HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-07-16 City Commission Minutes qx THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA MINUTES Monday,March 7,2016 Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Present Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Present Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus:Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff Present: City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. A. 06:00:36 PM Call to Order—6:00 PM - Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. B. 06:00:40 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:01:52 PM Changes to the Agenda Mr. Kukulski explained that the February it and 9th (stated 8" but should have been 9th)will need to be removed from the agenda in order to be corrected.The applicant for Action Item 3,the Preliminary site plan for the Lark Hotel has asked that their item be opened and continued. D. 06:03:06 PM Public Service Announcement- Introduction of Loyal Garden and I Cooper Park Neighborhood Associations(Johnson) 9 E. 06:04:39 PM Minutes-Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from January 4,January 11, January 25, February 1, February 8, February 9, February 22, and February 29, 2016 and User Access to Linked Minutes f I f Page 1 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Commission Minutes 06;04:52 PM Motion and Vote to approve the of Regular Meeting Minutes from January 4, January 11,January 25,February 8(not 9"'), February 22, and February 29, 2016 as submitted DeM Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Ma or- Carson Taylor:A rove Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner-Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve F. 06:05:38 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) 2. Formally Cancel March 14th City Commission Meeting(Michalson) 3. Public Utility and Access Easement and Agreement for Lot 3A,Minor Subdivision 201A(Murray) 4. Notice of Award for the 2016 Downtown and North 7th Conduit Project with Saunders Line Construction for the Total Combined Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 Base Bid in the amount of$713,000.63 (Gamradt) 5. Professional Services Agreement with the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC)for Services Related to the Inclusionary Housing Program(Thomas) 6. Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for a 3 year term contract for architectural and engineering services for the Midtown Urban Renewal District (Fine) 7. Final Adoption of Ordinance 1938, Bozeman Health Zone Map Amendment, changing 32.047 acres from Business Park to Community Business at 915 Highland Boulevard. Application 15430 (Saunders) 8. Resolution 4673 Amending Fiscal Year 2016 Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Budgets to Purchase Modeling Software for The Water Distribution Model And Wastewater Collection System Model at a Total Increase of$47,500 (Rosenberry) 9. Resolution 4674 Amending Fiscal Year 2016 Fy16 Wastewater Fund Budget to Include The Digester Repairs at an Additional Cost of$125,000(Rosenberry) 10. Resolution 4677 Intent to Create Special Improvement Lighting District 731 for Allison Subdivision Phase III (Rosenberry) 11. Resolution 4681Amending Fiscal Year 2016 Library Depreciation Reserve Fund Budget to Include The Replacement of Meeting Room Furniture at a Total Cost Of $20,000 (Rosenberry) 06:06:05 PM City Manager overview of Consent Items. City Manager Kukulski gave an overview of the Consent items as listed. 06:07:08 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. Page 2 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Conwilssiou Minutes No person commented. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:07:21 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items.1-1I as submitted Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Carson Taylor: AMprove Commissioner Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve G. 06:08:21 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 06:10:13 PM Taylor Lonsdale,Public Comment Mr. Lonsdale spoke regarding growth of the City of Bozeman and the Oak Street road improvements. 06:13:26 PM Stacy Lynch,Public Comment Ms. Lynch spoke in support of the Lark Hotel expansion. 06:14:35 PM Public Comment closed. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. i II. 06:14:37 PM Action Items 1. 06:14:39 PM Public Hearing on Protests for Special Improvement District (SID) 732 and Adoption of Resolution 4664, creating Special Improvement District 732 for the purpose of financing local improvements to North Wallace Avenue between Lamme Street and L Street(Hixson) 06:15:26 PM Staff Presentation City Engineer Rick Hixson gave the staff presentation regarding the Public Hearing on Protests !� for Special Improvement District (SID) 732 and Adoption of Resolution 4664, creating Special Improvement District 732 for the pin-pose of financing local improvements to North Wallace Avenue between Lamme Street and L Street. 06:17:46 PM Commission questions for Staff k The Commission and Staff discussed the traffic calming elements in the project, the payback period and amounts,what the TIF board has discussed,broadband conduit,the funding by the TIF € how long the road will last with the improvements. f i6 Page 3 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Commission Minutes 06:28:54 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. Three people spoke in favor of the project. There was encouragement for the conduit installation. 06:33:22 PM Public Comment closed. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:33:31 PM Motion that after hearing all protests, I hereby move to pass upon the protests determining them to be insufficient under law and adopt Resolution 4664 creating Special Improvement District 732 for the purpose of financing local improvements to North Wallace Avenue between Lamme Street and L Street. Commissioner- Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 06:34:08 PM Commission discussion on the Motion The Commission discussed the process and thanked everybody for working together,consideration of the public comment,the need for the road improvements in that area,the conduit areas and that the public meetings paid off. 06:41:20 PM Vote on the Motion that after hearing all protests,I hereby move to pass upon the protests determining them to be insufficient under law and adopt Resolution 4664 creating Special Improvement District 732 for the purpose of financing local improvements to North Wallace Avenue between Lamme Street and L Street. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Dopjy Ma or- Cynthia Andrus:A rove Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 2. 06:41:39 PM Homeword and GMD Development LLC's request for a Public hearing to Provide the Opportunity for Public Comment on whether the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Development known as Larkspur Commons meets a Community Need, Located North of Manzanita Drive between 12th and 14th Avenues more specifically 1236 & 1240 N. 14th Ave, 1241 & 1245 N 12th Ave, 1233, 1271, 1323 & 1375 Manzanita Drive(Thomas) 06:42:54 PM Staff Presentation Wendy Thomas, Community Development Director gave the Staff Presentation for Homeword and GMD Development LLC's request for a Public hearing to Provide the Opportunity for Public Comment on whether the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Development known as Larkspur Commons meets a Community Need, Located North of Manzanita Drive between 12th and 14th Avenues more specifically 1236& 1240 N. 14th Ave, 1241 & 1245 N 12th Ave, 123 3, 1271, 1323 Page 4 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Commission Minutes & 1375 Manzanita Drive. 06:45:05 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and staff discussed the deed restrictions,building before receiving the tax credit and the fact that a copy of the meeting minutes will go to the State for proof that the hearing has occurred. 06:47:16 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant Representative gave her presentation regarding the project. She applauded the City and partners. 06:48:41 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. Two people spoke in favor of the project and spoke regarding median incomes and need. 06:50:42 PM Public comment closed. Mayor Taylor closed public comment Consider the motion: No Action Necessary. 3. 06:50:47 PM A Preliminary Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness Application for the Lark Hotel Addition for the Construction of a Twenty-eight Room Hotel and Related Site Improvements, Application 15-583 (Quasi-Judicial) (Rogers) 06:50:59 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Chris Saunders explained that the applicant has asked that this item be continued. 06:52:46 PM Commission questions. The Commission spoke regarding the timing on the agenda. f 06:54:00 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant representative gave their reasoning behind the request for continuation. E E 06:54:35 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:54:57 PM Motion and Vote to continue the public hearing on Application 15-583, the Lai-If Hotel Addition Preliminary Site Plan and Cert jicate of Appropriateness Application f o"i March 71" to May 23rd,2016. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Manor-Carson Taylor:Approve p Page 5 of 11 i Marcie 7,2016,Bozentatt City Commission Minutes Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 06:55:36 PM Break Mayor Taylor declared a break. 07:08:13 PM Meeting called back to order Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order. 4. 07:08:15 PM Oak Street Improvements Project including Corridor Improvement Recommendations (Min-ray) 07:10:28 PM Staff Presentation The Staff representative gave the presentation for the pre-design presentation showing exiting conditions, existing volumes and levels of service, future conditions and planned development in the area,future volumes and levels of service,typical sections and turning volumes. 07:35:25 PM Commission questions for staff The Commission and staff discussed funding, data for safety of round-a-bouts and signals, speed limits, suggestions for a light on Fowler, left turns on Davis,the lack of right-of-way for Fowler, a bicycle simulation, round-a-bouts ease of growth instead of street lights, the areas where there are right-a-way issues, the ease of signals in getting things done quicker, the fact that cost is an issue, the size of roads for the amount of traffic, reconfiguration of lanes, signalization and pedestrian crossing,the average delay at peak times, complete street standards, the detail of bike lanes, arterial locations, the power pole locations and moving them, the fact that right-of-way is not in any of the estimates and eminent domain. 08:26:29 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. Two people spoke regarding the need to fix deficiencies, encouragement of separated pathways, lane sizes and costs. 08.31:43 PM Public Comment closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:32:02 PM Additional Commission questions for staff The Commission and staff discussed widening sidewalks,boulevard width,the difficulty of fitting in things after the fact,timeframes and the general approach,lane sizes,the median size,resolution for turning left out of the Smith's grocery center and triggers to redesign streets. 08:53:30 PM Commission discussion Cr.Mehl spoke regarding making explicit changes and process protocol. Mayor Taylor suggested to do the motion and be as explicit as possible. The need to do separated shared use paths,whatever it takes out to the west. Cr.Krauss spoke regarding the cost differences in the two designs. Page 6 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Commission Minutes Cr. Pomeroy spoke regarding Oak street being a mess and is happy staff is looking at it. 09A1:02 PM Motion that having considered the information provided in written and presented materials, I move to approve the corridor improvement recommendations as follows: Completion of a 5 lane principal arterial section with a raised median from Cottonwood to North 271h, a 5 lane principal arterial section with a two way left turn lane from North 27th to North' 51h, and a 3 lane urban section from North 5th to North Rouse. .Intersection control shall include installation of a roundabout at Cottonwood; installation of signals at Ferguson, Davis, 271h, and111h; and modification of tit signals and installation of additional turn lanes at 7th and 191". Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:02:00 PM Commission discussion Cr. Andrus stated that 5 lanes are not something that she would want to go with and she is confident in what staff has suggested. Cr.Mehl spoke regarding the complete street policy and welcomes suggestions. 09:04:35 PM Amendment #1 to the Main Motion to put a Round a-bout at Oak and Ferguson (instead of a signal) Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:05:02 PM Commission discussion Cr.Krauss spoke regarding his reasoning behind having a round-a-bout. Cr.Mehl stated he will support the Amendment. I Mayor Taylor spoke regarding Kagy and complaints about trucks on Main. Cr. Pomeroy asked for clarification. 09:16:22 PM Vote on Amendment #1 to the Main Motion to pact a round-a-bout at Oak and � Ferguson (instead of a signal). Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd F Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Manor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl:Approve Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Disapprove C 09:16:41 PM Amendment #2 to the Main Motion to put a round-a-bout at Oak and Davis (instead of a signal). Page 7 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Commission Minutes Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:17:51 PM Commission discussion Cr.Andrus will support the motion. Concern of growth. Mayor Taylor will support. Cr. Pomeroy will not support. She will support staff 09:21:22 PM Vote on Amendment #2 to the Main Motion to put a round-a-bout at Oak and Davis (instead of a signal). Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Ma or- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor- C 3TWa Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Disapprove 09:21:56 PM Amendment #3 to the Main Motion that at the road cross section 19111 to 15", incorporate the style of the road to the west green median, maybe a left or a three way at the dangerous intersection that was referenced, but incorporate the style of 15r11 (Smiths). Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:22:50 PM Commission discussion Cr.Krauss spoke regarding the pedestrian cross sections and would like it to extend to 15''. Cr.Mehl stated he will oppose this unless something is stated in the Amendment that staff will consider.it. 09:25:11 PM Friendly amendment to Amendment#3 to have staff look at this to determine if it is economically and efficiently feasible and come back to the Commission to discuss. Cr. Mehl suggest a Friendly Amendment to Amendment#3 and Cr. Krauss agreed. 09:26:12 PM Continued Commission discussion Mayor Taylor spoke regarding the blocking of the left hand turn and he feels this is the crucial part for him. Cr. Pomeroy stated that she agrees with this. 09:27:58 PM Vote on the Amendment#3 to the Main Motion that at the road cross section 1901 to 10'incorporate the style of the road to the west green median, maybe a left or a three way at the dangerous intersection that was referenced, but incorporate the style of 101 (Smiths) with the Friendly amendment to Amendment #3 to have staff look at this to determine if it is economically and efficiently feasible and come back to the Commission to discuss. Page 8 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Commission.Minutes Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy MU or Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 09:28:24 PM Amendment#4 to the Main Motion that the City implement separated shared use hike and pedestrian paths where practical. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Ma o�ynthia Andrus: 2nd 09:28:40 PM Commission discussion Mayor Taylor stated that the separate bicycle lanes and are practical in some areas in light of right-a-way. Deputy Mayor Andrus agrees and a separated shared use path makes sense. Cr.Mehl stated that he understands that there are some physical issues in achieving this. Cr.Krauss stated he likes the paths in lieu of sidewalks. 09:35:22 PM Vote on Amendment #4 to the Main Motion that the City implement separated shared use hike and pedestrian paths where practical. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Ma, or-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Manor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 09:35:56 PM Commission discussion on the Main Motion as amended. The Commission discussed redesigning roadways, 09:43:39 PM Vote on the Motion as Amended that leaving considered the information provided in written and presented materials, I move to approve the corridor improvement recommendations as follows: Completion of a 5 lane principal arterial section with a raised median from Cottonwood to North 27th, a 5 lane principal arterial section with a two way left turn lane from North 27th to North 51h, and a 3 lane urban section from North 5th to North Rouse. Intersection control shall include installation of a roundabout at Cottonwood; installation of signals at B igusoU,-n..y& (see amendments), 271h, andllth; and modification i of the signals and installation of additional turn lanes at 7th and 19111- Page 9 of 1.1 r Riarch 7,2016,Bozeman City Contntission Minutes Deputy Ma. o�ynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayorynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 5. 09:43:56 PM Provisional adoption of Ordinance 1936,Revising Chapter 2,Article 6, Division 9, Impact Fees, to Revise Definitions, Authorize Reimbursement Districts, and Establish Procedures for Reimbursement District(Saunders) 09:44:43 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Chris Saunders gave the staff presentation for Provisional adoption of Ordinance 1936, Revising Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, Impact Fees, to Revise Definitions, Authorize Reimbursement Districts, and Establish Procedures for Reimbursement District. 09:47:53 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed reimbursement districts,state law requirements, calculations, types of infrastructure, Special Improvement Districts, 09:53:00 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 09:53:10 PM Motion to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1936. Revising Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, Impact Fees to revise definitions, authorize reimbursement districts, and establish procedures for reimbursement district. 09:53:35 PM Commission discussion on the Motion. Cr. Mehl stated that this is permissible. It allows future Commissions to have a tool. He agrees to extending to all impact fee. Cr. Krauss supports the ordinance change. Cr. Pomeroy spoke regarding flexibility. She supports this. Cr. Andrus supports this.It is permissive. Mayor Taylor it gives us opportunities to give us paybacks. 09:56:25 PM Vote on the Motion to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1936. Revising Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, Impact Fees to revise definitions, authorize reimbursement districts, and establish procedures for reimbursement district. Page 10 of 11 March 7,2016,Bozeman City Connnission Minutes Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Carson T_ylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 1. 09:56:48 PM FYI/Discussion 1. No City Commission Meeting on Monday,March 14th (Ulmen) 2. Large Print outs needed before Monday night. 3. Mr. Kukulski thanked City Clerk Stacy Ulmen for her time with the City. 4. Amicus Brief invite J. 10:01:21 PM Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 10:01 p.m. Carson Taylor Mayor G ATTEST: l• Stacy Ulmen, CMC City Clerk f ARED BY: a r , ac mien CMC ��a� E� City Clerk ,ti, to co. � Approved on: Page 11 of 11 1