HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-12-16, Mercer, Cleveland, Public Comment May 12, 2016 To: Allyson Brekke, Planner – Department of Community Development – Bozeman, MT Ian Woods – 304 W. Cleveland St. Bozeman, MT From: David & Serena Mercer – 922 S. 3rd Ave., Bozeman, MT RE: Conditional Use Permit – 304 W. Cleveland St. Bozeman, MT We appreciate the notification and due diligence from Ian Woods and Jen Patterson and the City of Bozeman regarding the application for an “Extended Stay” rental at 304 W. Cleveland. We are neighbors/ owners living at 922 S. 3rd Ave. diagonally across from this property. Despite the fact that this application meets the code requirements for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an “Extended Stay” rental (less than 30 days) in the R-1 Bon Ton Historic District, we strongly feel that the business of short term vacation rentals, one that has erupted throughout Bozeman neighborhoods and especially those operated by owners residing out-of-state, will have a negative effect on the quality and character of these very unique residential districts. Bozeman’s neighborhoods are cherished by generations of people who have lived here for years, raised families and stayed throughout their entire lives. They are an important contribution to the “quality of life” so sacred here. To run a lodging business in the middle of them flies in the face of Bozeman values. Vacationers rarely participate in the life of a neighborhood. Furthermore, the code governing this “at home business” permissible in R-1 residential neighborhoods would allow for the possibility of many “Extended Stay” rentals with no separation requirement, no density code. Just imagine the impact 4 out of state owner “Extended Stay” rentals would have on one neighborhood block. The character of the residential neighborhood would be greatly altered and let’s not forget the effect all this could have on property values. The City would have little recourse to prevent their approval given the current parameters governing this kind of R-1 home business. Hard to deny one when the neighbor got the go ahead and to further aggravate the issue, the CUP can run with the property in perpetuity. Recognizing the new shared economy and that cities and towns all of over the country are grappling with how to accommodate these new lodging opportunities, we strongly recommend that the Community Development Department and the City Commission impose a 2 year limit (subject to renewal) on this CUP. The purpose of which would be to reevaluate the impact “Extended Stay” lodging has on this neighborhood and others throughout the city, a timely exercise given that the UDC is now proceeding through review and revision. Respectfully- Serena & David Mercer david@mercerandsons.com sblissmercer@gmail.com