HomeMy WebLinkAboutA6. BOH Appointments Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Pearl Michalson, Deputy/Interim City Clerk SUBJECT: Appointments to the City-County Board of Health MEETING DATE: April 4, 2016 MEETING TYPE: Action RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: I move to appoint one member to the City Appointee Position on the City-County Board of Health with a term expiration of January 8, 2019. BACKGROUND: The Joint City-County position on the City-County Board of Health that was held by Gretchen Rupp expired on January 8, 2016. The City appointee position expired on January 1, 2015 and the City Clerk’s office is recommending the Deputy Mayor Taylor be appointed once again. The City-County Board of Health is created under an Interlocal Agreement between Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman, dated June 1990, as amended under the Interlocal Agreement dated May 12, 1997, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-2-106, M.C.A. The Board is comprised of nine members as follows: (1) a County Commissioner or representative; (2) a City Commissioner or representative; (3) three members appointed by the County Commission; (4) three members appointed by the City Commission; and (5) one member appointed jointly by the City and County Commissions. Members shall serve staggered three-year terms. There is no residency requirement for the members. For example, the members appointed by the City Commission don’t have to be residents of the City of Bozeman. The Board is administrative and is responsible for appointing a Health Officer and ensuring that the necessary qualified staff is employed, within budget constraints. The Health Department operates under the County and its personnel manual. The Board is responsible for activities ensuring the health of the community, including guarding against the introduction of communicable diseases and providing for the removal of filth that might adversely affect public health. There is currently one City term expired and two applicants seeking appointment. 255 Applicants seeking appointment: Jim Mitchell Seth Walk ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Mahlow Board Application 256 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 286 Name: Jim Last Name: Mitchell Physical Address *: 475 Concord Dr City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59715 Primary Phone *: (406) 581-6250 Email *: jimmitchell7@gmail.com Your current occupation *: Director, Student Health Service Employer *: Montana State University How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: >10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: City-County Board of Health City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: no Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: I have worked in health care administration for most of my career. As a district planning officer in Botswana as a Peace Corps Volunteer, I was involved in projects ranging from creating a district health plan to planning a system to provide clean water for the district capital. I've been involved as a college health administrator since 1977--15 years at the University of Virginia and for the past nearly 24 years at MSU. I've had a strong interest in public health issues during all this time and have worked closely with the Health Department on a number of public health issues over the time I've been in Bozeman. Reference 1 *: Ita Killeen, MD 406-994-2311 ikilleen@montana.edu Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Roxanne Klingensmith 406-580-4748 julianofnorwich@msn.com 257 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 285 Name: Seth Last Name: Walk Physical Address *: 502 N Tracy Ave City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59715 Primary Phone *: (517) 881-9524 Additional Phone: (406) 994-2649 Email *: seth.walk@montana.edu Your current occupation *: Assistant Professor Employer *: Montana State University How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: 1-5 yr Which position are you applying for? *: City-County Board of Health City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: no Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: I am a trained microbiologist and clinical researcher. I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology (Pennsylvania State University), a Master’s of Science in Ecology (Pennsylvania State University), and a Ph.D. in Zoology (Michigan State University). As a postdoctoral researcher, I trained at the University of Michigan Health System, where I investigated the epidemiology of various infectious diseases. My appointment was in the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, and I collaborated with infectious disease doctors and the hospital Microbiology Lab that are responsible for diagnosing disease. I accepted my current position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology in August 2012. I primarily conduct research on how and why infectious diseases are transmitted between people. My lab works with the fecal bacterium, Escherichia coli, and another bacterium that causes disease in hospitals, Clostridium difficile. We also investigate how microorganisms in our gastrointestinal tract detoxify heavy metals, such as arsenic, in our diet. I teach courses for undergraduate and graduate students on general microbiology and on the microorganisms that live on our bodies, 259 called “the human microbiome”. We have individual projects funded by the US Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences). Reference 1 *: Mark Jutila Professor and Department Head Department of Microbiology & Immunology uvsmj@montana.edu 406-994-2901 Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Mark Young Professor and Associate Vice President for Research Department of Plant Science and Plant Pathology myoung@montana.edu 406-994-5158 How did you hear about us?: Matt Kelley 260