HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP2. FY17 Budget Spec. Rev. Funds Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) Budget Work Session Special Revenue Funds MEETING DATE: May 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action Item – Budget Work Session RECOMMENDATION: Listen to staff presentations, ask questions, give direction, as you see fit. BACKGROUND: Attached are a Budget Worksheets and other materials regarding our Special Revenue Funds. This information has been prepared to assist us in developing the City’s Final Budget, and is based on what is contained in the FY17 City Manager’s Recommended Budget, available at http://www.bozeman.net/Departments-(1)/Finance/Budgets-and- Financials.aspx. Based on feedback during this work session, and other work sessions held this spring, we intend to prepare the Final Budget resolution. The hearing for adoption of the Final Budget is scheduled for June 20, 2016. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: During this Work Session, we will cover the following Special Revenue Fund information in this order: 1. Building Inspection Fund 2. Street Maintenance Fund 3. Arterial and Collector District Fund 4. Street Impact Fee Fund 5. Tree Maintenance Fund (Forestry) 6. Community Housing Fund – Workforce Housing The City has a large number (over 50) of Special Revenue Funds, as are outlined on page 35. The six funds listed above comprise 56% of the total expenditures within that fund type. They also fund the vast majority of the employees that are supported by Special Revenue funds. 136 Other Special Revenue Funds: We will be detailing the expenditures of the Community Development Fund on the same night as the General Fund, due to its reliance on the General Fund for support. The Commission-appointed Boards of the Tax Increment Districts and Business Improvement Districts will be presenting their work-plans and budgets on June 13, 2016. FISCAL EFFECTS: Although the Final Budget adoption has far-reaching fiscal effects, there are no immediate fiscal effects as a result of this work session. The funds discussed tonight have proposed budgets with changes in rates and fees that will affect all property owners and system users, including a portion of property taxes related to Workforce Housing. The Worksheets outline these effects in detail. As presented, the City Manager’s Recommended Budget is projected to have the following effects on the typical City resident, with areas affected by Special Revenue Funds highlighted in yellow. : Typical Resident: Annual Increase Recommended Budget Street Maintenance Assessment $22.07 Forestry Assessment $5.10 Arterial Street Assessment $19.79 Property Taxes $48.00 Water Services $12.36 Sewer Services $17.28 Storm Water Services - Annual Increase $124.60 Monthly Increase 10.38 Attachments: FY17 Special Revenue Budget Worksheets On File: City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY17 Report compiled on: May 6, 2016 137 Building Inspection Fund – FY17 Budget Worksheet The Building Inspection Division information begins on page 123 of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget document. Revenues: This budget estimate continues to be one of the most difficult to make, because the majority of department revenues come from the spring and summer months, and fluctuate according to actual construction plans. We are anticipating that Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) will be similar to what we have experienced to date in FY16. The City Manager’s (CM) Recommended Budget estimates Building Inspection revenue of $1,685,248 or $140,437/month. So far this fiscal year, monthly revenues have averaged $141,500/month, with our busiest quarter underway. Actual permit revenues for March were $148,285, with April at $141,682. Expenditures: The Recommended Budget includes all of the existing department personnel, and an operating budget for the division for the year. Total estimated FY17 expenditures are $1,978,444. Excluding personnel costs (which is the largest area of the budget), a total Building Inspection Fund operating and capital budget of $536,520 is proposed. Attached on the next page, you will find a break- down of the separate areas of the operating budget, along with a chart representing the same. Some of the largest areas of the budget are:  Capital: CIP 103, replacement of staff vehicle – $32,500  Software upgrades and maintenance – $45,500  Payment of the City’s Administrative Overhead Allocation - $101,174  Consulting & Professional - $85,000 for increased use of 3rd party plan reviewers for structural and expedited plan review, development of standardized solar/photovoltaic plan, completion of Building Division fee study  In-State Travel/Training - $40,000 for Inspection certification, training for recent code changes and community training. $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 Q4 Est Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1 FY16FY15FY14FY13FY12 Average of Monthly Building Fees 138 Budget Surplus or Deficit: Building Inspection Fund FY15 Actual FY16 Budget FY17 CM Rec Revenues $1,539,623 $1,618,452 $1,685,248 Expenditures $1,460,836 $1,939,496 $1,978,444 Surplus/(Deficit) $78,787 ($321,044) ($293,196) The resulting deficit budget would draw down Building Inspection Fund cash reserve. For a number of years, we have adopted deficit budgets but have not actually operated at a deficit. Greater than estimated revenues and lower expenses, mostly due to vacant positions, have yielded increases to cash reserves. Given where we are in FY16, it is likely that we will have revenues that exceed expenditures. However, if the FY16 budget is fully realized, we will leave an estimated Building Inspection Fund cash reserve of $859,097 at the end of FY17; in compliance with the state’s maximum of one-year’s worth of expenditures ($1.9 Million.) In years past, the desired level of Building Inspection Fund reserve was discussed at length. We were targeting to develop a budget that would result in a reserve no less than 50% of annual expenditures. By State law, we can have no more than 100% of annual expenditures in reserve in the fund at the end of the year. This proposed budget is estimated to leave the FY17 ending reserve amount at 45% of FY17 annual expenditures. If FY16 operations yield a positive cash position, we will add to the reserve amount. 139 Date: 5/9/2016FY17 CM RECOMMENDED BUDGETBUILDING INSPECTION FUNDFY17 Operating BudgetDESCRIPTIONFY17 CMRECOMMENDED BUDGETADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD$101,174.00 ADVERTISING$12,000.00 BOOKS & REFERENCE MTRLS$8,500.00 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS$4,500.00 COMPUTER SUPPLIES$45,500.00 COMPUTERS & SERVERS < $5K$18,000.00 CONSULTANTS & PROF SERV$121,000.00 DUES & CERTIFICATIONS$3,000.00 GASOLINE AND OIL$20,000.00 GENERAL$11,000.00 GOODS PURCHSD FOR RESALE$4,500.00 IN-STATE$40,000.00 MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS$53,508.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES$17,000.00 POSTAGE$3,000.00 REPAIR & MAINT- BUILDINGS$6,000.00 REPAIR & MAINT- EQUIPMENT$16,500.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING$4,500.00 SMALL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS$6,500.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS$850.00 TELEPHONE$6,500.00 VEH MAINT FUND ALLOCATION$488.00 VEH:AUTOS + LIGHT TRUCKS$32,500.00 TOTAL $536,520.00 040,00080,000130,000ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEADADVERTISINGBOOKS & REFERENCE MTRLSCLOTHING & UNIFORMSCOMPUTER SUPPLIESCOMPUTERS & SERVERS < $5KCONSULTANTS & PROF SERVDUES & CERTIFICATIONSGASOLINE AND OILGENERALGOODS PURCHSD FOR RESALEIN-STATEMAINTENANCE CONTRACTSOFFICE SUPPLIESPOSTAGEREPAIR & MAINT- BUILDINGSREPAIR & MAINT- EQUIPMENTSHIPPING & HANDLINGSMALL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLSSUBSCRIPTIONSTELEPHONEVEH MAINT FUND ALLOCATIONVEH:AUTOS + LIGHT TRUCKSBuilding Inspection FundFY17 Operating & Capital Budget140 Street Maintenance Fund – FY17 Budget Worksheet The Streets Department information begins on page 133 of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget document. Revenue The recommended budget is based on a 15% increase in the Street Maintenance assessment, resulting in an annual assessment of $169.24 for the average sized lot. The majority of this increase is attributed to the second year phase-in of an added $1 Million in annual pavement maintenance. We anticipate another similar size increase next year, the last year of the phased-in maintenance costs. On the following page you will find a “5-Year Projection” of revenues and expenditures for the Street Maintenance Fund. We have utilized these long-range financial projections to give us an indication of what the current program costs, with small inflationary increases, and approved capital projects that will require in assessment increases. Expenditures The following 5-Year Projection also describes the expenditures for Street Maintenance. Personnel Costs: $1,433,254  Due to our existing labor contract, we expect to see total personnel costs remain somewhat flat in the fund, over the next 5 years. We successfully negotiated a contract that brings new positions on board at a lower rate than current employees, due to the actual labor-market conditions for the work. Actual savings will be dependent on employee turnover. Attached, you will also find a more detailed listing of Street Maintenance Fund operating and capital expenditures titled “FY17 Operating Budget”. The budget, excluding personnel, totals $3.9 Million this year. Notable items include:  Operating Expenditures: $1,600,002 (including pavement maintenance) o Road Supplies - $97,000 o Vehicle Supplies - $39,000 o Gas & Oil - $100,000 o Repair & Maintenance of Equipment - $189,000 o Contractors - $105,000 – NEW! Includes Travel Demand Coordinator-shared w/MSU, WTI o Electricity for non-SID street lighting & traffic signals - $58,000  Capital Expenditures: $1,376,501 o CIP STR01 – Replace truck - $45,000 o CIP STR61 – Asphalt paving machine - $110,000 o CIP STR30 – Medians & Boulevard Maintenance - $55,000 o CIP STR71 – Streets improvement mill & overlay - $723,000 o CIP SCR01 – Annual Curb Spot Repair - $60,000 o CIP SCR02 – Annual Street & Curb Replacement Project - $1,638,375 (location to be identified) o CIP STR20 – Bike Path Improvements - $25,000 (as recommended by BABAB)  Transfers to Other Funds: o Assessment money to fund Reconstruction Projects will be transferred to a Construction Fund. $598,000. 141 Street Maintenance District - 5 year Projection FY2017 Budget Preparation APPROVED Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Customer Increase - sq ftg 2%2%2%2%2%2% Rate Increase - General 4%6%5%4%4%4% Rate Increase - Added Maintenance 6%9%11%0%0%0% Rate Increase - Street Reconstruction 0%0%0%0%0%0% 10.0%15.0%16.0%4.0%4.0%4.0% General Street Maintenance FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Proportional Assessment Share 85.0%85.0%85.0%85.0%85.0%85.0% Beginning Fund Balance - Projected 817,993 (74,862) (704,556) (570,263) (284,597) 568,115 Estimated Revenues: Assessments: Undesignated 3,095,280 3,336,774 3,563,174 3,768,698 3,986,076 4,215,993 Assessments: Added Maintenance 287,998 592,493 1,024,712 1,045,206 1,066,110 1,087,433 Street Cut Permits 17,600 7,619 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Interest Earnings 17,000 17,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Penalty & Interest 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Total Estimated Revenues:3,428,878 3,964,886 4,623,886 4,849,904 5,088,187 5,339,426 Proposed Expenditures: Existing Personnel 1,324,551 1,335,754 1,362,469 1,389,718 1,417,513 1,445,863 Added Personnel 97,500 101,400 105,456 109,674 114,061 Operations 1,385,862 1,600,002 1,648,002 1,697,442 1,748,365 1,800,816 Debt Service, incl Intercap 184,822 184,822 184,822 184,822 184,822 184,822 Approved CIP *with adjustments 1,426,498 1,376,501 1,192,900 1,186,800 775,100 1,120,500 Increase Pavement Mtc - Total Proposed Expenditures:4,321,733 4,594,579 4,489,593 4,564,239 4,235,474 4,666,063 Ending Fund Balance - Projected (74,862) (704,556) (570,263) (284,597) 568,115 1,241,478 New in FY12 - Street & Curb Reconstruction FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Accumulated Assessment Amount 15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0% Beginning Designated Fund Balance - Projected 772,933 250,970 (553,322) (585,337) (26,015) (314,935) Estimated Revenues: Annual Assessments Designated: Reconstruction & Curbs 587,316 597,326 608,016 619,322 631,280 643,928 Plus: SID's 197,000 236,756 1,740,094 151,800 465,750 Proposed Expenditures: - Revised CIP 1,306,279 1,638,375 2,380,125 60,000 1,072,000 681,000 Ending Designated Fund Balance - Projected 250,970$ (553,322)$ (585,337)$ (26,015)$ (314,935)$ 113,743$ Total Annual Assessments: Small Lot, 5,000 sq ft.98.10$ 112.81$ 130.86$ 136.09$ 141.54$ 147.20$ Average Lot, 7,500 sq ft.147.17$ 169.24$ 196.32$ 204.18$ 212.34$ 220.84$ Large Lot, 10,000 sq ft.196.23$ 225.66$ 261.77$ 272.24$ 283.13$ 294.45$ Capped Residential, 15,000 sq ft.294.34$ 338.49$ 392.65$ 408.35$ 424.69$ 441.68$ 142 Date: 5/9/2016 FY17 Operating Budget FY17 CM RECOMMENDED BUDGET STREET MAINTENANCE FUND DESCRIPTION FY17 CM RECOMMENDED BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD $281,937.00 ADVERTISING $3,000.00 BLD:BUILDINGS+BLDG DESIGN $26,667.00 BOOKS & REFERENCE MTRLS $700.00 CHEMICALS $11,500.00 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS $7,700.00 COMPUTER SUPPLIES $5,960.00 COMPUTERS & SERVERS < $5K $6,435.00 CONSULTANTS & PROF SERV $105,800.00 CONTRACTORS $73,000.00 DUES & CERTIFICATIONS $1,430.00 ELECTRICITY $81,700.00 GASOLINE AND OIL $108,000.00 GENERAL $124,780.00 IMP:INFRASTRUCTURE+IMPROV $897,834.00 IN-STATE $8,400.00 INSURANCE $15,000.00 INTEREST $16,851.00 INTERNET $8,730.00 M&E:MACH+EQUIP/HEAVY TRUK $377,000.00 MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS $26,205.00 MEDICAL SERVICES $2,000.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,800.00 OUT-OF-STATE $10,500.00 POSTAGE $8,250.00 PRINCIPAL $167,971.00 REFUSE DISPOSAL $14,500.00 RENTS & LEASES $31,300.00 REPAIR & MAINT - OTHER $11,000.00 REPAIR & MAINT- BUILDINGS $5,500.00 REPAIR & MAINT- EQUIPMENT $189,000.00 ROAD SUPPLIES $99,000.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING $700.00 SMALL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS $27,500.00 STORM WATER $225.00 STREET SIGN REPAIR $7,000.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS $800.00 TELEPHONE $22,600.00 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS $598,000.00 VEH MAINT FUND ALLOCATION $244,550.00 VEH:AUTOS + LIGHT TRUCKS $75,000.00 VEHICLE SUPPLIES $42,500.00 WATER SERVICE $11,000.00 TOTAL $3,759,325.00 0 400,000 900,000 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD ADVERTISING BLD:BUILDINGS+BLDG DESIGN BOOKS & REFERENCE MTRLS CHEMICALS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS COMPUTER SUPPLIES COMPUTERS & SERVERS < $5K CONSULTANTS & PROF SERV CONTRACTORS DUES & CERTIFICATIONS ELECTRICITY GASOLINE AND OIL GENERAL IMP:INFRASTRUCTURE+IMPROV IN-STATE INSURANCE INTEREST INTERNET M&E:MACH+EQUIP/HEAVY TRUK MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS MEDICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES OUT-OF-STATE POSTAGE PRINCIPAL REFUSE DISPOSAL RENTS & LEASES REPAIR & MAINT - OTHER REPAIR & MAINT- BUILDINGS REPAIR & MAINT- EQUIPMENT ROAD SUPPLIES SHIPPING & HANDLING SMALL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS STORM WATER STREET SIGN REPAIR SUBSCRIPTIONS TELEPHONE TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS VEH MAINT FUND ALLOCATION VEH:AUTOS + LIGHT TRUCKS VEHICLE SUPPLIES WATER SERVICE Street Maintenance Fund FY17 Operating and Capital Budget 143 Arterial and Collector District – FY17 Budget Worksheet Arterial and Collector District (Fund 141) is included in the Streets Maintenance Information on page 136. Revenue: Since its creation in the summer of 2015, the financial plan for the District has been to phase-in assessment levels to equal approximately $2 Million/year, over a 3 year period. In the first year, assessments equal over $565,000. In FY17 (year two of the phase-in), revenues are recommended to total $1,096,443. This will require an increase in the current assessment of 90%. The typical lot’s assessment will go from $21.53/year to $41.33/year. Expenditures: Expenditures this year are entirely for Capital projects that were approved in the Capital Improvement Plan. Capital: $1,030,000 o SIF055 – $500,000, Baxter (19th to Davis) - construction o SIF069 - $30,000, Ferguson & Durston intersection design o SIF072 - $500,000, Baxter (Ferguson to Cottonwood)-construction On the following page you will find a “5-Year Projection” of revenues and expenditures for the Arterial & Collector Fund. We have utilized these long-range financial projections to give us an indication of what assessment requirements are for the approved capital projects. So far, the plan only includes capital costs, which may be to our advantage to change in future years. Arterial & Collector District - 5 year Projection Fund 141 FY2017 Budget Preparation APPROVED Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Customer Increase - sq ftg 0%2%2%2%2%2% Rate Increase - General 100%90%80%2%2%2% 92%82%4%4%4% Arterial & Collector Maintenance & Capital FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Beginning Fund Balance - Projected 445,000 15,309 81,752 469,289 566,751 (47,697) Estimated Revenues: Assessments: 565,300 1,095,551 2,011,432 2,092,694 2,177,239 2,265,200 Interest Earnings 4,450 - 818 4,693 5,668 (477) Penalty & Interest 1,555 892 5,531 5,755 5,987 6,229 Total Estimated Revenues:571,305 1,096,443 2,017,781 2,103,142 2,188,894 2,270,952 Proposed Expenditures: Existing Personnel - - - - - - Operations - - - - - - Debt Service, incl Intercap - - - - - - Approved CIP 1,000,996 1,030,000 1,630,244 2,005,680 2,803,342 666,000 Total Proposed Expenditures:1,000,996 1,030,000 1,630,244 2,005,680 2,803,342 666,000 Ending Fund Balance - Projected 15,309 81,752 469,289 566,751 (47,697) 1,557,255 Total Annual Assessments: Small Lot, 5,000 sq ft.14.35$ 27.55$ 50.14$ 52.15$ 54.24$ 56.41$ Average Lot, 7,500 sq ft.21.53$ 41.33$ 75.22$ 78.23$ 81.35$ 84.61$ Large Lot, 10,000 sq ft.28.70$ 55.10$ 100.29$ 104.30$ 108.47$ 112.81$ Capped Residential, 15,000 sq ft.43.05$ 82.66$ 150.43$ 156.45$ 162.71$ 169.22$ 144 Date: 5/9/2016 FY17 Operating Budget FY17 CM RECOMMENDED BUDGET ARTERIAL & COLLECTOR DISTRICT FUND DESCRIPTION FY17 CM RECOMMENDED BUDGET IMP:INFRASTRUCTURE+IMPROV $1,030,000.00 TOTAL $1,030,000.00 0 400,000 800,000 1,200,000 IMP:INFRASTRUCTURE+IMPROV Arterial & Collector District Fund FY17 Operating and Capital Budget 145     Street Impact Fee Fund – FY17 Budget Worksheet Revenue  The Street Impact Fee Fund’s revenue consists mainly of Impact Fee revenue. We estimate this revenue  based on a 5 year average. It is difficult to accurately predict these revenues, since they are based mainly on  the building occurring in the community.   Revenues fluctuate based on a variety of factors related to building  type and size. FY17 is estimated to collect $2,293,441 in impact fees, with $95,460 in interest income.  Expenditures Expenditures continue to be supported by the large existing fund balance that has accumulated in the Fund.   The FY16 budget contained an unprecedented number of Street Improvement projects (over $8 Million).    Accounting for full spending on these projects, we expect to begin FY17 with over $6.1 million.  Expenditures  for FY17 are budgeted at $5,170,475.  Operating Expenditures ‐ $225,000 – these amount support the operations of our capacity‐expanding street  projects and are NOT general street maintenance.     Transportation Model ‐ $100,000   Street Impact Fee Study ‐ $100,000   Transportation Demand Contract, Western Transportation Institute ‐ $25,000 (3‐year commitment)  Capital ‐ $4,945,475    Capital Project Budget Amount SIF027 COTTONWOOD & DURSTON (INTERSECTION) $160,000 SIF055 BAXTER (19TH TO DAVIS) CONSTRUCTION - WITH ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR $1,000,000 SIF 069 FERGUSON & DURSTON (INTERSECTION) - DESIGN, WITH ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR $120,000 SIF071 FERGUSON (BAXTER TO OAK) DESIGN $50,000 SIF072 BAXTER (FERGUSON TO COTTONWOOD) - WITH ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR $764,475 SIF077 GRAF STREET ETENSION (RITTER TO 19TH) $1,035,000 SIF084 BAXTER (DAVIS TO COTTONWOOD)DESIGN $225,000 SIF085 BAXTER (7TH TO 19TH) CONSTRUCTION $500,000 SIF087 CATAMOUNT ST (27TH TO VALLEY CNTR) $300,000 SIF093 OAK STREET (15TH TO 19TH) CONSTRUCTION $350,000 SIF 094 CATAMOUNT ST (27TH TO VALLEY CNTR) - DESIGN $45,000 SIF 103 S. 11TH AVE-KAGY BLVD TO GRAF ST EXT $396,000 TOTAL $4,945,475     146 Tree Maintenance Fund – FY17 Budget Worksheet The Tree Maintenance Fund is the single source of support for thee Forestry Department. Their information begins on page 176 of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget document. Revenue Revenue increases are needed to fund the costs of the recommendations of the Urban Forestry Master Plan. The CM Recommended Budget recommends a 30% increase for Tree Maintenance Assessments. Total Revenues are estimated to be: $624,712. One of the recommendations in the Plan is to have adequate funds available to address an Emerald Ash Borer incident. Growing and maintaining the Fund’s reserves to a level above $100,000 is our recommended strategy. With the increased assessment this year, and smaller increases in the next two years, we anticipate we could be at that level by Fiscal Year 2019. Expenditures Expenditures total $740,223, with approximately $135,000 of capital projects begin funded. In developing the budget for the Tree Maintenance Fund, we also customarily look at a 5-Year Projection of expenditures and revenues. This projection is attached. Also attached is a more detailed list and chart of the Funds’ budget for operating expenditures. Personnel: $413,970. This includes the mid-year hire of the Forestry Superintendent. Operations: $191,253 o Gas & Oil - $12,900 o General Supplies - $43,565 o Includes: Cost share trees - $26,250, Tree replacement vouchers - $22,500, etc. o Contracted Services: Miscellaneous contracted tree service – 6 moths - $30,000 Capital: $135,000 o FOR08 - Backhoe replacement o FOR 07- Flatbed truck replacement 147 Tree Maintenance District - 5 year Projection FY2017 Budget Preparation Adopted Recommended Projected Projected Projected Projected Proposed Rate Increase 2%30%8%6%2%2% Estimated Growth in Assessable Sq Ftg 2%2%2%2%2%2% FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Beginning Fund Balance - Projected 158,467 159,303 44,942 48,232 108,687 151,268 Estimated Revenues: Assessments (FY16 Actual Billed)464,187 615,512 678,048 733,105 762,723 793,537 Penalty and Interest 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 Interest Earnings 1,600 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Sale of Cost-Share-Trees 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Grants/State Shared 750 Total Estimated Revenues:473,887 625,862 688,398 743,455 773,073 803,887 Proposed Expenditures: Existing Personnel 325,238 373,012 384,202 395,728 407,600 419,828 New Super - Hire Mid year 40,958 81,915 84,372 86,904 89,511 Operations 147,813 191,253 196,991 202,900 208,987 215,257 Capital - 135,000 22,000 - 27,000 - Total Proposed Expenditures:473,051 740,223 685,108 683,001 730,491 724,596 Ending Fund Balance - Projected 159,303 44,942 48,232 108,687 151,268 230,559 Annual Assessments: Small Lot, 5,000 sq ft.11.33 14.73 15.91 16.86 17.20 17.54 Average Lot, 7,500 sq ft.17.00 22.10 23.87 25.30 25.81 26.32 Large Lot, 10,000 sq ft.22.67 29.47 31.83 33.74 34.41 35.10 Extra Large, 15,000 sq ft 34.00 44.20 47.74 50.60 51.61 52.64 148 Date: 5/9/2016 FY17 Operating Budget FY17 CM RECOMMENDED BUDGET TREE MAINTENANCE FUND DESCRIPTION FY17 CM RECOMMENDED BUDGET ADVERTISING $11,400.00 BOOKS & REFERENCE MTRLS $500.00 CHEMICALS $500.00 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS $1,250.00 COMPUTER SUPPLIES $2,100.00 CONSULTANTS & PROF SERV $2,200.00 DUES & CERTIFICATIONS $850.00 ELECTRICITY $500.00 GASOLINE AND OIL $12,900.00 GENERAL $72,265.00 IN-STATE $4,000.00 INSURANCE $3,000.00 INTERNET $3,600.00 M&E:MACH+EQUIP/HEAVY TRUK $90,000.00 MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS $32,200.00 MEDICAL SERVICES $200.00 NATURAL GAS $300.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,000.00 OUT-OF-STATE $1,500.00 PERSONAL COMPUTERS $2,000.00 POSTAGE $8,250.00 REPAIR & MAINT - OTHER $500.00 REPAIR & MAINT- BUILDINGS $1,000.00 REPAIR & MAINT- EQUIPMENT $6,000.00 ROAD SUPPLIES $2,000.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING $200.00 SMALL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS $4,500.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS $200.00 TELEPHONE $1,550.00 VEH MAINT FUND ALLOCATION $11,788.00 VEH:AUTOS + LIGHT TRUCKS $45,000.00 VEHICLE SUPPLIES $2,000.00 TOTAL $326,253.00 0 40,000 80,000 100,000 ADVERTISING BOOKS & REFERENCEMTRLS CHEMICALS CLOTHING & UNIFORMS COMPUTER SUPPLIES CONSULTANTS & PROFSERV DUES & CERTIFICATIONS ELECTRICITY GASOLINE AND OIL GENERAL IN-STATE INSURANCE INTERNET M&E:MACH+EQUIP/HEAVYTRUK MAINTENANCECONTRACTS MEDICAL SERVICES NATURAL GAS OFFICE SUPPLIES OUT-OF-STATE PERSONAL COMPUTERS POSTAGE REPAIR & MAINT - OTHER REPAIR & MAINT-BUILDINGS REPAIR & MAINT- EQUIPMENT ROAD SUPPLIES SHIPPING & HANDLING SMALL EQUIPMENT ANDTOOLS SUBSCRIPTIONS TELEPHONE VEH MAINT FUNDALLOCATION VEH:AUTOS + LIGHT TRUCKS VEHICLE SUPPLIES Tree Maintenance Fund FY17 Operating and Capital Budget 149 Community Housing Fund – FY17 Budget Worksheet Community Housing Fund (Fund 120) is included in the Community Services Expenditure Information on page 189. Community Housing Fund – FY17 Expenditure Total $387,400 The Community Housing Fund holds revenues from some previous housing loans that are slowly coming back to the city, and has also been where we have deposited and recorded the activity of the City’s tax dollars dedicated to Workforce Housing. The CM Recommended Budget includes tax revenue of 3 mills (estimated at $265,000) for Workforce Housing efforts. The Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board has recommended the budget this year, with expenditures of $387,400 detailed below. Workforce Housing Funding Within the Community Housing Fund Approved Proposed 0.5 Mills 0.5 Mills 0.5 Mills 1 Mill 3 Mills 3 Mills FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Beginning Balance 318,460 327,446 336,926 347,769 21,858 220,966 Revenues: General Fund Transfer 56,248 Dedication of Tax Revenue 41,031 41,885 42,819 88,470 241,158 264,886 Interest Earnings 2,955 2,595 2,555 2,958 2,850 2,850 Loan Principal Repayments 5,000 5,000 5,000 682 9,500 9,500 Total Estimated Revenues:48,986 49,480 50,374 148,358 253,508 277,236 Expenditures: Road to Home - Administration 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 HRDC - West Edge Project Downpayment Assistance - 160,000 HRDC Administration of Revolving Loan Fund 14,400 14,400 Workforce Housing Ordinance Development/Update 50,000 Support for Low Income Housing Projects (offset Impact Fees)24,269 Remainder of CAHAB Support not contained in Fund 121 (to total $14,400/yr)3,407 GMD - Project Assistance 200,000 Administrative Costs 8,000 Affordable Housing Action Plan Update 10,000 Impact Fees For Home Purchase 100,000 Impact Fees For Rental Housing 40,000 Purchase of Property 100,000 Emergency Shelter 25,000 Down Payment Assistance 50,000 Total Proposed Expenditures:40,000 40,000 40,000 477,676 54,400 387,400 Ending Balance 327,446 336,926 347,769 21,858 220,966 110,802 150