HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-11-16, Kindschi, Pine Meadows Subdivision City of Bozeman April 11, 2016 Department of Community Development ! P.O. Box 1230 c.� 1 f �1 �( Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 `!J `� ''��--� D RE: Pine Meadow Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application Number 16-041 RI�16 DENA�;TfV�i:=fV i QIT Dear City Commissioners: F I. CpM(tirIUNITY DFVFI Both of us submitted letters on March 28,2016 to comment on this Pine Meadows Subdivision Plat Application but since then the Staff Report has been made available to us and the Planning Board has met regarding this Subdivision so we would like submit this letter for the record again. First off, we were very disappointed that the Smith Subdivision residents,which are affected by this Subdivision, were not even mentioned in the 30 page Staff Report.Thus, the reason we have had to hire an attorney to represent us to have our voices heard on this very important matter.We are not trying to be adversarial by hiring an attorney, because we are not against this development but obviously this Subdivision impacts us greatly. Secondly, in the Staff Report we were very concerned that no curb nor gutters are being required for the west side of Valley Drive—so we feel with no curbs nor gutters, it must be due to the lower elevation of the paved Valley Drive that is being engineered,to accommodate the heavy storm water/snow melt runoff that occurs.We are very hopeful that this is the case to prevent unnecessary flooding of the west side homes and lots once paving is completed. Plus,this runoff will really increase due to the construction of much more hard surfaces being planned for the east side of Valley Drive. Please see copies of the attached photos which were taken in front of our house during just 2 high water runoff events. Obviously, runoff has been considered during this Subdivision's review because of the water retention pond designed for the north end of this Subdivision but now engineers need to make sure that during high water runoff events,water will not be impeded as it flows to this retention pond! Lastly,concerning the Staff Report, again we were very disappointed that no mention was made of the 3 hour meeting held at City Hall on March 1, 2016 concerning this proposed Subdivision with 25 people in attendance(and 1 on the phone).City Officials,Smith Subdivision Residents,the developer and his team were in attendance but it must be because it was an informational meeting only as no official notes were taken. But we think you understand now maybe why we are confused as to why Smith Subdivision Resident's comments and concerns were essentially ignored in the Staff Report. We feel we need to provide corrections or rebuttal to a few issues which were said at the Planning Board Meeting held on April 5, 2016.We did provide testimony during Public Comment but were not allowed to comment or correct the following important items that were discussed. (1)The City Planner mentioned that the 17 houses on Christopher Way to the west of Smith Subdivision provide a good example of what is being proposed in the Pine Meadows Subdivision.This is absolutely false because these are over 70'wide lots,and there is no street(Villard), retention pond, park, nor%acre lot like what is being proposed on the east side of Valley Drive with 50'wide lots. (2)The Applicant Architect said that utility piping stubs will be installed by the developer under Valley Drive for the future potential annexation of the Smith Subdivision Houses.This again, is absolutely false because Dr. Craig Woolard at the March 1,2016 City Hall meeting said that the City does not want preinstalled stubs in this type of development. Plus,the developer told Smith Subdivision Residents that we would have to agree to a payback arrangement now if we wanted to have stubs installed.Smith Subdivision Residents cannot afford a payback deal. (3)A member of the Planning Board asked the Applicant Architect essentially,what is the reason for the%acre lot in the south end of this Pine Meadows Subdivision? --- and his response was that a house already exists there and that ended this topic.The house that is currently on this proposed%acre lot is actually on a%acre,and is planned for demolition, so the developer can build his own new house on what will be the largest lot on all of Valley Drive. Consequently,the reason the developer has been so gracious in paying for the park's basketball court is essentially for his kids. We do not have a problem with his larger lot for his house nor the basketball court but feel the City Commissioners need to know the facts on this matter. On February 2 and February 15, 2016 the developer met with us in our house (for 1 and 2 hours, respectively) and emphasized that he wanted bigger and fewer lots in his Pine Meadows Subdivision because he had friends that wanted to live in the City and have room for larger garages to store vehicles, boats, motorcycles,etc. He continued to say that the City would not allow him to pursue less than 18 lots in this Subdivision. We find this hard to believe because obviously the City is allowing him to have a acre lot for his own house. Plus,the developer said he needed cheaper and smaller lots to help pay for his Subdivision.A Planning Board member who agreed with all the Public Comment,that has been submitted, requesting 12 lots rather than 18 lots who is actually a realtor himself, said that larger lots in the City are in high demand and the developer should submit a variance for 12 lots in this Pine Meadows Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application. Please note,that it is our understanding,that no Public Comment was received by the City in support of 18 lots on this 4 acre parcel so why would the City ignore all the public comment that has come in supporting 12 lots? Please have this Planning Board member,who is a realtor,get in contact with the developer to reapply for a 12 lot variance so our harmonious neighborhood can be maintained and he can still make the required funds needed for his Subdivision.We support having 12 lots approved for this Pine Meadow Subdivision.Thank you for your consideration on this important matter and for the time you are putting into this issue. Si nc rely, Greg K4schi 41�;� e) Cindy Kindschi 505 Valley Drive Bozeman, MT 59718-2817 Home:406-587-3091 Cell:406-451-8839 enclosures(2) lie •`� -a I III 4. . ra j �O 3 � , lS_ r� 'o 0 3 - 1 s�