HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 Aspen Raynor Garage DoorsAspen AP200LV LuxeVue - Raynor Garage Doors https://raynor.com/residential/aspen-series/aspen-ap200lv-luxevue/[4/28/2022 1:24:24 PM] EnduraCote™Raynor’s optional EnduraCote system includes a white powder coated track, end stiles, and hinges, black powder coated springs, and torsion bar. 2" Thick DoorSections Featuring 2″ thick made from (1) bak (2) epoxy primer, ( layer, (4) high-stre NeuFoam polyuret insulation, ensurin section’s interior is energy-saving poly insulation and (6) h steel. WeatherLock™Section Joints Raynor’s proprietary WeatherLock section joint has a continuous thermal break and air seal between steel sections. This modified tongue-in-groove joint provides exceptional strength, while effectively locking out both air and water infiltration into the garage’s interior. Raised Colonial Raised Ranch Flush Recessed Colonial Grooved Recessed Ranch Grooved Pick Your Garage Door Panel Choose from seven Raynor Aspen AP200LV LuxeVue steel garage door panel designs to give your home a custom and unique look. Colors Panels Hardware Windows ProductDetails Litera Recessed Ranch Grooved BBrroonnzzee BBrroowwnn SSllaattee CChhaarrccooaall**BBllaacckk AAuubbuurrnn MMoocchhaa WWaallnnuutt *Features the high performance PVDF coating (TRINAR® or equivalent) paint process that provides extended UV protection against fading. Painted Woodtones Featuring a single directional woodgrain pattern that runs uniform across the entire width of the door. >>>>NNoott aallll ccoolloorrss aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn aallll eemmbboossssmmeennttss.. CCoonnttaacctt yyoouurr llooccaall RRaayynnoorr AAuutthhoorriizzeedd DDeeaalleerr ffoorr aa ccoommpplleettee lliissttiinngg ooff ccoolloorrss aavvaaiillaabbllee bbyy eemmbboossssmmeenntt.. >>>>CCoolloorrss ddiissppllaayyeedd oonn mmoonniittoorrss,, mmoobbiillee ddeevviicceess,, aanndd pprriinntteedd mmaatteerriiaallss wwiillll vvaarryy ffrroomm tthhee aaccttuuaall sstteeeell ccoolloorr.. CCoonnttaacctt yyoouurr llooccaall RRaayynnoorr AAuutthhoorriizzeedd DDeeaalleerr ffoorr ccoolloorr ssaammpplleess.. Optional Distinct Finish Woodtones Distinct Finish Woodtones simulate the look of an authentic woodgrain door on a durable DESIGN CENTER FIND A DEALER  Aspen AP200LV LuxeVue - Raynor Garage Doors https://raynor.com/residential/aspen-series/aspen-ap200lv-luxevue/ 6 of 9 4/28/2022, 1:19 PM X Slate