HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 48- 749, Regulates Operation of Aircraft Within and Over City ~11,11t111,."I. It lA Oh,'l6l,<Yl 277 ,~;j: ...,. ....---.-. , 11 - -,?,:ff /..----- ORDINANCE NO. -1~9 -Ii., ry,/ /</,.P;;;tV A"T ,ORDINAl\TCE OF 'PHE CrrY OF BPZEMA~T, N!ON'I'A~TA, RELA'rING fro AND RBGULA'I'ING 'Tem , MJfY, 9,Pf,:jriP'I'ION OF, AIRCRAF'I' WITHHT AND OVEm 'I'~':,~ CJRPORt'I'E LIMI'PS OF Irr-IE,: CI'l'Y ,IJND~R ./ '~rf!8 .POLICE POWER OF 'PRE CI'I'Y, PRESCRI3ING RLJLt~S AND PEGULA'rIO';S FOR SUCH op- ERATION, AND FIXInG THE PENALTIES FOR VIOUTI01 OF THIS ORDINANCE. I! ~\\", BE I'I' ORDAINED 3Y TnT'; CI'I'Y COMMISSII)H OF 'I'aE CI'I'Y OF BOZiBMAH, Ivl0TTANA, AS FOLLOWS: I .",,w"'''" Section~. DROPPING OF OBJECTS FROM AIRCRAFT PROHI3IT2D. :-~: j' No person in any aircraft or mechanical contrivance used for flying shell cause or nermit to be thro'Jn out, dropped, discharred, hurled or released within the,cJrporDte lirntts of 'I'he City of Bozenan any object or thinr of an'! kind or description from said aircraft or mechanical, contrivance used for flying, except loose water or gasoline or loose sand ballast when absolutely essential to the safe tv of the OCCUDants of the air- craft, and excent as provided in Section 2 of this Ordinance. It is hereby declared to be the intention hereof that this section shall be strictly construed, and shall prohibit the distribution of hand bills, circulars, cards, papers, mapaznines, or other printed matter from such aircraft or mechanicsl contrivance used for flying, exce0t 6S provided tn Section 2 of this Ordinance, Section 2. PERMITS REQUIRED FOR DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTED MATTER, EXHI13ITION FLIGHTS, CARRYING OR TOWING OF BANN3RS, LOUD SPEAKING DEVICES ON AIRCRAFT AND CARHYING OF EXPLOSIVES BY AIRCRAFT, No person shall d.istri.bute printed or wri tten matter of any kind from, make public exhibition rli~hts in, carry or tow banners on or from, operate a 1011d speakins device I from or carry explosives in any aircraft or mechanicrl contrivance Osed for flyin~ within and over. the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman, without first obtaininp a permit to do so from the Director of Public Safety of The City of 3oze~an. The Director of Public Safety is herpby authorized to issue permits to the pilots or oDerators of eir- craft or mechs'11cal contri.vances used for flying for the purDoses herein set forth, if the Derson operatins the aircraft or mechanic81 contrivance is duly licensed by the United St~'1tes Civil Aeronautics Authority and 1f, in his judp-ment, the operation thereof will not endaneer public safety of the inhabitants of the City of Bozemfln and will urornote some interest or cause for the benefit of the City itself, its citizens or t~e citizens of the United States. Such permit shall set for th the n~jture anel extent of the oDeration for which the permit is issued and the duration 0 C' S8 id per'Yli t. Section 3. VIOLATION PENALTI~S. Any nerson, firm or corporation violDtinp a'1Y pro- yisio~ of this ordinance shall be fuilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convicti00 thereof sholl be f lned i'1 a s urn not exceedine; ~ 300.00 or be i'l1l)ri sO:Ied for' a ter:)1 not exceedinp ninety (S)O)-~-dbjril or be both fined and imprisoned. - - PBss-sd-rr!1d adopted by the City Commi ss ion of 130 ZeT18rl, Bnd aoproved by the~',18Yr)r th i OJ I 22nd day of December, 19LB. Attest: )~~AT?ht/ ~rl{ of the City Commission (i!~ $~ry..) Mayor . State of Montana ) County of Galla t in ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of The CitYjf 3'JZent.Y1, do hereby cer- tify that the foregoing Ordinance was published by title and nunbar in the dozenan Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of reneral circulBtio~ printed and ouolished i1'1 said City, 11'1 the is'me of December 23rd, l)L;.c3, and that due proof is on file in my office. In WT'I'N'8SS HKREOF I set my hand and a +'fix the seal of my offlce, Decem:Jer 2)! th, 19L:c3. '~~iSSi-)n