HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Design Report (Revised 2020-01-22)INTRODUCTION The proposed development on Lots 5 & 6 of Gallatin Center Subdivision P.U.D. Phase 1 consists of a new carwash business with a drive-thru carwash,parking area,office space, car wash detail bays, and associated site landscaping and stormwater management features.The property is located within the Bozeman city limits and is currently zoned B-2 commercial.A combination of site grading, curb and gutter,drainage swales,and retention and detention ponds will be used to manage stormwater runoff on the site. EXISTING SITE &STORMWATER The existing vacant lots have no on-site stormwater management facilities so any runoff generated from Lots 5 and 6 currently sheet flows to East Catron Creek along the northwest side of the property and west onto the adjacent Lot 7.The undeveloped site currently has a weighted C value of 0.20 per the Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy (DSSP).The NW side of the property contains an 80’ wide stream corridor along Catron Street while the NE side of the property has a 50’ wide green way corridor. Since neither of these corridors will be developed, only the portion of the site that is proposed for development was included in this drainage design. PROPOSED STORMWATER DESIGN The site was divided into 4 drainage areas as shown on the Proposed Drainage Area Map included in Appendix B. Each drainage area was assessed using the 10-year 2-hour storm event.Drainage Area 1 is located in the SW corner of the site and conveys runoff from the southern portion of the driveway into Retention Pond 1.The runoff coefficient for Drainage Area 1 is 0.61 over an area of 11,924 sf,which generates 493 cf of runoff during the 10-year 2-hour storm event.Retention Pond 1 has a proposed volume of 690 cf,a design depth of 1.0’,and 4:1 (H:V) side slopes. Drainage Area 2 encompasses the interior of the site and will capture runoff in Detention Pond 2 located in the landscape island in the center of the site. Drainage Area 2 has a runoff coefficient of 0.79 over an area of 36,056 sf. Detention Pond 2 will release runoff through an outlet structure at the pre-development flow rate into East Catron Creek. The pre-development time of concentration for Drainage Area 2 was found to be 19 minutes. The pre-development runoff rate for Drainage Area 2 was found to be 0.22 cfs (see Appendix A). To maintain this pre-development runoff rate for Drainage Area 2, the outlet structure will have an internal weir with a slot width of 0.4”. The pond volume needed to detain the design storm and maintain pre-development runoff rates is 777 cf.Detention Pond 2 has a volume of 810 cf, a design depth of 1.5’, and 4:1 (H:V) side slopes. Supporting calculations for all drainage areas are included in Appendix A. Drainage Area 3 is located along the perimeter of the development and has a runoff coefficient of 0.71 over an area of 30,395 sf.Runoff in Drainage Area 3 will be captured in Detention Pond 3 at the north end of the site, which will release runoff through an outlet structure at the pre-development flow rate into East Catron Creek.The pre-development time of concentration for Drainage Area 3 was found to be 15 minutes. The pre-development runoff rate for Drainage Area 3 was found to be 0.22 cfs (see Appendix A). To maintain this pre-development runoff rate for Drainage Area 3 the outlet structure will have a weir with a slot width of 0.4”.The pond volume needed to detain the design storm and maintain pre-development runoff rates is 504 cf.Detention Pond 3 has a volume of 675 cf,a design depth of 1.5’, and 4:1 (H:V) side slopes.Supporting calculations for all drainage areas are included in Appendix A. Drainage Area 4 includes the 18’ wide landscaped area along the west side of the site as well as the western half of the car wash roof. Drainage Area 4 has a runoff coefficient of 0.41 over an area of 9,505 sf and generates 267 cf of runoff during the 10-year 2-hour storm event.Since over 70% of this drainage area is comprised of landscaping, it is anticipated that runoff from the western portion of the car wash roof will flow into this 18’ wide landscape strip and infiltrate. Furthermore, a vegetated storm swale is proposed along the western side of the car wash building in order to capture sheet flow runoff from the roof.This storm swale will also prevent stormwater from migrating westward toward the property boundary. GROUNDWATER AND INFILTRATION CONSIDERATIONS From previous geotechnical investigations in the vicinity of the site, native gravels are expected to be approximately 3’-4’ below existing grade,with a silt/clay layer above the gravel. Groundwater is typically encountered at the top of native gravel elevation, but during periods of high groundwater it could rise as much as a foot above this gravel elevation.The bottoms of Pond 1 and Pond 3 are less than 2’below existing grade and the bottom of Pond 2 is approximately 2.5’ below existing grade,so groundwater inundation of these ponds is not anticipated. Since a poorly draining silt/clay layer likely exists above the native gravel elevation, the proposed design for Retention Pond 1 includes over-excavating the pond footprint down to the native gravel depth.This excavation will be backfilled with a well-draining pit run gravel to provide a conduit for the stormwater to infiltrate through.Above the gravel drain,the pond will be finish graded with 6” of topsoil and seeded. APPENDIX A STORMWATER CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE AREA # 1 (POND 1) 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor Contributing Area C Area (ft 2 )C * Area Hardscape 0.95 6684 6350 Landscape 0.2 5240 1048 Total 11924 7398 A = Area (acres)0.27 C = Weighted C Factor 0.62 2. Calculate Required Volume Q = CIA V=7200Q C = Weighted C Factor 0.62 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 0.27 Q = runoff (cfs) 0.07 V = REQUIRED STORAGE VOL. (ft3)501 PROVIDED VOLUME (ft3)690 DA 1 SIDEWALK CHASE 25-YR OUTFLOW RATE REQUIRED CAPACITY REQUIRED GUTTER CAPACITY 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor A = Area (acres)0.03 C = Weighted C Factor 0.95 2. Calculate Rainfall Intensity (Duration = Max Tc from Contributing Drainage Areas) i = 0.78x-0.64 (25-yr Storm, Fig. I-3, COB Design Standards) x = storm duration (hrs)0.04 i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)5.91 3. Calculate 25-yr Pond Outflow Rate Q = CiA C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.95 (calculated above)i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)5.91 (calculated above) A = Area (acres)0.03 (calculated above) Q 25-yr Chase Flow Rate (cfs)=0.17 Stormwater Chase DA 1 Sizing Determine slope of stormwater chase slope (ft/ft)0.015 Calculate chase capacity chase depth (feet)0.50Chase width (feet)1.00 Mannings #, n (for concrete)0.013 X-sect. area (ft2)0.500 Perimeter (ft)2.000Hydr. Radius, R (ft)0.2500 slope (ft/ft)0.015 Qfull (cfs)2.78 DRAINAGE AREA # 2 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor Contributing Area C Area (ft 2)C * Area Hardscape 0.95 20520 19494 Landscape 0.2 7884 1577 Roof 0.95 7654 7272 Total 36058 28343 A = Area (acres)0.83 C = Weighted C Factor 0.79 2. Calculate Tc (Time to Concentration) Tc Overland Flow Tc = 1.87 (1.1-CCf)D1/2/S1/3 Storm S = Slope of Basin (%)1.19 Return (yrs)Cf C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.95 2 to 10 1 Cf = Frequency Adjustment Factor 1.1 11 to 25 1.1 D = Length of Basin (ft)114 26 to 50 1.2 51 to 100 1.25 Tc Overland Flow (minutes)1.88 Tc Gutter Flow Tc = L/V/60 V = (1.486/n)R2/3 S1/2 n = Mannings Coefficient 0.013 R = Hydraulic Radius A/P (ft)0.13 (0.15' below top of curb) S = slope (ft/ft)0.0088 L = length of gutter (ft)110 V = mean velocity (ft/s)2.82 Tc Gutter Flow (minutes) =0.65 Tc Total =2.53 DRAINAGE AREA # 3 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor Contributing Area C Area (ft 2)C * Area Hardscape 0.95 16538 15711 Landscape 0.2 9888 1978 Roof 0.95 3967 3769 Total 30393 21458 A = Area (acres)0.70 C = Weighted C Factor 0.71 2. Calculate Tc (Time to Concentration) Tc Overland Flow Tc = 1.87 (1.1-CCf)D1/2/S1/3 Storm S = Slope of Basin (%)1.68 Return (yrs)Cf C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.95 2 to 10 1 Cf = Frequency Adjustment Factor 1.1 11 to 25 1.1 D = Length of Basin (ft)103 26 to 50 1.2 51 to 100 1.25 Tc Overland Flow (minutes)1.60 Tc Gutter Flow Tc = L/V/60 V = (1.486/n)R2/3 S1/2 n = Mannings Coefficient 0.013 R = Hydraulic Radius A/P (ft)0.13 (0.15' below top of curb) S = slope (ft/ft)0.014 L = length of gutter (ft)359 V = mean velocity (ft/s)3.54 Tc Gutter Flow (minutes) =1.69 Tc Total =3.29 DRAINAGE AREA # 4 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor Contributing Area C Area (ft 2)C * Area Landscape 0.2 6793 1359 Roof 0.95 2712 2576 Total 9505 3935 A = Area (acres)0.22 C = Weighted C Factor 0.41 2. Calculate Required Volume Q = CIA V=7200Q C = Weighted C Factor 0.41 I = intensity (in/hr)0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres)0.22 Q = runoff (cfs)0.04 V = REQUIRED STORAGE VOL. (ft3)267 POND 2 - DETENTION REQUIRED VOLUME 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor (Post-Development) Contributing Area C Area (ft2 )C * Area Hardscape 0.95 20520 19494 Landscape 0.20 7884 1577 Roof 0.95 7654 7272 Total 36058 28343 A = Area (acres)0.83 Storm C = Weighted C Factor 0.79 Return (yrs)Cf 2 to 10 1 2. Calculate T c (Pre-Development)11 to 25 1.1 Tc Overland Flow 26 to 50 1.2 Tc = 1.87 (1.1-CCf)D1/2/S1/3 51 to 100 1.25 S = Slope of Basin (%)2.713 C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.2 Cf = Frequency Adjustment Factor 1.1 D = Length of Basin (ft)265 Tc (Pre-Development) (minutes)19 3. Calculate Rainfall Intensity (Duration = Pre-Development Tc) i = 0.64x-0.65 (10-yr Storm, Fig. I-3, COB Design Standards) x = storm duration (hrs)0.32 (Tc Pre-Development) i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)1.34 4. Calculate Runoff Rate (Pre-Development) Q = CiA C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.2 (open land) i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)1.34 (calculated above) A = Area (acres)0.83 (calculated above) Q = Runoff Rate (Pre-Development) (cfs)0.22 5. Calculate Required Pond Volume Total Area (acres) =0.83 acres Weighted C =0.79 Discharge Rate (cfs) =0.22 cfs (Equal to Pre-Development Runoff Rate) Duration(min)Duration(h rs) Intensity (in/hr)Qin (cfs)Runoff Volume Release Volume Required Storage (ft3) 25 0.42 1.13 0.74 1103 333 770 26 0.43 1.10 0.72 1119 347 772 27 0.45 1.08 0.70 1134 360 774 28 0.47 1.05 0.68 1148 373 775 29 0.48 1.03 0.67 1162 387 776 30 0.50 1.00 0.65 1176 400 776 31 0.52 0.98 0.64 1190 413 777 32 0.53 0.96 0.63 1203 427 776 33 0.55 0.94 0.61 1216 440 776 34 0.57 0.93 0.60 1229 453 776 PROVIDED VOLUME (ft3)810 OUTLET STRUCTURE SLOT Q=CLH3/2 Q = Discharge (cfs)0.22 C = Weir Coefficient 3.33 (per COB Design Standards) H = Head (ft)1.5 L = Horizontal Length (ft)0.04 L = Slot Width (inches)0.4 POND 3 - DETENTION REQUIRED VOLUME 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor (Post-Development) Contributing Area C Area (ft2 )C * Area Hardscape 0.95 16538 15711 Landscape 0.20 9888 1978 Roof 0.95 3967 3769 Total 30393 21458 A = Area (acres)0.70 Storm C = Weighted C Factor 0.71 Return (yrs)Cf 2 to 10 1 2. Calculate T c (Pre-Development)11 to 25 1.1 Tc Overland Flow 26 to 50 1.2 Tc = 1.87 (1.1-CCf)D1/2/S1/3 51 to 100 1.25 S = Slope of Basin (%)4.02 C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.2 Cf = Frequency Adjustment Factor 1.1 D = Length of Basin (ft)199 Tc (Pre-Development) (minutes)15 3. Calculate Rainfall Intensity (Duration = Pre-Development Tc) i = 0.64x-0.65 (10-yr Storm, Fig. I-3, COB Design Standards) x = storm duration (hrs)0.24 (Tc Pre-Development) i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)1.60 4. Calculate Runoff Rate (Pre-Development) Q = CiA C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.2 (open land) i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)1.60 (calculated above) A = Area (acres)0.70 (calculated above) Q = Runoff Rate (Pre-Development) (cfs)0.22 5. Calculate Required Pond Volume Total Area (acres) =0.70 acres Weighted C =0.71 Discharge Rate (cfs) =0.22 cfs (Equal to Pre-Development Runoff Rate) Duration(min)Duration (hrs) Intensity (in/hr)Qin (cfs)Runoff Volume Release Volume Required Storage (ft3) 15 0.25 1.58 0.78 699 201 497 16 0.27 1.51 0.74 715 215 500 17 0.28 1.45 0.72 730 228 502 18 0.30 1.40 0.69 745 242 503 19 0.32 1.35 0.67 759 255 504 20 0.33 1.31 0.64 773 269 504 21 0.35 1.27 0.62 786 282 504 22 0.37 1.23 0.61 799 295 503 23 0.38 1.19 0.59 811 309 503 24 0.40 1.16 0.57 824 322 501 PROVIDED VOLUME (ft3)675 OUTLET STRUCTURE SLOT Q=CLH3/2 Q = Discharge (cfs)0.22 C = Weir Coefficient 3.33 (per COB Design Standards) H = Head (ft)1.5 L = Horizontal Length (ft)0.04 L = Slot Width (inches)0.4 PIPE A (OS A Outlet Pipe)25-YR OUTFLOW RATE REQUIRED CAPACITY 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor A = Area (acres)0.83 C = Weighted C Factor 0.79 2. Calculate Rainfall Intensity (Duration = Max Tc from Contributing Drainage Areas) i = 0.78x-0.64 (25-yr Storm, Fig. I-3, COB Design Standards) x = storm duration (hrs)0.04 i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)5.91 3. Calculate 25-yr Pond Outflow Rate Q = CiA C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.79 (calculated above) i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)5.91 (calculated above) A = Area (acres)0.83 (calculated above) Q 25-yr Pipe Flow Rate (cfs)=3.85 MANNING'S EQUATION FOR PIPE FLOW (PROVIDED CAPACITY) Pipe: A Location: OS A Outlet Pipe INPUT D= 12 inches d= 11.26 inches Mannings Formula n= 0.013 mannings q=57.7 degrees Q=(1.486/n)ARh2/3S1/2 S= 0.011 slope in/in R=A/P A=cross sectional area P=wetted perimeter V=(1.49/n)Rh2/3S1/2 S=slope of channel Q=V x A n=Manning's roughness coefficient Solution to Mannings Equation Area,ft2 WettedPerimeter, ft HydraulicRadius, ft velocity ft/s flow, cfs PVC 0.013 0.77 2.64 0.29 5.25 4.02 PE (<9"dia) 0.015 PE (>12"dia) 0.02 PE(9-12"dia) 0.017 CMP 0.025 ADS N12 0.012 HCMP 0.023 Conc 0.013 Manning's n-values d q D PIPE B (OS B Outlet Pipe)25-YR OUTFLOW RATE REQUIRED CAPACITY 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor A = Area (acres)0.70 C = Weighted C Factor 0.71 2. Calculate Rainfall Intensity (Duration = Max Tc from Contributing Drainage Areas) i = 0.78x-0.64 (25-yr Storm, Fig. I-3, COB Design Standards) x = storm duration (hrs)0.05 i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)5.00 3. Calculate 25-yr Pond Outflow Rate Q = CiA C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient 0.71 (calculated above) i = rainfall intensity (in./hr.)5.00 (calculated above) A = Area (acres)0.70 (calculated above) Q 25-yr Pipe Flow Rate (cfs)=2.46 MANNING'S EQUATION FOR PIPE FLOW (PROVIDED CAPACITY) Pipe: B Location: OS B Outlet Pipe INPUT D= 12 inches d= 11.26 inches Mannings Formula n= 0.013 mannings q=57.7 degrees Q=(1.486/n)ARh2/3S1/2 S= 0.02 slope in/in R=A/P A=cross sectional area P=wetted perimeter V=(1.49/n)Rh2/3S1/2 S=slope of channel Q=V x A n=Manning's roughness coefficient Solution to Mannings Equation Area,ft2 WettedPerimeter, ft HydraulicRadius, ft velocity ft/s flow, cfs PVC 0.013 0.77 2.64 0.29 7.08 5.42 PE (<9"dia) 0.015 PE (>12"dia) 0.02 PE(9-12"dia) 0.017 CMP 0.025 ADS N12 0.012 HCMP 0.023 Conc 0.013 Manning's n-values d q D APPENDIX B DRAINAGE AREA MAP W