand shallbe fullyshieldedor shallbe indirectlighting.No lightingshallshine beyond a property'slotline.All structuresshallcomply with SectionI8.42.150 (Lighting)ofthe City of Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and any subsequent adopted ordinance proscribingregulationsofglareand lighting. Mercury vapor and high-pressuresodium lightsareprohibited. 2.Residential(SingleFamily IMulti-finnily)Lighting Allexteriorresidentialbuildingmounted lightingmust be incandescent. Obtrusive floodlightingisprohibited. Clear glassor exposed bulb (non-cutoff)fixturesareprohibited. 3.StreetLighting Approval by the City ofBozeman 4.LightingDefinitions FullyShielded lights:Outdoor residentiallightfixturesshieldedor constructedso thatno lightrays are emittedby the installedfixtureatanglesabove thehorizontalplane. IndirectLight:Directlightthathasbeen reflectedorhasscatteredofto othersurfaces. Glare:Light emittingfrom aLuminare with intensitygreatenough toreduce aviewer's abilitytosee. 7 J.SiteDesign Buildingsshallbe locatedon lotsrelativeto thesetbacks specifiedinthe applicable Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance,any easements indicatedon thefinalplatand thathasbeen filedand attachedstreetfrontingand setback chart(ExhibitB). Allresidentialzoned corner lotsshallfrontthestreetinthedirectionofinteriorlotson thesame sideoftheblock.Corner lotstructuresarerequiredto be designed toaddress bothstreetfrontages(wrapping porches,fagade enhancements, etc.). Driveway aprons inboulevard aretobe concreteand builtto citystandards. Driveway and apron centerlinesmust intersectperpendiculartothe sidewalk and street rightof way. Lotswhich have been designatedasRSL lotsor Work Force housing lots shallbe subjecttothose requirements asoutlinedby these covenants and by the City of Bozeman Ordinance requirements. For projectswith (4)ormore housing units,concretecurbing isrequiredforalldriveway and parkingareasas per City ofBozeman Ordinance requirements. Driveway and parking areasshallbe planned to provide forappropriatelysizedsnow storageareasthatdo notinterferewith,or stacksnow on,landscape plantings. The frontfagade ofa single-familyhouse or duplex must be builton thefrontyard setback line("built-to"line).The width ofthehouse on the build-tolinemust occupy a minimum of25% ofthewidth ofthelotmeasured along thebuild-toline.Consideration willbe given for5 'maximum setback from the build-toline,based on designmerit. Houses locatedon lotswithcurved propertylinesatthestreetmay substituteforthatline, a straightline,locatedatthe averagedepth ofthecurved linesegment frontingthe building. Alllotsthathave accesstoan alleyway shallusethe alleyforaccesstothe lot,no driveway access from thestreetisallowed. The faceofan alley-accessedgarage must be builtaminimum of 10',and amaximum of 32',from the alleyproperty line.Variances forstatedalleybuild-tolinesmay be granted by the NERDC based on design merit.Itistheintentoftheseregulationsto createa definedbuiltedge along the alley. A jointaccess shallbe provided atLots 123 and 124,Block 1,atLots 121 and 122,Block 2,and atLots 118 and 119,Block 2,thatlinesup withtherespectivealleytothesouth. Code Provision 18.42.030.D "Corner Lots" Allcornerlotsshallhave thesame orientationas dwellings on lotson theinterioroftheblock.The finalplatshallindicate theorientationof allcornerlots. 8 Code Provision 18.42.060.B.1.a"PrivateUtilities"Ifa utilityeasement isgreaterthanthe buildingsetbackrequiredby theTitle18ofthe B.M.C, saideasement shallapply. Code Provision 18.46.020.B "Parking Within Structures"Minimum provisionsforone- stalland two-stallcar garages asoutlinedby AdministrativePolicyNo. 2007-03 sPhall apply. Trash containersshallbe locatedwithin a garage or adjacentto or withintheparking area and shallbe screenedfrom publicview withdurablematerialsthatcompliments the overalldesign scheme oftheproperty. K. Garages: Attached residentialgarages shallnot obscuretheentranceto the dwelling.Attached garages arerequiredtobe clearlysubordinatetothe dwelling.A subordinategarage has two or more ofthe followingcharacteristics: A. The principalfacadeofthe dwelling hasbeen emphasized through the useof architecturalfeaturessuch as,butnotlimitedto,porches,fenestrationtreatment, architecturaldetails,height,orientationor gables,sothatthe non-garage portion oftheresidenceisvisuallydominant; B. The facadewiththe garage vehicleentrance(s)isrecessedatleastfour (4)feet behind thefacadeofthe dwelling containingthemain entry:and/or C. The areasofthe garage vehicledoor(s)comprise 30 percent orlessofthetotal square footage,exclusiveofany exposed roofareas,oftheprincipalfacadeofthe dwelling.Principalfacadeshallincludeallwallareasparalleltothe garage door(s). L.Landscaping/Yards: All requiredand approved landscaping must be completed within 2 months ofoccupancy when plantingseason allows,and no laterthan6 months afteroccupancy ifwinter prohibitscompletion.Boulevard treesmust be installedpriorto occupancy. Underground irrigationisrequiredforalllandscaped areas. 1.Definitions FrontYard: The areas from thesetback (build-to)lineto the propertyline,and from side lotlinetosidelotline. Side Yard Corridor:The area from thesideofthehouse tothe sidelotline,lessfront yard and rearyard. Rear Yard: The area from theback ofthestructureextendingtothe rearpropertyline. 9 Determination ofYard: The frontyard ofeach individualcornerlotshallbe theyard coincidingwiththefrontyards oftheestablishedby the interiorsubdivisionlotson that particularblock.The sideyard ofeach individuallotshallbe the yard notestablishedas eitherthefrontorrearyard.Each owner shall,priorto submittingplans tothe Cityof Bozeman PlanningDepartment fortheirbuildingpermit application,submit tothe NERDC allnecessary information forreview and approval of yard orientationalong with architecturalplans,See ExhibitB. 2.Yards Each lotowner willbe requiredto meet minimum landscape specificationsconsistent withthe overallplan.These willinclude,butarenotlimitedto:installationofstreettrees, yard trees,shrubs,mixed plantingbeds and turflawns.Lotswith 4 unitsormore are subjectto City ofBozeman ordinance requirements forlandscaping and screeningin parking areasand around structures. Front yards are requiredtohave turf(sod)installedwhere lawns are planned. Seeding acceptableinrearand side yards only. The Owner isencouraged toplantnativespecies(shrubsand trees),wildlife-friendly shrubs,preferablyplantedinan informalormixed hedge atthe yardperimeters. Individuallotowners shallbe responsibleforlandscapingofthe allstreetfrontage(front, sideand rearas applicable)boulevard areasbeforethetimeof occupancy and maintenance thereafter.Minimum 2" diameter calipertrees-shallbe plantedtofollow CityofBozeman regulationsforspeciesand spacingand turf(sod)must be installed. Propertydeveloper responsibleforobtainingrequiredcitystreettreeplantingpermit from the forestrydepartment. Plantingbeds shallhave a top layerof mulch orearthtone stone (non-white). Hedges and evergreen treesare encouraged insidepropertylinecorridors. Deciduous treesmust be plantedaminimum of 10 feetfrom the eaves. Trees may notbe locatedwithinten (10)feetofsewer and water services.Sewer and water servicesshallbe shown on the landscapingplan ofthe park and open spaceplan, and approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. A City of Bozeman plantingpermit forstreettreesisrequired.And obtainingutility locatesbefore any excavation begins inthe City ofBozeman right-of-way.The planting hole shallbe atleasttwicethe diameter oftherootball,the rootflareofthe newly plantedtreeisvisibleand above ground,and thereshouldbe amulch ring3'-4'in diameter around each newly plantedboulevard tree. 10 Propertyowners determine theirown gardens,perennials,nativegrassesand/or ground covers intherearyard. Itistheresponsibilityofthe propertyowner tocheck the appropriatenessofchosen plant specieswith specificsiteconditions. ItistheresponsibilityoftheOwner tocontactthe appropriateutilitycompanies before digging and verifythe landscape placement isnot in conflictwith underground utilitiesor easements. Commencing withthetransferof any landinNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase I from Declarant,the Owner shallcauseallthelandtobe maintained in aneat appearance atalltimes.Grass shallbe cutand trees,bushes and hedges shallbe trimmed atsuch intervalsasarenecessary tomaintain theattractivenessofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1. 3.Fences Screensand linearfence designs and locationsmust be approved by theNERDC. Block 7 lotsarestronglydiscouraged from installingprivacyfencing (solidor mostly soliddesign over4'inheight)inrearyards and along theparkway. Ifprivacy fencing or screeningis desired,the maximum heightshallbe 6',thefenceshallbe setback 6'from propertyline, and the buffermust be landscaped and maintainedwithsuitablehedge plantmaterials (minimum 5 gallonplantingsizeat5'0.c.)along the outsidelengthofthefenceinthe rearyard setback. Maximum screenand fence heightis5'-0"unlessapproved otherwise by theNERDC. Maximum heightforfencesin corner sideyards shallbe 4'-0".No fencesareallowed in requiredvehiclevisiontriangles.No fencesareallowed infrontyards unless approved by the NERDC. Screens,fences and gatesmust be made ofwood (excludingsplitrail).Fence designs shouldhave a cap board or ifa picketfence,have a flattop or dog-ear cut.Alternative materialswillbe consideredon design merit and composition with overalldesign scheme. No chainlinkallowed.Vinyl fencingwillbe reviewed on acase by casebasis. Approvals, ifgranted,willbe based on overalldesign merit. Allwood fences must have a sealer,stainor paintappliedinorderto protectthewood from moistureand UV rays. Buildings constructedon lotsalong West Babcock Street,Laurel Parkway, and Fallon Streetshalleitherfrontontothose roadways and/orhave double-frontarchitectural featuresfacingthoseroadsas found on thefrontofthedwelling units,forexample: end 11 gables,covered porches,variedroof lines,multiplefacade materials,variedfacadeplane, and decorativelighting.A maximum 4'tallfence,withcoordinated design detail,is permittedalong the back of theselots. Fences locatedinthe front,sideorrearyard setback of propertiesadjacentto any park or open space shallnotexceed a maximum heightof4 feet,and shallbe ofan open constructionand designed ina manner tobe consistentalong allpark landand open space areas. 4.Weed Control The owner ofeach lotshallcontroltheweeds and allnoxious plantson theirlot (developed or undeveloped); provided,however, thatthe owner shallnotuse sprayor killingmaterialsinsuch a way as to be harmful tohumans oranimals or totheother adjacentland vegetation. Intheevent an owner ofa developed or undeveloped lotdoes notcontroltheweeds and noxious plants,theAssociation,afterten days writtennoticeto an owner tocontrolthe same, may causetheweeds or noxious plantstobe controlled,and may assessthelot owner forthe coststhereof. 5.Garbage. There shallbe no incinerationor burning ofgarbage,trashor otherwaste ordebrison,or coming from,any developed lot.No junk, garbage,trash,equipment, undrivableoroutof use vehicles,parts,metals,lumber, debrisor otherwaste shallbe allowed to accumulate on any lotor originatefrom any lotduring construction.All garbage and trash requirementsofthe City ofBozeman shallbe observed.Garbage containersshallbe kept inthegarage or otherenclosuresexcept on garbagepick-up day and during construction. Each lotowner shallmaintain the alleyright-of-wayadjacenttothe owner's property. Such maintenance shallinclude,butnotbe limitedto,picking up and appropriately disposingofdebrisand garbage, mowing and trimming ofthe alleyright-of-way. Intheeventan owner shallnot controlwaste on or coming from theirproperty (developed or undeveloped), the Association,afterten days writtennoticetoanowner to controlthesame, may cause the waste tobe controlledor collected,and may assessthe lotowner forthecoststhereof. SECTION 3.GeneralNotes forallNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1Lots. Singlefamily residentialhouses shallbe aminimum of850 gross square feetinarea, excluding garages or out-buildings. The maximum sizeofan attachedgarage shallbe 650 gross square feet. 12 The maximum sizeofa detached garage or outbuildingshallbe 750 grosssquare feeton thefirstfloorand 550 gross square feeton thesecond floor. Each buildingorotherstructureshallbe constructed,erectedand maintained instrict accordancewiththe approved plans and specifications. No animals,livestockor poultryof any kindshallbe raised,bred,or kept on any land in the subdivision,except thata reasonable number ofcats,dogs orothercommon household petsmay be kept;provided,however thatthey arenot kept,bredor maintained forany commercial purpose.ExteriorDog kennels are stronglydiscouraged and must be inan inconspicuous locationand screenedfrom neighbor'sproperty ifutilized. All petsshallbe on a leashatalltimes when offthe owner's property.All petsmust be restrainedand controlledwhen near ponds, waterways, inopen space,parks or on the trailsystem.Absolutely NO dogs are allowed inponds or wetlands. No boat,traileror recreationalvehicleshallbe parked on any street,roador any partof the rightof way of any streetor road inNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1atany time.Allrecreationvehiclesshallbe storedwithinenclosedor covered parking. No snowmobiles, recreationalATV' s,ortrailbikes,except forstreet-legalusesshallbe operatedwithinNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1.ATV's used on an owner's property,forthe purpose ofsnow removal,areacceptable. The Owners, Declarantand Associationare hereby prohibitedand precluded from engaging inany activitythatwould affector impact any downstream water userfacilities and irrigationditchesfordownstream water rights. All propertiesand existingwaterways aresubjectto City ofBozeman applicable ordinancespertainingto watercourse setbacks. SECTION 4. Each Owner grantsto Declarant and reservesto Declarant,alien upon thelotofthe Owner tosecurethefaithfulperformance by theOwner ofthe requirements and restrictionscontainedintheseCovenants. Ifany Owner shallfailto comply withArticle IIIor any otherrequirement forbuildinglocation,setback,design,landscapingor constructionwithin10 days afterDeclarant shallhave depositedintheUnited States postalsystem anoticetothe Owner ofthefailureto comply. Declarant shallhave the righttocausethe necessary work tobe done and to have alien upon thelandofthe non- complying Owner forthe reasonable costof such work plusan additionalamount equal to15% ofthe costofsuch work. Ifwithin30 days the non-complying Owner doesnot 13 pay toDeclarantthe sum secured by the lien,thenDeclarantmay foreclosethelienin compliance withthe mortgage foreclosurelawsoftheStateofMontana forthe aggregate of(I)the reasonablecostofsuch work (II)asum equal to15% ofsuch work, and (III)all costincurredby Declarantin foreclosingthe lien,includingareasonable attorney'sfee. Declarantisinno way precluded from seekingany remedy availableto Declarant pursuanttothe laws ofMontana, includingbutnotlimitedto immediate, temporary and permanent injunctiverelief.Enforcement ofthesecovenants by Declarant,NERDC, Board, Owner or any partyhaving standing,shallincludeforthe party seeking enforcement and prevailinginsuch enforcement,an award ofcosts,feesand reasonable attorney'sfees.As per Workforce Housing Ordinance 17.02.050,Section4 "27% ofthe household's monthly housing payment willbe allocatedtoward payment of escrows for taxes,insuranceand homeowners associationdues". ARTICLE IV DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS SECTION 1. Submission ofPlansbeforeConstruction. No residence,fence,wall,garage,outbuildingor otherstructureshallbe made, erected, alteredor permittedtoremain upon thepropertiesuntilwrittenplans and specifications showing thedesign,nature,kind,color,dimensions,shape,elevations,material,useand locationofthesame shallhave been submittedand approved, in writing,by a majorityof theNERDC asto compliance withtheseCovenants, aswellas appropriateCity of Bozeman review & permitting. Determination ofYard: Each owner shall,priortosubmittingplansto the Cityof Bozeman PlanningDepartment fortheirbuildingpermit application,submit tothe NERDC allnecessaryinformation forreview and approval ofyard orientationalong with architecturalplans. SECTION 2.General Requirements. Submit two copiesofthe requireddocuments foreach design review to: Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Design Committee NERDC) 63026 NE Lower Meadow Road, Ste 200,Bend, Oregon 97701 (Or toan addressasdirectedby the developer or Homeowners' Association) The design review cyclebegins on Monday ofeach week. Submittals must be received by noon on Friday ofthe previous week. Alldocuments must be datedand labeledwith "Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Design Committee" and specificprojecttitle, streetand legaladdress. Upon NERDC review,theowner willbe notifiedwithin twenty (20)businessdays after the startofthereview cycle date thatthe design hasbeen approved, approved with stipulationsor disapproved.Submittals deemed incomplete willbe returned. 14 The reasonsforapproval with stipulationand disapprovalwillbe clarifiedforthe owner inwritingand/orwith drawings.Ifthe NERDC does notcontacttheowner withintwenty (20)businessdays ofthereview commencement date,the applicationshallnot be deemed "approved." Request forwithdrawal of an applicationmay be made without prejudice,provided the requestforwithdrawal ismade in writingtotheNERDC. Ifan applicationhas been denied,ortheapproval issubjectto conditionsthatthe owner feelsare unacceptable,the owner may requesta hearing beforetheNERDC tojustifyhis/herposition.The NERDC willconsiderthe arguments and factspresentedby theowner and notifytheowner ofits finaldecisionwithin twenty (20)days ofthe hearing. SECTION 3.Twelve Months to Completion. Any structureto be erectedin accordance with an approval so given must be erectedand completed within one year from thedateofapproval.Ifany structureiscommenced and isnot completed in accordance withthe plans and specificationswithinone year,the Directorsofthe Association,attheiroption,may takesuchactionas may be necessary,in theirjudgment, to improve the appearance so as tomake theproperty harmonious with otherpropertiesand to comply withtheseCovenants, includingcompletion ofthe exteriororthecombination thereof,or removing the uncompleted structureorsimilar operations.The amount of any expendituremade inso doing shallbe an obligationofthe owner. Alien on the propertymay be recordedand shallbe enforceableby an actionat law.Inlieuthereof,the Associationmay takesuchactionasisavailableby law, includingan injunction,orfordamages. Ifconstructionofa structurehas notcommenced withinone year afterapproval,the approval shallbe deemed denied and anew approval must be obtainedpriortothecommencement ofconstruction. SECTION 4.Liabilityand Variances. In passingupon allsuch plansand specifications,theNERDC shalltakeinto considerationthe suitabilityoftheproposed buildingorotherstructureand the materials of which itistobe builttothelotupon which itistobe erected,itsharmony withthe surroundingsand theeffectofthe buildingon otherstructures,as planned,asviewed from adjacentor neighboring lots.The committee shallusereasonablejudgment in passingupon allsuch plans and specifications,butshallnotbe liableto any person forits actionsinconnection with submitted plans and specifications,unless itisshown thatthe committee actedwithmalice or wrongful intent. Neitherthe Association,the Declarant,theBoard ofDirectors,theNERDC northe individualmembers thereof,may be heldliableto any person forany damages forany actiontaken pursuanttothese Covenants, includingbutnotlimitedto,damages which may resultfrom correction,amendment, changes or rejectionof plans and specifications, theissuanceof approvals,or any delays associatedwithsuch actionon the partofthe Board of Directors. 15 Further,theCommittee may, upon application,grantavariance from theArchitectural Regulations,provided thatthe spiritoftheseCovenants iscomplied with,and provided thatnoticeofthenatureofthevarianceismailed (certified)to adjacentlotowners within a 100'radiusofthe subjectproperty,atleastseven days before the varianceisapproved inorderto give theotherowners a chance tocomment and have inputtothe NERDC. All variancerequestspertainingto the NERDC approvals must be made in writingtothe NERDC. Any variancegrantedshallbe consideredunique and willnot setany precedent forfuturedecisions.The Committee, inreviewing and consideringan applicationfora variance,shallconsiderthenatureofthe hardship claimed,the impact on the adjacentlot owners,the impact on Norton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1 and proposed mitigations forthe impacts.The Committee shallhave the duty and power to make the finaldecision on the grantingofthe variance,without any liabilitybeing incurredor damages being assesseddue to any decisionoftheCommittee. SECTION 5.Procedure. STEP 1.SKETCH DESIGN REVIEW Inadditiontoverifyingthe requiredsetbacks,thisreview checks the designs forcorrect interpretationoftheArchitecturalRegulations and allowstheowner to get feedback prior totheexpense ofdevelopingdesigns and producing constructiondocuments. These feesand thisprocess do not apply toNorton PropertiesLLC homes orNorton Homes LLC homes. Form Required: Form A -Sketch Review Application. Review Fee: $100 Singlefamily and duplex unit projects;$250 Multi-unit projects. All returned incomplete applicationsare subject to a $50 re-submittalfee.Fees based on each individual property, regardless ofproposed project or priordesign approvals. Minimum Drawings Required -2 complete sets(one returned, one filedfollowing review : SitePlan (1/16" =1'-0"scaleor larger)showing: North arrow. Propertylines,setback lines,sidewalks,drives,streets,alleysand any easements with dimensions. Building footprintswith entries,porches and balconiesdelineated,and overhangs as dashed lines. Firstfloorelevationrelatedto a top ofexistingstreetcurb. Existinglandscaping. Landscape concept planincludingboulevard tree(s)located. 16 Adjacent propertystructuresoutlinedand landscapingidentifiedwithin20'ofall propertylines. Floor Plans (1/8"= l'-0"scaleor larger)showing: Allwindows and doors. All overhangs offloorsand roofsasdashed lines. Overalldimensions. Gross square footage,excludinggarage. RoofPlan (1/8" =l'-0")showing: Roof planes and overhangs. Slope directions. Elevations (1/8"= 1"-0" scale or larger)showing: Porches,balconies,doors and windows. Principalmaterialsand generalcolorsscheme specified. Overallheightfrom averagegrade to highestridge. Roof pitches. STEP 2.CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REVIEW. Thisreview checks theconstructiondocuments forcompliance withthecovenants and verifiesthatthe previous sketch review NERDC recommendations have been incorporated.Conformity to applicablelocalzoning regulationsand buildingcodes,as wellas obtainingappropriatepermits isthe responsibilityofthe property owner/applicant. Form Required: Form B -Construction Design Review Application Review Fee: $120 per singlefamily and duplex unit projects;$180 for projects up to 8 housing units;$240 for projects over 8 housing units.All returned incomplete applicationsare subject toa $50 re-submittal fee.Fees based on each individual property, regardless of proposed projector priordesign approvals. Sketch Design Review (Form A) must be completed and allfeespaid before Construction Design Review (Form B) willtake place. Minimum Drawings Required -2 complete sets(one returned, one filedfollowing review : SitePlan (1/8"1'-0"scaleor larger)showing: North arrow. Property linesand setbacklineswithdimensions. Outlineofany existingstructureswithin 20' ofproperty lines. Building footprintswith entryarea delineatedand overhangs shown asdashed lines. Garden walls/fencelines:location,height,detailsand materials. Water,electric,phone and sewer serviceslocatedfrom property lineto structure. Streetlights,utilityboxes. 17 Locationofadjacentstreets/alleyswith curb,right-of-wayand pavement delineated. Sitecontours beginning atthe curb. Driveway/Parking Area drainage. Location,dimensions and materialsforwalks and drives. Locationof snow storageareas. Exteriorlightlocations,fixturetype and bulbsize. Locationofexternalequipment (electricmeter,locationofwaste bins,etc.). FloorsPlans (1/4"= l'-0"scaleor larger)showing: North arrow. Foundation plan dimensioned. Wall,window and door openings dimensioned. All overhangs offloorsasdashed lines. Overallexteriordimensions. Gross square footage,excludinggarage. Roof Plan (1/8'= 1"-O" scale or larger)showing: Roof planesand overhangs with dashed walllines. Slope directions. Penetrations. Elevations (1/4"= 1'-0"scale or larger)showing: Allelevations(colorsrendered for'roiltngstreetelevation). Roof penetrationsdelineated. Finishgrade linesdelineated. Landscape Plan (1/8"l'-0"or larger)showing: Existinglandscaping. A landscape plan delineatingplantingbed materials,edging,irrigationsystem calledout, plantlisting,installationand mature sizesand theirrespectivelocationswithdimensions. Locationofsnow storageareas. Adjacent landscaping within20' ofallpropertylines. STEP 3.CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT Constructionmay notcommence without the approval ofthe City ofBozeman Building Division,necessarypermits obtainedand feescollected.A copy ofForm B - ConstructionDesign Review Application bearingtheNERDC approval lettermust accompany City ofBozeman siteplan review and/orbuildingpermit applications. The NERDC reservesthe rightto inspectinthefieldforcompliance duringany stageof construction.The NERDC isempowered to enforce itspolicyas setforthin the 18 ArchitecturalRegulations and Neighborhood Association'sDeclarationof Covenants, Conditions & Restrictionsby any action,in law or equity,to ensure compliance. STEP 4.MINOR CHANGES Itisanticipatedthatowners may wish tomake improvements or modificationstotheir buildingsor propertyduring initialconstructionor ata futuredate.A change may be executed upon receiptofForm C -ApplicationforChange(s) bearing theNERDC stamp ofapproval. 19 FORM A SKETCH DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION BLOCK & LOT NUMBER: OWNER: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: BUILDER: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: ARCHITECT orDESIGNER: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: INFORMATION 1. Are any variancesfrom the Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants being requestedunder thisapplication?0 Yes 0 No Ifyes,pleasedescribethevarianceand thereasonforit(attachadditionalpages as necessary): 20 2.Drawings submitted (pleasecheck): OReview Fee (Check made out toNorton PropertiesLLC) O Site/Landscape Concept Plan 0 Floor Plans 0 Roof Plan 0 Elevations 0 2 setsofalldrawings Note: Incomplete submittalswillnotbe reviewed and willbe returnedand subjectto re-submittalfee. Submitted by:Date: PropertyOwner Signature: 21 FORM B CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION BLOCK & LOT NUMBER: OWNER: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: BUILDER: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: ARCHITECT orDESIGNER: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: INFORMATION Are any variancesfrom theNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1Covenants being requestedunder thisapplication?0 Yes 0 No Ifyes,pleasedescribethe variance and thereasonforit(attachadditionalpages as necessary): 22 DRAWINGS SUBMITTED (pleasecheck): 0 Review Fee (Check made outtoNorton Properties,LLC ) 0 SitePlan 0 FloorPlans 0 Roof Plan 0 Elevations 0 Landscape Plan 0 2 setsofalldrawings Note: Incomplete submittalswillnotbe reviewed and willbe returnedand subjecttore-submittalfee. Submitted by:Date: PropertyOwner Signature: 23 FORM C APPLICATION FOR CHANGE(S) BLOCK & LOT NUMBER: OWNER: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: BUILDER: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: ARCHITECT orDESIGNER: Firm: Address: Telephone:FAX: Email address: Change Description:(attachsketchofproposed change) Reason forChange: (attachsketchofproposed change) Submitted by:Date: Property Owner Signature: 24 ARTICLE V NORTON EAST RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 1DESIGN COMMITTEE SECTION 1.Function oftheNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Design Committee (NERDC) To encourage the architecturalharmony ofNERDC the developer and allOwners are bound by regulationsdefinedintheNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants, Conditions and Restrictionsand the design review process.To thatend,no structureshall be erectedor altereduntilMunicipal,NERDC and any otherrequiredapprovalshave been obtained. SECTION 2.Scope ofResponsibilities The NERDC hastherightto exercisecontroloverallconstructionintheNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1.Itwillalsoreview allOwner's alterationsand modifications toexistingstructures(includingbutnot limitedto additions,renovations,and landscaping). SECTION 3.Enforcing Powers Should a violationoccur,theNERDC hastherighttoan injunctiverelief,which requires theowner to stop,remove, and/or alterany improvements inamanner thatcomplies with thestandardsestablishedby the NERDC. Approval by theNERDC does notrelievean owner ofhis/herobligationtoobtainany government approvals.Ifsuch approvals are requiredand arenotobtainedby the owner, the NERDC and/orthe applicable government agency may take whatever actionsare necessary againsttheowner toforce compliance. SECTION 4.Committee Members The NERDC shallconsistofindividualsappointedby thePresidentof the Association. The NERDC willconsistofaDeclarant'srepresentative.At such time as90% ofthelots areheldinindividualownership otherthanthatofthe Declarant,the Declarant's representativeshallbe replacedby amember dulyappointed by theBoard ofDirectors. SECTION 5.Limitation of Responsibilities The primary goal oftheNERDC istoreview the submitted applications,plans, specifications,materials,and samples inordertodetermine ifthe proposed structure conforms totheNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1Covenants. The NERDC does not assume responsibilityforthe following: The structuraladequacy, capacity,or safetyfeaturesofthe proposed structureor improvement. 25 Soilerosion,ground water levels,non-compatible orunstablesoilconditions. Compliance with any orallbuildingcodes,safetyrequirements,and governmental laws, regulationorordinances. ARTICLE VI NORTON EAST RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 1 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SECTION 1.The Norton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1 Community Associationis charged withtheduties,and empowered with the rightssetforthhereinand By-Laws that may be adopted forgoverning theBoard ofDirectors. SECTION 2.Every owner orcontractpurchaser ofalotshallbe amember ofthe Association.Membership shallbe appurtenanttoand may not be separatefrom the ownership of any lot.Each owner shallbe responsibleforadvisingthe Associationof theiracquisitionof ownership, oftheirmailing address,and of any changes ofownership or mailing address.The initialaddress oftheAssociationshallbe 63026 NE Lower Meadow Road, Ste 200,Bend, Oregon 97701. The address ofthe Associationmay be changed by theBoard ofDirectorsupon noticetotheOwners. SECTION 3.The Association,actingthrough itsBoard of Directors,shallhave the power and authoritytotakesuch actionsas shallbe necessary orreasonabletocare for, protectand maintainthe easements,parkways, boundary fences,drainage easements,and open space;toremove snow; toenforce theseCovenants; to collectassessments;toset annual and/orspecialmeetings;and toactinany othermatters setforthhereinorwhich may servethe development, includingthe formation of specialimprovement districts, eitherpublicor private,forsuch improvements asthe Association shallapprove. The Associationshallhold an annual meeting each year atsuch date,place and timeas shallbe setby theBoard ofDirectors.At the annual meeting,themembers shallreview and approve a budget forthenext year,shallelectDirectorsto fillany expiredterm or vacantposition,and shallconduct suchotherbusinessasshallbe reasonable or necessary to carryoutthepurpose oftheAssociation.The members shallhave the authoritytoset thenumber of Directors,which number shallnotbe lessthanthreeormore thanseven. SECTION 4.The annual meeting oftheBoard ofDirectorsshallbe held immediately aftertheannual meeting ofthemembers. At theannual meeting,theDirectorsshallelect a President,Vice-Presidentand Secretary-Treasurerforthe Associationfrom among the Directors,except thatthe Secretary-Treasurershallbe a person otherthanamember ora Director. SECTION 5.For the purpose ofdetermining membership, atany meeting a person or entityshallbe deemed tobe amember upon the recordingofa duly executeddeed tothat owner, orupon the recordingofaNoticeof Purchaser'sInterestoran Abstractof 26 ContractforDeed showing a contractpurchaseby an owner. The legaltitleretainedby the vendor sellingunder contractshallnot qualifysuchvendor formembership. Foreclosureofa mortgage, trustindentureortheterminationorforeclosureofacontract fordeed wherein titleisvested inthe mortgage,beneficiaryor originalselleron a contract,or repossessionforany reason ofalotorunitsold under a contractshall terminatethe priorOwner's membership, whereupon allrightstosuch membership shall vestinthelegalowner. SECTION 6.The Board of Directorsshallserveforaterm tobe setby a simplemajority ofthemembership, which shallnotbe forlessthanone year.Each directorshallserve untilreplacedby hisorher successor.Any vacancy on theBoard ofDirectorsoccurring beforethenextannual meeting ofthemembers shallbe filledby the remaining directors. SECTION 7.The Board of Directorsshallhave the power and responsibilityofactingon behalfoftheAssociationand itsmembers asshallbe reasonably necessary to carryout thepurposes oftheAssociation and enforcetheseCovenants.The Directorsshallactby majorityvote. SECTION 8.The Board of Directorsshallserveasofficersthatshallbe designatedby a simplemajorityofthe members attheannual meeting unless and untila majorityofthe members votetohave officerselectedseparateand apartfrom the directors. SECTION 9.The dutiesofeach oftheofficesshallbe asfollows: A. President.The Presidentshallpresideoverallmeetings oftheAssociation.He orshe shallcallthe membership togetherwhenever necessary.The Presidentshallbe the generaladministrativeand executiveofficerofthe Association,and shallperform such dutiesas may be specified,and exercisesuch powers as may be delegatedtotheofficeof Presidentby theBoard ofDirectors. B.Vice-President.The Vice-Presidentshallexercisethe powers ofthePresidentinthe absenceofthePresident. C. Secretary-Treasurer.The Secretaryshallgivenoticeofallmeetings ofthe Association,and shallkeep a record ofthe proceedings ofthe meetings ofthe Association.The Secretaryshallbe authorizedto signon behalfoftheAssociation,all records,documents and instrumentswhen suchareauthorizedtobe signedby the Association. The Treasurershallkeep and maintain adequate and correctaccountsofthe accounts, properties,and businessoftheAssociation,includingaccounts ofitsassets,liabilities, receipts,disbursements,gains and lossesofthe Association.The Treasurershallprepare and reportsuch periodicaccountings asshallbe requiredby the Association. 27 SECTION 10.A vacancy inany officeof the Associationshallbe filledby appointment by theBoard ofDirectorsuntilthe nextannual meeting orthesuccessorisdulyappointed orelected. SECTION 11. The annual meeting oftheAssociationshalloccur on or beforethe2nd Tuesday ofJulyofeach year.Any specialmeetings may be calledby the President,orin the absence ofthe President,by the Vice-President.In addition,a specialmeeting shallbe held upon callof25% ofthe owners. Specialmeetings shallrequire48 hours'notice,in writing.Notice of annualand specialmeetings shallbe mailed toowners atthe addressforeach owner which islistedassuch on the officialplatsand records atthe Officeofthe Clerkand Recorder, GallatinCounty, Montana, oratsuch addressasshall be designated,inwriting,by any owner. The presence of members, in person or by writtenproxy, representing60% ofthetotalvotes ofthe membership shallconstitutea quorum. SECTION 12.Ifproposed actionisfavored by a majorityofthevotes castata meeting, but suchvoteislessthanthe requisite60% ofthe members, members who were not presentinperson or by proxy may give theirassentto any actionin writing,provided the same isreceivedby the SecretaryoftheAssociationnotlaterthan thirty(30)days from the dateofsuch meeting wherein the actionwas voted upon. SECTION 13. The Associationsshallhave the rights,obligationand duties,subjectto the Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants, todo and perform each and every one ofthe followingforthebenefitoftheOwners and forthe maintenance and improvement ofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1. a. The Association shallaccept titletoallcommon open space and otherlandfrom timetotime conveyed toit.The Associationmay alsoacquire and accepttitleto any otherproperty,real,personalormixed. b. All maintenance and/or improvement ofpublicparks shallbe consistentwithand inconformance withtheNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Park Master Plan,which outlinestheinstallationoflandscapingimprovements, trail/bikepath improvements and maintenance and upkeep ofthe publicparks and trails approved by the City ofBozeman in conjunctionwith Norton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1. Allcommon open spaces and the Community Center lotareasidentifiedon the finalplatofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1 areincludedintheParks. These landsareavailableforthe enjoyment and useofthe residents,guestsand publicvisitingNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1. The publicparks and lineartrailsystem (parks)are dedicatedtothe publicuse. 28 c. The Association shallpay allrealpropertytaxes and assessments leviedupon the common open space. The AssociationshallestablishHomeowners orlotowners' dues. d. The Association shallmaintain or provide forthe maintenance of theParksuntil suchtimeasthe City ofBozeman assumes the obligationsforthe Parks,exclusive ofthecommon open space. e. The Association may obtainand maintain inforcesuch insurancepolicies,asthe Board may deem appropriate. f. The Association shallhave allpowers setforthinNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants including,without limitation,thepower to levy assessments, to make contractsand to acquireand dispose ofproperty,and shalltakesuch action,whether ornot expresslyauthorizedby Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants as may reasonablebe necessarytoenforcetheNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants, limitations,covenant conditionsand restrictionsofNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1 Covenants, rulesand the Committee rules. g. The Association shallhave thepower toassesstheNorton EastRanch Subdivisioneach owner forthe generalcommon expenses ,which shallincluded theexpenses of any properlycreatedspecialimprovement district(SID) affecting theproperty,including,but not limitingto lightingdistricts,streetmaintenance and treemaintenance, weed control.Such assessments shallbe collectedand paid accordingtotheterms and under theprocedures more particularlysetforthinthis Document. Notice to each Owner's assessments shallbe mailed,totheowners addresson record. h. The Association shallhave thepower and authorityatany timeand from timeto timeand without liabilityto any Owner fortrespass,damage or otherwise,to enterupon any lot,forthepurpose ofmaintaining and repairingany lot,ifforany reasontheOwner failsto maintain and repairthelotas requiredby theCovenants orforthepurpose ofremoving any improvement constructed,reconstructed, refinished,alteredor maintained upon suchareain violationofthese Covenants. The Associationmay maintainand repairany roads,sidewalks,parks,lineartrail orpublicareasinor adjoiningNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 including landscapingand plantingthesame and repairingimprovements thereon when publicauthorities,inthe opinion ofthe Board have failedtodo so inamanner befittingthestandardsofthe community. The Association shallalsohave the power and authorityfrom timetotime initsown name, on itsown behalf,orin thename and behalfof any Owner or Owners who consent thereto,tocommence and maintainactionsand suitstorestrainand enjoinany breach or threatened breachofNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1 Covenants, ortoenforce by 29 mandatory injunctionorotherwiseallofthe provisionsoftheNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1Covenants. i. In fulfillingany of itsdutiesunder the Norton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants, includingitsdutiesforthe maintenance, repair,operationor administrationofthe Parks,and totheextentnecessary by thefailureofthe Owners ofprivateareas,or in exercisingany ofitsrightsto construction improvements ofotherwork upon any Parks,theAssociationshallhave the power and authority: (1) To contractand pay for,or otherwiseprovide for,construction, maintenance and repairofallimprovements upon Parks on suchterms and conditionsasthe Association,shalldeem appropriateand to pay and dischargeallliensarisingout of any work; (2) To obtain,maintain and pay forsuch insurancepoliciesorbonds asthe Board may deem tobe appropriatefortheprotectionorbenefitofNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase I the Association,themembers ofthe Board, themembers ofthe Committee, orthe Owners; (3) To contractand pay for,orotherwiseprovide for,such utilityservices including,but without limitation,water,sewer,trash,electrical,telephone and gas servicesas may from timetotimebe required; (4) To contractand pay for,orotherwiseprovide fortheservicesofarchitects, engineers,attorneysand certifiedpublic accountants or such other professionalor nonprofessionalservicesastheBoard may deem necessary; (5) To contractand pay for,or otherwiseprovide for,fire,policeand such otherprotectionservicesas theBoard deems necessary forthebenefitof Norton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1,any property locatedwithNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1,orthe Owners; (6) To contractand pay for,orotherwiseprovide for,such materials,supplies, furniture,equipment and laborto theextenttheBoard deems necessary, and topay and dischargeany and allliensplaced upon any Parkson accountof any work done or performed by the Association inthe fulfillmentof any of itsobligationsand dutiesofmaintenance, repair, operationor administration. j. The Board shallbe requiredto grantand convey to any thirdpartieseasements or rights-ofway in,on,over orunder any Parks without payment totheAssociation when requestedby Declarant.The Board shallalsohave the power and authority 30 to grantand convey to any thirdparties,on suchterms astheBoard may approve, parcelsor stripsofland from any Parks.The Board may not grantor convey land from any Parklandor LinearTrailwhich would jeopardizetheland requiredby the subdivision,planned unitdevelopment or zoning approvals fortheland describedinExhibitA. k. The Board may from timetotime employ theservicesofa manager tomanage theaffairsofthe Association.The Board may delegatetothemanager any ofits powers under the Norton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1 restrictions,provided, however, theBoard cannot delegateto such manager the power to execute any contractbinding on the Association fora sum inexcessof $1,000.00;norforthe performance ofany work or services,which work orservicesarenottobe completed within60 days;northepower to sell,convey, mortgage orencumber any propertyoftheAssociation. 1. The Board shallhave the righttopay,compromise orcontestany oralltaxesand assessments leviedagainstallor any partofthe Parks,or upon any personal propertybelonging to the Association. m. The Owners, Declarantand Associationarehereby prohibitedand precluded from engaging inany activitythatwould impact any downstream water user facilities. Enforcement ofthesecovenants by Declarant,NERDC, Board, Owner or any party having standing,shallincludeforthepartyseeking enforcement and prevailinginsuch enforcement,an award of costs,feesand reasonableattorney'sfees. SECTION 14.The Board from timetotimeand subjecttothe provisionsofNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase I may adopt,amend and repealrulesand regulationstobe known asNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1Rules governing: (1)The useof Parks,includingwithout limitationsthe recreationalfacilities; (2)The useof roads; (3)The collectionand disposalofrefuse; (4)The burning of open fires; (5)The maintenance ofanimalswithinNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1. SECTION 15.No member oftheBoard shallbe personallyliableto any Owner, guest, lesseeorto any otherpersons,includingthe Declarant,forany errororomission ofthe Association,itsrepresentativesand employees, Committee orthemanager, provided, however, thatsuch member according totheactualknowledge possessedby him, actedin good faith. ARTICLE VII ASSESSMENTS 31 SECTION 1.The Declarant foreach lotowned by itwithinNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1 hereby covenants,and each Owner ofany lotby acceptance ofa purchase and saleagreement, deed orleasetherefore,whether or notitshallbe so expressedinany such deed,leaseor any otherconveyance, shallbe deemed tocovenant and agree to pay tothe Associationthe Owner's proportionateshareofassessments establishedand collectedfrom time totime as hereinafterprovided. SECTION 2.The Owners proportionateshareoftheassessmentsand special assessments shallbe assessedinthefollowing manner: Each owner or member willbe assesseda proportionatesharebased on thenumber of dwelling unitsbuiltper lotforresidentiallotsand on a dwelling unitequivalenton commercial properties. Each single-familydwelling willbe assessedone share. Each multi-familylotwillbe initiallyassessedon thebasisof3 dwelling unitsper acre. Thiswillcontinue untilcompletion ofallconstructionofeach dwelling uniton thelot. Subsequent tocompletion,thelotwillbe assessedanumber of sharesequal tothe actual number ofdwellings constructed. Assessments toOwners willcommence immediately afterthe transferof titlefrom the Declarant- or Norton Homes LLC -tothe Owner. No assessmentswillbe leviedagainst lotsowned by theDeclarant orNorton Homes LLC. The Board shallhave the righttodetermineand refinethe specifiesand timing of assessmentswithinthe parameters ofthepreceding statements. SECTION 3.At least30 days priortothe commencement ofeach fiscalyear,theBoard shallfixthe amount oftheassessment forsuch fiscalyear and shall,atthattime,prepare arosterofthe lotsand assessments applicablethereto.Writtennoticeofthe assessment shallbe sentto every Owner subjectthereto. SECTION 4.The assessments leviedby the Board on behalfofthe Association shallbe used exclusivelyforthe purpose offinancingtheAssociationfunctionsand duties. Assessments shallinclude,butnot be limitedto,maintenance offences,trails,linear park,weed controland otherimprovements. SECTION 5.Ifatany time and from timetotime duringany fiscalyear,the assessment provesinadequate forany reason,includingnonpayment of any Owner's sharethereof, the Board may levy a furtherassessment intheamount ofsuch actualor estimated inadequacy which shallbe assessedtotheOwners inthemanner setforthherein. SECTION 6.Inadditiontotheassessmentauthorizedabove, the Association may levy, inany assessment year,a specialassessment applicabletothatyear only forthepurpose ofdefraying,inwhole orinpart,thecostofany construction,reconstruction,repairor 32 replacement ofa capitalimprovement upon the Parks,includingfixturesand personal propertyrelatedthereto,provided thatany suchassessmentshallhave theassentoftwo- thirds(2/3)ofthevotesofeach classofmembers who votein person or by proxy ata meeting duly calledforthispurpose.Forthe purpose ofthissectionan Owner willbe allowedanumber ofvotes equal tothenumber ofdwelling unitsassessedtotheOwner's lotatthetimeofthe proposed election. SECTION 7.The Board shallalso levyan assessment againstany Owner, asadirect resultofwhose actsorfailureorrefusalto actor otherwise to comply withtheNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants formonies expended by theAssociationin performing itsfunctionsunder Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 covenants and Board By-Laws. Such assessment shallbe intheamount so expended and shallbe due and payable totheAssociationwhen levied.Monies so expended shallinclude,without limitation,reasonableengineers',architects',attorneys'and accountants'feesincurredby the Association. SECTION 8.Each assessment shallbe a separate,distinctand personal debtand obligationoftheOwner againstwho itisassessed,and each Owner by acceptance ofa purchase and saleagreement, deed or lease,shallbe deemed tocovenant and agree topay thesame totheAssociation.IftheOwner does not pay such assessment or any installmentthereofwhen due,theOwner shallbe deemed in defaultand theamount of theassessmentnot paid,togetherwiththeamount ofany subsequent default,plus interest at12% per annum and costs,includingreasonableattorney'sfees,shallbe and become a lienupon thelotofsuch Owner upon recordationby theAssociationof a noticeof default.The Association assessment lienmay be foreclosedthrough suitby the Associationinlikemanner asa mortgage ofrealproperty,and theAssociationshallhave power tobidon thelotatforeclosuresaleand to acquireand hold,lease,mortgage or convey thelot.A suittorecovera money judgment ofunpaid assessments shallbe maintainablewithout foreclosingor waiving theliensecuringthesame. The foregoing remedies shallbe inadditionto any otherremedies providedby law fortheenforcement ofsuchassessment obligation. SECTION 9.The Parksasdefinedhereinand such portionsofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1 as may be conveyed or dedicatedtoand acceptedby a municipality, publicutility,Stateof Montana, the County ofGallatinshallbe exempt from assessments. SECTION 10. When requestedby an Owner, the Association shallexecuteacertificate statingtheindebtednesssecured by the Associationlienupon the lotofthe Owner, and suchcertificateshallbe conclusive upon the Associationand the Owners infavorofsuch persons who relythereiningood faithasto the amount ofsuch indebtednessasofthe dateofthecertificate.The Association shallbe entitledtoareasonablefeeas a condition to issuingthe certificate. ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 33 SECTION 1.InadditiontotherightsreservedtotheDeclarantto modify or supplement the Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants with respecttoland developed as Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1,theNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants may, atany time,be amended or replacedupon the happening ofallthe followingevents: A. The vote ofOwners having not lessthan three-quarters(3/4)ofthe totalvotesofeach classofOwners oflotsthen within Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants at a meeting oftheAssociationduly held.For the purposes ofthissection,an Owner willbe allowedanumber ofvotes equal to thenumber ofdwelling unitsassessedto his/herlotat thetimeoftheproposed election.The noticeofthe meeting shallstatethatthepurpose of themeeting isto considertheamendment or repealoftheNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants, givingthe substance of any proposed amendments or indicatingthe provisionstobe repealed,asthecase may be;and B.The recordationofacertificateofthe Secretaryoran AssistantSecretaryofthe Associationsettingforthin fullthe amendment or amendments totheNorton East Ranch SubdivisionPhase 1so approved, includingany portionor portionsthereofrepealed,and certifyingthatsaidamendment or amendments have been approved by voteofthe Owners pursuantthese covenants. SECTION 2.Allthe limitations,conditions,and restrictionscontainedinthese covenantsofNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase I shallrun withthelandand shallbe binding on allpartiesand personsclaiming under them fora 10 yearperiodbeginning at thedateoffilingofthisdocument, atwhich timethesame shallbe automatically extended forsuccessiveperiodsof 10 years,unlesstherecordOwners oflotsthenwithin Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 having notlessthanthree-fourths(3/4)ofthetotalvotesrecordan instrumentterminatingthe Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants within1 year priortothe commencement ofany such period.Any suchterminationshalltakeeffectupon expirationofthe periodduring which itisgiven.Priortothe expirationtothese covenants,the Association may vote,pursuanttotheprovisionsallowing amendment hereto,toextend these covenants. SECTION 3.Inadditiontothe remedy provided herein,ifthe Owner of any lotin Norton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1orany partthereofor interestthereinviolatesany provisionshereof,Declarant,the AssociationortheOwner ofany lotor partthereof-or interestthereinmay bring an appropriatecivilactionagainstthe defaultingpartyinsuch proceedings or action;provided however, thatDeclarantorthe Associationshallhave no duty under any circumstances to enforcecompliance with Norton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants. Failureby Declarant,theAssociationor any property Owner or Owners ortheirrepresentatives,heirs,successors,or assignsto enforce any ofthe limitations,covenants,restrictions,reservations,easements,or charges hereincontained shall,inno eventbe deemed a waiver oftherighttodo so thereafter,provided,however, 34 any structurewhich hasbeen completed fora periodof 1 year without any suithaving been commenced concerning such structure,shallnotthereafterbe subjecttosuitof initialnoncompliance with the requirements ofthebuildingdesign portionofthese Covenants. Failuretoenforceany provision oftheseCovenants inno way waives ordiminishesthe enforceabilityoftheCovenants atafuturedate. SECTION 4.Allthe limitations,covenants,conditionsof and restrictionsofNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants shallbe liberallyconstruedtogethertopromote and effectuate,the fundamental concepts ofNorton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1. Any covenantthatisincludedhereinasaconditionofthe preliminaryplatapprovaland requiredby the governing body may notbe amended orrevoked withoutthemutual consentoftheowners in accordance withtheamendment procedures inthesecovenants and thegoverning body. SECTION 5.Intheevent any limitation,covenant,restriction,orreservationof Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants isheldtobe invalidor unenforceable inwhole orinpart,by any order,judgment ordecreeofany court,thensuch decision shallinno way affectthe validityoftheotherlimitations,covenants,restrictionsor reservationsthereincontained,and they shallremain infullforceand effect. SECTION 6.The Association shallacceptasParksallland conveyed toitby the Declarant. SECTION 7.At any time and from time totime following conveyance ofParks by the DeclaranttotheAssociation,the Declarantmay construct,reconstruct,refinishoralter any improvement upon or make or createany excavation on orfillupon or change the naturalor existingdrainage oforremove or plantany trees;shrubsor ground cover upon suchParks iftheDeclarantshalldeterminethatany such work isreasonably necessary forany utilityinstallationservingany propertywithinNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1,isreasonably necessary fortheconstructionof any facilityforuse by the Owners, isdesirableinorderto provide or improve accesstoortoenhance theuseand enjoyment ofsuch Parks orisdesirableto protect,support or preserve any landwhich constitutesa partofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1. SECTION 8.Any and allofthe rightsand powers vestedintheDeclarantpursuanttothe Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1Covenants may be delegated,transferred, assigned,conveyed orreleasedby the DeclaranttotheAssociationand the Association shallacceptthesame effectiveupon therecordingby theDeclarantofanoticeofsuch delegation,transfer,assignment, conveyance orrelease. SECTION 9.Ifatany time orfrom timetotimeallor any portionoftheParksistaken by the rightofeminent domain or by purchase inlieuofeminent domain, theentire 35 award and compensation shallbe paid the Association.No Owner shallbe entitledto any portionofsuchaward and no Owner shallbe entitledto participateas a partyor otherwisein any proceedings relatingtosuch condemnation, such rightto participation being hereinreservedexclusivelytotheAssociationwhich shallinitsname alone representtheinterestofallOwners. SECTION 10.No Owner through theOwner's non-use ofany Parks,or by abandonment ofOwner's lot,may avoid the burdens or obligationimposed on Owner by these Covenants, the Board's By-laws and Norton EastRanch Subdivision Phase 1. SECTION 11.Any noticeor otherdocument permittedor requiredby the Norton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 1 Covenants may be deliveredeitherpersonallyor by mail.If deliveryisto be made by mail,itshallbe deemed to have been deliveredto the Associationtwenty-four(24)hours afterhaving been depositedintheUnited Statesmail, postage prepaid,addressedto Norton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1 atthe address designatedby the Association from timetotime,and shallbe deemed tohave been deliveredtotheCommittee twenty-four(24)hoursafterhaving been depositedinthe same manner addressedtothe Committee incareofNorton East Ranch Subdivision Phase I atthelatter'sthen currentaddress. Deliveryby mailshallbe deemed complete toan Owner twenty-four (24)hoursaftera copy ofthesame hasbeen depositedintheUnited Statesmail,postage prepaid,addressed totheOwner athisaddress filedwiththe Associationor the Declarant. Where thereismore than one Owner ofa lot,the deliverypersonallyor by mailto any one Owner ofthelotshallbe effectivedeliverytoallOwners ofsuch lot. 36 DECLARANT SIGNATURE TO FOLLOW IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declaranthashereuntosetits d asofthis day of com-b-b(2010. Nortop s,LLC Title/ STATE OF BE.. ) :ss / County of At b On this 8 day of ,2010, before me, the undersigned,a Notary PublicoftheState of Gre n ,personallyappeared IL Syrcerknown tome tobe the person thm executedthewithin instrumentand acknowledged tome sheexecutedthe same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealasof the day and yearfirstabove written. NOTARY PUBLIC fortheStateof PrintednameMfe5a..* A ickf LC,h Residing atNo;( 012., My Commission expires 3 -) I-)A TERESAAU3RICH NOTARYPUBut-OREGON COMMISSIONNO.A424807 MY COMMISSIONEXP1RESFEBRUARY11,2012 37 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF NORTON EAST RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 1 Located intheSouth Half ofSection9,Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M., GallatinCounty, Montana, describedasfollows: tothepointofbeginning. Area is47.77 acresmore or lessand issubjectto existingeasements oralleasements of record. 38 FINALPLATOF NORTON EAST RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 1 LOCATED INTHE NW1/4SE1/4, NE1/4SW1/4, AND THE SW1/4NE1/4 OF SECTION 9.TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST.P.M.M. CITYOF BOZEMAN, GALLATINCOUNTY, MONTANAruaramrocarmsa= mannumooncamonouremmencounvnoumo PREPAREDFOR NORTONPROPERIES,as SEPIEMBER2010 PREPAREDBY: SANDERSON STEWART 1Illini-IIDFIEF 50541025" E 1SIL36 meansm motorw - . - - aman*E IIESTBABCOCKStREET 1 1 ,' '-- trI , ORAGCN FIY STREET 11 aerwar E eor ruIP 131 w -r I1181 " ..} I .. 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