HomeMy WebLinkAboutA5. Goals and Timeline 2016-2017 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: City Commission 2016-2017 Goals and Timelines Update MEETING DATE: April 11th, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Review written materials, listen to the presentation by the City Manager, and provide feedback regarding the anticipated timeline for accomplishing the 2016-2017 adopted goals. BACKGROUND: See attached 2016-2017 City Commission Goals update. Upon adoption of the City Commission priorities on February 29th, 2016, the Commission requested that a timeline be provided for the projects. Below is a summary of each of the eight projects’ estimated timelines. This draft includes the anticipated starting and ending dates as well as when City Commission and/or legal involvement will be required. In addition to the eight items, I’ve added information for the Community Plan since several commissioners have expressed interest in the timeline for the Community Plan update. Please note that the below timelines are estimates. 1. Joint Law & Justice Center (to election): The current and next crucial phase of this project all lead up to an anticipated November 2016 election. The City Commission, City Manager’s office, Police Department, City Attorney’s office and Municipal Courts are heavily involved in this project. During the summer of 2016 the City Commission will consider action to place the item on the November 2016 ballot. Once placed on the ballot, the City Commission and administration will spend considerable time educating the community on the effects of the ballot election. This project requires extensive political and administrative involvement throughout the entire timeline. 2. A) Landfill (remediation): The project is under construction as we speak and has an anticipated completion date of June 2016. The project requires limited Commission and administrative involvement to complete. 2. B) Landfill (legal defense): The project requires extensive weekly administrative involvement particularly from the legal department throughout all of 2016 and beyond. 3. UDC Rewrite: The project is currently underway and is anticipated to be completed in late 2017. This project is heavily dependent on Community Development, the City Commission, legal, and public engagement throughout 2016 and 2017. Commission involvement is anticipated in March, April, October, November, and December of 2016; and January, May, October, November, and December of 2017. Legal involvement is 430 necessary in March, May, June, August, September, October, November, and December of 2016; and March, May, and June of 2017. See attached Gantt chart. 4. Vision & Strategic Plan: The project is currently underway and is scheduled to be completed in October 2016. Heavy, consistent Commission, City Management, and public involvement is required from May 2016 through September 2016. 5. 2017 Legislative Agenda: This work needs to begin ASAP. The City will host an introductory meeting for legislative candidates in April, and identify legislative priorities between April and September. Heavy City Commission and City Management involvement will be required between October 2016 and April 2017. 6. Parks Maintenance District: 2016 is essentially data gathering and preparatory work for extensive work throughout 2017. Heavy Commission and staff (Parks & Rec, Legal, Finance, City Management, and Clerk) involvement is required in February, March, and April of 2017. 7. Broadband Expansion: The expansion plan will be presented to the City commission no later than December 2016. Economic Development, Public Works, Finance, City Management and Legal involvement will focus on accomplishing this task in late summer 2016. 8. Impact Fee Update: The project timeline is anticipated to run from September 2016 to July 2017. Commission involvement in November and December of 2016; and January, February, April, May, June, and July of 2017. Legal involvement in July and October of 2016; and February, March, and June of 2017. See attached Gantt chart. 9. Community Plan Update: The anticipated timeline is October 2016 through late 2017. Commission involvement in August and October of 2016, and May 2017. Legal involvement in June, August, and September of 2016; and April and June of 2017. See attached Gantt chart. I want to express my appreciation for the City Commission adopting eight priorities for 2016/2017. I believe the list is realistic and appropriate, especially in light of the size and scope of each project, our day-to-day service delivery responsibilities, and other internal priorities (Employee Handbook rewrite, three enterprise-wide software implementations, and creation of a contract policy to name a few). We will continue to use the Access database to manage and communicate monthly progress on the adopted priorities. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: To be determined. Attachments: 2016-2017 City Commission Goals Summaries Community Development Commission Goals Gantt 2016-17 Report compiled on: April 5th, 2016 431 2016-2017 City Commission Goals 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 This is a placeholder document for the report "Community Development Commission Goals Gantt 2016-17". There was an error in the publishing process and it could not be converted to PDF. 441