HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 81- 1067 Annexation (6) 098 . .-: .; ORDINANCE NO. 1067 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ANNEXING CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS "STORY HILLS WEST". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: I I That pursuant to Section 7-2-4711, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby annexes that certain contiguous real property the boundaries of which are set out on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference fully and completely iricor- porated herein. II The City Commission specifically finds that the proposed annexed area meets the following standards: A. It is contiguous to the City of Bozeman's boundaries at the time annexation was begun; B. No part of the area is included within the boundary of another incorporated municipality; C. It is within, and the Story Hills West Annexation conforms to, the comprehensive plan previously reviewed by the City Commission; and D. No part of the area is included within the boundary of any fire district recogn- ized under the laws of the State of Montana. II! I That the City of Bozeman intends to provide fire protection, pOlice protection and garbage disposal service to the annexed area and the inhabitants thereof upon the payment of fees to be negotiated between the Developers of the annexed area and the City of Bozeman. IV The City of Bozeman will not provide any water or water utility lines to the project during the five t5) years following the annexation. V The City will allow the Developer and the inhabitants of the annexed area to connect to the City sewer utility lines abutting the boundary of the annexed area when, in the sole opinion of the City of Bozeman, the City sewer system has sufficient capacity for the appropriate hook-up. The City will not be responsible for the construction of the sewer utility lines within the annexed area but all sewer utility construction must be completed according to specifications adopted and existing within the City of Bozeman. VI The City of Bozeman will not be responsible for the construction of any roadway I or trafficway within the annexed area but all construction for roads, streets and highways must be in accordance with construction specifications for streets as exist within the City of Bozeman. ORDINANCE NO. 1067 ~ 099 VII The Developers of the annexed area and the City recognize that the Developers shall share with other appropriate entities, corporations, partnerships and individuals in the development of Story Mill Road, "L" Street and other arterial and collector roads and I streets adjacent to the annexed area. The City of Bozeman states that no subdivision shall be approved within the annexed area until appropriate formulas agreed to by the City of Bozeman have been compiled, which said formulas would allow for the financial participation by the inhabitants and owners of the annexed area, together with other individuals, in the development of the off-site streets, roadways and collectors. VII That except for the statement of provision of services contained in this Ordinance, the City of Bozeman shall not provide any other services to the annexed area. IX The effective date of this annexation shall be the 10th day of August 1981. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montan~ and approved by the Mayor of said City this 8th day of July 1981. MAYOR ATTEST: I Clerk of the City Commission DESCRI PTION A tract of land being Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21 and 22 and portions of Tracts 1, 19, 20, A, B and the Road Tract of Certificate of Survey No. 35 and also Tracts 9A, lOA and portions of Tracts B-1 and Road Tract A of Certificate of Survey No. 35H and located in the Southwest One-quarter, and the Southeast One-quarter of Section Four and in the Northwest One-quarter, the Northeast One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of Section Five, Town- Ship Two South, Range Six East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gal'latin County, Montana; being further described as follows: Besinning at the South One-quarter corner of said Section Five. Thence North 00 23'36" East along the West line of said Southeast One-quarter of Section Five a distance of 2634.56 feet. Thence North 89 58'27" West along the South line of said Northwest One-quarter of Section Five a distance of 1530.75 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of the Mynard Branch of the Gal'latin Val~ey Railroad. Thence North 21005'52''.West ~lon~ said Easterly righ~~of-way a dlstance of 2148.67 feet. Thence leavlng sald nght-of-way North ~9 25'02" East along the North ljnes of said Road Tract and Tract 20 a distance of 423.00 feet. Thence South 29 51'37" East along the No&theasterly line of said Tract 20 a distance of 1434.65 feet. Thence South 84 51'25" East along 8he North line of said Tract 21 a distance of 1176.19 feet. Thence South 00 23'36" West along the East line of said Tract 20 a distance of 220.00 feet. Thence I South 78032'05" East a~ong the North line of said Tract B a distance of 1069.39 feet. Thence South 54 05'11" Eaat along said North line of Tract B a distance of 814.91 feet. Thence South 72 08'12" Eas~ along said North line of Tract B a distance of 980.00 feet. Thence South 77 27'06" East along said North line of Tract B a distance of 1267.53 feet. Thence South 88 21'12" East Slang said North line of Tract B a distance of 487.20 feet. Thence South 62 09'53" Eas~ along said North line of Tract B a distance of 625.36 feet. Thence SOHth 81 08'03" East across said Tract B-1 a distance of 253.04 feet. Thence South 82 03'24" East along the South line of Tract 13A of said Certificate of Survey No. 35H a distance of 781.11 feet to a point on the Westerly right-of-way of said Road Tract A. Thence Southerly along said right-of-way along a 175.00 foot radius curve to the left, th~ tangent of which bears South 10009'30" East, through a 8entral angle of 41 25'28", an arc distance of 126.52 feet. Thence South 51 34'58" East along said right-of-way of Road Tract A a distance of 215.63 feet. Thence continuing on said right-of-way of Ra&d Tract A along a 170.00 foot radius curve to the right, through a central angle of 61040'58", an arc ORDINANCE NO. 1067 ----~ ~OO distance of 183.02 feet. Thence South 66058' 08" East across sa i d Road Tract A for a distance of 192.60 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said Tract IDA. Thence South 69 03'25" East along saig Northerly line of Tract lOA for a distance of 348.78 feet. Thence South 13 36'39" East along the Westerly line of Tract A-I of Certificate of Survey No. 35E a distance of 808.52 feet to a point on the South line of said Southeast One-quarter of Section Four. Thence South 89022'36" West along said S8uth line of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 1561.99 feet. Thence South 89 45'30" West along the South line of said South- I weot One-quarter of Section Four a distance of 2650.96 feet. Thence North g9 24'57" West along the South line of said Southeast One-quarter of said Section Five a distance of 2654.73 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said tract being 353.612 Acres, along with and subject to all existing easements. State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) City of Bozeman ) I, Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1067, was publ ished by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicl~ a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City of Bozeman in the issue of the 12th day of July 1981. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 9th day of March 1982. Clerk of the City Commission I I ORDINANCE NO. 1067 - --" ~_._.~-