HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 81- 1077 Water service rules and regulations I1S ORDINANCE NO. 1077 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ENACTING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF WATER SERVICE UTILITY AND ENACTING SECTION 10.04.030. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEr1AN: I Section 1 That the following rules and regulations are made for the government of the water work system of the City of Bozeman, Montana. These rules and regulations of the City of Bozeman, Montana, pertaining to its water work system, and approved by the Public Service Commission of the State of Montana are made a part of the contract with every individual, firm or corporation who takes water and every such individual, f~t~ lid I:Jir#irMfitJN Itffl ;t/aA<kkj /IMk/r/ kNJ/ kNk/r/y/ tSI.J:JV ~NJ/JN/iJJ.46ll/, fi rm or corporation agrees, in maki ng application for water, to be bound thereby. The following rules and regulations are adopted by the City of Bozeman, Montana: Rule 1--Definitions 1-1 Commission - The word "Conmission", used herein, shall mean the Department of Public Service Regulation of the State of Montana, Public Service Commission. 1-2 Utility - The word "Utility", as used herein, shall mean the City of Bozeman, Montana, and its water service division, engaged in the business of providing water and supplying water service to its customers on its system in the State of Montana. I 1-3 Customer - The word "Customer", as used herein, shall mean any individual, partnership, association, firm, public or private corporation, or governmental agency, or any other entity receiving water service from the utility. 1-4 Residential Dwelling Unit - The term "Residential Dwelling Unit" shall mean any room or combination of rooms, including trailers and mobile homes, with facilities for cooking, designed for occupancy by one family. 1..5 Water Service - The term "Water Service" or "Service", as used herein, shall mean the supplying of Or availability, at the point of delivery of water and also the water delivered or used. 1-6 Service Agreement - The term "Service Agreement", as used herein, shall mean the agreement or contract between utility and customer pursuant to which service is supplied and taken. 1-7 Point of Delivery - The term "Point of Delivery", as used herein, shall mean the point at which the utility's facilities connect phYSically to customer's facilities, the location of which shall be designated by or satisfactory to utility, unless otherwise defined in the service agreement. 1-8 Meter - The word "Meter" or "Meters", as used herein, shall mean the complete installation including auxiliary devices and equipment, if any, used to measure the water supplied to a customer. 1-9 Room - On f'lat rate service, where the charge is based on the number of rooms, any finished room with an area of eighty square feet will be considered a room. Bath- rooms shall have no minimum area requirements. Rule 2--General Provisions I 2-1 Coverage - These service regulations govern the supplying by the utility, and taking by its customers, water service from the utility's water system. These regulations are subject to revision, upon approval by the Commission, and supersede all regulations, by whatever term designated, which may heretofore govern the supplying and taking of water service. 2-2 Purpose - These service regulations are intended to define good practice which can normally be expected, but a renot intended to exclude other accepted standards and practices not covered herein. They are intended to ensure adequate service to the public and protect the utility from unreasonable demands. 2-3 Information Available to Public - There shall be made available to the public at the office of the Commission and at the principal offices of the utility copies of these servi ce regul ations and the rate schedul es, forms of agreeerre:nt for water servtGe and service standards of the utility. ORDINANCE NO. 1077 120 2-4 Waiver of Regulations - In any case where compliance with any of these rules introduces unusual difficulty, such rule may be temporarily waived by the Commission upon application of the utility or the customer. If in any case compliance with a rule would cost more than the results of such compliance are worth, such rule may be permanently set aside by the Commission. Rule 3--Service to be Provided 3-1 Utility Will Furnish Water Service, for Certain Specific Purposes-For I Specific Sum. on Metered or Nonmetered Basis - The utility agrees to furnish water and water services for certain specified purposes as contained in the service agreement, for a certain specified sum based either on a metered or non-metered rate as hereinafter provided. 3-2 Water Service for Customer Usage Only - If a customer furnishes other individuals or entities with water services without permission from the utility, or utilizes the water or water service for other purposes than for which it was intended, that customer is in violation of his service agreement. Customers in violation of their service agreements may have their water service discontinued until such time as the charge for such additional service has been paid, together with the actual additional expense incurred by the utility in discontinuing or reconnecting water service. 3-3 All Customers are Prohibited from Providing Water or Other Service to Other Individuals or Entities from the Utility's System Without Receiving Permission, In Writing. From the Utility - In no instance may the customer extend his water facilities across or under a street, alley, lane, court or avenue, or other public or private space, existing under different ownership~ in order to obtain a rate advantage by taking water service for two or more premises through one source or meter. ,.I" .' 3-4 Water Util ity System-Unauthori zed Taps Prohi bited - With the exception of speci al installation approved by the utility, no person or other entity, other than agents, representatives or employees of the utility shall tap into the utility's transmission or distribution system or service lines attached thereto. 3-5 Easement-Right-of-Way-Permits Required to be Furnished Utility - A customer. or prospective customer, must furnish all easements, cleared right&of-way, and permits necessary to enable the utility to s(tpply the service required. I ,-, 3-6 Access to, Premi ses - The utili ty' s employees or representa t i ves, or other authorized persons, shall have access at reasonable hours to enter any premises where water is used, for the purpose of making inspection, Or investigation. 3-7 No Person or Entity Shall Activate a Line Connected to the Utility's System, Or Allow any Other Person to do so, Except Upon Specific. Written Permission of the Utility ~ Activation of any line, for testing purposes, or otherwise, shall obligate the individual performing the test to turn off the water service at the curb stop. Rule 4--Service Agreement 4-1 Application for Service - A utility may require a customer or prospective customer to sign one of the utility's standard application or service agreement forms. The application or agreement shall be binding only after acceptance by a duly authorized representative of the utility. In case of acceptance of service by a customer prior to the signing of such agreement. customer shall pay for the service so furnished in accordance with the applicable rate schedule or schedules in force and shall abide by these servtce regulations. Rule 5--Establishment of Credit Customer Deposit for Guarantee Payment 5-1 When Required - Utility may at any time require from any customer, or prospective customer, that it establish credit as hereinafter set forth or, that the customer or prospective customer. deposit a certain amount of funds to guarantee payment of utility bills. Regulations regarding the establishment of credit and the filing of deposit to guarantee payment are as hereinafter set forth. I 5-2 Establishment of Credit-Residential - An applicant for residential utility servtce may establish credit by demonstrating to the utility anyone of the follOWing factors: (a) Prior service with utility in question within the previous 12 months during which for at least 6 consecutive months service was rendered and was not dis- connected for failure to pay the utility bill and no more than one (1) delin- quency notice was served upon applicant. (b) Prior service with a utility of the same type as that of which service is sought with a satiSfactory payment record as demonstrated in (a) above, provided that the reference may be quickly and easily checked by the utility and the necessary information is provided. ORDINANCE NO. 1077 121 (c) Full-time consecutive employment during the entire 12 months next previous to the application for service, with no more than 2 employers, and the applicant is currently employed or has a regular source of income. (d) Ownership of significant legal interest in the premises to be served. I (e) Furnishing of satisfactory guarantor to secure payment of bills for services requested in a specified amount not to exceed an estimated one year bill, such estimation to be made at the time that service is established. 5-3 Establishment of Credit-Nonresidential - An applicant for non-residential service may be required to demonstrate that it is a satisfactory credit risk by reasonable means appropriate under the circumstances. 5-4 Deposit Requirements - A deposit may be required under the fOllowing circumstances: (a) Where the applicant has failed to establish a satisfactory credit history as outlined in Rule 5-2 and 5-3. (b) In any event, a deposit may be required when: (a) within the 12 months prior to the application, applicant's service of a similar type has been disconnected for failure to pay amounts owing, when due; or (2) where there is an unpaid, overdue balance owing for similar service provided the customer; or where two or more d~linquency notices have been served upon the applicant by any other utility company during the 12 months previous to the application for service. (c) Initiation or continuation of service to a residence where prior customer still resides and where any balance for such service to that prior customer is past due or owing. (d) Where the customer is a tenant or lessee of rented property where the landlord or lessor has not assumed, in writing, obligation to pay the utility bill on behalf of the tenant or lessee or a satisfactory guarantor has not been furnished as provided in Rule 5-2(e). I (e) Where the Customer has, in an unauthorized manner, interfered, with the service of the utility situated or delivered on or about the customer's premises within the last five years, if the finding of unauthorized interference or use is made and determined after notice and opportunity for hearing is provided to the custom~r and is not in dispute. 5-5 Prohibited Standards for Requiring Cash Deposit or Other Guarantee for Residential Service - A utility shall not require a cash deposit or other guarantee as a condition of new or continued residential utility service based upon commercial credit standards (except as provided in these rules), income, home ownership, residential location, race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, or any other criteria not authorized by these rules. This rule does not prohibit a utility from ensuring that agreements with customers who may be incompetent, such as minors, are made in such a manner and with such persons, as to be legally binding. 5-6 Amount of Deposit - In instances where a depos'it may be required by the utility, the deposit shall not exceed one-sixth of estimated annual billings. 5-7 Interest on Deposits - Simple interest at the rate of six (6) percent per annum on the amount of the deposit shall be paid to the customer. upon refund of such deposit, or shall be paid annually to the customer upon demand, provided said deposit has remained intact with the utility for a period of at least six months, in order to earn such interest. Interest shall cease on the date of termination of servite or refund of deposit. 5-8 Refund of Deposits - (1) Utility may refund any customer's deposit, or a part thereof, by check or by credit to customer I s account at any time; 'and, any unpaid interest due on the refund shall be paid to date of refund on such portion of the deposit as has been held intact by utility for six months or more. I (2) Deposit plus accrued interest shall be refunded under the following circumstances and in the following form: (a) Satisfactory Payment: Where the customer requests the refund, and has for 18 consecutive months paid for service when due in a prompt and satisfactory manner as evidenced by the following: ( i ) The utility has not initiated disconnection proceedings against the customer. (ii) No more than two notices of delinquency have been made to the customer by the util ity. (b) Termination of Service: If the deposit is not returned as above provi~ed , upon termination of service the utility shall return to the customer the amount ORDINANCE NO. 1077 " 122 " then on deposit plus accrued interest less any amounts due the utility by the customer for service rendered. 5-9 Record of Deposits ~ A utility shall maintain a record of all deposits re- ceived from customers, showing the name of each depositor, the date and amount of the deposit made, the location of the premises occupied by the depositor at the time of making the deposit, and each successive location while the deposit is retained. I (a) Each customer posting a cash deposit shall receive in writing at the time of tender of the deposit a receipt as evidence thereof, which contains the following minimum information: ( i ) Name of customer; (i i) Address of customer; (iii) Place of payment; (iv) Date of payment; (v) Amount of payment; (vi) Identification of the employee receiving the payment; and (vii) Statement of the terms and conditions governing the receipt, retention and return of deposit funds. (b) A utility shall provide means whereby a customer entitled to a return of Hisdeposit is not deprived of. deposit funds even though he may be unable I to produce the original receipt for the deposit. In such event utility . . records shall be controlling. 5-10 Deposits-Uniform A~,lication - A util ity shall apply deposit standards uniformly as condition of ut, ity service to all residential customers. 5-11 Guarantee in Lieu of Deposit - In lieu of cash deposit required by these rules, a utility shall accept written guarantee of a responsible party as surety for a customer service account; for the purpose of this rule, a "responsible party" sha 11 mean: (a) Any individual or business entity which has maintained service with the utility in question for the previous 24 months, and who has not had service disconnected for failure to pay and has received no more than two del inquency notices. (b) Any special fund identified in writing as a guarantee and approved by the I util ity. 5-12 Guarantee Terms Conditions-Release of Guarantee - A guarantee accepted in accordance with these rules is subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) It shall be in writing, and if necessary shall be renewed in a similar manner annually. (b) It shall state the terms of guarantee, the maximum amount guaranteed (such maximum not to exceed an estimated one year bill, such estimation to be made at the time the service is established), and that the utility shall not hold the guarantor liable for sums in excess thereof unless agreed to in a separate written instrument. 5-13 Guarantor Released When - The guarantor shall be released, and upon the satis- factory payment by the customer of all proper charges for utility service for a period of 12 successive months. For purposes of this sub-rule, payment is satisfactory if: (a) The utility has not initiated disconnection proceedings against the customer. (b) No more than two notices of delinquency have been made to the customer by the util ity. The utility may withhold the release of the guarantor pending the resolution of a disputed discontinuance. Rule 6--Service Conditions I 6-1 Supplying of Service - Service will be suppl ied only under and pursuant to these service regulations, and any modifications or additions thereto law- fully made, and under such applicable rates, schedules and contracts as may from time to time be lawfully established. 6-2 Applicable Rates, Regulations and Contracts Controlling-Service at Existing Points of Delivery Only - Service will be supplied under the applicable rates, schedules and contracts only at points of delivery as are presently existing on the utility's system. 6-3 Line Extension Costs-Borne by Customer - Line extension costs will be borne by the customer requesting that service. ORDINANCE NO. 1077 ~. 123 6-4 Method of Bi 11 i ng-Mu1 tiple Del ivery Points-Separate Meters-Si ng1 e Customer - Where separate points of delivery exist for supplying service to a single -customer, or separate meters are maintained and provided for measurement of servi[e to a single customer, each point of delivery or metering shall be separately billed under the applicable rates. 6-5 Applications for Water Service - Application for the use of water from an existing service must be made at the City Finance Office on a printed form I provided for that purpose. Service will be furnished to any customer who fully and truly sets forth all the purposes for which water may be required and who agrees to and conforms with all the rules and regulations governing the service; provided the purposes set forth comply with all the uti1ity's rules and regulations as on record and approved by the Commission, and, that the existing util ity water system, and water supply, is adequate to meet the use for-which the application is made. 6-6 Implementation of Water Service-Curb Box Required-Credit or Deposit Require~ - All water services to any premises shall be installed by the utility, except under special conditions approved and inspected by the utility. Service lines must be so installed that the supply of water for each separate building, house or customer shall be controlled by a separate curb stop placed within or near the property line. The curb stop and box must be kept in a readily accessible condition by the owner of the premises. An application for introduction of *. . I. water servi ce to any premi ses must be si gned by the owner or*form furni shed ~he owner s de- by the utility for that purpose. Prior to approval of such application, the Slg~a~ed aJent and utility may require the customer to establish credit or to furnish a deposit mus 1 e ma e on a as provided in Rule 5. The utility shall then install the service, agreed regu ar upon between utility and customer. 6-7 Meter Required for New Service-Installation Cost Deposit Required - All new installations shall be metered. Prior to installation, the customer is re- quired to deposit with the utility an amount equal to the installation charges, as determined by the utility. Following installation the actual costs in- curred thereby will be credited against the amount of the deposit. If the installation charges are less than the deposit, the difference between the actual costs incurred and the deposit shall be refunded to customer. If the installation costs are greater than the deposit, the difference shall be billed to the customer. I 6-8 Cost of r~eter - All new metered water service shall include the i.nstallation of a meter with remote reading attachment. The meter shall be located at some convenient and accessible point inside the premises and so located that it cannot freeze. The cost of the remote reading attachment shall be borne by the customer. The cost of three-fourths (3/4) inch and smaller meters shall be borne by the utility. The customer utilizing a meter in excess of three-fourths (3/4) inch shall bear the costs of the larger meter but will be credited an amount equal to the present cost of a three-fourths (3/4) inch meter. 6-9 Waste of Water Prohibited-Customer Service Lines Must be Maintained - Waste of water is prohibited, and customers msut keep their fixtures and interior pipes in good order at their own expense, and all water ways closed when not in use. Leaky fixtures must be repaired at once without waiting for notice from the City and if not repaired within five (5) days after written notice is given, water service may be discontinued until such time as the leak is repaired. 6-10 Following Repair of 'Leaks Customer's Account May be Adjusted - Following completio~ of the repair of customer's lines, the utility may adjust the customer1s account to the extent of actual water consumed retroactive for three (3) billing periods commencing upon completion of the repair. The customer will be responsible for notifying utility of the repair made. 6-11 Util ity Not Liable for Service Interruptions or Adjustment of Customer I S Account Incurred for Interru~tion of Servi:ce Caused by Lea ks to Customer IS Facilities or Frozen Facilitles of Customer - Interruptions of service re- sulting from the repair of leaks as provided in Rule 6-9, or for repair of frozen facilities of customer, shall not render the utility liable for any adjustment in customer's bill. Whenever service is discontinued under Rule 6-9 the utility shall not be required to restore service until customerl.s account, if any be outstanding, be paid in full. The util ity may al so require I customer to pay all costs of discontinuing or re-establishing service. 6-12 Connections_ - No connection shall be made to service lines between the main and the inside stop and/or meter. 6-13 Termination of Service bv Customer - Customer shall give utility at least twenty-four (24) hours notice, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excluded, to terminate service, unless a longer notice of termination is provided for in the service agreement. Should the customer desire to discontinue the use of water temporarily, or should the premises become vacant, the utility must be notified in writing of the temporary discontinuance of use of the utility water supply. Upon being so notified the utility will shut off the water at the curb box and allowance will be made on the bill (for customers on a flat rate charge) for such time as the water is not in use. ORDINANCE NO. 1077 124 6-14 Continuity of Service - Utility shall make reasonable effort to avoid interruption of service, and when such interruptions occur, shall re-establish service with reasonable diligence. Utility shall not be liable to customer or others for failure or inter- ruption of water service due to acts of God, governmental regulations, court or Commission orders, acts of the public enemy, strikes or labor difficulties, accidents, weather conditions, acts of third parties, I droughts, or, without limitation by the foregoing, any other cause beyond the reasonable control of utility. 6-15 ~tility System Maintenance - Once service to any customer has been in- stalled, the utility, at its own expense, shall maintain the service lines up to a distance of sixty (60) feet, as measured from the curb box, or to and including the meter, whichever is less. 6-16 Suspension of Service for Repairs and Chanqes- When it is necessary for the utflity to make repairs or to change its water collecting, storage, transmission or distribution system, meters or other property, utility may, without incurring any liability therefor. suspend service for such period as may be reasonably necessary, and in such manner as to minimize the inconvenience to customers. All persons having boilers on their premises, depending on connected pressure with the water mains~ are cautioned against collapse of their boilers. As soon as the water is turned off, the hot water faucet should be opened and left open until the water is again turned on. A check valve must always be placed between the boiler and the City's mains to prevent draining the boile~s. A customer must never leave the premises with any faucets open or water turned off. 6-17 Water Utility System-Maintenance and Repair-Utility Personnel Only - With the exception of special installations approved by the utility, no person, or other entity, other than agents, representatives or employees of the utility shall maintain or repair the utility's water utility system. 6-18 Additional Service-Meter Installation Required - Any customer, presently on a flat rate schedule who installs additional fixtures or seeks to utilize the water provided for purposes not stated in their original agreement, such as expanding or remodeling their residence, shall be re- I qui red to convert to a metered water service. 6-19 Irrigation or Other. Outdoor Use Restricted - The water superintendent of the utility is hereby authorized, directed and empowered, whenever in his opinion the necessities of the situation require such action, to restrict and/or wholly prohibit the use of the utility's water to supply for garden, lawn or other outdoor irrigation or use. Such restriction and/or prohibition shall become effective twenty-four (24) hours after notice thereof shall be published in any newspaper of general circulation distributed in the City of Bozeman, Montana. In emergency situations, as determined by the water superintendent, which demand immediate action, the water superintendent of the utility may immediately restrict or wholly prohibit the use of water from the util ity' s system by notifying customers by newspaper publication within a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Bozeman, Montana and/or by public service radio announcements wi thi n the Ci ty of Bozeman, r.1ontana. 6-20 Irrigation-Outdoors Use.,.Nonemerqency Use - Utility may specify the hours and days during which sprinkling or irrigation will be permitted, and may publiSh notice thereof in newspapers at the start of the sprinkling or irrigation season, or whenever conditions require a change in present sprinkling or irrigation practices. The utility shall prominently post, within its local office, a notice advising the public of the hours and days within which sprinkling or other irrigation is permitted. 6-21 Violation of Utilit Rules-S rinklin and Irri ation Use-Nonemer enc -Notice to Customers - At such tlme when the utility, through its agents, emp oyees or representatives, determines that a customer is in violation of the utility's regulations in regard to sprinkling or irrigation and utility shall deliver to such customer a copy of the notice of hours and days of sprinkling and I irrigating, and shall advise the customer that h~ is in violation of the rule. If the customer is found in violation of the rule on more than one occasion in anyone irrigation or sprinkling season, he will be notified by certified mail, with return receipt, that another violation will result in discontinuance of service or the installation of a meter. 6-22 Violation of Regulations-Nonpayment of Water Charges - For violation of any of these regulations or for non-payment of water charges, as provided in the utility's schedule of rates and charges currently on file with and approved ORDINANCE NO. 1077 125 by the Commission, the utility has the right to disconnect water service following ten (10) days written notice to the customer. After service has been discontinued the same shall not be reinstated until all delinquent charges are paid. Costs of all disconnects and/or subsequent reconnects shall be borne by the customer. 6-23 t1eter Servi ce Bill ing-Payment of Charges-Del inquent Charges - All metered services shall be billed for actual water consumed, based on rates and I charges on file with and approved by the Commission. Payment is due upon receipt of the bill, and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the 15th day of the month in which it is received. If the bill is not paid within 30 days after it has become delinquent, the water service will be disconnected after a 10 day written notice. Service shall not be reinstated until delinquent charges are paid, together with the cost incurred by the utility in disconnecting or subsequently reconnecting the line. 6-24 Fl at Rate Servi ce-Bi 11 ing-Payment of Charges-Del inquent Charges - All fl at rate services shall be billed monthly in advance, on or about the first day of each month, based on rates and charges on file with and approved by the Commission. Payment is due upon receipt of the bill, and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the 15th day of the month in which it is received. If the hill is not paid within 30 days after it has become delinquent, the water service will be disconnected after a ten (10) day written notice. Service will not be reinstated until delinquent charges are paid, together with the cost incurred by the utility in disconnecting and subsequently reconnecting the line. Section 2 These rules supercede all rules, regulations and supplements thereto pre- viously enacted by the City of Bozeman, Montana, which are in conflict with rules enacted in this Ordinance. Section 3 I This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty (30) after its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 29th day of July 1981. MAYOR ATTEST: Clerk of the City Commission State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) City of Bozeman ) I, Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1077, was published by title and number in I the Bozeman Daily Chronicl~a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City of Bozeman in the issue dated the 30th day of August 1981. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 17th day of March 1982. Clerk of the City Commission ORDINANCE NO. 1077