HomeMy WebLinkAboutA2. Sacajawea Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Allyson B. Brekke, Associate Planner Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Sacajawea Middle School Upgrade and Expansion Informal Application No. 16064, for Bozeman School District 7 Property Located at 3525 South 3rd Avenue MEETING DATE: April 4, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action Item RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission shall provide feedback and guidance to the School District in order to assist them in their development plans. BACKGROUND: The Bozeman School District 7 (BSD7) submitted an informal development review application for a building upgrade and expansion project for the existing Sacajawea Middle School property located at 3525 South 3rd Avenue. The work will include additions to the building, expansion of surface parking, reconfiguration of bus/parent drop off points, and new emergency access locations. There is an Interlocal Agreement between the BSD7 and the City of Bozeman for the School/City review process for both minor and major school development. The work proposed at Sacajawea Middle School is considered major development, as it is an expansion of existing facilities or buildings of over 20% in floor area. Per the Interlocal Agreement there shall be early consultation and collaboration efforts and an informal review through the Development Review Committee (DRC) and the City Commission. The informal review with the DRC occurred on March 2, 2016. Staff compiled summary comments following the DRC review to provide to the applicant. These comments are enclosed with this memo. The applicant responded to Staff’s comments. That response is also enclosed with this memo. Staff is now asking the City Commission to provide feedback and guidance to the School District in order to assist them in their development plans. It is anticipated that the BSD7 will submit two formal development review applications to the Planning Division for the work proposed at Sacajawea Middle School prior to May 2016. A further development/modification application will first be submitted for the small additions proposed to the school wings (less than 20% of new floor area). A site plan is anticipated for the remaining upgrade and expansion work. Public agency exemption requests by the BSD7 are also anticipated with the site plan application. A public hearing with the City Commission is required for any and all agency exemptions per state law (M.C.A. Section 76-2-402). This section addresses the relationship of municipal zoning regulations to a school district’s use of land. The 127 law requires a public hearing whenever land is to be used contrary to zoning regulations. The statute expressly provides that a municipality “shall have no power to deny the proposed use but shall act only to allow a public forum for comment on the proposed use.” The anticipated public agency exemptions that will be requested with the BSD7’s site plan application are the following: 1. Section 38.26.050.C, requirements for parking lot landscaping; 2. Section 38.08.050.A, corner side yard setback requirements for parking; 3. Section 38.24.110.A, requirement to install pathways per any adopted citywide park plan (Bozeman Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails – PROST – plan); and 4. Section 38.26.060, landscape performance standards for all properties. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: As identified by the City Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: None identified. Attachments: Applicant’s submittal materials Report compiled on: March 25, 2016 128 129 130 131 March 14, 2016 Allyson Brekke Associate Planner 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Summary Comments for Sacajawea Middle School Upgrade and Expansion Informal Review Application No. 16064 Dear Ms. Brekke, Thank you for the opportunity to present the Sacajawea Middle School Upgrade and Expansion project to you on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 to you and the DRC. Below please find our responses to the comments provided from the DRC on Thursday, March 10th. Future City / School District Review Process The Sacajawea Middle School Upgrade and Expansion project is deemed a “major school development” per the Interlocal Agreement between the Bozeman School District 7 (BSD7) and the City of Bozeman (COB). The informal application is required to be considered by the Development Review Committee and the City Commission per the Interlocal Agreement in order to provide official City feedback and guidance to the BSD7 in order to assist them in their development plans. The DRC review occurred on March 2, 2016. The City Commission review is scheduled for April 4, 2016. A separate Site Plan application is required to be submitted to the City of Bozeman Community Development Department for the proposed work. With this application, any and all agency exemptions under M.C.A. Section 76-2-402 must be called out and identified. The site plan application will be submitted as per the interlocal agreement. Some Engineering and Zoning requirements and code provisions were identified during the DRC meeting, which may or may not necessitate agency exemption(s) if not satisfied with the proposed work. If agency exemptions are requested with the Site Plan application, please understand that it will necessitate a public hearing with the City Commission. Noticing requirements for the public hearing are triggered in addition to the standard noticing procedures required for the Site Plan application. If no agency exemptions are requested, no public hearing is required and the Planning Director will authorize the application following the standard noticing requirements for the Site Plan application occur. During the Site Plan application review process, the application will be routed to the Parks and Recreation Subdivision Review committee due to the close proximity of PROST recommended shared-use paths and trails to the school property. This is not anticipated to lengthen the review process. The District will obtain building permits as required by the adopted building code and administered through the City Building Division. As stated in the Interlocal Agreement, the informal review and formal review with consideration of all agency exemptions are two separate review processes. Once a formal Site Plan application is submitted and it is identified whether or not agency exemptions are required, any required public hearings with the City Commission will be scheduled at that time. 133 Zoning Comments The redesigned parking lot must meet the parking lot landscaping requirements per Section 38.26.050.C. Please add note to drawings indicating this will occur or request an exemption. An exemption will be requested. The redesigned parking lot must abide by all required yard setbacks per Section 38.08.050.A 15-foot corner side yard is required from the future Blackwood Road right-of-way. Parking is not permitted within required front or side yards. Please add note to drawings indicating this will occur or request an exemption. The existing parking lot along future Blackwood currently exists within this required setback. An exemption will be requested in order to maintain current parking counts. Because the property is already supplying less than the required number of parking spaces, an exemption is not required if the current number of supplied parking spaces remains unchanged. However, if a reduction occurs please plan to claim an exemption from Section 38.25.040.A.2. The current number of supplied parking spaces will remain. No exemption will be requested. Per the Bozeman Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) Plan, a shared use path is recommended along South 3rd Avenue on the school property’s frontage, as well along the future Blackwood Road right-of-way on the school property’s south edge. Per Section 38.24.110.A, pathways shall be installed per any adopted citywide park plan. The DRC shall be responsible for determining whether a pathway is transportation pathway or a recreation pathway. Please add note to drawings indicating this pathway will be installed or request an exemption. Is this a recommendation as stated above or a requirement? The district already has a sidewalk along south third on the property. It is outside the scope of this project to provide another path in the same location. The path along future Blackwood is accounted for in the design but will not be installed until Blackwood is installed. At this time, this is not viewed as an exemption until Blackwood is installed. The Site Plan application must include a landscape plan per the site plan submittal requirements in Section 38.41.080 and must include the information are required in Section 38.41.100. Please add note to drawings indicating this will occur or request an exemption. A Landscape plan will be included but an exemption will be requested from the Landscape Performance Standards 38.26.060. All proposed stormwater detention areas must meet all the requirements per Section 38.23.080, specifically it must be landscaped as an amenity per subsection H. Please add note to drawings indicating this will occur or request an exemption. An exemption to the landscape requirements will be requested. All proposed lighting on the site or building must comply with the requirements of Section 38.23.150. Please add note to drawings indicating this will occur or request an exemption. Will add note to drawings indicating lighting on site or building will comply with Section 38.23.150. All proposed mechanical equipment must be screened per the standards in Section 38.21.050.F. Please add note to drawings indicating this will occur or request an exemption. All proposed mechanical equipment will be screened. Will add note. A trash and garbage enclosure should be shown on the plans and follow the requirements per Section 38.23.170. Please add note to drawings indicating this will be provided or request an exemption. 134 An existing dumpster enclosure exists and will be maintained. No exemption will be requested. Engineering Comments A curbwalk is proposed along future Blackwood Road. However, a boulevard will be required per the City’s Design Standards and Specifications Policy and Transportation Plan Update. A boulevard will be required for the following reasons: a. Snow storage is needed for Blackwood Road plowing. If curbwalks are used, snow is plowed onto the sidewalks, resulting in blocked pedestrian access. However, the City can work with the designer to limit the width of the boulevard to meet site design goals. b. The boulevard creates separation of automobile and pedestrian traffic, which improves pedestrian safety at this critical location. This is particularly critical for this future collector street, which will carry significant traffic demand. The design of southern portion of the property takes into consideration the future Blackwood requirements and design standards. Boulevard widths may need to be minimized to accommodate existing slopes onto the property. Will a temporary access drive over the future Blackwood Road alignment be constructed with this project? If so, the designer shall coordinate the temporary access with the City Engineering Department with the goal of limiting reconstruction associated with Blackwood Road in the future. The access road will be designed to accommodate the future Blackwood Road with minimal reconstruction impacts. The applicant’s designer shall consider the future vision triangle at the intersection of Blackwood Road and S. 3rd Avenue in site design per Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Section 38.24.100. Future vision triangle at intersection of Blackwood and S. 3rd will be provided. A traffic impact study will be required for the proposed project due to the traffic loading on the network. Per conversation with Shawn Kohtz on Monday, March 14, 2016, a letter summarizing the discussion of traffic recommendations in lieu of a Traffic Impact Study by the civil engineer of record will suffice. Per City policy, the School District will be responsible for the proportionate share of the cost for future construction of Blackwood Road. The proportionate share will be based on the property frontage to the road. The City’s parks, recreation, open space, and trails (PROST) plan indicates a shared use path along the future Blackwood Road alignment. The applicant shall coordinate with the City Parks, Planning and Engineering Departments to determine a final width and surface for the shared use path, which may be constructed in-lieu of sidewalk along Blackwood Road. The shared use path must be a concrete surface. A shared use path will be considered in the design with the future development of Blackwood. At this time the path will not be constructed until Blackwood is constructed in coordination with the City. Street lights are required per the spacing and specifications in the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy for S. 3rd Avenue along the property frontage to provide pedestrian safety. Street lights currently do not exist along the property frontage. Street lights along S. 3rd Avenue will be provided at the access points onto the site. The transfer of water rights or the payment of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights shall be provided in accordance to Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) section 38.23.180. The applicant shall contact Brian Heaston with the City Engineering Department to obtain an analysis of CIL of water rights, which shall be paid prior to final plan approval. 135 Per email from Brian Heaston on Friday, March 18th: “Attached are the metered water use records for Sacajawea. I’ve inserted a pivot table and limited the historical use analysis to the past 10 years, or 2006 – 2015. The data shows that the average annual use is 2.59 AF/yr, which equates to a use rate of 1,224 gal/yr/student for the current 690 student capacity. Utilizing this rate value as the basis for extrapolating to a 900 student capacity shows the projected water use equaling 3.38 AF/yr. Section 38.23.180.B of the unified development code requires cash in lieu of water rights to be provided if the projected water use exceeds the current water use by 1 AF or more. This threshold is not met by the proposed expansion, thus payment of CIL water rights is not required.” The applicant will be required to file with the County Clerk and Recorder’s office executed Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SID’s) for the following: a. Street improvements to Blackwood Road including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and storm drainage. b. Street improvements to South 3rd Avenue including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and storm drainage. c. Intersection improvements to the future intersection of Blackwood Road and South 3rd Avenue. The document filed shall specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. Waiver of Right to Protests Creation of SIDs will be filed by the district. Please provide appropriate files/forms for approval by the School District. Plans and specifications for any fire service line must be prepared in accordance with the City’s Fire Service Line Policy by a professional engineer and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification and preparation of mylar record drawings. Fire service plans (and domestic services 4” or larger) shall be a standalone submittal. Fire services shall be shown, with sizes labeled, on the final site plan from main to building and approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. City of Bozeman applications for service shall be completed by the applicant. Professional engineering plans and specifications of fire service line will be provided prior to and service construction. Construction inspection, post-construction certification and record drawings will also be supplied. The applicant shall contact Erin Shane in the City Water and Sewer Division to obtain a hydrant flow test on a hydrant near the subject property. The hydrant flow test shall be used by the applicant’s engineer to make a determination of the available flows for the fire protection to the facility and compare this the requirement for the facility. Erin Shane provided flow test information on March 11, 2016 with the following information: “I have fire flow information for the Aldercreek subdivision that the school is tied into. That information is as follows: Static – 50#, Residual – 50#, Pitot – 42# flowing 1090 GPM on a 2.5” nozzle. The test was performed at Aldercreek and S. 13th on 10/1/15. If you have questions or need further information feel free to email me and I will get back to you ASAP. Have a great weekend!” The proposed detention pond near the southern property line appears to be too deep. The City’s Design Standards and Specifications Policy limits the maximum water depth of a basin to 1-1/2 feet and maximum basin depth to 2-1/2 feet for areas accessible to the public. 136 The detention pond will be designed to meet City’s Design Standards. If the building will be constructed simultaneously with the on-site infrastructure improvements, the applicant shall request concurrent construction per BMC 38.39.030.C.1.c with a future site plan application. A concurrent construction request will be pursued. Fire Comments Proposed hammerheads/turnarounds look generally ok but the District is encouraged to flatten them out (decrease the curvature). The design team will flatten out the hammerheads. The one hammerhead that overlaps the basketball court needs to allow full emergency access; if the court is a different material from the remaining emergency access ensure it can hold the weight of the fire truck. The basketball court will be made of the same material as the fire access drive and accommodate the weight of the truck. Sustainable Comments Encourage to add the “No Idling” signs in the new parking lot/bus drop off area. Encourage looking into solar ready building design for this project. “The following definition of solar-ready is adapted from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Renewable Energy Ready Home Solar Photovoltaic Specification Checklist and Guide (http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=rerh index) · South-facing exposure · Roof must have a useful life of at least 20 years · Install and label a 4’ x 4’ plywood panel area for mounting an inverter and balance of system components · Install a 1” metal conduit for the DC wire run from the designated array location to the designated inverter location (cap and label both ends). · Install a 1” metal conduit from designated inverter location to electrical service panel (cap and label both ends). · Install and label a 70-amp dual pole circuit breaker in the electrical service panel for use by the PV system (label the service panel). · Provide architectural drawing and riser diagram of solar PV system components.” Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Brad Doll, AIA Architect A&E Architects 137 A1 Development Review Application A1 Page 1 of 3 Revision Date 01-04-16 Required Forms: Varies by project type Recommended Forms: Presentation of submitted plans and specifications DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. PROJECT Development Name: Description: 2. PROPERTY OWNER Name: Full Address: Phone: Email: 3. APPLICANT Name: Full Address: Phone: Email: 4. REPRESENTATIVE Name: Full Address: Phone: Email: 5. PROPERTY Full Street Address: Full Legal Description: Current Zoning: Current Use: Community Plan Designation: 138 Development Review Application A1 Page 2 of 3 Revision Date 01-04-16 Required Forms: Varies by project type Recommended Forms: Presentation of submitted plans and specifications Overlay District: Neighborhood Conservation Entryway Corridor None Urban Renewal District: Downtown North 7th Avenue Northeast None 6. STATISTICS (ONLY APPLICATION TYPES 2-12, 17, 24 AND 26) Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: Net Area: Acres: Square Feet: Dwelling Units: Nonresidential Gross Building Square Feet: 7. APPLICATION TYPES Check all that apply, use noted forms. Form Form 1. Pre-application Consultation None 17. Informal Review INF 2. Master Site Plan MSP 18. Zoning Deviation None 3. Site Plan SP 19. Zoning or Subdivision Variance Z/SVAR 4. Subdivision pre-application PA 20. Conditional Use Permit CUP 5. Subdivision preliminary plat PP 21. Special Temporary Use Permit STUP 6. Subdivision final plat FP 22. Comprehensive Sign Plan CSP 7. Subdivision exemption SE 23. Regulated Activities in Wetlands RW 8. Condominium Review CR 24. Zone Map Amendment (non Annexation) ZMA 9. PUD concept plan PUDC 25. UDC Text Amendment ZTA 10. PUD preliminary plan PUDP 26. Growth Policy Amendment GPA 11. PUD final plan PUDFP 27. Modification/Plan Amendment MOD 12. Annexation and Initial Zoning ANNX 28. Extension of Approved Plan EXT 13. Administrative Interpretation Appeal AIA 29. Reasonable Accommodation RA 14. Administrative Project Decision Appeal APA 30. Other: 15. Commercial Nonresidential COA CCOA 1 6. Historic Neighborhood Conservation Overlay COA NCOA 8. APPLICATION FEES AND MATERIALS A. Fees are to be provided based upon the adopted fee schedule FS. Contact our office for an estimate. 139 140 141 142 1 SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECT NARRATIVE SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL- UPGRADE & EXPANSION Site Planning The site is bordered by Cambridge Drive to the north, South 3rd Avenue to the east, and open public land to the south and west. To the north and east are single family residences. To the west are athletic fields, including a football field on site and to the south is a sod farm. In the Northwest corner is an existing detention pond for stormwater collection. Service access will be provided from the existing east parking lot. The existing Middle School and parking is situated on the east half of the site. The building is oriented on a north/south axis at a slight angle. The main entry is oriented to the southeast and will become one of two drop-off points for parents, with the existing north parent drop-off to remain. The bus drop-off will move to the extended south parking lot. The drop-off points allow for supervision and access to separate controlled entrances to the building while mitigating current traffic congestion issues. The south parking lot adjacent to the gymnasium will be expanded to provide more off-street parking for special events. The existing service access road to the west will be rerouted with a new entrance in the south parking lot, and the north entrance will remain. The existing playgrounds to the south will be relocated to the new west courtyard. The location of the building addition does not disturb the location of the existing football field to the west. Building Design & Space Planning The existing Sacajawea Middle School was completed in 1996 and has a current capacity of 690 students. Three grade wings extend out from the central entry to the north. The south wing is home to the gymnasium and music education as well as the administration offices and cafeteria. Each of the wings is organized along a double loaded corridor. An addition at each of the grade wings will be at the furthest end to include two new science rooms and two classrooms per grade with infrastructure for a future science classroom. The renovation will allow for expansion of the grade commons in each wing. The grade commons will have the capacity to host all class gatherings, as well as provide breakout spaces and small group learning zones. A new electives wing will be added to the building to the west of the central entry. The wing will provide space for technology education, art, video technology and flexible classrooms to accommodate various potential functions. There will be flexible gathering and teaching spaces in a common area to allow for small or large group interactions and studies. Special education will move into space at the intersection of the new electives and 8th grade wings. The administration and counseling will move into the renovated library space. This will allow for the staff to have direct visual control over the school entry. Guests will check in at the lobby and be allowed into the school by the staff. The existing administration will be opened up to create a new Commons area connected to the cafeteria. A large exterior courtyard will be created between the new electives wing and south wing. It will have access to the library, elective classrooms, and Commons area. Space will be defined for outdoor classrooms, outdoor ball courts, and playground equipment. The Commons, library, and new courtyard will become the “heart of the school” as they are all located along the main circulation spine of the renovated school. The gymnasium and music areas, (south wing), will have an addition that extends to the west. The existing gym will remain, but a new court will be added at the west end along with new heath education classrooms. The locker rooms and storage will be reorganized to allow for better utilization of space. The choir, band, orchestra, and world music classrooms will all be extensively reorganized with the western addition. This will include offices, additional storage, and practice spaces. 143 2 SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL The renovation and additions to the existing structure will add a variety of interior and exterior gathering spaces in each wing and centrally. These spaces provide for the unique and varying physical and social needs of 6th - 8th grade middle school students. The locations and arrangements of the gathering spaces permit clear zoning and visual supervision by teachers and staff. For example, hardscape exterior areas at the new courtyard and the Commons allow for both passive and active supervision. Interior architecture such as changes in the ceiling scape or flooring define smaller sub-areas within the larger space. Creating this diversity of environments acknowledges and supports the changing needs of the middle school student. Gathering spaces in each grade wing and the elective wing allow for shared teaching areas. These areas provide a connected series of spaces that can be used in a variety of ways for small scale group activities by multiple teachers and classes simultaneously. These shared spaces are a part of the primary circulation corridor and create the experience of moving through a series of smaller spaces while traveling through the each wing. 144 1 SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL VACINITY MAP SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL- UPGRADE & EXPANSION The site is bordered by Cambridge Drive to the north, South 3rd Avenue to the east, and open public land to the south and west. To the north and east are single family residences. To the west are athletic fields, including a football field on site and to the south is a sod farm. Z N 145 Sacajawea Middle SchoolNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDESIGN TEAMSHEET LISTC3.0 OVERALL SITE PLANA2.1 OVERALL FLOOR PLANA4.1 OVERALL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA4.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA4.3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA4.4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA4.5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA4.6 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS146 NORTH040SCALE: 1"=40'NOTE:-EXISTING UNDERGROUND INSTALLATIONS & PRIVATE UTILITIES SHOWN ARE INDICATED ACCORDING TO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THEENGINEER. THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF SUCH INFORMATION. SERVICE LINES (WATER, POWER, GAS, STORM, SEWER,TELEPHONE & TELEVISION) MAY NOT BE STRAIGHT LINES OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. STATE LAW REQUIRES CONTRACTOR TO CALL ALL UTILITYCOMPANIES BEFORE EXCAVATION FOR EXACT LOCATIONS.-ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MONTANA PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 6TH EDITION, APRIL, 2010,AND THE CITY OF BILLINGS STANDARD MODIFICATIONS, DATED FEBRUARY, 2015.-UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT AND STAKING SHALL BE PERFORMED UNDER THE RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF A LANDSURVEYOR LICENSED IN THE STATE OF MONTANA AND BY A PARTY CHIEF OR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN EXPERIENCED IN CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT ANDSTAKING TECHNIQUES AS ARE REQUIRED BY THE SPECIFIC TYPE OF WORK BEING PERFORMED.802040issue datedateproject owner sheetphaserevisionproject #V:\15074_01_Sacajawea_Middle_School_Expansion_Design\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\15074_SITE_PROD.dwg Feb 12, 2016 - 11:19am 1512902.12.1615129 Sacajawea Middle School 3525 SOUTH 3RD RD, BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Bozeman School DistrictNOTFORCONSTRUCTIONC3.0OVERALL SITE PLANPM:\15016.04 WS 15074_SITE_PROD.DWGQC: DR-10/26/15NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDESIGN FOR REVIEW PRELIMINARY V:\15074_01_Sacajawea_Middle_School_Expansion_Design\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\15074_SITE_PROD.dwg, C3.0, 2/12/2016 11:19:47 AM, wsmith, 1:1 147 95.83 SFCUST.A3295.54 SFCUST.A28525.16 SFMECHANICALA27524.77 SFMECHANICALA33260.3 SFBOYSA31285.56 SFGIRLSA29885.76 SFCLASSROOMB11866.85 SFCLASSROOMB12864.33 SFCLASSROOMB14992.5 SFSCIENCEB15235.95 SFTEACHER PLANB8952.22 SFWORLD LANGUAGEB27864.06 SFCLASSROOMB26284.86 SFBOYSB24280.11 SFGIRLSB23889.54 SFCLASSROOMB21866.85 SFCLASSROOMB20864.33 SFCLASSROOMB18988.57 SFSCIENCEB174138.43 SFGRADE COMMONSB2242.42 SFTOILETC3886.1 SFCLASSROOMC5867.53 SFCLASSROOMC6876.92 SFCLASSROOMC15863.24 SFCLASSROOMC8866.53 SFCLASSROOMC14992.5 SFSCIENCEC9988.57 SFSCIENCEC11863.69 SFCLASSROOMC12756.67 SFRESOURCEC4315.37 SFTEACHER PLANC20Redundant RoomGRADE COMMONSC16988.57 SFSCIENCED12992.5 SFSCIENCED10863.24 SFCLASSROOMD9863.24 SFCLASSROOMD13866.85 SFCLASSROOMD15883.74 SFCLASSROOMD16884.06 SFCLASSROOMD6867.69 SFCLASSROOMD7280.83 SFGIRLSD3281.13 SFBOYSD2313.02 SFTEACHER PLAND1842.69 SFTOILETD2142.37 SFTOILETD22Redundant RoomGRADE COMMONSD171881.39 SFBANDF28415.41 SFEQUIPMENTF21106.73 SFLAUNDRYF19260.14 SFSHOWER717304.78 SFSHOWERF15209.82 SFOFFICEF16307.39 SFSHOWERF6211.04 SFOFFICEF7271.3 SFSHOWERF8136.43 SFTRAININGF11367.43 SFEQUIPMENTF36135.67 SFGYMNASIUMF11672.15 SFFITNESS/WEIGHTSF284.66 SFHALLF10Redundant RoomTOILETF9Redundant RoomTOILETF51934.46 SFBOYS LOCKERF4Redundant RoomTOILETF1891.2 SFHALLF20Redundant RoomTOILETF141350.5 SFGIRLS LOCKERF22693.56 SFCUSTODIALF2572.56 SFVEST.F23132.47 SFOFFICEE2640.77 SFCUSTODIANE385.31 SFCUST.E4146.55 SFMAT STORAGEE5198.32 SFTABLE STORAGEE649.97 SFTOILETE788.17 SFSTORAGEE81202.22 SFFOOD SERVICEE93575.49 SFCAFETERIAE10657.85 SFBOILERE12347.35 SFMENE13293.56 SFWOMENE1577.75 SFVESTE16289.7 SFELECE30157.78 SFVESTA1568.41 SFLOBBYA2974.95 SFCLASSROOM/SCIENCEF34908.43 SFCLASSROOMF35974.95 SFCLASSROOM/SCIENCEF36908.43 SFCLASSROOMF37974.95 SFCLASSROOM/SCIENCEF38908.25 SFCLASSROOMF393261.53 SFLIBRARYA51371.64 SFTECH ED.A141377.17 SFAUDIO/VIDEOA15774.06 SFCOMPUTERA10764.43 SFCOMPUTERA111195.52 SFSPED SUITEF40655.71 SFLIBRARY CLASSROOMF41807.64 SFRESOURCEF42814.02 SFCLASSROOMF43775.22 SFWORLD LANGUAGEF44813.91 SFWORLD LANGUAGEF45648.95 SFRESOURCEF46338.32 SFSMALL GROUPF47450.91 SFMECHANICALF48311.2 SFSMALL GROUPF49315.55 SFSMALL GROUPF502963.67 SFAUX GYMNASIUMF512073.96 SFCAFE COMMONSF52908.15 SFFLEXF60911.83 SFFLEXF611202.2 SFWORLD MUSICF291491.28 SFCHOIRF271720.66 SFORCHESTRAF332414.51 SFACTIVE HEALTHF62172.44 SFMUSIC OFFICEF63203.71 SFMUSIC OFFICEF6475.44 SFPRACTICEF6575.44 SFPRACTICEF66197.37 SFSTORAGEF69108.69 SFPRACTICEF70108.69 SFPRACTICEF72344.38 SFENSEMBLEF74714.28 SFOUTDOOR STORAGEF77134.31 SFPREPF78108.69 SFPRACTICEF7961.5 SFPRACTICEF8260.45 SFPRACTICEF81Redundant RoomSTORAGEF83266.74 SFENSEMBLEF84Redundant RoomSTORAGEF85134.31 SFPREPF88134.31 SFPREPF87300.62 SFPROCESSINGF89242.06 SFSTORAGEF91230.24 SFCUSTF9391.9 SFSAFEF95132.03 SFSENSORYF96167.74 SFSENSORYF9761.49 SFPREPF12061.49 SFPREPF122315.72 SFTEACHER PLANF1231215.26 SFFLEXF56283.89 SFSTORAGEF1361276.61 SFARTA21271.74 SFSTORAGEF137290.33 SFSTORAGEF13897.29 SFCUSTF128899.87 SFP.E. CLASSROOMB10903.53 SFP.E. CLASSROOMD1104.38 SFREGISTRARF114123 SFSICKE19157.31 SFAST. PRINCE27156.61 SFPRINCIPALF104124.8 SFFILESB6210.48 SFCONFERENCEF11086.37 SFWAITINGB5133.58 SFCOUNSELINGF111121.36 SFCOUNSELINGF113121.13 SFCOUNSELINGF112122.54 SFCOUNS MTGF13392.18 SFSROF130150.58 SFWORK RMF13256.59 SFTOILETF11956.59 SFTOILETF11575.63 SFSPEECHF13975.63 SFPSYCHF140168.28 SFISSF141183.21 SFSTORAGEF59550.75 SFPARA / SUPPORT STAFFF108133.43 SFEXEC SECF10565.24 SFRECEPTIONE25682.91 SFHALLE22206.49 SFWAITINGF142381.09 SFALTAF134277.45 SFTOILETF143279.98 SFTOILETF1441. REFERENCE SHEET ?/??? FOR FLOOR MATERIAL TRANSITION DETAILS.2. DIMENSIONS TAKEN TO FACE OF FRAMING OR GRID LINES U. N. O.3. REFERENCE SHEET ?/??? FOR STRUCTURAL COLUMN LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS, CONTROL JOINT PLAN.: 1" = 20'-0"A2.1A4.11OVERALL FLOOR PLANproject #revision datephaseissue dateA2.11512902.02.16NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONABCDEFGKEY PLAN_____________Floor Plan General NotesNORTHTOTAL BUILDING AREA:146,266 SQUARE FEET148 FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"(E) GYM PARAPET131' - 4"ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"GYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"(E) GYM PARAPET131' - 4"ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"GYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"(E) GYM PARAPET131' - 4"ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"GYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"(E) GYM PARAPET131' - 4"ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"GYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"EXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLMETAL PANELS - VERTICAL LAP SIDINGCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - NEW MASONRYCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - EXISTING MASONRYCOLOR: EXISTINGMPHCMEXproject #revision datephaseissue dateA4.11512902.02.16NOT FORCONSTRUCTION: 1" = 20'-0"A4.1A2.12EXTERIOR ELEVATION SOUTH: 1" = 20'-0"A4.1A2.11EXTERIOR ELEVATION EAST: 1" = 20'-0"A4.1A2.14EXTERIOR ELEVATION NORTH: 1" = 20'-0"A4.1A2.13EXTERIOR ELEVATION WESTABCDEFGKEY PLAN_____________149 FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"T.O.C.98' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"(E) GYM PARAPET131' - 4"FAFCFDFEFFFGFHFIFJFKFLELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"GYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"4453343E1AF25B5EXEXEXEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"(E) GYM PARAPET131' - 4"F1F2F3F4F5F6F8F9F12F13F15F16F7F11F17F14F10LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"GYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"F1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1EE9AMPHCMEXEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"(E) GYM PARAPET131' - 4"FAFCFDFEFFFGFHFIFJFKFLGYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"F1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXF1TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTF1MMMMMMMMMMMMMMF1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNF1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMPHCMHCMEXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLMETAL PANELS - VERTICAL LAP SIDINGCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - NEW MASONRYCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - EXISTING MASONRYCOLOR: EXISTINGMPHCMEXproject #revision datephaseissue dateA4.21512902.02.16NOT FORCONSTRUCTION: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.2A2.11EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREAS G AND F: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.2A2.12SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA G: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.2A2.13WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREAS G AND F312ABCDEFGKEY PLAN_____________AREA GAREA FEXISTINGNEWAREA FAREA G150 FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"F12F13F15F16F11F17F14ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"GYM ROOF TOS129' - 4"F1NNNHCMMPFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"HIGH ROOF TOS124' - 4 1/2"(E) MUSIC PARAPET125' - 0"F5F6F8F9F12F13F15F16F7F11F14F10A14A15A16F1CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCF1VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV4F1LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEXMP?MPFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"FLELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"E12AF1VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVF1WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW44HCMEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"5551A6A7A8A9A10ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1XXXXXXXXXXF1UUUUUUUUUUEXEXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLMETAL PANELS - VERTICAL LAP SIDINGCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - NEW MASONRYCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - EXISTING MASONRYCOLOR: EXISTINGMPHCMEXproject #revision datephaseissue dateA4.31512902.02.16NOT FORCONSTRUCTION: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.3A2.11NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA F COURTYARD: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.3A2.12NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA F: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.3A2.13EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREAS F AND A: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.3A2.14SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA AABCDEFGKEY PLAN_____________132AREA FAREA A151 FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"BABBBCBDBEA16ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"??MPHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"B1B2B3B4ELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMPHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"BABBBCBDELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"B5B6LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"HCMMPFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"BFBGBHELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1BBBBBBBF1DDDDDDDHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"CBCCELECTIVES PARAPET120' - 0"LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"1EXEXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLMETAL PANELS - VERTICAL LAP SIDINGCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - NEW MASONRYCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - EXISTING MASONRYCOLOR: EXISTINGMPHCMEXproject #revision datephaseissue dateA4.41512902.02.16NOT FORCONSTRUCTION: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.4A2.11SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA B: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.4A2.12WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA B: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.4A2.13NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA B: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.4A2.14NORTHWEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA B "THUMB": 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.4A2.15NORTHEAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, BABCDEFGKEY PLAN_____________123: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.4A2.16PARTIAL NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1, AREA A6152 FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"CACBCCCDCECFCGCHCICJCKCLCMLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF1WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWF1QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ F1QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQHCMHCMMPFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C10C9C11C12C13LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"55F1RRRRRRRRRRRRRF1SSSSSSSSSSSSS455HCMEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"DBDCLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1YYYYYYYYYYYYEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"D1D2D3D4D5D7D6D8D9D10AFLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"4F1BBBBBBBBBBBBB5555EXHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"4555554(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"B4C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C10C9C11C12C13LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"?F1AAAAAAAAAAAAEXHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"CACBCCCDCECFCGCHCICJCKCLCMLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF1WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWF1QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ F1QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQHCMMPEXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLMETAL PANELS - VERTICAL LAP SIDINGCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - NEW MASONRYCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - EXISTING MASONRYCOLOR: EXISTINGMPHCMEXproject #revision datephaseissue dateA4.51512902.02.16NOT FORCONSTRUCTION: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.5A2.12NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA C: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.5A2.13EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA C: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.5A2.14PARTIAL NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 2, AREA A: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.5A2.15WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA DABCDEFGKEY PLAN_____________23: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.5A2.11WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION. AREA C1: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.5A2.16NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA DEXISTINGNEWEXISTINGNEW153 FINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"E3E4E5E6E8E7E9E10E11E2LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"4F1KKKKKKKKKKKKK555EXHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"E1E3E4E5E6E8E7E9E10E11E2LOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"4444554F1HHHHHHHHHHHHHEXHCMFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"ABACLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"FFA1AA1BCCEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"DKDLDMLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1GGGGGGGGGGGGGGEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"D1D2D3D4D5D7D6D8D9D10AFLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"4F1OOOOOOOOOOOOO5555EXHCMEXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLMETAL PANELS - VERTICAL LAP SIDINGCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - NEW MASONRYCOLOR: TBDHOLLOW CLAY MASONRY - EXISTING MASONRYCOLOR: EXISTINGMPHCMEXFINISH FLOOR100' - 0"(E) CLASSROOM PARAPET116' - 0"CACBCCCDCECFCGCHCICJCKCLCMLOW ROOF TOS114' - 5"F1OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF1WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWF1QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ F1QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQHCMMPproject #revision datephaseissue dateA4.61512902.02.16NOT FORCONSTRUCTION: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.6A2.14NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA E: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.6A2.15SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA E: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.6A2.16MAIN ENTRANCE ELEVATIONABCDEFGKEY PLAN_____________35: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.6A2.12PARTIAL NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 3,AREA A: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.6A2.11EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA D4: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.6A2.13EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION, AREA E154 1 SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING MATERIALS SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL- UPGRADE & EXPANSION The scale and materials of the additions take cues from the existing building. The selection of brick masonry as a wall material maintains the connection to the schools existing brick masonry construction. Through the use of the brick masonry and color of the existing building, a timeless composition of materiality is created to both complement the existing building and stand as an authentic addition to the middle school. Facades are composed to allow for maximum daylighting of classrooms and expression of interior organization. Image of Existing Building: Rendering of Proposed Building at Classroom Extension: 155 1 SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL PARKING CALCULATIONS SACAJAWEA MIDDLE SCHOOL- UPGRADE & EXPANSION Calculations per Bozeman, MT Code of Ordinances Required Parking Spaces, Table 38.25.040-3 Use Type: Elementary and/or Junior High Required Spaces: 1.5 spaces per classroom, library, lecture hall & cafeteria + I space per each 3 fixed seats in the area of public assembly Calculation: 1.5 spaces x 64 rooms = 96 parking spaces (907 fix seats/3) x 1 space = 302 parking spaces 96 + 302 = 398 total parking spaces required Minimum Required ADA Parking Spaces, Table 38.25.040-6 8 ADA parking spaces required per 301- 400 total parking spaces. Current Parking Spaces: 169 including 6 ADA Proposed Parking Spaces: 166 including 6 ADA 156