HomeMy WebLinkAbout96 - Design Report - Bridger Creek Ph 2 & 3 - Water, Sewer, Street, Stormwater11111]ENGINEER'S DESIGN REPORTforBRIDGER CREEK PHASE 2 AND 3MAY 1996]]JJ1j1Prepared By: MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.P.O. BOX 1113BOZEMAN, MT 59715MM# 2089.006 0100310 111111TABLE OF CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARYWATER SUPPLYSEWAGE DISPOSALTRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS AND SECTION DESIGNSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT1]]]j]JJ1 11111ENGINEER'S REPORTEXECUTIVE SUMMARYBridger Creek Subdivision, Phases 2 and 3, is a 92 lot development consistingof 47 single family lots and one condominium lot in Phase 2 and 44 single family lotsin Phase 3. Both phases have previously been annexed and zoned R-3, mediumdensity residential. Preliminary plat approval was granted on April 15, 1996.The subdivision lies north of Bridger Creek and south of the City of BozemanLandfill astraddle Mcllhattan Road. Primary access is provided by Mcllhattan Road andStory Mill Road.This Engineer's Design Report principally addresses Phase 2, which is to beconstructed during the summer of 1996. Phase 2 lies west of Mcllhattan Roadsurrounded on all sides by a portion of Bridger Creek Golf Course. A single access toPhase 2 from Mcllhattan Road will be provided in accordance with the Preliminary Platapproval.This submittat also proposes to serve Phase 2 with a single 8-inch watermainand internally looped water system. As shown in the Section WATER SUPPLY,adequate pressure and flow can be maintained via a single feed system. The "singlefeed" option was conditionally approved and a looped system shall be constructedwhen one of the following occurs:Filing the Final Plat for Phase 3, if it occurs before December 31, 1997;December 31, 1997The construction of Phase 3 scheduled for 1998 or 1999 will complete theproposed looped water system and be the final phase of Bridger Creek Subdivisionwhich had its beginnings in 1985 with designs of the golf course and eventualacquisition of a Conditional Use Permit (C.U.P. #Z-9148). Phases 2 and 3 are builtwithin and around the back nine holes and driving range in conformance with theconditions of C.U.P. Z-9148 and subsequent annexation agreement and Ordinance No.1373 amending the City's Zone Map.This project shall provide for the following infrastructure improvements andamenities:Construction of Phase 2 water, sewer, street and storm sewerimprovements. ($430,000). Augusta Drive shall be constructed to 3"asphalt on 3" crushed base on 15" pitrun section on fabric;Widening and pavement overlay of the existing paved portion ofMcllhattan Road, ($35,000.00). Extension of Mcllhattan Road as a 111111]111••••county gravel standard to the project boundary, ($57,000.00). Newsection of Mcllhattan shall be 3" asphalt on 3" crushed base on 15"pitrun.Extension of City water to Phase 2 including two crossings of BridgerCreek at an estimated cost of $100,000.00.Looped water system as part of Phase 3 at an estimated cost of$178,000.Construction of an irrigation system utilizing a portion of the golfcourses' water rights to provide irrigation water to Phases 2 and 3 at anestimated cost of $96,000, thereby reducing the impact upon the City'swater supply.Utilization of natural features to provide superior stormwater treatment.Parkland dedication in excess of that required by law. Parkland shallserve principally as a buffer to the active portion of the landfill and as atrail corridor between Mcllhattan Road and Story Mill Road.Preservation of natural areas, wetlands and open space within the golfcourse.]1II <JjJ)j> 1]1111WATER SUPPLYThe following discussion on water supply shall analyze the domestic and fireprotection demands for Phases 1 , 2 and 3 of Bridger Creek Subdivision and commenton the use of an applicant installed irrigation system utilizing existing water rights forPhases 2 and 3. A hydraulic analysis was performed on the existing Phase 1 andproposed Phase 2 and 3 System using Haestad Methods CYBERNET.Water supply for domestic use (including landscape irrigation in Phase 1) and fireprotection shall be provided by the City of Bozeman via a distribution system installedby Golf Course Partners, Inc. Water usage is based upon the following assumptions:400 gallons per day per living unit.4 units per acre for undeveloped residential and commercials land whichis equal to 1600 gpd per acre.1.5 inches per week over 50% of residential/commercial lot acres forirrigation.)PHASE123TOTALSTABLE 2DAILY DEMAND(gpd)RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIALUNITS1805144275IRRIGATIONDEMANDACRESDEMAND72,00020,40017,60056.03-0--0-163,000-0--0-110,00056.03163,000DEMANDTOTAL235,00020,40017,600273,000NOTES:1. Irrigation demand = 56.03 Ac x 43560 SF/Ac x 1.5 in/wk x 1 ft/12 in x7.48aal x 1 wk/7 days x 50% = 163,000 gal.cf2. Phase 1 residential units can be summarized as follows:Single Family 54Townhouses/Condominium 869.87 Ac Raw Land at 4 units/Ac 40180 11111]11J11Annual use can be summarized as follows:RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIALx365days/year + IRRIGATION x 150days/year110,000 gpd x 365 days/year = 40,150,000 gpy163,000 gpd x 150 days/year = 24,450,000 QDV64,600,000 gpyTherefore the total annual demand in acre-feet can be summarized as follows:TABLE 3ANNUAL DEMANDAC-FT/YRPHASERESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIALIRRIGATIONSUMMARY12380.722.919.775.0-0--0-155.722.919.7TOTAL123.375.0198.3Peak DemandAssuming 2.5 persons per unit and 4 units per acre on land where future densities arenot precisely known (= commercial) and utilizing Figure 1 from WQB 2: DesignStandards for Wastewater Facilities, an approximate peaking factor and peak demandcan be arrived at.(275 units x 2.5 persons/unit = 688 persons (say 700)PF = 18 +^0.74 +V0.73.89; Use PF4.0273,000 gpd x 1 day/24 hrs. x 1 hr/ 60 min. x 4.0 = 758 gpmUse 800 gpmPeak demand as shown assumes that City supply and distribution system does notprovide irrigation water for Phases 2 and 3.JIAnalysisBefore the network analysis for Bridger Creek Subdivision began, base pressure datafor the main supplies connecting Bridger Drive were acquired from the City ofBozeman. Pressures at the ten inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) at the Story Mill locationand at the eight inch DIP supply on Birdie Drive, were recorded at 137 psi (See Exhibit"A", P1,P2, under Water System Analysis in the Appendix.) Subsequently pipeelevations for each junction node and Hazen-Wiltiams roughness coefficients (C) foreach pipe were appropriately assigned. "C" values for the latter were conservativelyassumed using figures for 20 year-old cast iron pipe (i.e. 92.50 for 8" diam. and94.25 for 10"dia. pipe.) Minor losses were considered insignificant and therefore }11i}1)omitted. The peak hour water demand (800 gal) was allocated to specific junctionnodes by proportion, depending upon the number of units served by each phase andnode. Fireflows were conservatively assumed using the UFC(1991) Type III, 1500gpm requirement for multi-family dwellings.The analysis begins with presentation of input data for the subsequent runs, showingparameters such as node and pipe numbers, diameter, length, C factors, etc.The first model run illustrates base conditions present under the given pressure nodesand peak hour demand parameters. Results show a minimum pressure ofapproximately 100 psi (at the point of highest elevation) ranging to an upper limit of145 psi (Phase 1 Birdie Dr./Boylan Dr.)Fire FlowsThe second run illustrates a "worst-case" scenario of two (2) simultaneous fireflows1500 gpm each. These fireflows are placed at the low (J10) and high (J180)elevation points of the network. It should be noted that although J200 is higher inelevation, J180 represents more potential units and therefore was chosen as the pointof analysis. Results show a minimum pressure of approximately 39 psi at the highelevation point and a maximum pressure of 115 psi (J40) at the terminal end of the10" DIP-Story Mill Rd./Boylan Drive.The third model run depicts the effects of 1500 gpm fireflows drawn separately at thejunction nodes of Phase 2. Note also the Available Fire Flow values are set at 1750gpm. These values only represent a practical constraint set by the modeler, and arenot to be construed as absolute; further testing is required to ascertain the actualupper maximum. The purpose of the chosen value was to clarify minimum flow only.Results clearly show minimum flow (1500 gpm) and minimum (delivery) Residualpressure (20 psi) requirements are met at each junction node.Similarly, results of the fourth model run clearly meet the requirements for Phase 3.It is proposed that Phase 2 will proceed towards buildout before initiation of Phase 3in a time span of approximately five years. The final run employs a differentroughness coefficient for five year-old cast iron pipe. This parameter was modified toillustrate more accurately the ability of Phase 2 to withstand a fireflow without theassistance of the 8" diameter loop through Phase 3. To effectively isolate Phase 2,pipe numbers P70 and P170 were closed. Since this scenario assumes an isolatedloop in this particular phase, the model adjusts by opening P70 and reducing thedemands in Phase 3 to zero. This enables the use of loop equations yet still isolatesPhase 2. Results of drawing a fireflow of 1500 gpm and the residual demand of 73gpm, produce a net pressure of 54 psi, well above the 20 psi delivery requirement.ConclusionBased upon our analysis, the proposed network for Bridger Creek Subdivision Phases2 and 3 clearly provides adequate safety assurance in the event of a fire at anylocation within this subdivision. This analysis has also shown that isolation of Phase2 will not jeopardize its firefighting ability for the occurrence of a fire during theproposed buildout time frame. Additionally, the data show some limited futureexpansion to the City of Bozeman pipeline grid can occur to the north along MctlhattanRoad. 1111************************************************************************************************CyberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc.Run Descn'ptioh: Basic NetworkDrawing: CYBR_06PIPELINE DATASTATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPECV -CHECK VALVEBN -BOUNDARY NODERV -REGULATING VALVEPU -PUMP LINEPIPENUMBERNODE NOS.#1 #2LENGTH(ft)DIAMETER(in)ROUGHNESSCOEFF.MINOR LOSSCOEFF.BND-HGL(ft))10-BN20304050-BN60708090100110120130140150160170180190200210220230240250020301040303050207080100no1201301001401401401601701501801902001010204004050607080909010011012013013015016017015018019020060991.53001.8698.11241.41072.1736.5281.7493.0441.6124.31222.0774.2571.01154.9767.7133.5448.21017.7563.1636.0520.3436.9548.8235.21733.5' T I 0JUNCTIONNUMBERNODE DATA10-120-130-140-150-160-170-180-190-1100-1110-1120-1130-1140-1150-1160-1170-1180-1190-1JUNCTIONTITLEEXTERNALDEMAND(gpffl)JUNCTIONELEVATION(ft)CONNECTING PIPES256.0079.0023.00166. .700.50710.30721.30717.00715.25749.50700.70718.00703.00686.50682.30678.30685.30698.30726.50701.30733.20761.00771.8010203040708090100no1201301401501701801902002202302030605080250100no12013014015016018021020021023024040907060160170190220 111.11200-1+•I20.00MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS785.00240 250-+INumber of pipes ...................... 25Number of pumps ...................... 10Number junction nodes................. 25Flow meters .......................... 10Boundary nodes ....................... 10Variable storage tanks ............... 10Pressure swi tches .................... 10Regulating Valves..................... 10Items for limited output ............. 25Limit for non-consecutive numbering .. 270+Cybernet version 2.18. SN: 1132183836-25Extended Description:i1]iUNITS SPECIFIEDFLOURATE ............ = gallons/minuteHEAD (HGL) .......... = feetPRESSURE ............ = psigOUTPUT OPTION DATAOUTPUT SELECTION: THE FOLLOWING RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUTALL CLOSED PIPES ARE NOTEDALL PIPES UITH PUMPSFOLLOUING PIPES10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250FOLLOUING JUNCTION NODES10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130140 150 160 170 180 190 200MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES = 2*SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONNUMBER OF PIPES ...................(p) = 25NUMBER OF JUNCTION NODES ....... ...(j) = 20NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(1) = 4NUMBER OF BOUNDARY NODES ..........(f) = 2NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(z) = 1A************************************SIMULATION RESULTSA************************************The results are obtained after 6 trials with an accuracy = 0.00313SIMULATION DESCRIPTIONCyberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc.Run Description: Basic Network •]•-!Drawing: CYBR_06111PIPELINE RESULTSSTATUS CODE:XX -CLOSED PIPECV -CHECK VALVEBN -BOUNDARY NODERV -REGULATING VALVEPU -PUMP LINETK -STORAGE TANKPIPENUMBER10-BN20304050-BN60708090100no120130140150160170180190200210220230240250NODE NOS.#1 #202030104030305020708010011012013010014014014016017015018019020010102040040506070809090100no12013013015016017015018019020060FLOURATE(gpffl)HEADLOSS(ft)PUMPHEAD(ft)MINORLOSS(ft)LINEVELO.(ft/s)-167.45159.63273.57-263.82-967.45-537.63241.06241.0634.9434.9434.94-34.94-47.12-21.1251.88-38.18113.06-87.70-51.36-51.36-92.36-209.06-221.06-221.06- 0.00 NODE RESULTSJUNCTION JUNCTIONNUMBER TITLEEXTERNALDEMAND<gpm)HYDRAULICGRADE(ft)JUNCTIONELEVATION(ft)PRESSUREHEAD(ft)JUNCTIONPRESSURE(psi)10-120-130-140-150-160-170-180-190-1100-1110-1120-1130-1140-1150-1160-1170-1180-1190-1200-1256.0079.0023.00166. 11MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VALUES•I1PRESSURESJUNCTION MAXIMUMNUMBER PRESSURES(psi)120no145.35143.63JUNCTION MINIMUMNUMBER PRESSURES(psi)200190100.52106.021iSUMMARY OF INFLOWS AND OUTFLOUS(+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM BOUNDARY NODES(-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO BOUNDARY NODESPIPENUMBERFLOURATE(gpm)10 -167.4550 967.45NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 967.45NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = -167.45NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 800.00**** CYBERNET SIMULATION COMPLETED ****DATE: 1/08/1996TIME: 13:36:27J +•MAXIMUM DIMENSIONSNumber of pipes ...................... 25} Number of pumps ...................... 10Number junction nodes................. 25•+IFlow metersBoundary nodesj Variable storage tanksPressure switchesRegulating Valves,1010101010+-Items for limited output ............. 25limit for non-consecutive numbering .. 270 ]-+Cybernet version 2.18. SN: 1132183836-25Extended Description:rfUNITS SPECIFIEDFLOURATE ............ = gallons/minuteHEAD (HGL) .......... = feetPRESSURE ............ = psigOUTPUT OPTION DATAOUTPUT SELECTION: THE FOLLOWING RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUTALL CLOSED PIPES ARE NOTEDALL PIPES UITH PUMPSFOLLOWING PIPES10 20 30 40 50140 150 160 170 180FOLLOUING JUNCTION NODES10 20 30 40 5060 70 80 90 100 110 120 130190 200 210 220 230 240 25060708090 100 110 120 130140 150 160 170 180 190 200MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES =2SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONNUMBER OF PIPES ...................<p) = 25NUMBER OF JUNCTION NODES ..........(j) = 20NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(1) = 4NUMBER OF BOUNDARY NODES ..........<f) = 2NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............<z) = 1t*************************************SIMULATION RESULTSA************************************The results are obtained after 5 trials with an accuracy = 0.00013SIMULATION DESCRIPTIONCyberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc.Run Descnption: Fire Flow J10-J180 - 2 Hyd's Hi/Low pts.Drawing: CYBR_06 1PIPELINE RESULTSI]1STATUS CODE:XX -CLOSED PIPECV -CHECK VALVEBN -BOUNDARY NODERV -REGULATING VALVEPU -PUMP LINETK -STORAGE TANKPIPENUMBER10-BN20304050-BN60708090100110120130140150160170180190200210220230240250NODE NOS.#1 #2FLOURATE(gpm)HEADLOSS(ft)PUMPHEAD(ft)MINORLOSS(ft)LINE HL/VELO. 1000(ft/s) (ft/ft)020301040303050207080100no12013010014014014016017015018019020010102040040506070809090100no120130130150160170150180190200601534.16-271.17588.32-493.01-2265.84-1606.83995.51995.51780.49780.49780.49-780.49-159.49-133.49-60.49595.00-632.49339.16267.33267.33226.33536.49-975.51-975.51-995.5175.159.1937.7148.3454.5219.829.5816.789.572.6926.4916.790.650.950.151.756.584.711.681.901.144.7317.987.7158.980. NODE RESULTSiJUNCTION JUNCTIONNUMBER TITLEEXTERNALDEMAND(9pm)HYDRAULICGRADE(ft)JUNCTIONELEVATION(ft)PRESSUREHEAD(ft)10-120-130-140-150-160-170-180-190-1100-1110-1120-1130-1140-1150-1160-1170-1180-1190-1200-1Fire Flow 15Fire Flow 151756.0079.0023.00166. 1MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VALUES11PRESSURESJUNCTION MAXIMUMNUMBER PRESSURES(psi)4030115.05104.60JUNCTIONNUMBER1 SO200MINIMUMPRESSURES(psi)39.2840.01SUMMARY OF INFLOWS AND OUTFLOWS(+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM BOUNDARY NODES(-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO BOUNDARY NODESPIPENUMBERFLOURATE(gpm)10501534.162265.84NET SYSTEM INFLOW = 3800.00NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3800.00**** CYBERNET SIMULATION COMPLETED ****DATE: 1/08/1996TIME: 13:36:27I 11Cybemet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132183836 08-01-1996Description: Fire Flow Phase 2 J100-110-120Drawing: C:\2089_006\DRAUINGS\CYBR_06Fire Flow Summary.Page 11JCT Peak Hour Peak Hour Zone Needed Available SResidual Min. Zone 3JCTNo. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No.(gpm) (psi) (9pm) (gpm) (psi) (psi)110011012026.026.073.0141.8143.6145.41111526.01526.01573.01750.01750.01750.069.760.259.751.951.651.5200200200J 11)1111]1Cybernet Version:Description:Drawing:Fire Flow Summary.2.18 SN: 1132183836 08-01-1996Fire Ftow Phase 3 J180-190-200C:\2089_006\DRAUINGS\CYBR_06Page 1JCT Peak Hour Peak Hour Zone Needed Available aResidual Min. Zone ulJCTNo. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No.(gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi)18019020012.00.020.0110.2106.0100.51111512.01500.01520.01750.01750.01750.038.637.533.841.236.240.9200200190J•i]1 11i1A***********************************************SUMMARY OF ORIGINAL DATAIt***********************************************CyberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc.Run Description: Basic Network w/o Phase 3 loopDrawing: CYBR_06P I PEL IEDATASTATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIPECV -CHECK VALVEBN -BOUNDARY NODERV -REGULATING VALVEPU -PUMP LINEPIPENUMBER10-BN20304050-BN6070-XX8090100no120130140150160170-XX180190200210220230 .240 '250NODE NOS.#1 #2LENGTH DIAMETER<ft) (in)ROUGHNESSCOEFF.MINOR LOSSCOEFF.BND-HGL(ft)02030104030305020708010011012013010014014014016017015018019020010102040040506070809090100no12013013015016017015018019020060991.5.3001.8698.11241.41072.1736.5281.7493.0441.6124.31222.0774.2571.01154.9767.7133.5448.21017.7563.1636.0520.3436.9548.8235.21733. NODE DATA11JUNCTION JUNCTIONNUMBER TITLE10-120-130-140-150-160-170-180-190-1100-1110-1120-1130-1140-1150-1160-1170-1180-1190-1200-1EXTERNALDEMAND(gpm)JUNCTIONELEVATION<ft)CONNECTING PIPESFire Flow256.0079.0023.00166. .700.50710.30721.30717.00715.25749.50700.70718.00703.00686.50682.30678.30685.30698.30726.50701.30733.20761.00771.80785.00102030407080901001101201301401501701801902002202302402030605080250100no12013014015016018021020021023024025040907060160170190220 11111}+.I+-+MAXIMUM DIMENSIONSNumber.of pipes ...................... 25Number of pumps ...................... 10Number junction nodes................. 25Flow meters .......................... 10Boundary nodes ....................... 10Variable storage tanks ............... 10Pressure switches .................... 10Regulating Valves..................... 10j Items for limited output ............. 25{ limit for non-consecutive numbering .. 270Cybernet version 2.18. SN: 1132183836-25Extended Description:UNITS SPECIFIEDFLOURATE ...;........ = gallons/minuteHEAD (HGL) .......... = feetPRESSURE ............ = psigOUTPUT OPTION DATAOUTPUT SELECTION: THE FOLLOWING RESULTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TABULATED OUTPUTALL CLOSED PIPES ARE NOTEDALL PIPES UITH PUMPSFOLLOUING PIPES10 20 30 W 50 60 90 100 110 120 130 140 150160FOLLOWING JUNCTION NODES10 20 30 40 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150r160MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES1JSYSTEM CONFIGURATIONNUMBER OF PIPES ...................<p) = 25NUMBER OF JUNCTION NODES .... ......(j) = 20NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...........(1) = 4NUMBER OF BOUNDARY NODES ....... ...(f) = 2NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ............(z) = 1A************************************SIMULATION RESULTS*****-*********************************** WARNING ***A PORTION OF THE SYSTEM IS DISCONNECTED FROM A BND BY CLOSED LINES**** A FIX WILL BE ATTEMPTED 111THE FOLLOWING JUNCTION NODES ARE DISCONNECTED FROM THE SYSTEMDEMANDS AT THESE JUNCTION NODES ARE SET TO ZERO:50 60 140 150 160 170 180 190 200PIPE NO. 70 HAS BEEN OPENED TO REMOVE DISCONNECTIONThe results are obtained after 5 trials with an accuracy = 0.00151SIMULATION DESCRIPTIONCyberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc.Run Description: Basic Network w/o Phase 3 loopDrawing: CYBR_06PIPELINE RESULTS11JSTATUS CODE:XX -CLOSED PIPECV -CHECK VALVEBN -BOUNDARY NODERV -REGULATING VALVEPU -PUMP LINETK -STORAGE TANKPIPENUMBER10-BN20304050-BN6090100110120130140150160NODE NOS.#1 #2FLOURATE(9pn)HEADLOSS(ft)PUMPHEAD(ft)MINORLOSS(ft)LINE HL/VELO. 1000(ft/s) (ft/ft)02030104030207080100no1201301001010204004070809090100no120130637.12-779.61947.39-398.49-1534.88-970.391648.001648.001648.00-1648.00-672.25-646.25 !926.75949.759.2640.7355.6019.8817.075.0223.976.7466.3342.025.8911.0714.352.610. ADDITIONAL PIPES ARE CLOSED :170JUNCTION NODE RESULTSJjjJUNCTION JUNCTIONNUMBER TITLE10-120-130-140-170-180-190-1100-1110-1120-1130-1140-1150-1160-1EXTERNALDEMAND(spin)HYDRAULICGRADE(ft)JUNCTIONELEVATION(ft)PRESSUREHEAD(ft)Fire Flow256.0079.0023.00166. 1111MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VALUESPRESSURESJUNCTION MAXIMUMNUMBER PRESSURES(psi)14Q137.20JUNCTIONNUMBERMINIMUMPRESSURES(psi)12054.17ISUMMARY OF INFLOWSADOUTFLOWS(+) INFLOWS INTO THE SYSTEM FROM BOUNDARY NODES(-) OUTFLOWS FROM THE SYSTEM INTO BOUNDARY NODES]1PIPENUMBER1050FLOURATE(9pm)637.121534.88NET SYSTEM INFLOW •= 2172.00NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW = 0.00NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2172.00JJJ1j**** CYBERNET SIMULATION COMPLETED ****DATE: 1/08/1996TIME: 16:38:27H:\2089\006\P2_3CYB.RPT y41 gpm73 gpm1)tiiJ26 gpm170210J180^>200'JQ J200J16022050^19v120-s?0^&q<£40s•o20gp029<^gpms1326 gpm0no100^.> 30•oJ90l-?026 gpm7/00J800SJ030Jiff0^0J5030" -0<vg79gpm23gpmJ0tfiJ10166 gpm8256 gpm01SCALE: NTS^TXUCTNaEXHKT"A"yPIPEUNE NEWORK ANALYSIS •BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PH 2-3 ||»~nBOZEMAN, MTO^ft-tBt*a»*1tSS}fl-lMORRISON ^C±UMAIERLE,INC. ^A* *^^»-0w*rf ftMl.nu 111 »*d»t l~»»«inr»—WiMn k-w-n*f COPVRIGHT1-08-96 ^\«ui ouni ui w»ii»,wiK^ff.a.'yr.ss,!nunmiw. woce »XCN »uu.TSVSVS^:\.^ I;'^^."j,wi!\!tJi]J•"s^^•^ ;':.[T?;J1jii!Jji 11T1SEWAGE DISPOSALSewage shall be collected in a central collection system installed by the applicant andcarried to the City of Bozeman's Wastewater Treatment Plant located at Moss Bridgeand Springhill Roads, where it shall be treated.Phase 1 of this development required the construction of a trunk line from StateHighway 10 to the subject project at a cost of $295,000.00. This trunk line,consisting generally of 2300 lineal feet of 1 5-inch polyvinylchloride (PVC) main, 3500lineal feet of 12-inch PVC main, 22 manholes and 2 creek crossings, was constructedduring the summer of 1 994. This same sewer was the subject of a sewer service areastudy completed in January, 1 994 as part of the Annexation Agreement. This sectionof the Community Input Statement modifies the earlier study.;1;The following assumptions are the basis for our discussion:4 living units per acre where densities are not precisely known, else useexact number of living units2.5 persons per unitSewage generation rate = 100 gpd per personPeaking Factor from Figure 1, WQB 2PF = 18 + V^P where P = population in thousands•18 + VP where P4- +VPTABLE 4SEWER SERVICE AREA SUMMARYBLOCKAREA(AC)1/9412/95PERSONSPEAK FLOW(gpm)PERSONSPEAK FLOW(gpm)123456TOTAL70882335841504507008802303508401500450016020153801913431028700880130no480150038001632053025112349884 NOTES:1.11111JjJ]) 51 units x 2.5 persons/unit = 128 persons: say 130BLOCK 4: 44 units x 2.5 persons/unit = 110 personsBLOCK 5: This area consists of 30 acres adjacent to Bridger CreekSubdivision Phase 1 with the following combination of units and raw land:Single Family = 54 units (including Lot 41)Multifamily = 86 units (including Lots 12, 29, 30, 42, & 45-50)9.87 Ac Raw Land = 40 units (including Lots 56 57, 58,& 62)180 units30.0 Ac Raw Land = 300 units480 units total for Block 5PEAKING FACTORS:January, 1994: PFJanuary, 1996: PFTOTAL PEAK FLOWS:18 +V4-.5 = 3.294 + V4.518 +V3.8 = 3.354 + V3.8January, 1994:4500 persons x 100 gpd/person x 3.29 - 1440 min/dayJanuary, 1996:3800 persons x 100 gpd/person x 3.35 - 1440 min/day1028 gpm884 gpmPeak flows in gpm for each block represent a percent of the total peak flowbased upon a ratio of the Block population to the total population. 1620I^SS—s-A/.?0Ql 994 S>TOT>S<<)SERVICE AREA SUMMARYAREA70 AC.88 AC.23 AC.35 AC.84 AC.150 AC.FLOW160 GPM201GPM53 GPM80GPMI 91GPM343GPMMANDEVILLE LANESEWERSERVICE AREAEXHIBIT _LdecGfLI.ATIf/_j,,y^.^271STto^VERSIDERlKS^-.t^lLB-s.Z7<59/ACRESISZ19-^ran^';•c-^<1223"^Bt^Q_CK2"ZT615iza »*••0•pvo1219°<•27717a^\N'^^-B/\/vTOTAL450 AC. 1028 GPM^SCALE: 1"= 1000'±\^'fc°\:—^b\'^^16160<°\••?'li50\a\N.<-_fZS^36nh^3/woo32^E10E^;60•°%.^12K)^^•s•"/:^0soMSBLOCK 6^BSi£(€*co/sQ9SOie^9 BO»OZC**AN CITT LIMITS•=fi»!!lillliklsf If930WO^L:i(:u7-BALDYDATE : MARCH 1993PREPARED BYMORRISON-MAIERLE/CSSJOB NO.2089.002^5^t/0gB/flOSSR DRIV.^^f0^^"^12GRE£NACRESil-l jL-1-^ov--f3s0^gj,,^?•5°^^-,<^^-+^sr0^6T.ss.*pSRIFFINDRIVE"HILLSIDE LANE7GRIFFIN DRIVET.ZS.\STORY HILLS\\LlJ;37LJ10u>\ecec\"--:•//\\^fr°/.'vv^/^/BIG9201\°/c>BSTQ"<.•s,11'\,,'/ss*^JJ<^V.^~^,•?tT•^ASPENsr.f.s<n/./I)! !IIIII!I^1c|£|KlIIIIteII|£. TRAFFIC CONSIDERATION AND SECTION DESIGNThis section of the engineer's design report is intended to augment our 1 993 TrafficStudy for Bridger Creek Subdivision as updated in the January 1996 EnvironmentalAssessment and Community Impact Statement. We will also respond to the followingconditions of the Planning Board Resolution #P-9601:Condition No.Condition No.Condition No.Condition No. 11:Condition No. 40:5: Geotechnical Investigation Report7: Traffic Impact Analysis ReportMcllhattan Road ImprovementsGuard Rails on Mcllhattan Road"No Parking" signs on Mcllhattan Road9:TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONSMcllhattan Road shall be improved to a 28-foot wide paved road with a minimum ofone-foot gravel shoulders from the intersection with Story Mill Road to a point northof the intersection with Augusta Drive. The balance of Mcllhattan road to the northboundary of Phase 2/3 shall be improved to a County gravel standard able toaccommodate a future 28-foot paved surface and 2-foot gravel shoulder.The subdivisions' interior street, Augusta Drive, shall be a City standard street: 37-foot back-of-curb to back-of-curb with 5-foot wide sidewalks both sides.Concerns have been raised regarding shared roadways with bicyclists and pedestrians.We do not believe that there is a problem with the subdivision streets because theymeet City standards. With regards to Mcllhattan Road any problems orinconveniences have largely been mitigated by the increased roadway width from aCounty paved standard of 24-feet to 28-feet. At a minimum the road should berestriped with a double (yellow) centerline after construction. After the road is placedback into service, the City/County may decide to stripe lane lines at 11 feet. Thisdecision might best be made when Phase 2 and 3 begin to buildout. Currently thereis very little pedestrian traffic on Mcllhattan Road; there are larger numbers ofbicyclists sharing the roadway but, as noted in the AASHTO "Guide for theDevelopment of Bicycle Facilities," August 1991, bicyclists are better able to shareroadways than are pedestrians.We would also recommend, with the concurrence of the County Road Superintendent,that "Golf Cart Crossing" warning signs remain posted.In pur professional opinion neither guardrails or "No Parking" signs are warranted onMcllhattan Road. We recommend that the issue of guardrails be revisited at theconclusion of the improvements to Mcllhattan Road. With the proposed widening ofthe road and shoulders, we do not believe guardrails to be justified.The "No Parking" condition arose out of concern of the golf course overflow parkingspilling out into Mcllhattan Road in much the same manner that Valley View golfcourse patrons utilize on-street parking, thereby clogging the bike lane on KagyBoulevard. Valley View, with an eighteen hole course and clubhouse with a full service restaurant has 104 spaces. In comparison Bridger Creek golf course, offeringonly an eighteen hole course has 103 (paved) spaces and overflow parking for 40additional vehicles. In addition to the 143 parking spaces at the clubhouse, there willbe a minimum of 25 more on-street parking spaces when Augusta Drive, as part ofPhase 2 is completed. Again we recommend a "wait and see" approach and signMcllhattan for no parking if it becomes a problem. Bridger Creek with a minimum of143 existing spaces and no restaurant traffic is not likely to have patrons parking onMcllhattan and especially in light of the fact that it would not be convenient to parkon Mcllhattan due to tack of parking shoulders.SECTION DESIGNWe have examined the soils, depth to groundwater and California Bearing Ratio (CBR)values at the site. Together with several assumptions regarding traffic volume andtype, we have evaluated the following section designs for Augusta Drive andMcllhattan Road:Augusta Drive:3" asphalt3" crushed base15" pitrunseparation fabricMcllhattan Road:3" asphalt3" crushed base15" pitrunOur soils data and pit locations follow. Soils are generally loams, sandy loams to adepth of 4 to 6 feet. Below this gravels dominate. First groundwater varies from justunder 4 feet (45") to 6.5 feet.Our first thought whenever constructing roads on the loams and sandy loams in theBozeman area is to excavate to first gravel and construct a pitrun base up from there.Two constraints at this location are the great depth to the gravels and the bankinstabilities, due to the flow of groundwater into the excavations. We therefore,decided early on to employ a separation fabric in'the subdivision interior (AugustaDrive.)The proposed design was driven by concerns of frost susceptibility not strength. Tothis end our design is "strength conservation." We factored in a CBR value of 2/3 thetest value and effectively doubled the traffic to 500 vpd each way, of which 20%were considered trucks. Following the soils information is the Amospec paved roaddesign output. Please note that the subgrade resilient modulus does not equal theCBR. (See attached table for approximate conversion.)We did not require fabric in the Mcllhattan section because the soils there are lessfrost susceptible, are not influenced by high groundwater and because the existingroad base has been in existence for many years. SOIL TEST HOLE DATAFebruary 22, 1996Pit No. 10" - 30" Dark brown loam30" - 99" Light brown loam; sandy loam99" + Gravelly sandy loamFirst groundwater at 78".Pit No. 20"-18" Dark brown loam18" - 48" Light brown silty loam; sandy loam48" - 99" Silty loam; Silty clay loam99" + Gravelly sandy loamFirst groundwater at 78".Pit No. 30"-16"16" - 45"45" +Pit No. 40"-16"16" - 60"60" +Dark brown loamSandy loamGravelly sandy loam; first groundwaterDark brown loamSandy loamGravelly sandy loam; first groundwater /"- ^ --^-- ^•r*C<iTti»i)iiim «iiu!i» nvfJ-n y)OJWlI 03Mihw> w>w r«un •Muittjjox^ AIVOoMtlHi iw n K0u»l Oltnoouc^*tK-rtV) WW tV» JIU <M'» irywwV\l M IKfWIMS "1 HOnntU MS••IVJSK jjiixiH -x 'nuyiTi t«»»)Mn<.9661 IHOIUJkdOO/•• -' - - -- ----- -~—-J —~~"~~~.\~~~" ^ ' •\Ull-Ut(»tf»J Ktl-t*C (Wrl .ft"h( i IjLLyw^;*! 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Specimen + Tare WetWt. Specimen + Tare DryWt. TareMoisture Content100.0 pcf Procedure:AASHTO T 99, Method AFinal324.70 gms Wt. Specimen + Tare Wet^84.30^ gms Wt. Specimen + Tare Dry129.80 gms Wt. Tare26.1% Moisture Content1377.60 gms1119.10 gms118.30 gms25.8%Initial Wt.Initial Dry Unit Wt.Final Dry Unit Wt.4161.2 gms97.0 pcf96.4 pcfDiameter6.00 inInitial Relative CompactionFinal Relative CompactionInitial Ht.97.0%96.4%\4.58 inSWELL TESTsurcharge WeightInitial Dial Rdg.20.0 Ibs0.5000Surcharge PressureFinal Dial Rdg.120.3 psf0.5323Swell0.7%CBR TEST'Surcharge WeightCBR @ 0.1 in.20.0 Ibs5.0Surcharge PressureCBR @ 0.2 in114.0 psf4.19070605.P-.50wS 40^w3020100vz0.1PerietratioD (inches)0.40.5Braun Intertec Engineering, Inc., Billings, Montana (406) 652-3930 ^&.•N.§c/1sQ^Q15014013012011010090.0Sample No: 1Sampled From: ——Soil Description:~zMK^?,erd<oids:urves^^J\T\J\^X"6^~TQ —K—n—1^'Moisture Content %~K~^"^^T"y~%^8Lab Sample No: 1Maximum DryDensity, pcf *100.0Optimum MoistiireContent % *22.0Lean Clay with Sand, medium plasticity, trace gravel and roots,dark brown, moist.AASHTO T 99Method: A*Densitv and moisture resultsrounded to nearest 0.5.Job No: —^X-94-0306V$Date:3/14/94Laboratory Compaction Characteristicsof Soil (Proctor)Bridger Creek Subdivision2809Braun Intertec, Billings, MontanaPlatep-1 Project: Brideer Creek IIThis is the Amospec paved road design output. This output is made up of two parts. The first partprovides the pavement section design. The second part provides the geotextile selection based onsurvivability criteria. The pavement design parameters are:1. Estimated total traffic = 25000 18-kip ESALS2. Standardized normal deviate = -1.2823. Standard deviation = .44. Subgrade resilient modulus = 4 ksi5. Initial serviceability = 4.2 PSI6. Terminal serviceability = 2 PSIThis is a flexible pavement design.The unit cost of the pavement is $9.78/sq. yd.The cross-section is as follows:1. 3 inches of asphalt surface courseUnit cost of asphalt concrete = $27.00/tonIn-place density of asphalt concrete = 146 pcfLayer coefficient for surface = .4Drainage modifier for surface = 12. 3 inches of graded crushed aggregateUnit cost of base = $8.00/tonIn-place density of base = 132 pcfResilient modulus of base = 25 ksiLayer coefficient for base = .12Drainage modifier for surface = .73. 15 inches of subbaseUnit cost of base = $4.00/tonIn-place density of subbase = 136 pcfResilient modulus of subbase = 15 ksiLayer coefficient of subbase = .1Drainage modifier of subbase = .7The geotextile design parameters are:1. The max. contact pressure is 35 - 100 psi.2. The minimum lift thickness is 12 inches.3. The size of the fill aggregate is 6 inches.4. The angularity of the base aggregate is well-rounded.5. Beneath the geotextile is fine grained soils with smooth surface.6. The shear strength of the subgrade is 500 - 1000 psf.7. The inspection of construction is moderate monitoring.8. Traffic will be permitted prior to paving 2 weeks.The selected geotextile is Amoco CEF 2000.The input in-place unit cost for CEF 2000 is Sl.lO/sq.yd. Separation Geotextile Specification for Project: Bridger Creek IIDESCRIPTIONThis work shall consist of furnishing and placing a geotextile for use as a permeable separator toprevent mixing of dissimilar materials such as subgrades and surfaced or unsurfaced pavementmaterials, and foundations and select fill materials. This specification does not address geotextilesused for reinforcement.MATERIALSGeotextile: The geotextile shall be composed of synthetic fibers formed into a woven or nonwovenfabric. Fibers used in the manufacture of the geotextile shall be composed of at least 85 percent byweight polyolefins, polyesters, or polyamides. The geotextile shall be free of defects or flaws whichsignificantly affect its physical properties. The geotextile shall meet the requirements of Table 1.CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTSGeotextile Shipment/Storage: The geotextile rolls shall be furnished with suitable wrapping forprotection against moisture and extended ultraviolet exposure prior to placement. Rolls shall be storedin a manner which protects them from the elements. If stored outdoors, they shall be elevated andprotected with a waterproof cover. At no time shall the geotextile be exposed to ultraviolet light fora period exceeding fourteen days. The geotextile rolls shall be labeled as per ASTM D 4873.Site Preparation: The installation area shall be prepared by clearing all debris or obstructions whichmay damage the geotextile. Trees and large bushes should be cut at ground level. In most cases,native vegetation, roots and topsoil must be removed from the roadway subgrade prior to geotextileplacement. Where required by the contract documents, soft otherwise unsuitable subgrade areas shallbe identified, excavated and backfilled with select material in accordance with the contractdocuments. Stabilization of these areas may be enhanced by use of a geotextile at the bottom of theexcavation before backfilling. However, when designed for soft or wet subgrade conditions, nativevegetation, roots, and topsoil may be left in place to limit disturbance and resulting shear strengthloss of the subgrade soil.Geotextile Placement: The geotextile shall be unrolled as smoothly as possible on the preparedsubgrade in the direction of construction traffic. Geotextile rolls shall be overlapped in the directionof subbase placement. If required, the geotextile may be held in place prior to subbase placementwith pins, sand bags, or piles of fill or rock. On curves, the geotextile may be folded or cut toconform to the curve. If site conditions require geotextile seaming, the geotextile shall be cut andseamed on the curve. The fold or overlap shall be in the direction of construction and shall be heldin place as prescribed above. The geotextile shall not be dragged across the subgrade. The geotextileshall be overlapped with a minimum overlap distance of 30 inches. Damaged geotextiles, as identifiedby the engineer, shall be repaired immediately. The damaged area plus an additional three feet aroundthe damaged area shall be cleared of all fill material. A geotextile patch extending three feet beyondthe perimeter of the damage shall be constructed as directed by the engineer. Sewing of the geotextilepatch may be required over soft subgrades as directed by the engineer. Damaged geotextile shall bereplaced at no cost to the owner. Aggregate Placement: The aggregate base or subbase (aggregate) shall be placed by end dumpingadjacent to the geotextile or over previously placed aggregate. End dumping or tail gate dumping ofaggregate on the geotextile will not be permitted. The aggregate shall be spread from thebackdumped pile using a bulldozer or motor grader. A sufficient thickness of aggregate should bein place prior to dumping to minimize the potential of subgrade pumping and localized failure.The aggregate shall be placed on the geotextile in lifts of not less than 6-in. thick. For low volumeroads, the minimum lift may be reduced to a 4-in. thickness at the discretion of the engineer. Trafficshall not be permitted directly on the geotextile. Sudden stops or turns by equipment operating onaggregate placed over the geotextile shall be avoided.A smooth drum roller shall be used to achieve specified density. Any ruts occurring duringconstruction shall be filled with additional aggregate and compacted to the specified density.Vibratory compaction shall not be used on the initial lift over the geotextile.METHOD OF MEASUREMENTGeotextile: The geotextile shall be measured by the number of square yards from the payment linesshown on the plans or from the payment lines established in writing by the Engineer. This excludesseams and overlaps. Excavation, backfill, bedding, and cover materials are separate pay items.BASIS OF PAYMENTGeotextile: The accepted quantities of geotextile shall be paid for at the contract unit price persquare yard in place.PropertyTable 1.PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS - SEPARATION GEOTEXTILESUnits Value Test MethodMachine Grab Tensile StrengthCross-Machine Grab Tensile StrengthMachine Grab Tensile ElongationCross-Machine Grab Tensile ElongationMullen BurstPunctureTrapezoid TearUV ResistanceApparent Opening SizePermittivityFlow RateIbs. 140Ibs. 140% 15% 15psi 350Ibs. 70Ibs. 45% 70US Sieve 301/sec .04Gal./min./sf 4ASTM-ASTM-ASTM-ASTM-ASTM-ASTM-ASTM-ASTM.ASTM-ASTM.ASTM-D-4632D-4632D-4632D-4632D-3786D-4833D-4533D-4355D-4757D-4491D-4491: Notes:1. Conformance of geotextiles to specification property requirements shall be determinedaccording to ASTM D 4873.2. Contracting agency may require a letter from the manufacturer certifying that its geotextilemeets specification requirements.3 All numerical values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., average of test results fromany sampled roll in a lot shall exceed the values in the table) in weaker principal direction.Lot sampled according to ASTM D 4354.4. Geotextile permitivity must be greater than the specified minimum value and result in ageotextile penneability which is greater than the permeability of the subgrade soil.5. UV Resistance refers to the percent grab tensile strength retained as evaluated using ASTMD 4632 after conditioning for 500 hours. STORMWATER MANAGEMENTOur stormwater management plan takes advantage of the system of existing naturalwetlands and of the existing golf course openspace and constructed ponds to provideextended detention time for stormwaters. The extended detention time within thisunique system shall accomplish several goals established by the owner:1. Added detention time coupled with ample volume shall increase the removalrate for sediments, phosphorous, nitrogen, metals, hydrocarbons. BiologicalOxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).2. Water balance generally maintained inredirecting runoff along alternate pathways.of existing pathways.wetland since we will not beInstead we shall take advantage3. Wetland system shall be used to capture the 2-year recurrence intervalstorms since it is this storm event that has the greatest effect on streammorphology. Streams generally exist in equilibrium with a 2-year event; urbandevelopment can cause a dramatic shift in the frequency of this runoff eventcausing streams in urban areas to cut deeper and wider in an attempt to reachanother equilibrium point, all the while increasing erosion and degrading thestream bed.Minimal stormwater infrastructure shall be required for this development. Phase 2shall rely upon a street section that drains all of the runoff to the outside perimeter ofthe Augusta Drive loop. Runoff shall be collected at four points around the perimeterand conducted through curb chases into shallow swales. Runoff shall exit theseswales and spill out onto the golf course in a sheet flow eventually reaching one ofthree different ponds before being discharged into one of two different wetlanddetention cells.Phase 3 runoff shall be directed into one of two swales that traverse the land east ofMcllhattan Road. For the swale that runs through the golf course south of Phase 3no special measures are planned. The swale that traverses through the lots in thisphase shall be protected by easement. The minimum driveway culvert size shall be24" in this swale and shall also be specified on the improvement plans and also appearon the Final Plat for Phase 3 and become a part of the covenants. At a minimumslope of 2.5%, a 24-inch diameter culvert is more than adequate. A combination ofcurb openings and drop inlets to remove water from roadways directing it into theswales shall also be designed.In combination with our plans to capture and treat stormwater runoff we have alsoformulated a plan to prevent unnecessary sedimentation. Stabilization of disturbedareas shall be our greatest concern; temporary stabilization followed by seeding willconstitute the bulk of our approach. The covenants also address stabilization anderosion control placing this responsibility upon the owner/builders at the time ofbuilding construction.Our stormwater management plan for Phase 2 has been submitted to MDEQ and tothe City of Bozeman. This plan shall address all elements of the plan in Phase 2 andPhase 3. SEDIMENTATION MANAGEMENT PLANThe following Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be implemented as partof the Storm Water Management Plan for Phase 2.1. A tire wash pad shall be constructed at the entrance to Phase 2 on AugustaDrive before construction begins. The tire wash pad shall be used andmaintained by the contractor until final grading takes place on Augusta Drive.2. Dust shall be controlled through the application of water.3. Rip-Rap shall be placed at the culvert outlets to protect against erosion. Thisrip-rap protection shall be maintained and kept clean of any debris throughoutthe buildout of Phase 3. This responsibility shall be placed upon owner/buildersduring the time of building construction.4. Straw bale barriers shall be placed and staked in accordance to the Gradingplan. These straw bale barriers shall be maintained by the owner/builders, untilthe buildout of Phase 3.5. Seeding of road slopes shall be done as soon as possible to allow maximumgrowth during the growing season.6. All disturbed areas shall be reseeded in accordance with Seeding and Fertilizingof the Special Provisions of the Project Specifications.7. A Sediment control plan shall be submitted with each application for individualbuilding permits in Phase 3.8. The maintenance of the ponds and vegetated swales due to sedimentation shallbe the responsibility of the golf course.9. Vegetation shall be replaced as soon as possible in the event that sedimentmust be removed from vegetated swales. METHOD OF ANALYSISThe "Rational Method" of analysis, as presented in the 1982 Storm Drain MasterPlan, (City of Bozeman, 1 982), as modified below, is used as the basis for this study.This method employs assumptions for runoff coefficients (C-factors) per Urquhart,L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook, McGraw Hill and overland flow time per FAA,USDOT, A/C 1 50-5320-5b, 1 970. The 2-year frequency, 6-hour duration was appliedper Section 13, sub-section F, "Storm Drainage for Subdivision", of the State ofMontana's Division of Environmental Quality's (DEQs) manual. The contributingdrainage basins within Phases 2 and 3 currently consist of 56.6 acres of agriculturalland. C-factors for the various surface types are weighted according to individualareas of contribution within the specified basins.SUMMARYThe runoff from Phases 2 and 3 of Bridger Creek Subdivision will be accommodatedthrough grass swales, gutters, culverts and concrete curb chases. Runoff will berouted to two existing retention areas. The computed storage volume for each of theretention areas is the volumetric difference between pre-development and post-development. The total peak volume contribution to the primary retention area isapproximately 26,858 cubic feet. The primary retention area has a maximum capacityof 45,000 cubic feet, therefore, having reserve storage volume of approximately18,140 cubic feet. The total peak volume contribution to the secondary retention areais approximately 4,385 cubic feet. The secondary retention area has a maximumcapacity of 15,000 cubic feet, therefore, this area has approximately 10,615 cubicfeet of reserve storage volume. Both retention areas have the storage volumenecessary to retain the runoff from this development. (See reduced copy of Phase 2Grading Plan.)The runoff from drainage areas "F", "G", "H" and "?' of Bridger Creek Phase 2 will becollected in the streets and routed to either the primary or secondary retention areas,by concrete curb chases. Each curb chase was designed to carry the runoff from a10-year, 1-hour storm using the "Open Channel Flow Model" by Haestad Methods,Inc. This model utilizes Mannings Equation to calculate actual depth in a channelwhen given the ranges for specific variables in Mannings Equation. The curb chasefor drainage area "F" will have a bottom width of 3 feet, a slope of 1.5% and depthof flow equal to 0.37 feet. The curb chases for drainage areas "G," "H" and "I" willhave bottom widths of 2 feet, slopes of 1.5% and depth of flow equal to 0.28 feet,0.16 feet and 0.27 feet respectively (see attached curb chase computations).The runoff from drainage areas "A", "B", "C", "D1", "D2" and "D3" of Bridger CreekPhase 3 and Mcllhatten Road will be carried to the primary retention area by two CMPculverts with flared end sections and an existing grass swale. Like the concrete curbchases each culvert was designed to carry the runoff from a 10-year, 1-hour stormusing the "Open Channel Flow Model" by Haestad Methods, Inc. The culvert justnorth of South Saint Andrews Drive on Mcllhattan road is designed to carry the runofffrom Drainage Areas "B," "C," "D1" and "D2". This design is a 24-inch diameterculvert at a 3.0% slope. The culvert just North of Augusta Drive on Mcllhattan Road \tjEXIST1NC/CUP DTTCH'ICHECK W/\1? HOPE/ \oyiLCT|I EXISTING 12" HOPESECONDARY STORMWA7RETENTION AREA;15000-SP\y .'giilsseI DATE j S;CE'.CRIPTIONNO.K'ss(0icils litI^^1\%..\'ilySS^5Pilli^ll\\/\v<->'0s\^u^REPUiC^EX., 24' CMPWA+8'-^34'YCMP:E.S. XT^S»5%/\^lll/-^s^».>ll!i!;|sjaIIiti\ rr.•p20- RCPa5%•h\<-'<CLk0<.-)•°0k10£:\ ^ ) ////////'//// J 1 i 11\ \ \ \ \ i.ut-^.<:"":^"""'^/J3_>^-^^sl> y /2^^^§1^/ >>-^\^\ir.,'/<,/•I'\iNS'r/'u- locr^-rrPE i RiP-tij PIPE OWn£T. RIP-RAP^APRd^-^•S!<Mr-,BE ^IINIUUM S-WxiS'UQtj/ ^-/--^''-.•^"1n':vt>(^i'5_^POKOr^ / /-^.-•-//I I'^^@>^^-^IST1NG'lifr./X-y/y////-\HOPEINLCTf~:\\.--<//<^%r///// ////)/.s.r^///y;/K//s/'^''/zc <BrtiMARi.^/^/^SIORM^/// /•// IL-(N../AREUMf/( L_.'••-7-Y,•'\.^r^^^^^^->. •<(('•^\YAOWy.CTTEF^•i..<G'//."'.SS5=^'/A-/ -•-^•Li-.-.^.\^y^^Si^egIIJi^k"\sA\/);>^D^x;^\./7>.-•/\&.-~^.. \I/,^"-./)'•*\\\/t-1-1T.t><\/^r\ \^lill^>\f(7.\}•-&sI'\vc7\/"-.\/\^.\r-?K////^\•I i//'f'; (\\\•n2/ll^\ '^^\\\\/ / / /p>^^•ILOT^14//L/UTUR.Ep5('B/LOf-s^LO^'i/'.///.)/V/&3>8/^I'LErJ@1ft;[^3>-.i/-\--;/^//\/\/~BWBETfAr>5J*'~^+»~~LOT13i«^/^I'l^//-POND&-7f/\\["3;L:^r-<?vS97/^/\^s MilC> RiQl eiife§§Nl§§UiX^^N^\//^L.•^: \ -^\^X/OT12•s.V^N>^*T~SI*~».tM^~--~~~-^STO,»~BIU:^~n~sk 8+so._~STOS» &U_8>^0^^AT^SIT^t§p \^*!-.w".•'--iE~y^-i:u17r«"i<LO\(^\^^^?^?^^^<\>^tf\--)&&.2}•<y*<"^REPtASE D;,/24- CM^W/ W ^)F 2+' CM?V/ F.E.S; AT A S=3^^L}MO^/-\.^LT\1^/•^t-0T^" /\^41^M.t\^--—:r-=/[^3LOT42LOTw'srsn/LOTIS/NLiv^--'//?—-^ X \1^3L/1LOT-> /'^/\//•/»ai^/\!0\LOT39^\I-^<.^T—'1^2%s^s^ A.I//[EDs/\("LOT-4S{/["s' N./ .^^^y r!'J{<Y<^\LOT 9^i////r^f.//LOT19/^\\/••^»1J)[ED\/ /^LOT3SINSTALL 10CY TYPE 1 RIP-RAPAT PIPE: OUTLET. KP-W-P APRONSHALL BE MINIMUM 8"<.'x15'bc2'D/\^<<LIr^is•A/i\l <*-. LOT 44r"^i1\4 ^Ja^lEXCTNp/DnttH CHEC;;(/;:mT,Tf,'H^PE_OLTTLCT}/ /•JIJ^-"-/^\~\LOL-20\1\/LOT *5S7.1/ / /\tr^»i»./47^0Y^•B// //^/LOT 77A2_y// /-7LOiJpr\L^I^I["DLOT 46-[-]'.N,///^1/KPOND92.SPARKN<-?;/LEGEND:/ / /^/^s/\/^r-iLOT 6•'///^?Jr.LOT 35ED£/£/rsnLOT_47 ^:OT 22'^'[^-y^^k/////] - CURB CHASE66.8 I - BUIUDiNC PAO ELEVATIONS//rrr>me•?;/uv••/^Tfs/INSTAU- 10CT TYPE 1 RIP-FWA,T PIPE OLTTLET. RIP-RAP APRONSHALL BE MINIMUM 8'Wx15'Lx2'D£a2/5./^r92.7A - BACK OF WALK ELEVATIONSAT MIDDLE OF LOTzaLOT 34@J/LOT 5•/.LOT 23LOT/4Sft.«[^]/[-]^\S6.8RNISHEO SPOT EL£VAT10NSDIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW\/^\'^/^•?;^^ <^ 1-K^ LOT ./-^<L^--7/LOT 24r«"i\/-\/-\IOT 3.3NOTC:1. AOO +600.00 FEET TO ELEVATIONSFOR USGS DATUM2. TWO-FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL@-^/[^3//?^^/ /-//c?rA/\^FLOT 2r»siREPLACE 0;. 2+" CMPW/ +8'/t)F 36" CUP/.W/'F.E^. AT A S-2.S?iLOTIt/r^\(r>"n'/p^I.BI\\<\>3. DEUNEA'nON OF IOO-ILW Fl.OOOPUW,ZONES AE AND X. FTtOU PANELS5 AND 8, QTY OF BOTBtM.GAUATIN COUNTY DATCO JULY 15, 1988.^•^:^/•smaT&iu\7. .5^-^SjWK M£ WIRO'.<\ <S^ SIA 1+10r\\\\\C'p._ /0/LOT 26[^]\!/ \^OT 27\.-'\/I/w00-~r-.^\^LOT_2S-///rsr\7 /,/ LOT29/[^E]/:*r<v\i ^ ^~LOT 2[H3^^> s//\LOT 31d'^\v^c^//// /["s\03<f^LOT 30[^]-a:^-^~>/-Co <~^5^(, /'/^y/( C <^•-^\ff^ I 1-^[w]1.LV--—/-:s \\LOT 32^:C-3^@»;x!'$•tssmc./ IRRtCATION\p0/"\-^7/P? 5:\\y. O"CH?-</^0/•Cc:^.0^CJ3/ /-)Cc:< ^^c^L>-J-^"ss\N^\f^^u^-•^.\JC3-^:w!g3mv-^/ ./ /46^^' --J/co--///0CONSTRUCT 40'WxSO'L^<1IF•TIRE WASH- PAD. USE^6'-MINUS PfT RUN IN-6\A 12" THICK SECTIONA\\^r-'^\/<^^^<«700\)^_..<-^s-<^^«rPR&JECTNO. ^2085.006 OW 0310<^y^?i? \.6-KSHEET NU.'^BER^4=z -^1 of 2^->/SCALE: NTSISff>«'.</ •^lliiiilllS;y^°'ijlllIIilllJIF'C^SlCSSNO.CE'i^RIPTIQNSATE; I B^y1•s'£1•ilE/"REPLACE D(. 24- CMPW/ 48' OT 24" CMPW/ F.E.S. AT A S=57./c;o"20- R0>/^0(XTCH>EXISPNC0CHECKy-1^^• • nN^rALL 10CY nPE I RIP-RAP\',"^5'¥POND|AT PIPE OUTLET. RIP-RAP APRON.,j5;WO.,BE MINIMUM 8-Wxl5'b<2'0•~^s|-EXISTING HOPE INLET | ^.^ -EXISTING ir HOPE OUTLETI-ORAJH-AREA»(<fiE*-t-</^DRAINAGE W£A -C"AJiEA-B.M ACRES IWIEA-3<3132.0J S)rfAR^sENDg&tt^z^OLUMFs:-sr.^wffiws-OTVf•-^/M^spooo)^^-sSECONDARY STORMWATERRCTENTION AREA(VOLUME»15000 CF=15000-SP x 1 FT).1^.ss\se/\s••^gL/s ir)^£.:::g.•/'! POND (>' /SIWX B»LE BVlBOiAT S1A 10+30g..-1 /s-u•-.:•/§11CR*t<AC£ AREA "B-AR£An10.77 ACRES*n£A?.73C<+1.79 SF^ ^11^ ^41 i^^11^^1 Sgsfi.^•'•r".^sm»&u BWSERAT SIA 9t30,^---'REPLACE EX. 24' CMPW/ 4S' OF 24" CMPW/ F.E.S. AT A S"SS/STRAW BU BWRCBAT ST* 8+90STOW ew. Sfttas'AT S7A 7+SO\\ST.fDflAJHAGC AREAWEA-9.59 ACRESARCA-417751.Ca Sf\\INSTALL IOCY TrPE 1 RIP-RAPAT PIPE OUTLET. R\P-WP APRONSHAO BE MINIMUM 8'W<1i>lx2'0\,'sPREXI:FEXISTING DrfCH CHECK1? HI?PE OLn-LET\-AREA-s.D/g\POND\DRAIHAGC AREA '£"AREA-9.M ACSESAfiEA-428291.06 S'^E I$'/£;6 £c/^eu^INSTALL 10CY TTPE 1 RIP-RAPAT PIPE OUTLET. RIP-RAP APRONSHW.L BE MINIMUM B'WxlS'btZ'Du-fDRAINAGE ,/WA •C' EA-<-!« ACRES•18S999.94 Sf•s.* '03'>-DRAINAGE Afi£A •I"AfiEA-3.57 ACRESAREA-135379.34 ST.570:\ ^DS^NAGE WEA •A'A/^A-U.32 ACRESAKSA-230702.J4STOW EH1 BWRERAT STA I+30REPIACE EX. 24' CMW/ 43- OF 36- CMPW/ F.E.S. AT A S-2.5-\STRAW &UBWHER0DftAJHAGC.'AREA *h'A^EA-1.^0 ACRESAREA-S6837.1] ST^>£.16\STCW B<t£ BMRCRAT STA 1+10Q\co5LLO cs; Q_ills £zu\0DRAINAGE AREA •J"AREA-18.01 ACRESWEA-7»«.12.t8 Sf\ec^D;d/^Ju<.'it^'^y^QcEco\\/40'Wx60'L•T1RE WASrf" PAD. USE6'-MINUS PfT ^RUN INA 12' THICK SECTION\\\\\\< PRWECT NO. ^2089.006 040 0310\\SHEET NUMEER2 of 2NSCALE: NTS\^ \^ ffl_WMSvC ^ is designed to carry the runoff from drainage areas "A" and "D3". This culvert isdesigned to be a 36-inch diameter culvert at a slope of 2.5%. See the attachedcircular channel computations.There is a third culvert crossing at the far north end of Mcllhattan Road. We areproposing to replace an existing 18-inch culvert with a 24-inch diameter CMP culvertat a slope of 2.5% designed to carry flows originating primarily at the City Landfill.The runoff from Drainage area "B" will run through an existing grass swale. In orderfor the runoff to continue to the retention area after driveway pads are placed on thelots in Phase 3 of Bridger Creek, a culvert will be placed under each driveway pad.Once again, like the concrete curb chases, the culverts were designed to carry therunofffrom a 10-year, 1-hour storm using the "Open Channel Flow Module". In orderto maintain some uniformity each culvert shall be a 24-inch diameter at a slope of2.5% (see attached Circular Channel Computations.) DRAINAGE AREASA= 53.92 acres2348702 s.f.Overland Distance = 2142 feetC=.35 S = .046B = 16.77 acres730644 s.f.Overland Distance = 2093 feetC = .52 S = .040C = 8.34 acres363132 s.f.Overland Distance =913 feetC = .52 S = .050D1.45 acres19490s.f.Overland Distance = 314 feetC = .95 S = .0084D21.22 acres52997 s.f.Overland Distance = 525 feetC = .95 S = .0125D3.57 acres24810 s.f.Overland Distance = 264 feetC = .95 S = .015E = 9.83 acres428294 s.f.Overland Distance = 1392 feetC = .35 S = .0158FGH9.59 acres417751 s.f.Overland Distance =919 feetC = .57 S = .00934.36 acres190000 s.f.Overland Distance = 11 58 feetC = .57 S = .0211.30 acres56837 s.f.Overland Distance = 356 feetC = .57 S = .0113.57 acres155379 s.f.Overland Distance = 621 feetC = .57 S = .080J = 18.01 acres784642 s.f.Overland Distance = 1905 feetC == .35 S = .0115Pre-development C = .25 1. Volume of Water to be retained in primary retention area after subtracting Pre-development volumes:COMBINATION OF VOLUMES FROM DRAINAGE AREAS"A","B","C", "D1", "D2", "D3", "E", "F" & "G"Volume from "A"6909 c.f.Volume from "B"5534 c.f.Volume from "C"21 86 c.f.Volume from "D1"1137 c.f.Volume from "D2"3093 c.f.Volume from "D3"1448c.f.Volume from "E"1308c.f.Volume from "F"3674 c.f.Volume from "G"1569c.f.TOTAL VOLUME26858 c.f.Available Storage in primary retention area is 45,000 c.f.(45000 - 26857 = 18,143 cf of reserve storage)2. Volume of Water to be retained in Secondary Retention area after subtracting pre-development volumes:Combination of volumes from Drainage areas "H", "I" and "J"COMBINATION OF VOLUMES FROM DRAINAGE AREAS"H", "I", & "J"Volume from "H"400 c.f.Volume from "I"1281 c.f.Volume from "J"2704 c.f.TOTAL VOLUME4385 cfsAvailable Storage in Secondary Retention Area is 15,000 c.f.(15,000 - 4,385 c.f. = 10,615 c.f. of reserve storage.) CULVERTS TO BE CMP WITH F.E.S.Design using 10 year, 1 hour EventDesign criteria for culvert north of South St. Andrews Drive:Combination of Drainage areas "B", "C", "D1" and "D2"Q from "B" = 8.81 cfsn.024Q from "C" = 5.97 cfss = .01 to .030Q from "D1" = 1.36 cfsdia = 2 to 3Q from "D2" == 3.33 cfsUse 24" dia.-at S = 3%Total19.47 cfsDesign criteria for culvert north of Augusta Drive:Combination of Drainage area "A" and "D3"Q from "A" = 16.42 cfsn.024Q from "D2" = 2.03 cfss = .01 to .025dia = 1 to 2Total18.45cf5Use 36" Arch CMP at S = 2.5%Design criteria for driveway culverts for Drainage Area B:Drainage Area "B"Q from "B" = 8.81 cfsn.024s = .005 to .025dia = 1.5to 2 DESIGN USING 10 YEAR, 1 HOURDesign criteria for rectangular curb chases.Drainage Area "F"Q from "F" = 5.66 cfsn.015s = .005 to .015dia = 1.5to 3Drainage Area "G"Q from "G" = 2.63 cfsn.015s = .005 to .015dia = 1 to 3Drainage Area "H"Q from "H" = 1.05 cfsn.015s = .005 to .015dia = 1 to 2Drainage Area "I"Q from "I" = 2.38 cfsn.015s = .005 to .015dia = 1 to 2H:\2089\006\DESIGN\ENGINEER.RPTMay 6,1996 1. Storm Water Hydraulic AnalysisPre-development and Post-Development BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PREDEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/30/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (A)NW PHASE 3 & GOLF COURSE262348702.3453.922141.880.254.60power curve360yrhrsfacresft%in/hrmin.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hill42.58 min5.98 cfs36070.30 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 01/30/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (B)SOUTH PART PHASE 326730644.7916.772093.240.253.10power curve360yrhrstacresft%in/hrmin.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-Hill48.01 min1.74 Cfs11220.91 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (C)NORTH PART PHASE 32 yr6 hr363132.03 sf8.34 acres913.02 ft0.255.00 %power curve in/hr360 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Mc Graw-Hill27.04 min1.22 cfs5576.82 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (E)14th HOLE2 yr6 hr428294.06 st9.83 acres1392.26 ft0.251.58 %power curve in/hr360 min.49.02 min1.01 cfs6577.54 cfper Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-HilIPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150.5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERI£, INC.DATE: 02/19/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (F)NE PART PHASE 22 yr6 hr417751.09 sf9.59 acres919.14 ft0.250.93 %power curve in/hr360 min.47.52 min1.00 cfs6415.63 cfper Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Me Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 /BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON & MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 02/19/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcpeak VolumePREDEV (G)SW PART PHASE 22 yr6 hr189999.94 sf4.36 acres1158.12 ft0.252.10 %power curve in/hr360 min.40.66 min0.50 cfs2917.93 cfper Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,l\4c Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (H)SOUTH PART PHASE 22 yr6 hr56837.13 st1.30 acres356.01 ft0.251.10 %power curve in/hr360 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-Hill27.97 min0.19 cfs872.88 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (I)S CENTRAL PART PHASE 22 yr6 hr155379.34 sf3.57 acres621.27 ft0.250.80 %power curve in/hr360 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-Hill41.08 min0.41 cfs2386.25 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3PRE-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumePREDEV (J)17th HOLE26784642.1618.011905.700.251.15power curve360yrhrsfacresft%in/hrmin.63.75 min1.57 cfs12050.18 cfper Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/30/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateANW PHASE 3 & GOLF COURSE2 yr6 hr2348702.34 sf53.92 acres2141.88 ft0.354.60 %power curve in/hr360 min.per Urquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook.Mc Graw-Hill5.98 cfsTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume37.57 min9.02 cfs6908.90 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/30/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateBSOUTH PART PHASE 32 yr6 hr730644.79 sf16.77 acres2093.24 ft0.524.00 %power curve in/hr360 min.1.74 cfsper Urquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook,Me Graw-HillTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume30.09 min4.78 cfs5533.51 CfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RatecNORTH PART PHASE 32 yr6 hr363132.03 sf8.34 acres913.02 ft0.525.00 %power curve in/hr360 m in.1.22 cfsper Urquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook.Me Graw-HillTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume18.45 min3.16 cfs2186.40 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE ; 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateE14th HOLE2 yr6 hr428294.06 st9.83 acres1392.26 ft0.351.58 %power curve in/hr360 min.1.01 cfsTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume43.25 min1.52 cfs1307.58 Cfper Urquhart, L., 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook.Me Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970:- BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeD1NORTH PART MclLHATTEN RD.2 yr6 hr19490.34 sf0.45 acres314.89 ft0.950.84 %power curve in/hrper Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hill360 min.5.08 min0.67 cfs1137.43 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeD2MIDDLE SECTION MclLHATTEN RD.2 yr6 hr52997.05 Sf1.22 acres525.01 ft0.951.25 %power curve in/hr360 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hill5.74 min1.67 cfs3092.84 cfPerFAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeD3SOUTH SECTION MclLHATTEN RD.2 yr6 hr24810.89 sf0.57 acres264.16 ft0.951.50 %power curve in/hr360 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hill3.83 min1.00 cis1447.93 CfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERUE, INC.DATE: 02/19/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateFNE PART PHASE 226yrhr417751.09 st9.59 acres919.14 ft0.571.00 %power curve in/hr360 min.1.00 cfsTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume28.92 min3.07 cfs3674.32 cfper Urquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook.Mc Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 02/19/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateGSW PART PHASE 22 yr6 hr189999.94 sf4.36 acres1158.12 ft0.571.60 %power curve in/hr360 min.0.50 CfsTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume27.76 min1.43 cfs1568.88 cfper Urquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook.Mc Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateHSOUTH PART PHASE 22 yr6 hr56837.13 sf1.30 acres356.01 ft0.571.00 %power curve in/hr360 min.0.19 cfsper Urquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook.Mc Graw-HillTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume18.00 min0.56 cfs400.11 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateIS CENTRAL PART PHASE 22 yr6 hr155379.34 sf3.57 acres621.27 ft0.571.00 %power curve in/hr360 min.0.41 Cfsper Urquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook,Mc Graw-HillTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume23.78 min1.28 cfs1280.69 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERUE, INC.DATE: 01/31/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationAllowed Release RateJ17th HOLE26yrhr784642.16 sf18.01 acres1905.70 ft0.351.15 %power curve in/hr360 min.1.57 CfsTime of concentrationQ at tcPeak Volume56.25 min2.37 cfs2703.56 cfperUrquhart, L, 1940, Civil Eng. Handbook.Mc Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 2. Curb Chase Computations BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 02/16/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeFNE PART PHASE 210 yr1 hr417751.09 sf9.59 acres919.14 ft0.571.00 %power curve in/hr60 min.28.92 min5.66 cis12699.63 cfper Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE: 02/16/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeGSW PART PHASE 210 yr1 hr189999.94 sf4.36 acres1158.12 ft0.571.60 %power curve in/hr60 min.27.76 min2.63 cfs5776.00 cfper Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-HillPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970I BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 02/01/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeHSOUTH PART PHASE 210 yr1 hr56837.13 sf1.30 acres356.01 ft0.571.00 %power curve in/hr60 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-hlill18.00 min1.05 Cfs1727.85 CfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERUE, INC.DATE: 02/01/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeS CENTRAL PART PHASE 210 yr1 hr155379.34 sf3.57 acres621.27 ft0.571.00 %power curve in/hr60per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hillmin.23.78 min2.38 cis4723.53 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 Page 1 of 2Rectangular Channel Analysis & DesignOpen Channel - Uniform flowWorksheet Name: BRIDGER CREEK PH 2Description: CURB CHASE FOR DRAINAGE AREA "F"Solve For DepthGiven Constant Data;Mannings 'n'....... 0.015Channel Discharge.. 5.87Variable Input Data Minimum Maximum========================:=========:=:== ===:===: ^ ==== ===:^ ^ ==:=:=:Bottom Width 1.50 3.00Channel Slope 0.0050 0.0150Increment By0.500.0025Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haesfcad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 2 of 2VARIABLEBottomWidthft1.502.002.503.001.502.002.503.001.502.002.503.001.502..002.503.001.502.002.503.00VARIABLE COMPUTEDMannings Channel'n7 Slopeft/ft0.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.00500.00500.00500.00500.00750.00750.00750.00750.01000.01000.01000.01000.01250.01250.01250.01250.01500.01500.01500.0150ChannelDepthft0.990.740.610.520.840.640.530.460.760.580.480.420.700.540.450.390.650.500.420.37COMPUTEDChannel VelocityDischarge fpscfs5.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.875.873.973.963.863.734.644.584.444. Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 1 of 2Rectangular Channel Analysis & DesignOpen Channel - Uniform flowWorksheet Name: BRIDGER CREEK PH 2Description: CURB CHASE FOR DRAINAGE AREA "G"Solve For DepthGiven Constant Data;Mannings 'n' ....... 0.015Channel Discharge.. 2.41Variable Input Data^=:=:=========================:===:==Bottom WidthChannel SlopeMinimum1.000.0050Maximum====;======:==3.000.0150Increment By0.500.0025Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 2 of 2VARIABLEBottomWidthft1.001.502 . 002.503 .001.001.502.002.503 .001.001.502.002.503 .001.001.502.002.503 .001.001.502.002.503.00VARIABLE COMPUTEDMannings Channel'n' Slopeffc/ft0.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.00500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00750.00750.00750.00750.00750.01000.01000.01000.01000.01000.01250.01250.01250.01250.01250.01500.01500.01500.01500.0150ChannelDepthft0.760.510.400.330.290.650.440.350.290.260.580.400.320.270.230.540.370. VelocityDischarge fpscfs2.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412 .412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.412.413. —4.113.89Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 1 of 2Rectangular Channel Analysis & DesignOpen Channel - Uniform flowWorksheet Name: BRIDGER CREEK PH 2Description: CURB CHASE FOR DRAINAGE AREA "H"Solve For DepthGiven Constant Data;Mannings 'n'....... 0.015Channel Discharge.. 1.05Variable Input DataBottom WidthChannel SlopeMinimum1.000.0050Maximum2.000.0150Increment By==================0.500.0025]Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 2 of 2VARIABLE=============:==BottomWidthft1.001.502.001.001.502.001.001.502.001.001.502.001.001.502.00VARIABLE COMPUTEDMannings Channel'n' Slopeft/ft0.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.00500.00500.00500.00750.00750.00750.01000.01000.01000.01250.01250.01250.01500.01500.0150ChannelDepthft==:============0.410.290.230.350.250.200.320. VelocityDischarge fpscfs1. Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Wafcerbury, Ct 06708 Page 1 of 2Rectangular Channel Analysis & DesignOpen Channel - Uniform flowWorksheet Name: BRIDGER CREEK PH 2Description: CURB CHASE FOR DRAINAGE AREA "I"Solve For DepthGiven Constant Data;Mannings 'n' ....... 0.015Channel Discharge.. 2.38Variable Input Data Minimum MaximumBottom Width 1.00 2.00Channel Slope 0.0050 0.0150Increment By0.500.0025Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 2 of 2VARIABLEBottomWidthft1.001.502.001.001.502.001.001.502.001.001.502.001.001.502.00VARIABLE COMPUTEDMannings Channel'n' Slopeft/ft0.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.00500.00500.00500.00750.00750.00750.01000.01000.01000.01250.01250.01250.01500.01500.0150ChannelDepthft0.760.500.390.650.440.340.580.390.310.530.370.290.500.340.27COMPUTEDChannel VelocityDischarge fpscfs2.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.382.383. .124.023.814.484.344.104.804.634.35Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 3. Circular Channel Computationsfor Culverts BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERUE, INC.DATE : 02/01/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeANW PHASE 3 & GOLF COURSE10 yr1 hr2348702.34 sf53.92 acres2141.88 ft0.354.60 %power curve in/hr60 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-Hill37.57 min16.42 cfs43899.85 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 02/01/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeBSOUTH PART PHASE 310 yr1 hr730644.79 sf16.77 acres2093.24 ft0.524.00 %power curve in/hr60 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hili30.09 min8.81 cfs20263.22 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON & MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 02/01/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumecNORTH PART PHASE 310 yr1 hr363132.03 sf8.34 acres913.02 ft0.525.00 %power curve in/hr60 min.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hill18.45 min5.97 cis10070.86 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE. INC.DATE: 02/01/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeD1NORTH PART MclLHATTEN RD.10 yr1 hr19490.34 sf0.45 acres314.89 ft0.950.84 %power curve in/hr60per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-Hillmin.5.08 min1.36 cfs987.51 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 02/01/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeD2MIDDLE SECTION MclLHATTEN RD.10 yr1 hr52997.05 sf1.22 acres525.01 ft0.951.25 %power curve in/hr60per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook,Me Graw-Hillmin.5.74 min3.33 cfs2685.18 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970I BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASES 2&3POST-DEVELOPMENTSTORM WATER HYDRAUUC ANALYSISDESIGNED BY: JAUMORRISON &: MAIERLE, INC.DATE : 02701/96Basin #Basin DescriptionStorm FrequencyStorm DurationBasin AreaBasin AreaOverland DistanceRunoff CoefficientSlopeIntensityDurationtcQ at tcPeak VolumeD3SOUTH SECTION MclLHATTEN RD.10124810.890.57264.160.951.50power curve60yrhrstacresft%in/hrmin.per Urquhart, L.C., 1940, Civil Engineering Handbook.Mc Graw-Hill3.83 min2.03 cfs1257.09 cfPer FAA, USDOT, A/C 150-5320-5b, 1970 Circular Channel Analysis & DesignSolved with Manning's EquationOpen Channel - Uniform flowPage 1 of 2Worksheet Name: BRIDGER CREEK PH 3Description: CULVERT FOR DRAINAGE AREAS "B","C","D1"&"D2"Solve For Actual DepthGiven Constant Data;Mannings nDischarge0.02419.47Variable Input Data Minimum MaximumDiameter 2.00 3.00Slope 0.0100 0.0300Increment By1.000.0050Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 2 of 2VARIABLE VARIABLE========================Diameter Channelft Slopeft/ftCOMPUTED COMPUTED COMPUTEDMannings Discharge Depth'n' cfs ftVelocity Capacityfps FullcfsUnable3.00Unable3.00Unable3. compute0.0100to compute0.0150to compute0.02000.02500.02500.03000.0300this0.024this0.024fchis0.0240.0240.0240.0240.024instance.19.47instance.19.47instance.19.4719.4719.4719.4719.471.571.391.281.651.211.511.'• 44.2551.0919.3757.1221.2262.58Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Wafcerbury, Ct 06708 Page 1 of 2Circular Channel Analysis & DesignSolved with Manning's EquationOpen Channel - Uniform flowWorksheet Name: BRIDGER CREEK PH 3Description: CULVERT FOR DRAINAGE AREAS "A" & "D3"Solve For Actual DepthGiven Constant Data;Mannings nDischarge0.02418.45Variable Input DataDiameterSlopeMinimum2.000.0100Maximum============3.000.0250Increment By==================1.000.0025Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 2 of 2VARIABLE VARIABLEDiameter Channelft Slopeft/ftCOMPUTED COMPUTED COMPUTEDMannings Discharge Depth'n' cfs ftVelocity Capacityfps FullcfsUnable3.00Unable3.00Unable3.00Unable3 . . .00to compute0.0100to compute0.0125to compute0.0150to compute0.01750.02000.02000.02250.02250.02500.02500.02750.0275this0.024this.0.024this0.024this0.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.024instance.18.45instance.18.45instance.18.45instance.18 .4518.4518.4518.4518.4518.4518.4518.4518.451.521.421.351.291.801.251.651.211.561.171.491.145.145.595.986.336.216.646.676.947.027.217.337.4636.1340.3944.2547.7917.3351.0918.3854.1919.3757.1220.3259.91Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Cfc 06708 Page 1 of 2Circular Channel Analysis & DesignSolved with Manning's EquationOpen Channel - Uniform flowWorksheet Name: BRIDGER CREEK PH 3Description: CULVERTS FOR DRIVEWAYS IN DRAINAGE AREA "B"Solve For Actual DepthGiven Constant Data;Mannings nDischarge0.0248.81Variable Input Data Minimum MaximumDiameter 1.50 2.00Slope 0.0050 0.0250Increment By0.250.0025Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Page 2 of 2VARIABLE VARIABLEDiameter Channelft Slopeft/ftCOMPUTED COMPUTED COMPUTEDMannings Discharge Depfch'n' cfs ftVelocity Capacityfps Fullcfs===;=====:=====:======UnableUnable2.00UnableUnable2.00Unable1.752.00Unable1.752.00Unable1.752.00Unable1.752. 00Unable1.752.001.501.752.001.501.752.001.501.752.00to computeto compute0.0050to computeto compute0.0075to compute0.01000.0100to compute0.01250.0125to compute0.01500.0150to compute0.01750.0175to compute0.02000.02000.02250.02250.02250.02500.02500.02500.02750.02750.0275thisthis0.024thisthis0 . 024this0.0240.024this0.0240.024this0.0240.024this0.0240.024this0.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.0240.024instance.instance.8.81instance.instance.8.81instance.8.818.81instance.8.818.81instance.8.818.81instance.8.818.81instance.8.818.818.818.818.818.818.818.818.818.818.811.671.391.481.261.321. Channel Flow Module, Version 3.3 (c)Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708