HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 68- 875, Amends Chapter 14.16, sign code. 131 A.-as - Ordinane8 Ne..~ 7it~ 110 ," AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, SIGN CODE AND AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14.16 OF THE f:4..,t".. ,,.Ir. OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ORDINANCE NO. 824. ,['0,:'- ORDINANCE NO. 875 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: I Section 1. That Title 14, Chapter 14.16 of the Official Code of the City of Bozeman, Ordinance No. 824, be amended to read as follows: Chapter 14.16 SIGN CODE I 14.16.010 Short title of Chapter. This chapter shall be known as the "Bozeman Sign Code," may be cited as such, and will be referred to herein as "this Code." 14.16.020 Purpose and scope. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, quality of materials, construction, location, electrification and maintenance of all signs and sign structures. (a) Restriction 1. No sign, marquee, awning or other device shall be erected in such a manner as to confuse, obstruct or limit the view or interpretation of any official traffic sign, signal or device, and/or confuse, obstruct or limit the view of traffic entering a street intersection. 2. No sign shall exceed six hundred (600) square feet in area. (b) Intention. The regulation of this Code are not intended to permit any violation of the provisions of any other lawful Ordinance. 14.16.030 Enforcement: (a) Authdrity. The Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this Code. (b) Right of Entry. Upon presentation of proper credentials the Building Official or his duly authorized representatives may enter at reasonable times any building, structure, or premise in the city to perform any duty imposed upon him by this Code. (Deleted in its entirety by the City Commission prior to passage on Hednesday, 9 October 1968.) (c) Board of Appeals. In order to provide for reasonable interpretation of the pro- visions of this Code, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman shall act in the capacity of the Board of Appeals. Any person may register an appeal with the Board of Appeals for a review of any de~ cision of the Building Official provided that such appeal is made in writing within five (5) days after such person shall have been notified of such decision by the Building Official. Upon receipt of such appeal the said Board shall proceed to determine whether the action of the Building Official complies with the provisions of this Code and whether or not any variance of these provisions shall be granted and within fifteen (15) days shall make a decision in accord- ance with its findings. (d) License Required: Any person or firm who engages in the business of fabrication, installation, alteration, maintenance or repair of signs in, on or about buildings in the City of Bozeman is required to have a City Contractor's License in compliance with paragraph 34, Section 3.04.080. A license is not transferable or assignable to other persons, firms or corp- orations. I (e) Bond. The applicant for a sign Contractor's License shall file with the City, a bond in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), conditioned that he will in good faith perform all things required of him by the laws of the City. Said bond must be filed with the Clerk of the Commission and must be approved by the City Attorney and the City Commission. (f) Violations and Penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to contract, enlarge, alter, move or convert any sign or structure in the city, or cause or permit the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this code. Any person, firm or corporation violating or disobeying any of the provisions of this code or who omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions ORDINANCE NO. 875 132 of this Code shall' be :'deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for each offense. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. 14.16.040 Definitions, generally. For the purpose of this code, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall be construed as specified in this chapter. Words used in the singular include the plural, and the plural the singular. Words used in masculine gender include the feminine, and the feminine the masculine. 14.16.050 Approved plastic material defined. Approved plastic material shall be those specified in Uniform Building Code Standard No. 52-1-67 which will have a flame spread rating of 225 or less and a smoke density not greater than that obtained from the burning of untreated wood under similar conditions when tested in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard No. 42-1-67 in the way intended for use. The products of combustion shall be no more toxic than the burning of untreated wood under similar conditions. 14.16.060 Building Line defined. Building line is a line established by ordinance beyond which no building may extend. A building line may coincide with the property line. 14.l6.070 Building Official defined. Building Official is the officer or other person charged by the Director of Public Safety with the administration and enforcement of this code, or his duly authorized deputy. 14.16.080 Combination Sign defined. A combination sign shall mean any sign incorporating in combination, any of the features of ground, projecting and roof signs. 14.16.090 Combustible material defined. Combustible material shall mean wood or materials more combustible than wood. 14.16.100 Curb line defined. Curb line shall be the line at the face of the curb nearest to the street or roadway. In absence of a curb, the curb line shall be established by the City Engineer. 14.16.110 Display surface defined. Display surface is the area made available by sign structure for the purpose of displaying the advertising message. 14.16.120 Electrical sign defined. Electrical signs shall mean any sign which is wired to provide current employed in illuminating or animating any part of the sign. Excepting any sign which is illuminated where electrical wiring or fixtures are not attached to any portion of said sign or supporting structure. 14.16.130 Ground sign defined. Any sign which is entirely supported by one or more up- rights, poles, columns, braces or other supports in or upon the ground such as bulletin boards, poster boards or bill boards and other than combination and pole signs further defined in this code. 14.16.140 Incombustible material defined. Incombustible material is any material of which no part will ignite and burn when subjected to fire. Any material conforming to the Uniform Building Code Standard No. 4-1-67 shall be considered incombustible within the meaning of this section. I I l4.l6.l50 Marquee defined. Marquee is a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the building, projecting over public property. l4.l6.l60 Non-conforming sign defined. Non-conforming signs shall mean any sign present prior to adoption of this code which does not meet the ~equirements of this code. 14.16.170 Non-structural trim defined. Non-structural trim is the molding, battens, caps, nailing strips, latticing, cut-outs or letters and walkways which are attached to the sign structure. 14.16.180 Plastic materials defined. Plastic materials are those made wholly or principally from standardized plastics listed and described in Uniform Building Code Standard No. 52-1-67. (See approved plastic material defined.) I 14.16.185 Pole sign defined.. A pole sign shall mean any sign supported wholly by a pole or poles, pipe or pipes or structural steel members set in the ground which is not a part of a . building. 14.16.190 Projecting sign defined. A projecting sign shall mean a sign other than a wall sign, which projects from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure. 14.16-200 Projection defined. Projection means the distance by which a sign extends over public property, or beyong the building line. ORDINANCE NO. 875 I I I 14.16.210 Roof sign defined. A roof sign shall mean a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or structure. 14.16.220 Sign-defined. A sign is any medium including its structure and component parts, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to the subject matter for advertising purposes, other than paint on surface of a building. 14.16.230 Sign structure defined. Sign structure means the supports, uprights, braces and frame work of the sign. 14.16.240 Special purpose sign defined. A special purpose sign is any sign not covered by this code. All special purpose signs must be approved previous to their manufacture, fabrication or installation, by the Building Official or higher authority. 14.16.250 Structure defined. Structure is that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts jointed together in some definite manner. 14.16.260 Temporary sign defined. A temporary sign shall include any sign, banner, pennant, valance, portable signs, sandwich boards or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wall board, paper, wood, plastic, metal or other light materials, with or without frames; intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. 14.16.270 Uniform Building Code Standard defined; Uniform Building Code Standard is the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code Standards, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official. 14.16.280 Uniform Building Code defined. Uniform Building Code is the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code published by the International Conference of Building Officials, which has been adopted by the City Commission, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official. 14.16.290 Wall sign defined. A wall sign shall mean any sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall. 14.16.300 Permits required. No sign shall hereafter be erected, re-erected, constructed, altered, or maintained, except as provided by this code and until after a permit for the same has been issued by the Building Official. In addition, electrical permits shall be obtained for electrical signs, by electrical contractors. 14.16.310 Application. Applications for sign permits shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Building Official. The application shall contain the location by street and number of the proposed sign structure, the name and address of the owner and sign contractor or erector, together with the description of the proposed sign. The Building Official may require the filing of plans or other pertinent information before issuing the permit where in his opinion such information is necessary to insure compliance with this code. 14.16.320 Exemptions. The following signs shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner and/or the erecter of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this code or any other law or ordinance regulating the same. (a) Real estate signs not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area which advertise the sale, rental, or lease of the premises upon which said signs are located. (b) Professional name plates not exceeding one (1) square foot in area. (c) Bulletin boards not over twelve (12) square feet in area for public, charitable, or religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of said institutions. (d) Signs denoting the architect, engineer or contractor when placed upon work under construction and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet. (e) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into the masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials . (f) Signs of public service companies indicating danger and aids to service or safety. ORDINANCE NO. 875 133 134 (g) The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign only. Except for theater marquees and similar signs specifically designed for the use of replacaple copy, electric signs shall not be included in this exception. (h) Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure or the advertising copy or message there on shall not be considered an erection or alteration which requires a sign permit unless a structural change is made. (i) Small portable signs inside a building or signs painted on the surface of a building, except that all electrical signs shall meet the latest require- ments of the National Electric Code as adopted by the National Fire Protection Association, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official. Electrical signs within a building and on private property shall not be placed within reach of the general public. (8' high shall be determined out of reach.) (j) All municipal, county, state or federal government signs which regulate traffic, safety, health, or other public service. 14.16.300 Fees - Sign Area. For any electrical sign, the permit fee shall be ten cents (lO~) per square foot of sign area with a minimum fee of two dollars ($2.00). All other signs shall be five cents (5/) per square foot area with a minimum fee of two dollars ($2.00). The area of a sign shall be calculated by using the square footage of the smallest rectangle or pair of re- ctangles which will enclose the sign. Where work for which a permit is required by this code is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fee above specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this code in the execution of the work nor from any other penalties prescribed herein. l4.l6.340 Plan checking fees. Where plans and other pertinent information are required in accordance with Section 14.16.300, a plan check fee equal to one-half the sign permit fee shall be paid to the City of Bozeman at the office of the Building Official. 14.16.350 Condition of signs. All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors shall be kept in repair and in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. 14.16.360 Inspections. All signs for which 8 permit is required shall be subject to inspect ion by the Building Official. Footing inspections will be required on all ground signs. Elect- rical signs shall be inspected before erection. The Building Official may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with provisions of Section 14.l6.350. All signs may be reinspected at the discretion of the Building Official. 14.16.370 Design: (a) General. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist wind and seismic forces as specified in this section. All bracing systems shall be designed and constructed to transfer lateral forces to the foundation. For signs on buildings, the dead and lateral loads shall be transmitted thru the structural frame of the building to the ground in such manner as not to over stress any of the elements thereof. The over- turning moment produced from lateral forces shall in no case exceed two thirds of the dead- load resisting moment. Uplift due to overturning shall be adequately resisted by proper anchorage to the ground or to the structural frame of the building. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may be used in determining the dead load resisting moment. Such earth shall be carefully placed and thoroughly compacted. (b) Wind Loads. For the purpose of design, and except for roof signs and combination signs, wind pressure shall be taken upon the gross area of the vertical projection of all signs and sign structures at not less than thirty (30) pounds per square foot for those portions less than sixty (60) feet above ground, and at not less than thirty five (35) pounds per square foot for those portions more than sixty feet (60) above the ground. Wind pressure upon roof signs and combination signs and their supports shall be taken at not less than thirty (30) pounds per square foot of the gross area of the plane surface, acting in any direction. In calculating wind pressure on curved surfaces such as cylindrical or spherical signs or sign structures, this pressure shall be assumed to act on six-tenths of the projected area. In all open fram signs or sign structures the area used in computing ORDINANCE NO. 875 I I I I wind pressure shall be one and one-half times the net area of the framing members in the side exposed to the wind. (c) Seismic Loads. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist seismic forces as provided in Part VI, Chapter 23, Uniform Building Code, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official. (d) Combined Loads. Wind and seismic Loads need not be combined in the design of signs or sign structures; only that loading producing larger stresses need be used. Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, shall be assumed to be acting simultaneously with the wind or seismic loads. (e) Allowable stresses. The design of wood, concrete, or steel members shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 23-24-25-26-27 and 28 of the Uniform Building Code, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official. Loads both vertical and horizontal, exerted on the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those permitted by Chapter 28 of said Uniform Building Code. The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenin~shall not exceed 25 per cent of the ultimate strength of the rope or fasteners. Working stresses for wind or seismic loads combined with dead loads may be increased as specified in Section 2303 of said uniform Building Code. 14.16.380 Construction. (a) General. The supports for all signs or sign structures shall be placed in or upon private property and shall be accurately built, constructed and erected in conformance with the requirements of this code. (b) Materials. Materials of construction for signs and sign structures shall be of the quality and grade as specified for buildings in said Uniform Building Code. In all signs and sign structures the material and details of construction shall conform with the following: 1. Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with Uniform Building Code Standard No. 27-1-67. Secondary members in contact with, or directly supporting the display surface, may be formed of light guage steel provided such members are designed in accordance with the specifications of the design of light gauge steel as specified in said uniform Building Code Standard No. 27-2-67 and Nb.27-3-67 and in addition shall be non-corrosive. Secondary members when formed integrally with the display surface, shall be not less than No. 24 gauge in thickness. When not formed integrally with the display surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary members shall be No. 12 gauge. The min- imum thickness of hot rolled steel members furnishing structural support for signs shall be one-fourth inch (~") steel pipes and shall be of such quality as to conform with said Uniform Building Code Standard No. 27-4-67. Steel members may be connected with one galvanized bolt provided the connection is adequate to transfer fhe stresses in the members. 2. Anchors and supports of wood when embedded in soil or within six inches (6") of the soil, shall be of all heartwood or a durable specie or shall be pressure treated with an approved preservative. Such members shall be marked or branded by an approved agency as provided in the Uniform Code Standard 25-12-67. 3. No material part or portion, or equipment shall be used in any sign which might become dangerous because of vibration, corrosion, disintegration, or any other reason. (c) Restriction on Combustible Materials. All signs and sign structures erected in the Central Business Zone, MOtor Business Zone, or in Fire Zone No.1, as outlined on maps in the office of the Building Official, shall have structural members of incombustible materials. Ground signs may be constructed of any material meeting the requirements of this code, except as provided above. Combination signs, roof signs, wall signs, projecting signs, and signs on marquees shall be constructed of incombustible materials, except as provided in Sub-section (d) of this section. No combustible materials other than approved plastics shall be used in the con- struction of electrical signs. (See Section 14.16.050 for approved Plastics.) For temporary signs see section 14.16.660 through 14.16.680. I I ORDINANCE NO. 875 135 136 (d) Nonstructural Trim. Nonstructural trim may be of wood, metal, approved plastics, or any combination thereof. (e) Anchorage. Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so proportioned that the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either direction, horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the safe values. Braced ground signs shall be anchored to resist the specified wind or seismic load acting in any direction. Anchors and supports shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and for an effective resistance to pull-out amounting to a force twenty-five percent (25%) greater than the required resistance to overturning. Anchors and supports shall penetrate to a depth below ground greater then the frost line. Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts rigidly attached to the base shall be so proportioned that the weight and size of the base will be adequate to resist the wind pressure specified in Section 14.16.370 (b). Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or steel shall be safely and securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors, bolts, or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to support safely the load applied. All anchorage fasteners shall be of zinc coated Iron or steel conforming to A.S.T.M. Standard Specifications A-93. No wooden Blocks, plugs, or anchors with wood used in connection with screws or nails shall be considered proper anchorage, except in the case of signs attached to wood framing. No anchor or support of any sign shall be connected to, or supported by, a parapet wall, unless such wall is designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 2312 of the Uniform Building Code. There shall be no swinging signs. (f) No sign may cover windows unless said windows are permanently closed with the same material as the building. (g) The affixing or delineation of any sign or notice of immoral character shall be unlawful and a violation of this code, including advertisement or notices pertaining to sex diseases. (h) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, other than the outdoor advertiser or his agents or employees properly having control, to tear, destroy or mutilate in any manner, any sign, or advertising matter which shall have been constructed, maintained or affixed or displayed rightfully in accordance with the provisions of this code. (i) It shall be unlawful for any person to loiter behind or about any sign. (j) It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any nuisance behind or about any sign, or to dump trash, weeds, paper or other refuse matter on any property occupied by a sign. (k) It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with or change or interfere with any light, reflector, wire or other mechanism or any part of a sign. (1) Display surfaces in all types of signs may be made of metal, glass or approved plastics, in accordance with the area limitations set forth in tables No. 4-A and No.4-B. TABLE NO. 4-A LIMITATIONS OF APPROVED PLASTICS IN SIGNS. Area of facing or Display Surface 100 Sq. feet or less Over 100 Sq. Feet, but less than 2000 Sq. feet Area Occupied or Covered By Plastics 100 percent of display surface area 100 Sq. feet plus 25% of the difference between lOO Sq. feet and the area of the display surface Not over 575 square feet Over 2000 square feet TABLE NO. 4-B SIZE, THICKNESS ANn TYPE OF GLASS PANELS IN SIGNS MAXIMUM SIZE OF EXPOSED GLASS PANEL. Any Dimension in Inches Minimum Thickness of Glass in Inches Type of Glass 30 45 l44 Area in Sq. Inches 500 700 3,600 Over 3,600 Plain, plate or wired. Plain, Plate or wired. Plain, Plate or wired. Wired Glass 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 Over 144 ORDINANCE NO. 875 I I I I 14.16.390 Ground Signs Generally. Ground signs may be constructed of any material meeting the requirements of this code, except as provided in Section l4.16.380. 14.16.400 Design of Ground signs. Ground signs shall be designed in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 14.16.370 - 14.16.380. 14.16.410 Projection of ground signs. Ground signs shall not project over public property or beyond a building line. (a) Visibility at Intersection. On a corner lot no ground sign, portable ground sign, or sandwich board sign, shall be so placed or maintained as to exist, in whole or in part, within a triangular area formed by the intersecting street lines and a straight line joining said street lines at points which are thirty feet (30') from the point of intersection of the street lines measured along said street lines. (b) No portable ground signs, sandwich boards or other signs incorporating advertising media, (excepting directional and traffic signs) shall be placed or maintained on public right of way. 14.16.420 Clearance, height of ground signs. (a) Except for portable signs, sandwich boards, the bottom of the display surface of every ground sign shall be not less than five feet (5') above the ground or grade, such space may be filled with a platform or decorative trim of conforming material. (b) No ground sign shall be erected to a height exceeding forty feet (40') above the ground. No portable ground sign shall exceed six feet (6') in height. (c) All ground signs shall maintain a horizontal clearance of three feet (3') and a vertical clearance of eight feet (8') from all power or service lines. 14.16.430 Fire restrictions on ground signs. Ground signs shall be constructed of incombust- ible materials, except as provided in Section 14.16.380. l4.l6.440 Combination signs, generally. Combination signs shall be constructed of incombust- ible materials, except as provided in Section 14.16.380. 14.16.450 Design of combination signs. All supports of combination signs shall be placed in or upon private property and shall be securely built, constructed and erected to conform with the requirements specified in Sections 14.16.370 - 14.l6.380. 14.16.460 Proiection and clearance of combination signs. The thickness of that portion of a combination sign which projects over public property shall not exceed the maximum as shown in Figure No.1-B. Combination signs may project over public property or beyond a building line as shown in Figure No. I-A, but shall not under any circumstances exceed the limitations as outlined in Section 14.16.580. Projecting combination signs shall be located no closer than ten feet (lO') to any other projecting signs, nor closer than five feet (5') to any side property line. For additional requirements of projecting signs, with combination signs see Sections 14.16.560 through 14.16.590. I I The individual requirements of roof, projecting and ground signs shall be applied for combin- ation signs incorporating any and all of the aforesaid features. 14.16.470 Display Surface Area of Combination Signs. The display surface of that portion of any combination sign extending beyond the property or building line shall not exceed an area of 100 square feet per face. 14.16.475 Pole signs generally. Pole signs shall be constructed of incombustible materials except as provided in Section 14.16.380. No part or portion of any pole sign shall project over or encroach on public property. (a) No pole sign shall be erected to a height exceeding forty feet (40') above the ground, except within an area lying not more than one thousand feet (1000') at right angles to the centerline of Interstate 90, maximum height in this area shall be sixty feet (60'). (b) No part of the display area, message panels or the super structure of a pole sign shall be less than ten feet (10') above the ground. (c) No additional sign, advertising media, or message panels shall be attached to, or upon the sign ~ithout the approval of the Building Official. (d) All pole signs and pole sign supports shall maintain a horizontal clearance of three feet (3') and a vertical clearance of eight feet (8') from all power and service lines. * l4.l6.4~q Top page 814.16.490 Design of roof signs. Roof signs shall be thoroughly secured and anchored to the frame of the building over which they are constructed and erected, and shall be designed in accord- ance with the requirements specified in Sections 14.16.370 - 14.16.380. ORDINANCE NO. 875 137 138 * 14.16.480 Roof signs generally. Roof signs shall be constructed of incombustible materials except as provided in Section 14.16.380. 14.16.500 Projection and clearance of roof signs. (a) Projection. Roof signs shall not project over public property, or beyond the build- ing line complying with the requrement specified in Section 14.16.460. (b) Clearance. Passage clear of all obstructions shall be left under and around, and immediately adjacent to, all signs exceeding a height of four feet (4') above the roof there- I under, such passages shall be not less than three feet (3') wide and four feet (4') high and shall be parapet or roof level. 14.16.510 Access on roof signs. There shall be one such passage or access opening as des- cribed in Section 14.16.500 as follows: (al For each roof sign upon building. (b) An access opening for every fifty linear feet of horizontal roof sign extension. (c) Within twenty feet (20') of walls and parapets when roof signs are at right angles to a face of the building. 14.16.520 Walt signs generally. Wall signs shall be constructed of incombustible material, except as provided in Section 14.16.380. 14.16.530 Design. Wall signs shall be designed in accordance with requirements specified in Section 14.16.370 - 14.16.380. 14.16.540 Projection of wall signs. No wall sign shall have a projection over public property greater than twelve inches (12") as shown in Figure No.1-A, nor shall extend over any adjacent parapet or roof of the supporting building. The thickness of that portion of a wall sign which projects over public property shall not exceed the maximum as shown in Figure No.1-A. 14.16.550. Area and placement of wall signs. No wall sign shall cover wholly or partially any wall opening (except as provided in 14.16.380 (f) ) nor project beyond the ends or top of the wall to which it is attached, and anyone wall sign shall not exceed an area of five hundred square fee t . I 14.16.560 Projecting signs generally. Projecting signs shall be constructed of incombustible materials except as provided in Section 14.16.380. 14.16.570 Design of projecting signs. Projecting signs shall be designed in accordance with the requirements specified in Sections 14.16.370 - 14.16.380. 14.16.580 Projection and clearance of projecting signs. (a) Projection. The horizontal clearance between the face of curb and the outermost por- tion of the projecting sign shall be a minimum of five feet (5') as shown in Figure I-A. The minimum vertical distance between the lowest portion of the projecting sign and the sidewalk grade shall be ten (lO').feet. (b) The thickness of that portion of a projecting sign which projects over public property or a building line, shall not exceed the maximum as shown in Figure l-A. (c) No sign or sign structure shall project into any public alley whatsoever, below a height of fourteen feet (14') above grade, nor more than three feet (3') when over fourteen feet (14'). (d) Clearance. No sign or sign structure shall be erected in such a manner that any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, exit or standpipe. No sign shall obstruct any window to the extent that light or ventilation is reduced to a point below that required by any law or ordinance. (e) All projecting signs shall maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of three feet (3') and a vertical clearance of eight feet (8) from all power and service lines. l4.l6.590 Display surface area of projecting signs. The area of the display surface of a I projecting sign shall not exceed one hundred square feet. 14.16.600 Marquees generally. For the purpose of this section, a marquee shall include any object or decoration attached thereto, as a part of said marquees. (See Section 14.16.630 for signs on marquees.) (a) Construction. A marquee shall be supported entirely from the building and constructed as specified in the Uniform Building Code, and shall be of incombustible materials, or of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. ORDINANCE NO. 875 I (b) Roof Construction. The roof, or any part thereof may be a skylight, provided it complies with Section 3401, 3901 (c) and 5205 of the Uniform Building Code. Every roof and skylight of a marquee shall be sloped to downspouts which shall conduct any drainage from the marquee to the storm sewer or under the sidewalk to the curb. l4.l6.610 Projection and clearance of marquees. (a) Projection. The horizontal clearance between the face of curb and the outermost portion of the marquee shall be a minimum distance of five feet (5'). No sign attached to a marquee shall project beyond the outermost portion of a marquee. (b) Clearance. The vertical clearance between the lowest portion of the marquee and the sidewalk grade shall be a minimum of ten feet (lO'). Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere with the operation of any exterior standpipe or to obstruct the clear passage of stairways or exits from the building or the installation or maintenance of electroliers. I 14.16,620 Size of Marquees. Thickness. The maximum height or thickness of a marquee measured vertically from its lowest to its highest point shall not exceed three feet (3'). 14.16.630 Signs on Marquees. Projecting signs attached to a building shall not be attached to a marquee. Signs may be placed on the outer faces of a marquee, if they are made of a part thereof, and do not exceed the limitations of marquees as set forth in Section 14.16.600 - 14.16.620. ~sign shall be hung or suspended from the underside of a marquee. 14.16.640 Electrical signs, generally. Electrical signs shall be constructed of incombust- ible materials, except as provided in Section 14.16.380 (c). (a) All electrical signs and electrical equipment shall be manufactured and maintained in a safe manner. (Compliance with the latest issue of the National Electric Code, a copy of which is on file in the office of the building official, shall be prima facia evidence of that safety.) (b) The enclosed shell of electrical signs shall be rain tight, except that service holes fitted with approved cover shall be provided into each compartment of such signs. See (f). (c) Each electrical sign shall have a switch in or on the sign, which controls the elect- rical operation of the sign to be furnished and installed by the sign company. All signs shall be designed for fifteen (15) ampere circuits. (d) The sign contractor shall do only such electrical wiring which is an intregal part of the sign. All service equipment and time clocks used for electrical signs shall be in- stalled by licensed electrical contractors. On outline lighting and skeleton glass signs, sign contractor shall do electrical wiring on the secondary side of the transformer only, (e) Flashing incadescent lamps shall not exceed a sixty (60) watt level, unless protected by a sun screen. Reflector lamps must have sun screens except for indirect flood-lighting. There shall be no flashing of all elements simultaneously, or any flashing effect which could be misconstrued as a traffic control device. Revolving beacon 1ighad signs or beacon lights are prohibited. (f) All electrical signs or portions thereof projecting over public property shall meet the requirements of Section 14.16.580 of this code. 14.16.650 Installation of erector's name on electrical signs. Erector's Name. Every electrical sign projecting over any street or public place shall have a name plate or painted on the surface of the sign the name of the sign erector and date of erection. Such name and date shall be of sufficient size and contrast to be readable from a reasonable distance. Failure to provide such name and date shall be grounds for rejection of the sign by the Building Official. 14.16.660 Temporary signs, generally. No temporary sign shall exceed one hundred square feet (lOO sq. ft.) in area. Temporary signs of rigid material shall not exceed thirty-two square feet (32 sq. ft.) in area, or six feet (6') in height, nor shall any such temporary sign be fastened to the ground. Temporary signs may remain in place for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. 14.16.670 Temporary cloth signs. (a) Clearance. Cloth signs may extend across a public street only by permission of the City Commission and shall be subject to all related laws and ordinances, and under such other I ORDINANCE NO. 875 139 140 conditions as may be stipulated by the City Commission. Temporary signs across a public street shall maintain a minimum clearance of twenty fee t (20'). (b) Support. Every temporary cloth sign shall be supported and attached with wire rope of three-eighths (3/8) inch minimum diameter. No strings, fibre ropes or wood slats shall be permitted for support or anchorage purposes. Cloth signs and panels suspended over streets shall be perforated over at least ten percent (10%) of their area to reduce wind resistance. Temporary cloth signs over private property not exceeding sixty (60) square feet shall be supported and attached with wire rope meeting the requirements of Section 14.16.370 - 14.16.380. 14.16.680 Awnin~s. ~enerally. Definition. Awning is a movable shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building and of a type which can be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a support- ing building. Such awning or hood may extend over public property not more than seven feet (7') from the face of the supporting building, except that the minimum horizontal clearance between the face of curb and the outermost portion of said awning or hood shall be five feet (5'). The minimum vertical clearance between the lowest portion of the awning or hood and the side- walk grade shall be ten feet (10'). Collapsible awnings shall be so designed that they shall not block a required exit when co llapsed. Collapsible awnings, unless cloth covered, shall be designed for a vertical live load of not less than five pounds per square foot; except that snow load shall be used, if greater Collapsible awnings or hoods may have combustible coverings supported on incombustible frames attached to a building. No sign may be suspended below an awning or hood. Section 2. That all Ordinances and portions of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 9th day of October, 1968. Mayor ATTEST: sion State of Montana ) City of Bozeman ss County of Gallatin ) I. Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 875 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City on the 18th day of October, 1968, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 31st day of Octpber, 1968. r::~/7~ Clerk of the City C ission I I I