HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-2016, L. Haydon, True Dragon Brewery Laurren Haydon 411 N. Broadway Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 April 7, 2016 City of Bozeman Department of Community Development Attn: Planner Mitch WerBell PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Dear Mr.WerBell: I am writing to you in regards to the True Dragon Brewery SP/CUP,Application 15554. As a potential future neighbor of True Dragon Brewery, I would like to voice my apprehension and resistance for the project as a whole, and for the implementation of the Certificate of Appropriateness and Conditional Use Permit. I do not think the Northeast Neighborhood will benefit from this business. I have a few concerns regarding the True Dragon Brewery. First and foremost, I believe this brewery will be a poor neighbor. Bozeman Brewing Company, Simkins-Hallin, and other neighboring businesses have showed their neighborly spirit by including us in their expanding business plans, looking out for our property and driveway, and being generally friendly and conversational. We look out for each other. These are qualities in a neighbor I really appreciate, whether they are residential or business. I am proud to live in the Northeast Neighborhood due to these qualities. I have not heard from a representative for True Dragon Brewery, nobody has dropped off literature; no one has stopped by to introduce themselves, even though I live 50 feet away from their property. I have no reason to believe they will be better neighbors if their plan gets approval. My other big concern has to do with the degradation of the alley including maintenance issues, increased street use, and public safety. My house sits on the back portion of our property, close to the alley and very close to what may be True Dragon Brewery. The alley sees activity only when garbage and recycling trucks drive through once a week. As it is, the alley is rutted and holds water. The increased-activity down the alley will only worsen the condition. Not counting vehicles and activity during construction, I expect delivery trucks, employees, and patrons to roll through the alley at a near-constant rate. As for the streets of Plum,Avocado, and Broadway, I think it's safe to say traffic will increase. The intersection of Plum and Avocado is particularly dangerous. Traffic, as it is, is quite congested during the week; and parking is already creating hazardous conditions on Avocado due to the popular Bozeman Brewing Company. I do not foresee these conditions improving with a new brewery. Sidewalks do not exist on Avocado or the length of Plum Street. Most of the streets surrounding Plum do not have sidewalks. Traffic will surely increase on these small neighborhood streets. I urge you to reject these plans to keep the integrity and vibrancy of our neighborhood intact. Enclosed with this letter is a photograph showing the corner of our property in relation to True Dragon Brewery's property line. Thank you for taking the time to consider the effect this business will have on our neighborhood. Sincerely, P OC4 Laurren Haycion 4 1 4 , a ( 1 f - •,,:- -sue