HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP2. Floodplains Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Craig Woolard, Public Works Director Brian Heaston, Senior Engineer SUBJECT: Progress update on issues raised by City Commission during the policy discussion on January 25, 2016 concerning floodplain development and draft FEMA floodplain maps for Bozeman Creek and tributaries. MEETING DATE: April 4, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Special Presentation BACKGROUND: This memo provides a progress update on issues raised by the City Commission during the policy discussion on floodplain development and the draft FEMA floodplain maps for Bozeman Creek and tributaries. Staff is providing this update as a special presentation and is not requesting any action be taken by the Commission at this time. However, we welcome Commission discussion and direction as we continue to work through policy issues surrounding FEMA floodplains. The city regulates development in FEMA floodplains depicted on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) officially adopted by city ordinance. The officially adopted FIRMs for Bozeman Creek and tributaries are outdated and inaccurate but serve as the effective regulatory product nonetheless. FEMA has completed draft floodplains maps which – until final maps are produced – are the best available data concerning flood hazards for Bozeman Creek and tributaries. Final floodplain maps are tentatively scheduled to be released in the fall of 2017 pending completion of FEMA’s public appeal and comment process for the draft maps. The city will have 6 months to officially adopt the final maps by ordinance once they are released which places final adoption on a tentative timeline for spring of 2018. During the January 25 policy discussion the following four staff recommendations were presented to the City Commission. Information addressing questions and issues raised by the City Commission during the policy discussion surrounding these recommendations are provided below. 72 Staff Recommendations Presented on January 25, 2016 1) Maximize the protection of public health, safety, and welfare by immediately recognizing the draft floodplain maps for regulatory purposes during the interim period until official map adoption. 2) Create redevelopment flexibility by immediately removing the local limitation that residential structures in floodplains be elevated on fill and thereby allow elevating to occur by other means. 3) Modify immediately the City’s local floodplain variance procedures to reflect federal and state requirements in the model floodplain ordinance. 4) Endorse the working group process to update the City’s floodplain regulations. Issues/Questions Raised by City Commission on January 25, 2016 and Staff Responses A. Notice to property owners in the draft FEMA floodplain must occur and happen prior to recognizing the draft FEMA floodplain for regulatory purposes over the interim period. On April 7, 2016, from 5p – 8p in the City Commission meeting room, the city is jointly hosting a Public Open House with Gallatin County and DNRC regarding the draft FEMA floodplain maps for Bozeman Creek and tributaries. The open house provides an opportunity for property owners to review the draft floodplain areas and have their questions and concerns addressed one-on-one by city and DNRC staff, or Gallatin County staff for properties in the county. Nearly 600 individual property owners (includes condominium owners) within the city own property in the draft 100-year FEMA floodplain. A postcard (attached) was directly mailed on March 25 to notify each of these owners of the proposed floodplain changes and the open house. A media alert with a fact sheet for the mapping project and open house will be sent to local print and TV media outlets in advance of the open house to garner general community attention. An interactive floodplain map viewer has been prepared by the city’s GIS Department and serves as a primary public engagement tool. The map web address, www.bozeman.net/maps, is referenced on the open house postcard. The map viewer shows the draft FEMA floodplains, proposed map changes, and the existing floodplain areas. Hyperlinks to one-page PDF briefs are provided within the map viewer when a flood zone is selected. The briefs (attached) contain relevant information about owning property in the selected flood zone; particularly, development regulations and insurance requirements. B. City floodplain regulations require new or substantially improved structures in the FEMA floodplain to be elevated 2’ above the base flood elevation on fill extending 15’ beyond the foundation wall. What means are allowable under State rules for elevating structures beyond elevating on fill? 73 The 2014 state model floodplain regulations provided with the January 25, 2016 meeting packet address minimum federal and state requirements for regulating development in the floodplain. The model ordinance states: “Elevation of the Lowest Floor – Elevating the lowest floor may be by either suitable fill, foundation wall enclosure, stem walls, pilings, posts, piers, columns, or other acceptable means; (MCA 76-5-402(2)(b), 44 CFR 60.3(b)(8), 44 CFR 60.3(c)(6))” The other means listed in the model ordinance for elevating the structure are more practicable to achieve in an urban environment than the currently limited elevating on fill requirement in the city’s regulations. FEMA technical guidance for elevating structures via various means is attached and provides figures and descriptions for accomplishing the elevation standard (Chapter 5E - Elevation, FEMA Guide P-259, Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures (Third Ed.), Jan 2012). C. What is the variance process and criteria set forth in the current city floodplain regulations and what is the variance process and criteria set forth in the state model floodplain ordinance? Current floodplain regulations utilize the zoning variance process and criteria utilized in the greater Unified Development Code, Chapter 38 of Bozeman Municipal Code. These criteria are attached and do contain specific criteria for floodplain variances (38.35.060.C.4 BMC). Variance criteria from the state model ordinance are also attached and are generally similar to the existing variance criteria in BMC with one notable exception dealing with floodplain variances for historic structures. The state model ordinance at Section 12.4.2 reflects federal floodplain variance language at 44 CFR 60.6(a) allowing a variance “…for the repair or rehabilitation of historic structures upon a determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure’s continued designation as a historic structure and the variance is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure.” D. What is the timeframe for state model ordinance adoption? Formal adoption by the city of final FEMA floodplain maps for regulatory purposes must occur by ordinance. The final floodplain maps are anticipated to be complete in late 2017. Once the final maps are delivered to the city it will have 6-months to adopt the maps by ordinance, putting the final ordinance adoption on a timeline for early 2018. The content of the model ordinance will require revision to fit within the city’s overall development code structure and modifications to the model ordinance are likely. The model ordinance review/modification process will occur in coordination with DNRC and FEMA and will kick off later this year. E. How do the floodplain regulations treat renovation of historic structures in the FEMA floodplain? 74 The current floodplain regulations require substantial improvements to historic residential structures be elevated 2’ above the base flood elevation on fill. For historic commercial structures, such as those found in the downtown core, the structure must be elevated or floodproofed 2’ above the base flood elevation. Floodproofing requirements apply to the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems of the building. The model ordinance provides more detail regarding floodproofing than the city’s current floodplain regulations. Furthermore, the model ordinance contains specific variance criteria for historic structures that are generally more lenient than typical floodplain variance criteria if the structure is designated as historic by the U.S. Secretary of Interior or by the city’s local historic preservation program. F. How does the draft FEMA floodplain appeal process work? The draft FEMA floodplain areas may be challenged during the formal 90-day Appeal and Comment Period of the floodplain map development process. That process is projected to begin winter 2017 upon FEMA’s release of preliminary flood insurance rate maps depicting the draft floodplain areas. An information sheet is attached which provides a general overview of the appeal process and timeline. Appeals to the floodplains require supporting technical documentation showing why a particular floodplain area is incorrect and should be amended. Technical materials for appealing a floodway area will require detailed and rigorous engineering hydraulic modeling analysis. Appeal information for floodplain areas outside of the proposed floodway don’t necessarily require modeling and may be resolved utilizing other techniques such as a site specific topographic survey or preparation of an Elevation Certificate for an existing building. If, for instance, an existing structure is located in the proposed floodplain and a topographic survey were provided showing the ground level adjacent to the structure is in fact higher than the proposed base flood elevation, then that should constitute a reasonable factual basis for amending the proposed floodplain map to remove the structure from the floodplain when the final floodplain maps are issued. G. Notice to property owners that are mapped out of the floodplain on the draft FEMA floodplain maps must occur. The postcard notices mailed March 25 were limited to property owners with property in the draft FEMA floodplain. Notice to property owners newly mapped out of the floodplain with the draft maps is proposed to occur when the preliminary flood insurance rate maps are produced unless directed otherwise. H. If the draft FEMA floodplains are recognized for regulatory purposes during the interim period then properties mapped outside of the draft FEMA floodplain, but inside the officially adopted FEMA floodplain, should be relieved of the regulatory burden. FEMA requires the city to enforce floodplain regulations meeting the minimum requirements of 44 CFR 60.3 in order for it to remain a community in good standing with the National Flood Insurance Program and thus have flood insurance available to 75 property owners in the city. Selectively abdicating regulatory requirements for properties currently mapped into the adopted floodplain, but out of the draft floodplain, would constitute a violation of 44 CFR 60.3 and subject the city to probation or suspension from the NFIP pursuant to 44 CFR 59.24(b) and (c). If the city recognizes the draft FEMA floodplains for regulatory purposes, it is required nevertheless to continue regulating development within the adopted FEMA floodplains. In those areas where the draft and adopted floodplains overlap, the more restrictive floodplain area or higher base flood elevation would apply. The requirement to carry flood insurance on federally backed mortgages in the floodplain only applies to buildings located in the adopted FEMA floodplain and does not apply to buildings located in the draft FEMA floodplain. I. What is the benefit/cost of participating in the National Flood Insurance Program and administering floodplain regulations that result in restricted development rights in the FEMA floodplain versus the benefit/cost of not participating in the NFIP? Unknown. Should the City Commission be interested in expending the time and monetary resources necessary to hire qualified professionals to perform an economic analysis then direction to staff must be provided. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: Since January 25 staff has met with several organizations and community groups interested in the draft FEMA floodplain maps. During meetings with the Downtown BID and TIF boards questions surrounding the potential for Mill Ditch to be utilized as a downtown flood mitigation facility were raised. The draft floodplain area downtown is expansive, due in part to reduced flow moving down Mill Ditch in the draft hydraulic model when compared to the existing effective model. Water in Mill Ditch is diverted from Bozeman Creek and forms the “stream” at the base of Peet’s Hill that moves through the Library property and Lindley Park before discharging to the East Gallatin River north of the Interstate. Conceptually, Mill Ditch could serve as a flood control bypass facility for the downtown area. An evaluation of the capacity of the ditch to serve this purpose must be performed, however, which will require engineering analysis and manipulation of the FEMA hydraulic model to understand how the respective floodplains of Bozeman Creek and Mill Ditch would change if more floodwater is directed from one to the other. The results of the evaluation would inform decisions on whether to pursue a potential flood hazard mitigation project. To perform this evaluation, the Engineering Division has placed $20k in the proposed FY17 budget and will be issuing an RFP to select a qualified engineering firm to perform this work in the near future. The $20k would also fund an overall evaluation of the FEMA hydraulic model to identify potential problem areas in the draft mapping for the city to bring forward during the formal appeal period. Recognizing the draft FEMA floodplains for regulatory purposes remains unresolved. To do so would take formal Commission action to amend the current floodplain regulations by expanding their applicability to sources of best available data such as that provided with the draft maps. Should the Commission express a willingness to regulate the draft floodplain areas Staff will prepare an ordinance to amend the floodplain regulations. We suggest that the effective date of the ordinance coincide with the release of preliminary flood insurance rate maps on track for this 76 coming fall. To meet this timeframe for effectiveness a hearing on first read of the ordinance would be necessary in July or August. The ordinance would limit its scope to the applicability expansion to best available data, allowing other forms of elevating buildings aside from elevating on fill, and incorporating the historic structure variance criteria in the state model ordinance. This ordinance would serve as a stop gap measure while a wholesale update to the city’s floodplain regulations is prepared over the interim period utilizing the state model ordinance as its foundation. ALTERNATIVES: As Suggested by the Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: Not included with this Special Presentation. Attachments: Property owner notification postcard Flood zone briefs hyperlinked to interactive floodplain web map Chapter 5E - Elevation, FEMA Guide P-259, Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures (Third Ed.), Jan 2012 City’s current floodplain variance criteria State model ordinance floodplain variance criteria Map appeal information sheet Report compiled on March 28, 2016 77 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP UPDATES The City of Bozeman is currently working with FEMA and Montana DNRC to update Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Bozeman Creek and its tributaries. You are receiving this postcard because proposed floodplain changes could affect your property. Visit the City’s website above to view maps showing proposed floodplain changes and to get more information about this project. PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE April 7, 2016 | 5:00PM - 8:00PM | Bozeman City Commission Room Bozeman City Hall, 121 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, MT 59715 This open house is intended for property owners on or near Bozeman Creek and its tributaries. It is being run in conjunction with Gallatin County. Please drop by the Open House at any time to:  Speak with City or DNRC Staff one-on-one about how Flood Insurance Rate Map changes could affect your property.  Hear a short, informational presentation about the overall Floodplain Mapping Project at 5:15PM, 6:15PM, or 7:15PM. We look forward to seeing you there! ATTENTION BOZEMAN PROPERTY OWNERS in or near a FLOODPLAIN www.bozeman.net/maps Please contact us directly for more information. Brian Heaston Bozeman City Engineering bheaston@bozeman.net 406.582.2280 Tiffany Lyden MT DNRC tlyden@mt.gov 406.444.0599 78 If you own a building in an area that will be newly mapped into a 100-Year Floodplain (including Floodway), contact your lender as early as possible to start the discussion about flood insurance. A lender must require flood insurance when a building carrying a federally backed loan is located in a mapped 100-Year Floodplain (including Floodway), unless it can be proven that the building is actually above the flood elevation or outside of the floodplain. Periodically, lenders will review their loans to reassess flood risk based on the best available data. Updates to Flood Insurance Rate Maps will typically trigger a periodic review. Some property owners may not see any insurance changes with this mapping update. INSURANCE REQUIREMENT City of Bozeman FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP UPDATES Promoting flood-risk awareness A FLOODWAY is the area within a 100-Year Floodplain that must be kept free from new development so that the 100-Year Flood (1% Annual Chance Flood, Base Flood) can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. The Floodway will usually see the highest water velocities and deepest inundation during a 100-Year Flood event. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The City of Bozeman strictly regulates development in Floodways to protect human life and property by ensuring that there are no increases in upstream flood elevations. In accordance with the City’s Floodplain Regulations:  New building construction is not permitted in the Floodway.  Improvement to existing structures in a Floodway must obtain a Floodplain Development Permit. Draft floodplain maps for Bozeman Creek and its tributary streams are going through the review process and are not yet effective. Until these maps become effective, the City strongly encourages proposed construction projects to utilize draft map data to ensure that property development methods will minimize flood damage. Draft map data also provides an opportunity to develop smarter and thereby reduce potentially high costs of flood insurance premiums. It is important to discuss the City’s Floodplain Regulations with City staff to understand the impacts of Flood Insurance Rate Map updates on proposed construction projects in a mapped floodplain, especially if portion of the project site is located in a Floodway. Owning property in a FLOODWAY A lender must require flood insurance when a building carrying a federally backed loan is located in a mapped 100-Year Floodplain. The City strongly encourages proposed construction projects to utilize draft map data to ensure that development methods will minimize flood damage. Brian Heaston Bozeman City Engineering bheaston@bozeman.net 406.582.2280 Tiffany Lyden MT Dept of Natural Resources and Conservation tlyden@mt.gov 406.444.0599 79 City of Bozeman FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP UPDATES Promoting flood-risk awareness Brian Heaston Bozeman City Engineering bheaston@bozeman.net 406.582.2280 Tiffany Lyden MT Dept of Natural Resources and Conservation tlyden@mt.gov 406.444.0599 If you own a building in an area that will be newly mapped into a 100-Year Floodplain, contact your lender as early as possible to start the discussion about flood insurance. A lender must require flood insurance when a building carrying a federally backed loan is located in a mapped 100-Year Floodplain, unless it can be proven that the building is actually above the flood elevation or outside of the floodplain. Periodically, lenders will review their loans to reassess flood risk based on the best available data. Updates to Flood Insurance Rate Maps will typically trigger a periodic review. Some property owners may not see any insurance changes with this mapping update. For buildings that will be newly mapped into the floodplain, a lender may require flood insurance and/or elevation documentation. Buildings in newly mapped areas are eligible for subsidized premiums as long as flood insurance is purchased within 11 months of the date the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps become effective (estimated for 2018). INSURANCE REQUIREMENT A lender must require flood insurance when a building carrying a federally backed loan is located in a mapped 100-Year Floodplain. A 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN (1% Annual Chance Floodplain) is an area that will be inundated by a 100-Year Flood, a flood event having a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The 100-Year Flood is also referred to as a 1% Annual Chance Flood or a Base Flood. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The City of Bozeman requires Floodplain Development Permits for development in the 100-Year Floodplain (1% Annual Chance Floodplain) to protect human life and property. In accordance with the City’s Floodplain Regulations:  New building construction must obtain a Floodplain Development Permit.  New residential construction must be elevated 2 feet above the 100-Year Flood (Base Flood) Elevation.  New commercial construction must be floodproofed or elevated 2 feet above the 100-Year Flood (Base Flood) Elevation.  Improvements to existing structures must obtain a Floodplain Development Permit. Improvements to an existing structure greater than 50% of a structure’s market value (a Substantial Improvement) require the entire structure to be brought into compliance with the City’s Floodplain Regulations.  Development may be restricted by City Zoning Regulations. Draft floodplain maps for Bozeman Creek and its tributary streams are going through review and are not yet effective. Until these maps become effective, the City strongly encourages proposed construction projects to utilize draft map data to ensure that property development methods will minimize flood damage. Draft map data also provides an opportunity to develop smarter and reduce potentially high costs of flood insurance premiums. It is important to discuss the City’s Floodplain Regulations with City staff to understand the impacts of Flood Insurance Rate Map updates on proposed construction projects in a mapped floodplain. Owning property in a 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN The City strongly encourages proposed construction projects to use draft map data to ensure that development methods will minimize flood damage. 80 City of Bozeman FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP UPDATES Promoting flood-risk awareness Owning property in a 500-YEAR FLOODPLAIN If you own a building in a 500-Year Floodplain (0.2% Annual Chance Floodplain), you are at a moderate risk of flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program. It is recommended that you purchase flood insurance even if your lender does not require you to do so. A lender must require flood insurance when a building carrying a federally backed loan is located in a 100-Year Floodplain (1% Annual Chance Floodplain). A lender does not need to require flood insurance when a building carrying a federally backed loan is located outside of a 100-Year Floodplain due to a decreased flood risk. A lender may still require flood insurance, however, if a building is located in a 500-Year Floodplain in order to protect their investment. Periodically, lenders will review their loans to reassess flood risk based on the best available data. Updates to Flood Insurance Rate Maps will typically trigger a periodic review. Regardless of where your property is located, your lender may require flood insurance and/or elevation documentation for a building. Some property owners may not see any insurance changes with this mapping update. Buildings located in areas that will be newly mapped into the 100-Year Floodplain are eligible for subsidized premiums as long as flood insurance is purchased within 11 months of the date the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps become effective (estimated for 2018). INSURANCE REQUIREMENT Lenders can require flood insurance for a building they are financing, regardless of where the building is located. A 500-YEAR FLOODPLAIN (0.2% Annual Chance Floodplain) is an area that will be inundated by a 500-Year Flood, a flood event having a 0.2% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The 500-Year Flood is also referred to as a 0.2% Annual Chance Flood. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The City of Bozeman’s Floodplain Regulations do not regulate development in the 500-Year Floodplain (0.2% Annual Chance Floodplain) although flooding is still possible in this area. New construction and building improvement may occur in the 500-Year Floodplain without a Floodplain Development Permit. Zoning may be restricted by the City’s Zoning Regulations. If your property has areas of both 100-Year and 500-Year Floodplain, development may require a Floodplain Development Permit, depending on exactly where the development will occur. It is important to discuss the location of any development with City staff to understand the impacts of the City’s Floodplain Regulations and Flood Insurance Rate Map updates on proposed projects in or near a mapped 100-Year Floodplain. Unlike in a 100-Year Floodplain, a Floodplain Development Permit is not required for development in a 500-Year Floodplain. Brian Heaston Bozeman City Engineering bheaston@bozeman.net 406.582.2280 Tiffany Lyden MT Dept of Natural Resources and Conservation tlyden@mt.gov 406.444.0599 81 5E-1ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES 5EElevation One of the most common of all retrofitting techniques is to raise an entire existing superstructure above the DFE. When properly done, the elevation of a house places the living area above all but the most severe floods. The steps required for elevating a building are essentially the same in all cases. A cradle of steel beams is inserted under (or through) the structure; jacks are used to raise both the beams and structure to the desired height; a new, elevated foundation for the house is constructed; utility systems are extended and modified; and the structure is lowered back onto the new foundation and reconnected. While the same basic elevation techniques are used in all situations, the final siting and appearance of the house will depend on the final elevation and type of foundation used. However, the actual elevation process is only a small part of the whole operation in terms of planning, time, and expense. The most critical steps involve the preparation of the house for elevation and the construction of a new, adequately designed, and elevated foundation. The elevation process becomes even more complex with added weight, height, or complex design or shape of the house. Brick or stucco veneers may require removal prior to elevation. Building additions may need to be elevated independently from the main structure. NOTE FEMA strongly encourages that flood retrofits provide protection to the DFE (or BFE plus 1 foot, whichever is higher). However, in some situations, lower flood-protection levels may be appropriate. Homeowners and design professionals should meet with a local building official to discuss the selected retrofit measure and the elevation to which it will protect the home. The text and examples in this manual assume flood protection measures will be implemented to the DFE. 82 5E-2 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION 5E.1 Types of Residential Structures that Can Be Elevated The elevation of houses over a crawlspace; houses with basements; houses on piers, columns, or piles; and houses on a slab-on-grade are examined here. In each of these situations, the designer must account for multiple (non-flood-related) hazards, such as wind and seismic forces. The various methods utilized to elevate different home types are illustrated in the pages that follow, providing the designer with an introduction to the design of these measures. Houses that are elevated using solid foundation walls as opposed to piers, columns, or piles to raise the finished floor to or above the DFE must include openings to allow the automatic entry and exit of floodwater. Guidance on the design and installation of flood vents can be found in Section 5E.1.2.1. 5E.1.1 Houses Over a Crawlspace These are generally the easiest and least expensive houses to elevate. They are usually one- or two-story houses built on a masonry crawlspace wall. This allows for access in placing the steel beams under the house for lifting. The added benefit is that, since most crawlspaces have low clearance, most utilities (heat pumps, water heaters, air conditioners, etc.) are not placed under the home; thus the need to relocate utilities may be limited. Houses over a crawlspace can be: elevated on extended solid foundation walls (see Figures 5E-1 through 5E-5); or elevated on an open foundation such as masonry piers (see Figures 5E-6 through 5E-8). NOTE Figures 5E-1 through 5E-5 illustrate the elevation of a home on extended solid foundation walls. Subsequent figures for various elevation techniques will include only those illustrations unique to that technique. CROSS REFERENCE Information on the design of foun dation wall openings and adjust ment of existing utility systems can be found in Chapter 5W. 83 5E-3ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-1. Existing wood-frame house on crawlspace foundation to be elevated with extended walls and piers Figure 5E-2. Step 1 of elevating an existing wood-frame house on extended foundation walls and piers: Install network of steel I-beams 84 5E-4 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Figure 5E-3. Step 2 of elevating an existing wood-frame house on extended foundation walls and piers: Lift house and extend foundation walls and piers (reinforce as needed); relocate utility and mechanical equipment above flood level Figure 5E-4. Step 3 of elevating an existing wood-frame house on extended foundation walls and piers: Set house on new extended foundation and remove I-beams 85 5E-5ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-5. Cross-section of elevated wood-frame house on extended piers and crawlspace walls 86 5E-6 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Figure 5E-6. Step 1 of elevating an existing wood frame house on new or extended pier foundations: Install network of steel I-beams. Step 2 (not shown): Lift house, rebuilding or extending (reinforce as needed) piers; relocate utility and mechanical equipment above flood level. Figure 5E-7. Step 3 of elevating an existing wood- frame house on new or extended pier foundation: Set house on new or extended piers 87 5E-7ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-8. Cross-section of elevated wood- frame house on new or extended pier foundation 88 5E-8 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION 5E.1.2 Houses Over Basements These houses are slightly more difficult to elevate because their mechanical and HVAC equipment is usually in the basement. In addition, basement walls may already have been extended to the point where they cannot structurally withstand flood forces. Houses over basements can be: elevated on solid foundation walls by creating a new masonry-enclosed area on top of an abandoned and filled- in basement (see Figures 5E-9 and 5E-10); or elevated on an open foundation, such as masonry piers, by filling in the old basement (see Figures 5E-11 and 5E-12). CROSS REFERENCE FEMA’s post- and pre-FIRM re quirements do not allow basements below the BFE for substantially damaged/improved and post-FIRM applications. For more information on what retrofitting measures are allowable under FEMA guidelines, refer to Chapter 2, Regulatory Requirements. Figure 5E-9. Elevated wood-frame house with new masonry- enclosed area on top of an abandoned and filled- in basement; utility and mechanical equipment must be relocated above the flood level 89 5E-9ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-10. Cross-section of elevated wood-frame house with extended masonry- enclosed area on top of an abandoned and filled- in basement 90 5E-10 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Figure 5E-11. Cross-section of elevated wood-frame house on new reinforced piers on top of the existing filled- in basement 91 5E-11ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-12. Elevated wood-frame house set on new reinforced piers on top of the existing filled-in basement Figure 5E-13. Typical opening for solid foundation wall 5E.1.2.1 Design of Openings in Foundation Walls for Intentional Flooding of Enclosed Areas Below the DFE It is important that the foundation walls contain openings that will permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwater for buildings that are constructed on extended solid foundation walls or that have other enclosures below the DFE (see Figure 5E-13). 92 5E-12 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION These openings allow floodwater to reach equal levels on both sides of the walls and thereby lessen the potential for damage from hydrostatic pressure. While not a requirement for existing buildings built prior to a community’s joining the NFIP, NFIP regulations require these openings for all new construction and substantial improvements of existing buildings in SFHAs. The minimum criteria for design of these openings are: a minimum of two openings must be provided on different sides of each enclosed area, having a total net area of not less than 1 square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding; this is not required if openings are engineered and certified; the bottom of all openings shall be no higher than 1 foot above grade; and openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices, provided those components permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwater and do not reduce the net open area to less than the required open area. It is important to make sure that none of the flood openings will be obstructed during a flood event. In wet floodproofed buildings, openings are sometimes obstructed by drywall or other wall coverings (Figure 5E- 14), which can result in significant damage if the opening does not operate as intended. Figure 5E-15 shows an NFIP-compliant house with attached garage with flood openings to prevent the build-up of hydrostatic loads on the foundation walls. CROSS REFERENCE For additional information on the regulations and design guidelines concerning foundation openings, please refer to FEMA ‘s NFIP Technical Bulletin 1-08, Openings in Foundation Walls for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in Accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA, 2008). Figure 5E-14. A house where flood openings have been covered by insulation and drywall 93 5E-13ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E 5E.1.3 Houses on Piers, Columns, or Piles The process of elevating a house on existing piles, piers, or columns is slightly more complex in that temporary relocation of the house may be part of the elevation process. With the use of this type of foundation, the house may need to be lifted off the existing foundation and temporarily relocated on site. The existing foundation is then removed and/or reconstructed, and the house is reset on the new foundation. In some instances, raising the home above the working area (instead or relocating off to the side) may provide sufficient room to install new pier and column foundations and to extend existing piers or columns upward. 5E.1.4 Slab-on-Grade Houses Although slab-on-grade houses may be the most difficult to raise, a number of elevation options exist with regard to raising the structure with or without the slab and using a first floor composed of wood or concrete. If the slab is to be raised with the house, a trench is normally dug under the house to provide a space for inserting lifting beams. However, intrusive techniques that place beams through the structural walls have Figure 5E-15. NFIP-compliant house built on solid foundation walls with attached garage 94 5E-14 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION proved to be successful in elevating some slab-on-grade homes, as well. If the existing slab is to remain in place, the house must be detached from the slab, the structure must be raised separately from the slab, and a new floor system must be built along with an elevated foundation. 5E.1.4.1 Elevating a Slab-on-Grade Wood-Frame House The following procedures apply to elevating a wood-frame house with a slab-on-grade foundation: Elevating without the slab, using a new first floor constructed of wood trusses (see Figures 5E-16 through 5E-20); and Elevating with the slab intact (see Figures 5E-21 through 5E-23). The basic order of steps required for raising a slab on grade house with slab intact is illustrated in Figures 5E-21 through 5E-23; implementation demands highly specialized skill and equipment that are beyond the scope of this manual. Figure 5E-16. Existing wood-frame house with slab and stem-wall foundation 95 5E-15ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-17. Step 1 of elevating an existing wood-frame house without the slab using a new first floor constructed of wood trusses: Install steel I-beam network and prepare to lift walls 96 5E-16 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Figure 5E-19. Step 3 of elevating an existing wood- frame house without the slab and with extended stem wall using a new first floor constructed of wood trusses: Set house on new foundation and remove I-beams Figure 5E-18. Step 2 of elevating an existing wood- frame house without the slab using a new first floor constructed of wood trusses: Lift house, extend masonry foundation wall, and install wood floor trusses; relocate utility and mechanical equipment above flood level 97 5E-17ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-20. Cross-section of elevated wood-frame house (slab not raised) with extended stem-wall foundation and newly installed wood truss floor 98 5E-18 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Figure 5E-21. Step 1 of elevating an existing wood-frame house with stem wall foundation and the slab intact: Excavate under existing slab and install network of steel I-beams. Step 2 (not shown): Raise the wood-frame house with the slab intact, extend foundation stem walls, and install new piers. 99 5E-19ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Flood level Depending on final height of extended foundation, area under home may be used only for parking, building access, or storage ing on final The finished product Figure 5E-22. Step 3 of elevating an existing wood-frame house with stem wall foundation and the slab intact: Set the house on the new foundation and remove the I-beams 5E.1.4.2 Elevating a Slab-on-Grade Masonry House The following alternatives apply to elevating a masonry house with a slab-on-grade foundation: elevate a slab-on-grade masonry structure with the slab intact; elevate a slab-on-grade masonry structure without the slab, and using a first floor constructed of wood framing; install an elevated concrete slab within an existing masonry structure; install an elevated wood-frame floor system within an existing masonry structure; create a new masonry livable area on top of an existing one-story masonry structure; and create a new wood-frame livable area on top of an existing one-story masonry structure. 5E.1.5 Heavy Building Materials/Complex Design The elevation process becomes even more complex with added weight, height, or complex design of the house. Brick or stucco veneers may require removal prior to elevation. Combination foundations (i.e., slab- on-grade and basement) should be evaluated jointly, as well as separately, and the worst case scenario utilized for design purposes. Building additions may need to be elevated independently from the main structure. Due to the extreme variability of structural conditions, a structural engineer should evaluate the suitability of lifting this type of home. 100 5E-20 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Figure 5E-23. Cross-section of elevated wood-frame house with stem wall foundation and the slab intact 101 5E-21ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E The entire elevation design process is illustrated with a detailed example of the design for a crawlspace house (Figure 5E-24). Figure 5E-24. Design process for an elevated house on foundation walls 102 5E-22 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION 5E.2 Field Investigation Concerns To determine whether elevation is an appropriate retrofit technique for a particular building, a field investigation should be performed. In addition to a site visit and inspection, a data review and code search should be conducted. 5E.2.1 Property Inspection and Existing Data Review During the field investigation, the designer should inspect the property and review existing data to confirm the applicability of the selected alternative and to confirm specific design guidance such as the height of elevation and type of foundation to be utilized. The designer should utilize the guidance presented in Chapter 5. Much of the data has been previously discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. At a minimum, the designer should collect information on the checklist in Figure 5E-25. 5E.2.2 Code Search During the field investigation, the designer should also conduct a search of local floodplain ordinances, local and State building codes, restrictions to deeds, restrictions in subdivisions, and zoning regulations. In addition, a visit with the local building official should be planned to determine any special requirements for the locality. During the code search, the following should be determined: elevation and foundation requirements per the floodplain ordinance and flood hazard map; requirements of the building code that governs the elevation project; design wind speed; design seismic zone; ground snow loads; frost depths; restrictions on height (overall building, portions of building relative to materials in use, allowable height/thickness ratios); and restrictions on foundations. 103 5E-23ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Figure 5E-25. Elevation Field Investigation Worksheet Elevation Field Investigation Worksheet Owner Name:____ ___________________________________Prepared By:______________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________Dat:_____ _______________________ Property Locatio e:___ ______________________________________________________________________________ Does site topography data cover required are n:_____  Yea?  No Additional data required: Any construction access issues? Site and building utilities identifie s  Yed?  No Potential utility conflicts identified s  Ye?  No Describe conflicts s _____________________________________________________________________________ Review homeowner preferences: : _____ ____________________________________________________________________ Can aesthetics reconcile with site and building constraints ____  Y?  No How es Confirm type and condition of existing framing:  member size ?  spas  connectionns  supports Confirm type and condition of foundation:  typ s  depte  sizeh Confirm types and condition of existing construction materials:  ro  flooof  wall  foundationr s Confirm soil information:  typ  depth of roe bearing capacick susceptibility to erosion and scour Confirm characteristics of flood-related hazards:  base flood elevation (BFE ty   velocit)  design flood elevation (DFEy  frequency  durati )  potential for debris flo Confirm characteristics of non-flood-related hazards:  w on w  seismiind  snoc  othw er w accessibility considerations: access/egre  special resources for elderly, disabled, children tectural constraints noted ss ____________________________________________________________________ arance available to install lifting beams and jacking equipment : _____  Y? No k local codes/covenants for height or appearance restrictions:  deed/subdivision rul es   local building ces ctions:________________________________________________________________________ ___ odes ____________ Revie Archi Is cle Chec Restri 104 5E-24 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION 5E.3 Design The design process for an elevated structure shown in Figure 5E-24 consists of the following steps: Step 1: Calculate the vertical loads. The computation of vertical loads, which includes building dead and live loads (gravity loads) and buoyancy forces, was presented in Chapter 4. Snow Loads: There are no “typical” equations for houses, since the calculation of snow loads depends on the building code in use, the geographic area in which the house is located, and the size and shape of the house and roof. The governing building code will clearly spell out the correct procedure to follow. Most procedures are simple and straightforward. Some houses will be more complex due to their shape or the quantity of snow that must be allowed for. However, the general procedures are as follows: consult snow maps in the building code and/or local requirements with the local building official to determine the ground snow load; determine the importance factors; analyze the surrounding terrain, trends in snow patterns, and slope of roof to determine the exposure factors; determine the snow load; determine the considerations for drifting snow by examining any adjacent house or structure, a mountain above the house, or higher roofs; and determine the considerations for sliding snow by examining the steep slope on the roof or higher roofs. Step 2: Calculate the lateral loads. The calculation of building lateral loads includes wind, seismic, and flood-related loads. One objective of the wind and seismic analysis is to determine which loading condition controls the design of specific structural components. Wind Analysis: There are no “typical” equations for houses, since the calculation of wind loads depends upon the building code in use and the size and shape of the house. The governing building code will clearly spell out the correct procedure to follow. Most procedures are simple and straightforward. Some houses will be more complex due to their shape. However, the general procedure, as discussed in Chapter 4, is presented below. CROSS REFERENCE To illustrate the design process, a worked example is shown in Appendix C for Steps 1-7. Information on Step 9 is presented in Chapter 5F. The designer should refer to local codes for guidance on Steps 8 and 10. The example demonstrates numerous considerations necessary for an elevation project, but is not technically exhaustive. NOTE If the governing building code does not provide applicable guidance on loading associated with flooding, wind, seismic, or snow, refer to ASCE 7. 105 5E-25ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E determine the wind speed and pressure by consulting wind maps within the building code, and checking local requirements with the local building official; determine the importance factors and the exposure category; determine the wind gust and exposure factors and analyze the building height and shape, whether the wind is parallel or perpendicular to the roof ridge, and whether it is windward or leeward of roofs/walls; determine the wind load; and distribute the load to resisting elements based upon the stiffness of shear walls, bracing, and frames. Seismic Analysis: There are no “typical” equations for houses since the calculation of seismic loads depends upon the building code in use and the size and shape of the house. The governing building code will clearly spell out the correct procedures to follow. Some houses will be more complex due to their shape. However, the general procedures, as discussed in Chapter 4, are presented below. calculate the dead loads by floor, including permanent dead loads (roof, floor, walls, and building materials) and permanent fixtures (cabinets, mechanical/electrical fixtures, stairs, new locations for utilities, etc.); determine if the snow load must be included in the dead load analysis; most building codes require the snow load to be included for heavy snow regions and will list these requirements; determine the seismic zone and importance factors; determine the fundamental period of vibration (height of structure materials used in building); determine the total seismic lateral force by analyzing site considerations, building weights, and the type of resisting system; distribute the loads vertically per the building code, keeping in mind the additional force at the top of the building; and distribute the loads horizontally according to the building code and the stiffness of resisting elements. The code-prescribed minimum torsion of the building (center of mass versus center of rigidity), shear walls, bracing, and frames must be considered. Flood-Related Forces: The computation of flood-related forces was presented in Chapter 4 and includes the following: determine the DFE; determine the types of flood forces (hydrostatic or hydrodynamic); determine the susceptibility to impacts from debris (ice, rocks, trees, etc.); NOTE ASCE 7 and the IRC provide basic wind speed maps showing wind velocities and frequencies. If the local code enforced is the IRC, the designer should refer to the IRC wind speed map (Figure 4-19). If no local code is in force, the designer should refer to ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. 106 5E-26 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION determine the susceptibility to scour; determine the applicability of and susceptibility to alluvial fans; determine the design forces; and distribute the forces to resisting elements based upon stiffness. Step 3: Check ability of existing structure to withstand additional loading. Chapter 4 presented general information on determining the ability of the existing structure to withstand the additional loadings imposed by retrofitting methods. The process detailed below is similar for each of the building types most people will encounter. First, the expected loadings are tabulated and compared against allowable amounts determined from soil conditions, local code standards, or building material standards. The following list of existing building components and connections should be checked. Roofs: The plywood roof diaphragm, trusses, connections, and uplift on roof sheathing should be capable of resisting the increased wind and seismic loads. The Engineered Wood Association (http://www.apawood. org) has published several references that are useful in this calculation, including APA SR-1013, Design for Combined Shear and Uplift from Wind (APA,2011) and APA Form T325, Roof Sheathing Fastening Schedules for Wind Uplift (APA, 2006). These reference materials or the local building codes will give the designer the necessary plywood thicknesses and connection specifications to resist the expected loadings and/or will provide loading ratings for specific material types and sizes. If the roof diaphragm and sheathing are not sufficient to resist the increased loading, the design can strengthen these components by: increasing the thickness of the materials; and/or strengthening the connections with additional plates and additional fasteners. Roof Framing-to-Wall Connections: The roof framing connections to walls should be checked to ensure that they will resist the increased wind loads. Of critical importance are the gable ends, where many wind failures occur. The Engineered Wood Association has published several references that are useful in this calculation, including APA SR-1013, Design for Combined Shear and Uplift from Wind (APA, 2011) and APA Form L350, Diaphragms and Shear Walls (APA, 2007). These reference materials or the local building codes will give the designer the necessary truss size, configuration, and connection specifications to resist the expected loadings, and/ or will provide loading ratings for specific truss and connection types and sizes. If the roof trusses and wall connections are not sufficient to resist the increased loading, the design can strengthen these components by: CROSS REFERENCE For additional information on the performance of various building system products, refer to product evaluation reports prepared by the model code groups or the National Evaluation Service (NES). 107 5E-27ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E increasing the amount of bracing between the trusses; and/or strengthening the connections with additional plates and additional fasteners. Upper Level Walls: The upper level walls are subject to increased wind pressure and increased shear due to increased roof loads. Both the short and long walls should be checked against the shear, torsion, tension, and deflection, utilizing the governing loading condition (wind or seismic). The Engineered Wood Association has published several references that are useful in this calculation, including APA SR-1013, Design for Combined Shear and Uplift from Wind (APA, 2011) and APA Form L350, Diaphragms and Shear Walls (APA, 2007). These reference materials or the local building codes will give the designer the necessary wall size and configuration and connection specifications to resist the expected loadings and/or will provide loading ratings for specific wall types, sizes, and connection schemes. If the upper level walls are determined to be unable to withstand the increased loadings, the designer is faced with the difficult task of strengthening what amounts to the entire house. In some situations, this may be cost- prohibitive, and the homeowner should look for another retrofitting method, such as relocation. Measures the designer could utilize to strengthen the upper level walls include: adding steel strapping (cross bracing) to interior or exterior wall faces; adding a new wall adjacent to the exterior or interior of the existing wall; bolstering the interior walls in a similar fashion; and/or increasing the number and sizes of connections. Floor Diaphragm: The floor diaphragm and connections are subject to increased loading due to wind, seismic forces, and flood. The existing floor diaphragm and connections should be checked to ensure that they can withstand the increased forces that might result from the elevation. The Engineered Wood Association has published several references that are useful in this calculation, including APA Form Y250. Shear Transfer at Engineered Wood Floors (APA, 1999) and APA Form L350, Diaphragms and Shear Walls (APA, 2007). These reference materials or the local building codes will give the designer the necessary floor size and configuration and connection specifications to resist the expected loadings, and/or will provide loading ratings for specific floor types, sizes, and connection schemes. If the floor diaphragm or connections are determined to be unable to withstand the increased loadings, the designer could strengthen these components by: adding a new plywood layer on the bottom of the existing floor diaphragm; increasing the number and size of bracing within the floor diaphragm; and increasing the number and size of connections. 108 5E-28 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Step 4: Analyze the existing foundation. The existing foundation should be checked to determine its ability to withstand the increased gravity loads from the elevation, the increased lateral loads due to soil pressures from potential backfilling, and the increased overturning pressures due to seismic and wind loadings. The designer should tabulate all of the gravity loads (dead and live loads) plus the weight of the new foundation walls to determine a bearing pressure, which is then compared with the allowable bearing pressure of the soil at the site. Not including expected buoyancy forces in this computation will yield a conservative answer. If the existing footing is insufficient to withstand the additional loadings created by the elevated structure, the design of foundation supplementation should be undertaken. The foundation supplementation may be as straightforward as increasing the size of the footing and/or more substantial reinforcement. The designer may refer to the ACI manual for footing design, recent texts for walls and footing design, and applicable codes and standards. Step 5: Design the new foundation walls. The design of a new foundation, whether solid or open, is usually governed by the local building codes. These codes will have minimum requirements for foundation wall sizes and reinforcing schemes, including seismic zone considerations. The designer should consult the appropriate code document tables for minimum requirements for vertical wall or open foundation reinforcement. For new slab applications where the lower level is allowed to flood and the slab is not subject to buoyancy pressures, the designer can use the Portland Cement Association document Concrete Floors on Ground (2008) as a source of information to select appropriate thicknesses and reinforcing schemes based upon expected loadings. The slab loadings will vary based upon the overall foundation design and the use of the lower floor. Step 6: Design top of foundation wall connections. Top of wall connections are critical to avoid pullout of the sole plate, floor diaphragm, and/or sill plate from the masonry foundation. A preliminary size and spacing of anchor bolts is assumed, and uplift, shear, and tension forces are computed and compared against the allowable loads for the selected bolts. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the size and spacing of the anchor bolts to keep the calculated forces below the allowable forces. Connections should be designed for all appropriate load combinations as discussed in Chapter 5. Step 7: Design the sill plate connections. The existing sill plate connections will be subject to increased lateral loads and increased uplift forces due to increased wind and buoyancy loading conditions. The sill plate is designed to span between the anchor bolts and resist bending and horizontal shear forces. The designer should refer to the appropriate wood design manual that provides recommended compression, bending, shear, and elasticity values for various sill plate materials. Using these values, the designer checks the connection against the expected forces to ensure that the actual forces are less than the allowable stresses. If the sill plate connection is insufficient to withstand expected loadings, the size of the sill plate can be increased (or doubled), and/or the spacing of the anchor bolts can be reduced. CROSS REFERENCE For wet floodproofing applications, where openings in foundation walls are necessary, refer to Chapter 5W, Wet Floodproofing. 109 5E-29ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E Step 8: Design new access. The selection and design of new access to an elevated structure is done in accordance with local regulations governing these features. Special homeowner requirements, such as for aesthetics, handicapped accessibility, and/or special requirements for children and the elderly, can be incorporated using references previously discussed in Chapter 3. Incorporating the new access often applies to multiple egress locations and may present a unique challenge to the designer as greater area is required on the existing site to accommodate the increase in elevation from adjacent grade to egress. A particular obstacle may arise with attached garages where the living space is elevated and the garage slab remains at original grade as allowed for areas designated for building access, parking, and storage only. Besides the area and height constraints required for the additional stairs to the elevated egress, the designer must also resolve drainage and aesthetic issues created by the newly discontinuous roof system. Connection of the new access to the house should be designed in accordance with the local codes. The foundation for the access measure will either be freestanding and subject to its own lateral stability requirements or it will be an integral part of the new elevated structure. In either case, analysis of the structure to ensure adequate foundation strength and lateral stability should be completed in accordance with local codes. It should be noted that any access below the BFE should incorporate the use of flood-resistant materials. The designer should refer to FEMA’s NFIP Technical Bulletin 2-08, Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in Accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA, 2008). Step 9: Design the utilities extensions. The field investigation will reveal the specific utility systems that will require relocation, extension, or modification. Whenever possible, utility systems should be relocated above the DFE. Local utility companies should be contacted about their specific requirements governing the extension of their utility service. In many instances, the local utility company will construct the extension for the homeowner. Critical issues in this extension process include: handling of utilities encased in the existing slab or walls; coordination of disconnection and reconnection; any local codes that require upgrades to the utility systems as part of new construction or substantial repair or improvement; introduction of flexible connections on gas, water, sewer, and oil lines to minimize potential for seismic damage; potential for relocation or elevation of electrical system components from existing crawlspace and/or basement areas; and design of separate GFI-type electrical circuits and use of flood-resistant materials in areas below the BFE. CROSS REFERENCE Guidance on the selection of an elevation or relocation contractor is provided in Chapter 5R, Relocation. 110 5E-30 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION Step 10: Specify the increased insulation requirements. Elevated floors and extended utility system components may increase the potential for heat loss through increased exposure and airflow and necessitate additional insulation. The designer should evaluate the energy efficiency of each aspect of the project, compare existing insulation (R-values) against the local building code, and specify additional insulation (greater R-value) where required. 5E.4 Construction Considerations Following are some important points for consideration both prior to and during implementation of a structure elevation project. Prior to elevating any house: obtain all permits and approvals required; ensure that all utility hookups are disconnected (plumbing, phone, electrical, cable, and mechanical); estimate the lifting load of the house; and identify the best location for the principal lift beams, lateral support beams, and framing lumber, and evaluate their adequacy (generally performed by a structural engineer or the elevation contractor). 5E.4.1 Slab-on-Grade House, Not Raising Slab with House Procedures for elevating a slab-on-grade house without raising the slab: holes are cut for lift beams in the exterior and interior walls; main lifting beams are inserted; holes are cut for the lateral beams; lateral beams are inserted; bracing is installed to transfer the loads across the support walls and lift remaining walls; jacks are moved into place and structure is prepared for lifting; straps and anchors used to attach house to slab-on-grade are released; the house is elevated and cribbing installed; slab around edges is removed to allow for new foundation; the new foundation is constructed; new support headers and floor system are installed; any required wind and seismic retrofit is completed; 111 5E-31ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures ELEVATION 5E house is attached to new foundation; all temporary framing is removed, holes are patched; all utilities are reconnected; new stairways and access are constructed; and all utilities below the DFE are floodproofed. 5E.4.2 Slab-on-Grade House, Raising Slab Procedures for elevating a slab-on-grade house and raising the slab: trenches are excavated for placement of all support beams beneath slab; lifting and lateral beams are installed; jacks are moved into place and the structure is prepared for lifting; the house is elevated and cribbing installed; the new foundation is constructed; any required wind and seismic retrofit is completed; house is attached to new foundation; support beams are removed; access holes are patched; all utilities are reconnected; new stairways and access are constructed; and all utilities below the DFE are floodproofed. 5E.4.3 House Over Crawlspace/Basement Procedures for elevating a house over a crawlspace or basement: masonry is removed as necessary to allow for placement of support beams; main lifting beams are installed; lateral beams are installed; jacks are moved into place and the structure is prepared for lifting; all connections to foundation are removed; 112 5E-32 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures 5E ELEVATION house is elevated and cribbing installed; existing foundation walls are raised or demolished, depending on whether the existing foundation walls can handle the new loads; new footings and foundation walls are constructed if the existing foundation walls/footings cannot withstand the additional loading; basement is backfilled where appropriate; house is attached to new foundation; support beams are removed; access holes are patched; all utilities are reconnected; new stairways and access are constructed; and all utilities below the DFE are floodproofed. 5E.4.4 House on Piers, Columns, or Piles If the house is to remain in the same location, the house will most likely need to be temporarily relocated to allow for the footing and foundation installation. If the house is being relocated within the same site, the footings should be constructed prior to moving the house. Procedures for elevating a house on piers, columns, or piles: main support beams are installed; lateral beams are installed; jacks are moved into place and the structure prepared for lifting; house is elevated and cribbing is installed; if the house is being relocated, see section 5R; existing foundation is demolished and removed and new pier and column foundation is installed or existing foundation elements are extended upward and reinforced as needed house is attached to new foundation; support beams are removed; all utilities are reconnected; new stairways and access are constructed; and all utilities below the DFE are floodproofed. 113 312512016 Bozeman, MT Code c:l Ordinances Sec. 38.35.060.-Zoning variances. A. Application. A request for one or more variance shall be made by filing an application, with appropriate fees, with the planning department at least 30 calendar days prior to the review authority's consideration ofthe application and shall be accompanied by the materials described in section 38.41. 160. B. Investigation of facts. The review authority shall cause to be made such investigation offacts bearing on the application as will provide necessary information to ensure that the action on each such application is consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter. C. Criteria for consideration and decision. In acting on an application for a variance, the review authority shall designate such lawful conditions as will secure substantial protection for the public health, safety and general welfare, and shall issue written decisions setting forth factual evidence that the variance meets the standards of MCA 76-2-323 in that the variance: 1. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest; 2. Is necessary, owing to conditions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter: a. Hardship does not include difficulties arising from actions, or otherwise be self-imposed, by the applicant or previous predecessors in interest, or potential for greater financial returns; and b. Conditions unique to the property may include, but are not limited to, slope, presence of watercourses, after the fact imposition of additional regulations on previously lawful lots, and governmental actions outside of the owners control; 3. Will observe the spirit of this chapter, including the adopted growth policy, and do substantial justice; 4. In addition to the criteria specified above, in the case of a variance relating to the flood hazard provisions of article 31 of this chapter: a. Variances shall not be issued for areas within a floodway if any additional increase in flood elevations or velocities after allowable encroachments into the floodway fringe would result; b. Variances shall only be issued upon: (1) A determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood hazards, present additional threats to public safety, be an extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud, victimize the public, or conflict with existing state and local laws; (2) A determination that the proposed use would be adequately flood proofed as specified in article 31 of this chapter; (3) A determination that a reasonable alternate location outside the floodplain is not available; (4) A determination that the variance requested is the minimum necessary to afford relief, considering the flood hazard; and (5) Approval of the state department of natural resources and conservation, upon request from the city, prior to formally approving any permit application that is in variance to these regulations. D. Authorization and limitations on approval. htlpsJ/www.municode.comnibra-y/mtlbazemanlcodes/code_of_ordinances?nodeld=PTIICOOR_CH38UNDECO_ART36APDEVAPR_S38.36.060ZOVA 1/2 114 312512016 Bozeman, MT Code c:l Ordinances 1. The review authority may, after public notice, opportunity for public comment, and consideration of the application, deny, approve or conditionally approve all requests for variances meeting all the criteria ofthis section, including: a. Requests to modify dimensional or other numerical requirements of this chapter; b. Requests for multiple variances; c. Requests to modify flood hazard district requirements subject to the provisions of article 31 of this chapter, except that no variance shall be granted to allow construction of buildings within the floodway of a 1 00-year frequency flood as defined in title 76, chapter 5, Montana Code Annotated (MCA 76-5-101 et seq.); and d. Requests for variances in conjunction with conditional use permits. Approvals of all such variances shall be conditioned upon review authority approval of the conditional use permit. 2. The scope and extent of the variance shall be limited to the minimum relief necessary to provide reasonable use of the property. 3. In no case may the review authority grant variances to allow uses not already permitted pursuant to this chapter or alter administrative requirements of this chapter. Permission to change uses allowed on a parcel may be sought through a zone map amendment, or an amendment to the text of the applicable zoning district, or through a planned unit development subject to article 38.20. 4. Notifications of approval for variances related to flood hazard requirements of article 31 of this chapter shall notify the applicant that: a. The issuance of a variance to construct a building below the 1 00-year floodplain elevation will result in increased premium rates; and b. Such construction below the 1 00-year flood elevation increases risks to life and property. E. Effective time for decisions; variances void when. The decision of the review authority shall be final except as provided in section 38.35.080. If a building permit or land use permit is not obtained for the subject property within six months from the date of the review authority's decision, the variance shall be automatically canceled and become null and void. F. Variances. Variances are subject to MCA 76-2-321 through 76-2-328. (Ord. No. 1645, § 18.66.060, 8-15-2005; Ord. No. 1670, § 18.66.060, 8-28-2006; Ord. No. 1693, § 24(18.66.060), 2-20-2007; Ord. No. 1769, exh. L(18.66.060), 12-28-2009; Ord. No. 1827, § 8, 9-1 0-2012) htlpsJ/www.municode.comnibra-y/mtlbazemanlcodes/code_of_ordinances?nodeld=PTIICOOR_CH38UNDECO_ART36APDEVAPR_S38.36.060ZOVA 212 115 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 49 February 20, 2014 SECTION 12. VARIANCES 12.1 GENERAL - A variance from the minimum development standards of these regulations may be allowed. An approved variance would permit construction in a manner otherwise as required or prohibited by these regulations. ((44 CFR 59.1) (ARM 36.15.218)) 12.2 VARIANCE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Prior to any consideration of a variance from any development standard in these regulations, a completed Floodplain Permit application and required supporting material must be submitted. 2. Additionally, supporting materials in a Variance application specific to the variance request including facts and information addressing the criteria in this Section must be submitted. 3. If the Floodplain permit application and Variance application is deemed not correct and complete, the Floodplain Administrator shall notify the applicant of deficiencies within a reasonable time not to exceed 30 days. Under no circumstances should it be assumed that the variance is automatically granted. 12.3 NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOODPLAIN VARIANCE APPLICATION Public Notice of the Floodplain permit application and Variance application shall be given pursuant to Section 8.2. 12.4 EVALUATION OF VARIANCE APPLICATION 1. A Floodplain permit and Variance shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum allowance necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief from these regulations and provided all of the following criteria are met: 1. There is a good and sufficient cause. Financial hardship is not a good and sufficient cause; (44 CFR 60.6(a)(3)) 2. Failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant; (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)) & ARM 36.15.218(b)) 3. Residential and nonresidential buildings are not in the Floodway except for alterations or substantial improvement to existing buildings, Residential dwellings including basements and attached garages do not have the lowest floor elevation below the Base Flood Elevation; 116 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 50 February 20, 2014 4. Any enclosure including a crawl space must meet the requirements of Section 10.2.14, Wet Flood Proofing if the enclosure interior grade is at or below the Base Flood Elevation; 5. Granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights to existing buildings, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, or conflict with other existing local laws or ordinances; (44 CFR 60.6 (a)(3) & (ARM 36.15.218(a)) 6. The proposed use is adequately flood proofed; (ARM 36.15.218(c)) 7. The variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief; (44 CFR 60.6(a)(4)) 8. Reasonable alternative locations are not available; (MCA 76-5-406(3) & ARM 36.15.218(d)) 9. An encroachment does not cause an increase to the Base Flood Elevation that is beyond that allowed in these regulations; and (44 CFR 60.6(a)(1)) 10. All other criteria for a Floodplain permit besides the specific development standard requested by variance are met. 2. An exception to the variance criteria may be allowed as follows: 1. For either new construction of a structure outside of the Floodway only or for substantial improvements or an alteration of a structure, on a lot of one-half acres or less that is contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the Base Flood Elevation; or (44 CFR 60.6(a). 2. For Historic Structures – variances may be issued for the repair or rehabilitation of historic structures upon a determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a historic structure and the variance is the minimum relief necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure. The historic nature of the building must be designated as a preliminary or historic structure by U.S. Secretary of Interior or an approved state or local government historic preservation program. (44 CFR 60.6(a)) 12.5 DECISION 1. The {Board of Adjustment, County Commission, or other panel} shall: 1. Evaluate the Floodplain permit application and Variance application using 117 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 51 February 20, 2014 the criteria in Section 12.4, and the application requirements and minimum development standards in Section 9 and 10; 2. Make findings, and approve, conditionally approve or deny a Floodplain permit and variance within 60 days of a complete application. 3. If approved, attach conditions to the approval of Floodplain permit and Variance including a project completion date and inspections during and after construction. 4. Notify the applicant that the issuance of a Floodplain permit and Variance to construct a structure not meeting the minimum building requirements in these regulations may result in increased premium rates for flood insurance and that flood insurance premiums are determined by actuarial risk and will not be modified by the granting of a variance. (44CFR 60.6(a)) 5. Submit to the Floodplain Administrator a record of all actions involving a Floodplain permit and variance, including the findings and decision and send a copy of each variance granted to DNRC.(44 CFR 60.6(a)(6) & MCA 76-5-405) 12.6 JUDICIAL REVIEW Any person or persons aggrieved by the Floodplain permit and variance decision may appeal such decision in a court of competent jurisdiction. 118 City of Bozeman FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP UPDATES Promoting flood-risk awareness www.floodplain.mt.gov MANAGEMENT FLOODPLAIN FEMA 90-Day Appeal & Comment Period THE FEMA APPEAL & COMMENT PROCESS PROJECT TIMELINE (tentative) Winter 2016 Draft floodplain maps produced Fall 2016 Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps produced Winter 2017 FEMA Appeal and Comment Period begins Spring 2017 FEMA Appeal and Comment Period ends Summer 2017 Appeals and Comments resolved Spring 2018 New Flood Insurance Rate Maps become effective Fall 2017 New Flood Insurance Rate Maps finalized 90 days FEMA requires a 90-day public Appeal & Comment Period for proposed Flood Insurance Rate Map changes. Public review of proposed Flood Insurance Rate Map changes is an important part of the map update process because it ensures that map data is as accurate as possible. The Appeal & Comment Period for this project is projected to begin Winter 2017. APPEALS An Appeal is a technical issue with a Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map. Some common types of Appeals include a flood elevation objection or a delineation of floodplain boundary dispute. Appeals often require supporting documentation such as an Elevation Certificate, topographic map, engineering study, photographs, etc. Visit www.fema.gov and search “Criteria for Appeals of Flood Insurance Rate Maps” for more information about Appeals. COMMENTS A Comment is map error found on a Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map. Some common types of Comments include the correction of a street name, city limit boundary, etc. Comments do not generally require supporting documentation. The 90-Day Appeal & Comment Period is projected to begin Winter 2017. You may only submit an Appeal or Comment during the official Appeal & Comment Period. If you have an Appeal or Comment, the City encourages you to begin organizing materials early so that you are prepared for the 90-Day Appeal & Comment Period. Please contact us directly for more information. Brian Heaston Bozeman City Engineering bheaston@bozeman.net 406.582.2280 Tiffany Lyden MT DNRC tlyden@mt.gov 406.444.0599 119