HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 61- 833, Appropriations FY 1962 42 ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR EXPENDITURES DEEMED NECESSARY AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE ETC., OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVElmMENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 3Uth, 1962. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: I Section 1. That out of the certain baJ.ances, accured and unencumbered, after the claims allowed July 12th, J.96i, and after payment of the interest and prinicipal. of bonds or warrants heretofore cei1ed, have been paid, which remain as balances in the several funds shall. be, and are hereby appropriated for use during the fiscal year ending June 3uth, 1962, as provided by J.aw. Fund Amoun t - Airport $ 949.56 Band 3,499.09 Cemetery 11,615.51 Cemetery Perm. Care 1,253.80 Cemetery.Suspense 1,470.25 Fire Relief 759.04 Ga rba ge 9,227.70 General. 46,591.35 Library 3,799.81 Park 16,224.11 Park Land Trust 77.00 Parking Aleter 2,760.20 P.E.R.S. 4,196.35 P.L. & P. 8,065.58 Planning Board 4,100.18 Police Reserve 1,023.89 S. I. D. 112,355.39 SID Revolving 10,127.95 SDS Revenue 29,322.65 Street 27,941.67 I Water 214,609.59 ~ - ~ ~ - . Total $ 507,922.89 See tlon 2. That the following sums of money, inclusive o~ the aforesaid balances, be, and the same are, hereby appropriated for the operation of .the Municipal Government of The City of Bozeman, for the payment of'lts obligations; for transfer as shown; for capital outlay; and for investments for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1962, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 11-33l8 to il-3322 inciuslve, R. C. M., 1947; and amendments thereto and in "accordance with the annual budget and recommendations submitted by the City Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commission as hereinafter set forth. ORDINANCE NO. 833 ESTIMATED EXPENDITRES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1962 Department of Finance Salaries . 7,350.UO General Maintenance 2,190.UO $ 9,540.00 Departmen t of Law Salaries 4,500.UO General Maintenance 1,510.uO 6,01U.00 Department of Safety Salaries & Wages 167,100.00 General Ma~ntenance 42,66U.UO Capi tal Ou tIe y . 11,000.UO Reserve & Transfer 11,86U.2U 232,620.20 Department of Service I Salarie_s & Wages 131,375.UO Genera~ Maintenance 92,19U.UO Cap! tal OutJ.ay 56,000.uO Stores .-. ... 14,000.00 Debt SerV1-c,~ 68,351.25 Reserves 242,894.75 604,811.00 Department of Welfare Salaries & Wages 143,400.00 General Maintenance 61,08u.00 Capi tal OU tla y 16,9UO.00 Debt Service 20,965.uO Reserve 71,493.87 313,838.87 43 General Fund Reserve 24,851.35 . E1eotions 4,000.00 Trus t Funds 633,121.47 I Total Estimated Expenditures 1,828,792.89 ESTIMA TED REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1962 Unenoumbered Cash 507,922.89 Taxes & Assessments Tax Levy 312,440.00 Specia~ Assessments 66,200.uO S.I.D. Assessments 300,ouu.00 State Tax on Liquor 10,OUO.uO 689,140.00 Other Revenues Rights & Privileges 32,uuO.UO Sa~es & Services 294,900.uO Fines & Forfeitures 21,200.uO Interest & Premiums 13,280.00 Sale of Properties 9,80u.00 Meter Collections 29,000.uO Transfers 40,000.00 Ma turing Inves t' s. 21,90U.00 Perm. Care Agree's. 10,UUO.UO Salary Deductions 3,900.UO Sale of SID Bonds 75,Ouu.oO Misc. Revenue 80,750.00 631,730.00 Total Estimated Revenues & Cash . 1,828,792.89 I -~....._- CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1962 Department of Finance Salaries $ 7,350.00 General Maintenance 2,190.00 9,540.00 Departmen t of Law Salaries 4,500.00 General Maintenance ~,51U.OO 6,010.00 Department of Safety Salaries & Wages 167,100.UO General Maintenance 42,660.00 Capi tal Outlay 11,000.00 Reserve & Transfer 11,860.20 232,620.20 Department of Service Salaries & Wages 131,375.00 General Maintenance 92,79U.UO Capi tal Outlay 57,500.00 Stores 14,000.00 Debt Service 68,351.25 Reserves 244,444.75 608,461.00 Department of Weltare I Sa la ries & Wag-es 143,400.UO General Maintenance 61,080.00 Cap! tal Outlay 16,900.00 Debt Service 20,965.00 Reserve 72.953.97 315,298.87 General }'und Reserve 25,581.35 Elections 4,000.00 Trus t Funds 616,281.47 -- Total Estimated Espenditures $ 1,817.792.89 44 ESTIMATED REVEUNES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENGING JUNE 30, 1962 Unenoumbered Cash . 507,922.89 Taxes & Assessments Tax La V'J $ 312,440.00 Special Assessments 66,70u.uO S.I.D. Assessments 3UU,uuU.uO . State Tax on Liquor lU,ouU.uO 689,140.00 I Other Revenues Rights & Privileges 32,UOO.UO Sales & Service -294,800.00 Fines & Rorfeitures 21,200.00 Interest & &remiums 13,280.uO Sale of ~roperties 9,100.UO Meter Collections 29,uOO.00 Transfers 40,000.uO Maturing Invest's. 21,9UU.UO Perm. Care Agree's. lU,OUu.uO Salary ~eductions 3,9UO.UO Sale of SID Bonds 75,UOu.uO Misc. Revenue 69,750.UO 620,730.uO Total Estimated Revenues & Cash $ 1,817,792.89 Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and ten days after such publication, may be passed, but shall not be finally passed before the second Monday in August, 1961, (August 16th, ~961) Section 4. ~hat this Ordinance shall be in full foroe and effect from and after its final passage and approval. Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman, Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 16th day of August, 1961. . - ~ sf ..- Arnold M. Swanson Mayor I ATTEST: Sf c. K. Wilson C erk of the Commission ~ . - - - ~ - - ~ - Introduced, read for the first time and provisionally passed by the City Commission July 26th, 196~, date set for public hearing as August 2, 1961. - ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - ~ - - Published as provisionally passed in the Bozeman Daily ChroniCle on the 4th day of August, 1961. Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 18 day of August, 1961. --- Effective JUl~ 1, 1961. - - ~ - ... ~ - .. - ..- State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the fore~oing Urd1nance No. 833 waaPublished by title and nutr,ber in the Bozeman Daily hronicle, a newspaper qr general circula tion I printed and published in said City in the issue of the 18th day of August, 1961, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto Bet my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 8th day of January, 1962. - ~ ./~.~) , Cl~~k';~~ e 1f1 O~~s1on ~ - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - -