HomeMy WebLinkAbout20387 Consolidated Application PacketPROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Project Type(s): Street Address: Legal Description: Description of Project: Current Zoning: Gross Lot Area: Block Frontage(s): Number of Buildings: Type and Number of Dwellings: Building Size(s): Building Height(s): Number of Parking Spaces: Affordable Housing (Y/N): Cash-in-lieu Parkland (Y/N): Departure/Deviation Request (Y/N): A1 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PROJECT IMAGE Community Development Development Review Application Page 1 of 3 Revision Date: June 2020 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Overlay District: Neighborhood Conservation None Urban Renewal District: Downtown North 7th Avenue Northeast North Park None VICINITY MAP Baxter Creek ZMA Zone Map Amendment TBD S09, T02 S, R05 E, W2SE4SE4 LESS HWRW PT of COS 1005 B-2 18.24 acres NA 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Change the zoning for the property from B-2 to B-2M S09, T02 S, R05 E, W2SE4SE4 LESS HWRW PT of COS 1005 ! 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L B o z e m a n , M T 5 9 7 1 5 T e l : ( 4 0 6 ) 5 8 7 . 2 7 8 1 w w w . h y a l i t e e n g . c o m F a x : ( 4 0 6 ) 5 2 2 . 9 2 2 5 2 0 1 6 PRELIMINARY DRAWING SET - 22x34 originals S C A L E S H E E T T I T L E D E S I G N B Y 0 ' 1 0 0 ' 2 0 0 ' 3 0 0 ' 1 O F 1 1 " = 1 0 0 ' X X X X X X X 1 7 . 5 7 A C R E S I N S E 1 4 O F S E 1 4 O F S E C T I O N 9 , T O W N S H I P 2 S O U T H , R A N G E 5 E A S T , B O Z E M A N , M O N T A N A BAXT E R C R E E K L E G E N D W E T L A N D B O U N D A R Y P R O P O S E D B - 2 M E X I S T I N G B - 2 E X I S T I N G R - 0 E X I S T I N G B P E X I S T I N G R - 3 E X I S T I N G R - 4 E X I S T I N G W A T E R E X I S T I N G S A N I T A R Y S E W E R E X I S T I N G S T O R M P R O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y S E W P R O P O S E D B - 2 M Z O N I N G 7 6 5 , 3 7 7 S Q F T ( 1 7 . 5 7 A C R E S ) E X I S T I N G B - 2 Z O N I N G H U F F I N E L A N E ( V A R I A B L E R I G H T O F W A Y ) SOUTH COTTONWOOD ROAD (120' RIGHT OF WAY) F A L L O N S T R E E T ( 6 0 ' R I G H T O F W A Y ) N1 NOTICING CHECKLIST NOTICING PROCEDURE Notice is required for certain projects in order for citizens to participate in decision making which affects their interests and provides opportunity to receive information pertinent to an application that would not otherwise be available to the decision maker. The applicant is responsible for posting the project site and mailing a notice per the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC). Public noticing for comment periods or hearings and associated application information, timing, type, and location is required by law per Section 38.220, BMC. See form N2 Noticing Instructions and Declaration Form on how to notice your project, send mailings, and post on the project site. NOTICING CHECKLIST (NON-CERTIFIED MAILINGS) The following is required materials for applications that do not require certified mail - Site Plan, Master Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit, Special Use Permit, Variance, Deviation, First Minor Subdivision, Planned Unit Development, Appeals, Zone Map Amendment, Growth Policy Amendment, Annexation. 1. Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1. 2. Legible list of full names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the project site, attached to this checklist. Community Development Noticing Checklist Page 1 of 1 Revision Date: August 2020 NOTICING CHECKLIST (CERTIFIED MAILINGS) The following is required materials for applications that do require certified mail - Major and Subsequent Minor Subdivisions. 1. Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1. 2. Legible list of full names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the project site and not physically contiguous (touching a boundary) to the subdivision, attached to this checklist. Clearly label list ADJOINER NOT CONTIGUOUS. 3. Legible list of full names and addresses of all property owners physically contiguous (touching a boundary) including recorded purchasers under contract for deed to be sent certified mail attached to this checklist. Clearly label list ADJOINER CONTIGUOUS. PROPERTY OWNER RECORDS Current property owners of record can be found at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office in the Gallatin County Courthouse at 311 West Main Street Bozeman, Montana. CERTIFICATION AND SIGNATURES I, _____________________________________________, hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners (including all condominium owners), within 200 feet of the property located at ____________________________________________________, is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. _______________________________________ __________________ Signature Date CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59715 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net/planning Nicole Olmstead TBD Huffine Lane, Bozeman MT 10/23/2020Nicole Olmstead Property Address Legal Description of Property Property Owner Name Mailing address of Property owner according to MT Dept. of Revenue 1 STORM WATER COMMON OPEN SPACE A J C BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUB, S09, T02 S, R05 E, ACRES 2.235, COMMON AREA BLK 1 LOT 4 LESS R/W; BLK 2 LOT 4A JC BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUB JC BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUB General Delivery Bozeman, MT 59715 2 200 COMPETITION DR Bozeman MT 59718 J C BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUB, S09, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 2A, ACRES 2.74, PLAT J-180-E BILLION FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 270 Automotive Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 3 171 COMPETITION DR Bozeman, MT 59718 J C BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUB, S09, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 3, Lot 1A, ACRES 1.42, PLAT J-180-C J & D FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 270 Automotive Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 4 1 AUTO PLAZA DR Bozeman MT 59718 C BILLION AUTO PLAZA SUB, S09, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 1, ACRES 4.859, PLAT J-180 PLUS COMMON AREA & OPEN SPACE STP LLC & 86.4865% INT PJB LLC Peder J Billon 13.5135% INT 270 Automotive Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 5 380 AUTOMOTIVE AVE Bozeman MT 59718 J & D FAMILY MAJOR SUB PH 1, S09, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 1, ACRES 4.87, PLAT J-502 J & D FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 270 Automotive Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 6 Automotive Ave J & D FAMILY MAJOR SUB PH 1, S09, T02 S, R05 E, ACRES 2.96, COMMON OPEN SPACE A & B, PLAT J-502 J & D FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 270 Automotive Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 7 100 Automotive Ave Bozeman MT 59718 J & D FAMILY MAJOR SUB PH 2, S09, T02 S, R05 E, Lot R-2, ACRES 14.02, PLAT J-610 J & D FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 270 Automotive Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 8 350 Water Lily Drive Bozeman MT 59715 NORTON EAST RANCH SUB PHASE 1, S09, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 3, Lot 1, ACRES 1.141, PLAT J-503 350 WATER LILY LLC 837 Henley Place Charlotte, NC 28207-1615 9 8553 Huffine Lane Bozeman, MT 59715 S09, T02 S, R05 E, ACRES 75.68, SE4NW4, SW4NE4, NE4SW4, SE4SW4, NW4SE4, SW4SE4 & 41'X 1320' WS OF SE4SE4 LESS HWRW & LESS PLAT 503 & 509 & 519 & 564 NORTON PROPERTIES LLC 63026 NE LOWER MEADOW DR #200 Bend OR 97701-5877 10 8552 HUFFINE LN Bozeman MT 59715 S16, T02 S, R05 E, C.O.S. 1456, PARCEL 1, ACRES 10 VISSER ENTERPRISES LLC 80 Dana Lane Belgrade MT 59714 11 Golden Gate Condo Lot 11, Block 1 Phase 1A Loyal Garden Subdivision Golden Gate Properties LLC Jesse Chase, Registered Agent 2246 Boothill Court, STE 1 Bozeman MT 59715 12 Golden Gate Condo Unit 1 Lot 11, Block 1 Phase 1A Loyal Garden Subdivision Golden Gate Properties, LLC Seven Ox Seven LLC Jesse Chase, Registered Agent 2246 Boothill Court, STE 1 Bozeman MT 59715 Leslie Barry, Registered Agent 2246 Boothill Court, STE 1 Bozeman MT 59715 13 Golden Gate Condo Unit 2 Lot 11, Block 1 Phase 1A Loyal Gardens Subdivision Phase 2 LLC Timothy A. Fallow, Registered Agent 517 S 22nd Avenue STE 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 14 Golden Gate Condo Unit 3 Lot 11, Block 1 Phase 1A Loyal Gardens Subdivision Golden Gate Properties, LLC Seven Ox Seven LLC Jesse Chase, Registered Agent 2246 Boothill Court, STE 1 Bozeman MT 59715 Leslie Barry, Registered Agent 2246 Boothill Court, STE 1 Bozeman MT 59715 15 Golden Gate Condo Unit 4 Lot 11, Block 1 Phase 1A Loyal Gardens Subdivision Golden Gate Properties, LLC Seven Ox Seven LLC Jesse Chase, Registered Agent 2246 Boothill Court, STE 1 Bozeman MT 59715 Leslie Barry, Registered Agent 2246 Boothill Court, STE 1 Bozeman MT 59715 16 5031 Winnow Circle Bozeman MT 59715 LOYAL GARDEN SUB PH 1 A, S16, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 1A, ACRES 5.024, PLAT J-462B Bozeman Health 915 Highland Blvd Bozeman, MT 59715 Property Owners Within 200 feet of Project Site