HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 48- 747, Appropriations for FY 1949 274 ,.-rcot ~ ~,,4 Ob <<.J- 4.,"----..---- ORDINANCE NO. 7b.7 J/r1/1f-1--;.; ORDINANCE llPPROPRIATING MOi'HES FOR EXPENDI'l'URES DSErvlED NECr~SSj\RY AND IN ACCORDANCE ViI'I'H BUDE'rORY REQUIRElv'IEN'I'S FOR MAINTENANCE E'rc., OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMEN'I' OF 'rEF, CI'!'Y OF BOZEMAN, MON'I'ANAFJR 'rEE FISCPL YEi'R ENDING JUNE 30, 19~9. BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY 'I'HE COMMISSION OF 'I'HE crrY OF BJZSMAN: Section 1. That out of the certain balances, accrued and unencumbered, after the claims allowed July 7th, 1948 have been paid, and after payment of the interest and principal of bonds or warrants heretofore called, which remain, as balances, in the several funds shall be, and are hereby a:;Jpropriated for use durinf'" the fiscal yeHr endlnr~ June 30, 19h'), [.) S Drovi ded by law. Fund General LibrE.i.ry Park Water P . I_I. ec p. Cemetery Cemetery Suspense Cemetery Per~ane~t Care Garbfge Airport Band Firemen I c' Relief Police Reserve Plumbing Examinerls S. T. D. Revolving S. 1. D. Wi thhold:tnc 'I'ax ParkLlp;Meter S.D.S. Hevenue S.D. S. Construction '1'0 tal Balances dl: ~,. 10,~}[j1. 75 4,971.17 C;,916.30 2~., ~J.I}. 5~- 1.i , .J y3 . 40 'l0.1? (red) 1,036.25 IJ-, 7?6. 00 6,79)j.92 9,?J9.S0 L ,29) I. JO -0- 1,760.02 152.65 7,70d.90 7,337.59 1 ,0);2. 20 ( red) L,930.61 8,\306.36 57 LI~~. 92 l6L,186.d7 Section 2. 'rhat the followinr." s tuns of marley, incl us i ve of.' the aforesaid balances, be, and the same are, hereby appropriated for the Jperation of the Municipal Government of 'rhe City of 0ozer.18J1, for the payme'1t of its oblifatLons; for transfer [:s shown; for carl tal outlay; and for investments for the fiscal year ending ,June )", 1')1.!~), pur- suant to the provisions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inc111s1ve, R. C. M. 1)35; and a~end- l'1ents thereto and ln 8ccorda:-1ce '."/ith the annual budget and recommendations submitted by the City lllana,~"er as amended and/or a::>:;Jroved by the Commis sian as hereinefter set forth. Es'rIMA'EE:D EXPENDrrlJHES FOR 'l'ilE FISCAL Y::~AH ENDING JUNE 30, 191.19 Denartment of Finance Salari es General Maintenance Ca'8ital Out18Y ~, 3,000.00 950.00 ---1.50.0Q Department of Law Salaries General Maintenance Capital Outlay 3,000.00 L1SO .:)0 -1i.Q!..OO Department of Safety S Blar i es'c Wnrre s General MaIntenance Ceni.tal Outla7 Reserve ~ Transfers $, L,lOO.OO 1.1 ,200.00 f;Lj ,500.00 23,200.00 5,200.00 _1~1.llJO.6L 111,330.61 Department of Service Salaries & War,es General Maintenance Capital Outlay R es erve_~c '.L'r.et'l1 :rf-er s 7~),000.00 bl,dOO.OO 27,000.00 70,531.04 213,331.04 Department of We),f.-aY'~.-.. SallBr i es--~l:" W arJ"e s General_Maintenance Capi tal Outlay Reserve ~ Trans"fers 55,000.00 18,821. 20 JI ,000.00 20, 2J2~02 ~12Q.:.2l Jin_L2? 3 . 6 5 General Fund Peserve 'rrust Fl.mds lon,110.22 8, 120 . 21 1122,923.1)5 $ 875,115.73 I I I I I I 275 ES'rn,1A'rED REVENUES FOR 'rHE FISCAL YEAR ENDING ,TUNE 30, 194.9 lTnencumbered Cash ~> ~;. 16h,ldo.d7 16LI ,186.87 Taxes & Assessments Tax Levy Special Assessments S.l.D. Assessments 122,000.00 29, ,350.00 26,000.00 177,:';50.00 Other Pevenue Rights & Privile~es Services % Sales Fines & Forfeitures Interest & Premiums Sale of' Properties Meter Collections 'rrans fers Maturin~ Investments Permanent Care A~reements Salary Deductions Miscellaneous Revenue 1S,18S.00 135,233.20 12,300.00 Li,500.00 4,000.00 25,000.00 71,030.1-16 235,070.00 11,000.00 16,002.20 3,700.00 -223,078.86 ~, 375,115.73 Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and ten days after such publication, may be passed, but shall not be finally passed before the second M:)nday in August, 1)LI8. (A ur;us t 9th, 1948) Section 4-. 'rhat this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage and approval. Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of 'rhe City of Bozeman, of Boze:nan, Montana, ct a reg'~lar session thereof held on the 25th day of August, lS>LI3. Attest: ~~.... j1 er 0 the Commis s'top (}~ ~~hN Mayor Introduced, read -for the first time and provistonallv passed ~yv the Ct ty Commission AUP'ust 4th, 19L)8, date set for public hearing as August 11th, 1943. Published as provisionally passed, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, on the 13th day of August, 1948. Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 26th day of Aw:"ust, 19L)8 . Effective July lst, 19LjO. State of Montana ) County of GallFitin ) ss I, L. C}. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of 'rhe City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foree;oing was published in length in the Boze;:1an Daily Chr:micle, a newspaper Of,Feneral, ciruclation prl?ted an~ pu~lished i; said City, in the issue of AUGust 13th, 19L1B, and that due proof lS on flle In my offlce. IN WI'rNESS 'NHEREOF" I here1mto set my hand, and affix the se.al of my office this 16th da;,! of A uf'!us t, 19)-+D. State of Montana) ss CJunty of Galla tin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of 'rhe City of 3neman, Montane, do hereby certify tha t the foregoing was published by tltle anci number in the Bee emen Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and PUblished in said City, in the issue of August 26th, 1943, and that due proof is on fil'e-in m,v' office. r IN WI'rNESS WHERE?F" I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal 0 f my office this 27th day of August, 1)4-D. /" ~~~:S:~ Ordinance No. 747