HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 48- 746, Relates to Establishment, Construction and Operation of a Sewage Disposal System ~~ 'J6~ ~~ ~~ Jj:'l{ii~::::'< ORDINANCE NO. 746 ,.- .j{/fI-"- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONST- RUCTION, AND OPERATION OF A SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM, PRESCRIBING RATES, CHARGES, AND RENTALS FOR THE USE OF THE FAUILITIES THEREOF AND FOR CONNECTIONS THEREWITH, CREATING SPECIAL FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MONEYS DERIVED THEREFROM, AUTH- ORIZING AND DIRECTING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF REVENUE BONDS TO PAY THE CONSTRUCTION COSTS, AND FIXING THE TERMS AND MANNER OF PAYMENT OF THE BONDS AND THE SECURITY THEREFOR. I I I BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby found, determined, and recited that the City of Bozeman has been and is now duly authorized and empowered, pursuant to Chapter 149, Session Laws of Montana, 1943, and amendments thereto, and by an election and other proceedings here- tofore duly had and conducted by the City thereunder: to establish, build, and construct a sewage treatment and disposal plant for public use in connection with the City's sani- tary sewerage system, together wlth necessary enlargements and extensions of trunk sewers; to adopt ordinances whereby just and equitable rates, charges, or rentals shall be im- posed and collected for connections therewith and for the use of such facilities and services supplied thereby; and to issue and sell Revenue Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $300,000.00, to provide moneys for such construction; that it is essentlal to the health, safety, and welfare of the City and its inhabitants that such improvement be made forthwith; that the sum of $300,000.00 is immediately needed for such purpose; and that bonds in the".pr"f:nctpal amount of $300,000.00 should be issued forthwith. Section 2. Pursuant to the authority recited above, a sewage disposal system is hereby established and ordered to be installed, built and constructed to comprise princip- ally a plant or plants for treatment of sewage collected in the City's sanitary system, the enlargement and extension of trunk sewers or other conduits for connecting said san- itary system with said plant and for disposal of sewage so treated, and such incidental work and facilities as may be needed in connection with the foregoing, all as more fully set forth and described in the plans and specifications therefor approved and to be ap~- proved by this Commission. Section 3. For the proper administration of moneys to be received and disbursed by the City in constructing and operating such system and repayment of moneys borrowed for such construction and interest thereon, there are hereby established ~ the following special funds of the City, to be held by its Director of Finance and to be used as herein prescribed, viz: 3.1 A Sewage Disposal System Construction Fund, into which shall be paid all moneys borrowed by the issuance of Revenue Bonds hereunder (ijxclusive of accrued interest there~ on paid by the purchaser, which shall be paid into the Revenue Bond Euadunt hereinafter defined), and from which there shall be paid as incurred all, but only, those ttemS whicn by sound accounting practices are proper capital costs of the establishment and construc- tion of said system. 3.2 A Sewage Disposal System Revenue Fund, into which shall be paid, as received by the City, all revenues to be derived from the rates, charges, and rentals imposed for conn- ections with and for the use of said system, including all additions thereto and replace- ments and improvements thereof originally or subsequently constructed or acquired or for the benefits prOVided by the facilities of said system or to be received upon sales of by-products thereof or of property acquired in connection therewith, and including all penalties and interest on such rates, charges and rentals, the aggregate of all the fore- 26fi going being herein called the "gross revenues". Said Revenue Fund shall be subdivided into four accounts, to be known and designated as "Operation ,and Maintenance Account", "Replacement and Depreciation Account", "Revenue Bond Account", and "Surplus Account". The gross revenues shall be apportioned by the Director of Finance once in each calendar month, as long as any bonds authorized hereunder or interest thereon remain unpaid, and shall be credited to said accounts as follows: 3.2-1 There shall be first set aside and credited to the Operation and Maintenance I Account, as a first charge on said gross revenues, all, but only, such amount as may be needed over and above any amount then held in said account to pay the current reasonable and necessary expenses of operation, administra~ion, and maintenance of the sewage disposal system for a period of one month plus a reasonable reserve for contingencies. 3.2-2 There shall next be set aside and credited to the Replacement and Depreciation Account 10~ of such gross revenues. 3.2-3 There shall be next set aside and credited to the Revenue Bond Account the entire I amount remaining of s8id gross revenues until and unless the amount then oh hand in said Revenue Bond Account shall equal 120% of the total principal and interest which is then or will become due and payable during the period of twelve months next following the date of such apportionment on all Revenue Bonds authorized by this ordinance and then issued and outstanding or which have been directed to be delivered and will be outstanding during said twelve months. 3.2-4 Any amount of such revenues remaining after the above required applications thereof shall be credited to the Surplus Account. 3.3 There shall be paid out of said Operation and Maintenance Account only such items as by sound accounting practices constitute normal and reasonable eosta of operation and maintenance of said system. 3.4 Moneys from time to time held in said Replacement and Depreciation Account shall be used only to pay for replacements of worn out or obsolete propertieacoom- prised in said system or for extension and enlargements or improvementssto said I system. 3.5 Moneys from time to time held in the Revenue Bond Account shall be used only to meet payments of principal or interest on Revenue Bonds authorized by this ordi- nance then outstanding, when and as such pawments become due; provided, that if any such payment becomes due when moneys in the Revenue Bond Account are temporarily insufficient therefor, such payments may be advanced from any other account of said Revenue Fund, and said advances may be repaid from the Revenue Bond Account when funds are available therefor. Moneys in the Revenue Bond Account shall not be used to prepay Revenue Bonds unless the amount in said Revenue Bond Account, together with other moneys available for such purpose, equals the total principal on all such bonds then outstanding, plus interest thereon to the date when said bonds are redeemable, and all outstanding bonds are then redeemable by their terms, in which case the entire amount then on hand may be used to retire and prepay the outstanding bonds according to their terms. I I I I " 2fi7 3.6 Moneys in the Surplus Account may a t any time be transferred to any of the other accounts of said Fund to make up deficiencies therein, or may be used to redeem and prepay bonds issued hereunder then outstanding which are then prepayable according to their terms; provided that the City Commission may, at any time and from time to time appropriate an amount in said surplus Account for future vedemptions and prepayment of bond$'which are not at that time callable, and may invest such amount, pending its use for such redemptions, in securities which are general obligations of the United States of America or of the City of Bozeman or in Revenue Bonds issued here- under. Nothing contained herein or in the bonds issued hereunder shall be construed to preClude the City from issuing additional revenue bonds for the enlargement, improvement, or extension of the sewage disposal sys tem or for betterments'tfue:tetm) ,. prOVided such additional bonds are expressly made a charge on, and are payable from the anticipated income ot, said Surplus Account, inferior to the bonds issued here- under as to the lien and aharge upon the net revenues of the system. Section 4. For the purpose of providing moneys for the construction of said sewage disposal system, the City shall issue its negotiable Sewage Disposal Revemue Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $300,000.00, said bonds to be 300 in number and numbered from 1 to 300 inclusive, each in the denomination of $1000, all dated April 1, 1948, maturing serially in order of serial numbers, lowest numbers first, on April 1st in the years and amounts as follows: 1949, $10,000; 1950, $11,000;. 1951, $11,000; 1952, $12,000; 1953, $12,000; 1954, $13,000; 1955, $13,000; 1956, $14,000; 1957, $14,000 ; 1958, $15,000; 1959, $15,000; 1960, $16,000; 1961, $16,000; 1962, $17,000; 1963, $17,000; 1964, $:J.8,000; 1965, $18,000; 1966, $19,000; 1967, $19,000; 1968, $20,000. Said bonds shall bear interest at the following rates: Numbers 1 through 56 at 2t%j numbers 57 through 224 at 2-7/8%; and numbers 225 through 300 at 3-t%; all such interest to be pay- able October 1, 1948, and semi-annually thereafter on April 1 and October 1 of each year. Bonds numbered 1 to 125 inclusive, shall be payable at their respective stated maturity dates without option of prior payment. Bonds numbered 126 to 300, inclusive, shall be subject to call for prepayment, in inverse order of serial numbers, at the option of the City of Bozeman, at par and accrued interest, plus a redemption premium equal to one year's interest on the respective bonds so called for pp~pa,ment, on the following initial prepayment dates and on each interest payment date thereafter, viz.: Numbers 281 to 300, April 1, 1953; numbers 262 to 280, April 1, 1954; numbers 243 to 261, April 1, 1955; numbers 225 to 242, April 1, 1956; and numbers 126 to 224, April 1, 1958, all numbers inclusive. Notice of call for each such redemption sha].l be given thirty days in advance of the date fixed for redemption by registered mail to the bank at which the bond is pay- able and to the holder, if known, and by publication in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Bozeman, once a week for two successive weeks immed- iately preceding such redemption. Both principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable at the main office of the First National Bank of Minneapolis, Mi~n9a~ol1A, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. The City shall pay, as an operating cost of said system, the reasonable and customary charges of said bank for the receipt and disbursement of such moneys. Said bonds shall be issued payable to bearer, but 268 may be registered as to principal only, at the option of the holder, upon books to be maintained for that purpose by The Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 5. The said bonds and the interest coupons tOIbe attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form; with appropriate insertions as to numbers, dates, interest rates, etc: No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF GALLATIN CITY OF BOZEMAN SEWAGE DISPOSAL REVENUE BOND $1000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby promises to pay, out of the Revenue Bond Account of its Sewage Disposal System Revenue Fund, to bearer or, if this bond is registered, to the registered holder thereof, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on April 1, 19 ,and to pay, out of said Account, interest on said principal sum, from the date hereof until sAid principal sum be paid, at the rate of per cent ( %) per annum, payable October 1, 1948, and semiannually:" thereafter ~ April 1 and October 1 of each year, interest to maturity being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Both prinCip- al and interest are payable at the main office of the First National Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. This bond is one of an issue in an aggregate principal amount of $300,000, all of like date and tenor except as to interest rate, maturity, and redemption privileges, all issued for the purpose of constructing a plant and system for public use for the treatment and disposal of sewage at and for said City, and is issued pursuant to and in fulf conform- ity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Montana and ordinances of said City thereunto enabling, including Chapter 149 Session Laws of Montana for 1943 and acts amend- atory thereof and supplemental thereto, and Ordinance No. ____ duly enacted by the City on , 1948. This bond is transferable by delivery, except while registered as to principal in the name of the holder on the bond register of the City k'pt for that purpose at the office of its Director of Finance, such registration being noted hereon by the said Director. While so registered, no transfer hereof shall be valid unless made on such register by the registered holder in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, and similarly noted hereon, but this bond may be discharged from registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer, but this bond may again and from time to time be registered in the name of the holder or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto attached, which shall continue to be payable to ~ bearer and transferable by delivery. Bonds of this issue bearing serial numbers 1 to 125, inclusive, are payable at their respective stated maturity dates without option of prior payment; but those bearing serial numbers 126 to 300 inclusive, are each subject to redemption and prepayment, 1m inverse order of serial numbers, at par and accrued interest, plus a redemption premium equal to one year's interest hereon, at the option of the City, on the following speCif- ied dates and on any interest payment date thereafter, viz: numbers 281 to 300 on April 1, 1953; numbers 262 to 280 on April 1, 1954; numbers 243 to 261 on April 1, 1955; numbers 225 to 242 on April 1, 1956; and numbers 126 to 224 on April 1, 1958; all numbers inclusive. The City will give notice for each call for any such redemption, thirty days in advance of the date fixed for redemption, by registered mail to the bank at which the bond is payable and to the holder, if known, and by publication in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Bozeman, once a week for two successive weeks immediat. ely preceding such redemption. Holders desiring to receive such notice may, with or with- out registration under the preceding paragraph hereof, register their names, addresses, and bond numbers with the City's Director of Finance for the purpose of receiving such notice. I I IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVENANTED, AND AGREED: That the City has duly established and will forthwith construct the plant and s,stem above mentioned; has fixed and established and will collect reasonable rates and charges for the services and facil- ities afforded by said system; has created a special fund, into which the gross revenues of said system, including all additions thereto and replacements and improvements thereof, will be paid, and a Revenue Bond Account therein, into which wllllbe paid monthly suffic- ient of the net revenues of said system to create, as soon as may be and thereafter to maintain, in said Account a sum equal to l20~ of the total principal and interest payments I to fall due on bonds of this issue within the succeeding twelve months period, and out of which Account the principal of and interest on bonds of this issue will be paid; that such rates and charges will from time to time be made and kept sufficient to prOVide income and revenues adequate for payment of the reasonable expense of operation, repair, and maintenance and for the depreciation and replacement account required by law, and to pro- duce net revenues for the aforesaid payments into said Revenue Bond Account; that the payments above mentioned constitute a first and prior charge and lien on the entire net income and revenues to be derived from the operation of said system; that all provisions for the security of the holders of this bond set forth in Ordinance No. will each and all be punctually and faithfully performed as therein stipulated; that arr-acts, conditions, I I I 269 and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Montana and the Ordinances of said City to be done, to exist, and to have been performed, in order to make this bond a valid and binding special obligation of said City according to its terms, have beeD done, do exist, and have been performed as .oqp~qu!red; and that the issuance of this bond did not cause indebtedness, general or special, of said City to exceed any charter, constitut- ional, or sta tutory limi ta tion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Bozeman, Montana, by its City Commission, has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signature of its Mayor and its Director of Finance, atte'sted by the Clerk of the City Commission, and sealed with its corporate seal, and the attached interest coupons to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, as of April 1, 1948. C?~ fC'-l .o~<._~./ Mayor Attest: Clerk of the City Commission Director of Finance (SEAL) (Form of Coupon) No. $ On the 1st day of , 1948, the City of Bozeman, Montana, will pay to bearer at the main office of the First National Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the special fund and account named in the attached bond, the sum of DOLLARS, for interest then due on its Sewage Disposal Revenue Bond dated April 1, 1948, No. . (Facsimile signature) Clerk of the City Commission (Facsimile signature) Director of Finance (Facsimile signature) Mayor The words "Unless called for earlier redemption" shall be included in coupons maturing on and after the following dates: For Bonds numbered ~ 281 to 300 October 1, 1953 262 to 280 October 1, 1954 243 to 261 October 1, 1955 225 to 242 October 1, 1956 126 to 224 October 1, 1958 (Form of Registration to be printed on back of each bond) The within bond has been registered~ as to ownership of principal only, on the bond registry of the within named City of Bozeman, kept at the office of its Director of Finance, Bozeman, Montana. NO WRITING HEREON EXCEPT BY SAID DIRECTOR Date Re~is tered Owner Si~nature of Director Section 6. All of said bonds shall be forthwith prepared for execution under direction of the Director of Finance and the bond purchasers, and when so prepared all thereof shall be executed in behalf 6t the City by the signature of the Mayor and Director of Finance and attested by the Clerk of the City Commission, and the interest coupons on each and all thereof shall be executed and authenticate.d by the engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers. Said bonds shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the City, and, after being registered by the Director of Finance in like manner 8S specified in Revised Codes of Montana, 1935, Section 5278.18, shall be delivered by the Director of Finance to Kalman & Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, as purchasers thereof, upon payment to said Director of the par value of said bonds plus interest accrued thereon from April 1, 1948, to the da~e of such payment and delivery, and said purchaser shall not be obliga ted to. see to the appliea tion of said purchase price. Said bonds shall be so delivered whether or not any or all of the officers whose signatures appear thereon have then ceased to occupy their respective offices, and when so delivered and paid for they shall cons ti tu te the obliga tions of the City according to their terms. Section 7. The aggregate amount of bonds which may be issued and sold hereunder which shall be payable from, and constitute a lien and charge on, said Revenue Bond Account, and the net income pledged thereto is limited to $300,000 principal amount, and each and 270 all of the bonds authorized by this ordinance and issued in accordance herewith shall be equally and ratably secured by and payable out of the net revenues of said system hereby appr~priated to said account, without preference or priority of anyone bond over any other by reason of serial number, ma~lrity date, or otherwise; provided that, if at any time the moneys in said Revenue Bond Account are insufficient to pay principal and interest then due on bonds issued hereunder, the moneys in said account shall be first used to pay the accrued I interest, and the balance shall be applied toward payment of maturing principal, in order of serial numbers of the bonds represented thereby, and the City reserves the right and privilege of refunding any of such matured bonds for the payment of which funds are not at the time available by the issuance of new bonds payable from said Revenue Bond Account, which refunding bonds shall be on a parity with bonds~heretofore issued hereunder as to interest charges, but the maturity of which refunding bonds shall be subsequent to that of all bonds issued hereunder and then outstanding. Section 8. The City hereby covenants and agrees with the purchasers and holders from time to time of the bonds issued hereunder as follows: (a) It will cause the sewer system and sewage treatment and disposal plant to be completed and constructed in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore approved by the City Commission, out of funds heretofore provided for such purpose or provided by the issuance of revenue bonds issued hereunder, and will not cause amy other or additional indebtedness to be incurred on account of such disposal plant. (b) It will operate the sewer system and sewage disposal plant as a public utility and convenience of the City, and will not establish or authorize any other plant or plants I for supplying sewage disposal service in competition therewith. (c) It will not issue any revenue bonds, for any purpose or at any time, payable out of the net revenues of the sewer system and which shall constitute a lien and charge thereon, unless said bonds are expressly made subject to the lien and charge of all bonds issued hereunder. (d) It will keep and maintain proper books of account, separate from all other records of the City, in which complete and correct entries will be made of all transactions relat- ing to the sewage disposal plant and sewer system, which shall be subject to inspection and copying at all reasonable times, and that it will furnish certified transcripts there. from on payment of a reasonable fee. Upon demand of holders of lO~ or more in principal amount of bonds issued hereunder, it will have said books audited by certified public accountants and furnish copies thereof on demand, provided such audits shall not be required more often than once in twelve months, nor as of any date other than the preced- ing June 30th. (e) It will maintain rates and charges for use of the sewer system in sufficient amounts to provide money for the operation of said system and for payment of principal I and interest of bonds issued hereunder, and will make all reasonable efforts to collect such charges, and will apply the money so received as herein provided. (f) It will cause to be transferred from the general and/or applicable funds of the City to the special fund hereby created, an amount equal to the cost of furnishing to the City or any of its departments, boards, or agencies, the services and facilities of said undertaking. (g) It will cause all persons handling funds of the sewage disposal plant to be bonded " ~ I I I 271. in reasonable amounts for the protection of the City and the holders of the bonds to be issued hereunder, or will cause the same to be collected through a bank or banks whose deposits are guaranteed under the Federal Deposit Insurance Law. (h) It will keep the sewage disposal plant insured at all times against loss or damage by fire, tornado, or other risks customarily insured against, in such amounts as are customary for like plants, in order to protect the holders from time to time of the bonds issued hereunder, as well as the City, and will use the proceeds t& restore the loss and damage., and the cost of such insurance shall be paid as an expense of operation. (i) The City and each and all of its officers will punctually perform all duties with reference to the sewage disposal plant and sewer system as required by the laws of the State of Montana, the regulations of the Board of Health of the State of Montana, and the rules and regulations of the Public Service Commission of the State of Montana, and this and other ordinances of the City. Section 9. Holders of twenty per cent or more of principal amount of outstanding bonds shall have the right and power, by action or proceeding or suit in law or equity, to protect and enforce the rights of all holders of bonds outstanding hereunder, or enforce or compel the performance of all covenants and duties herein specified, including the f1x~ ing and maintaining of sufficient rAtEUij charges, and rentals for the services afforded by the system, the collection and proper segregation of the revenues, and the proper applicat- ion thereof. Section 10. The schedules and bases of rates, charges, and rental. imposed and to be imposed for the services and facilities provided by said system shall be fixed and; revised from time to time in accordance with authorizations therefor by the Public Service Commission of the State of Montana, so that the revenues of said system will be at least sufficient to produce gross revenues adequate to pay the expense of operation, repair, and maintenance and the depreciation and replacement charges required by law, plus net revenues sufficient so that payments thereof into the Revenue Bond Account will create as soon as may be, and thereafter to maintain, in said aecount a sum equal to l20~ of the principal and interest payments to fall due within each successive period of twelve months on all bonds then outstanding hereunder. The cost of insurance and fidelity bond premiums and of the bookkeeping and audits herein provided for and of the billing and collections of sewage disposal rates, charges, and rentals shall all be payable from said Operation and Maintenance Account. Section 11. It is hereby found and declared that services and benefits from said sewage disposal plant and system will commence to accrue not later than May 1, 1948, and the rates, charges, and rentals for the services and benefits so furnished shall be imposed and collected from and after that date. It is hereby found, determined, and declared that the sewage treatment to be prOVided by said plant and system prevents pOllution of 'the public water supply, and also that water consumption is a fair, reasonable, and appropriate basis of measnring the use and benefits of said sewerage plant and system and for computing the ra tes, charges, and rentals for such service and benefits. The term "user of the sewer~ age utility", as used herein, shall include each premise now or hereafter connected with the City's water distribution system and billed as a unit for water supplied by the City, provided such premises are connected with said sewerage system. Section 12. Until otherwise prescribed, in accordance with the covenants and pro- visions of this ordinance, and as the initial schedule of rates, charges, and rentals for 272 the services and benefits provided by the City's sewerage system, there shall be and there is hereby imposed a sewerage charge upon each user of the sewerage utility, which shall be due and payable monthly, in advance, commencing May 1, 1948, to be as follows: (a) The monthly rate for sewer" rental shall be eighty per cent (80Jb) of the average monthly charge for water used during the months of November, December, January, and February in the three years next preceding the current year. Said "monthly charge for wa ter used" shall be determined from the City's records as to premises which were connected with the City's water distribution system during, the aforesaid four months periods of such three prededing years, and as to premises which were not so connected shall be fixed by the City Manager upon the basis of what the monthly charge for water used would probably have been if the premises, in their present condition, had been so connected and supplied with water by the City, according to the best investigation thereof he is able to make. (b) Charges for sewer rental under this schedule shall be made a part of the current monthly bill for water used, to be shown by separate item or surcharge on suoh bill. Acceptance will not be made of separate payment of either the charge for water or the charge for sewer rental. Both charges must be paid at one and the same time. (c) Charges for water used and for sewer rentals become due and payable on the 1st day of each month. A discount of twenty-five cents (25t) will be allowed on each bill for water used and sewer rental if paid prior to the 15th day of the month in which said bills become due and payable. Bills become delinquent if not paid within thirty days after they become due and payable. The City of Bozeman is authorized to discontinue water service to any user whose bill for water and sewer rental becomes delinquent, and a charge of $1.00 will be made for reinstating a water service which has been discontinued for nonpayment of water and sewer rental charges. In cases where sewer rentals under this schedule are claimed to be unfair, unreason- able, or not in proportion to charges made to other water and sewer users, the person or persons against whom such charges are made may apply to the City Manager or the City Comm- ission for an adjustment, stating the circumstances, and the City Commission may, subject to the approval of the Public Service Commission of the State of Montana, make such adjust- ment of such sewer rental rate as is deemed necessary, fair, and equitable. In the event that it becomes necessary or desirable at any time to change the schedule of sewer rates, charges, and rentals hereinbefore set forth, and such changes are d~ly and regularly made by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, and approved by the Public Service Commission of the State of Montana, such changed rates, charges, and rentals shall be and remain effective without repealing or amending this ordinance in whole or in part, providing that certified copies of such changed rates, charges, and rentals, as ap- proved by the public Service Commlssion of the State of Montana, shall be and remain on file for publiC inspection at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bozeman. Section 13. The sewerage charges for each premise shall be personal or corporate obligations of the same party or parties who are obligated for payment of city water bills for such premise, according to the ordinances and regulations respecting the City water utility. It is hereby made the duty of the Water Department of the City to prepare, issue, and mail, as near as may be to the first day of each calendar month, a statement of the sewerage charge for each user of the sewerage utility. In all cases the sewerage charge. shall appear as a surcharge, separately stated, upon the water bill as rendered. Each I I I I I I ?~,3' f..,,/ ~ such charge shall be due and payable at the same time and place as the water bill on which it is shown, and no payment shall be accepted by the City, or any of its officers or employ- ees, of a water bill without concurrent payment of the sewerage charge; and all of the penalties, including the shutting off of the customer's water supply, shall be applied in each case of nonpayment of the sewerage charge in like manner as for nonpayment of the water charge. Each user of the sewerage utility shall be deemed to have contracted and agreed to pay the sewerage charges hereby imposed, and such charges may be collected by actions at law whenever the same are more than thirty (30) days overdue, and shall bear interest, at the highest rate allowed by law for contract indebtedness, from and after the 15th day of the month in which the charge becomes due and payable. To the full extent now or hereafter permitted by law, overdue sewerage charges shall constitute a lien upon, and be enforce- able against, the real estate constituting the premise which was the user of the sewerage u,tility for which said charges were imposed. No subsequent owner or occupant of any premise for which any sewerage charge is overdue shall be entitled to water or sewerage service until the overdue cl'large"is:paid, notwithstanding that such subsequent owner or occupant may not have been personally obligated therefor. Section 14. It is hereby made the duty of the Clerk of the City Commission to submit a copy of this ordinance, and any amendment thereof, to the Public Service Commission of the State of Montana, and to obtain from said Commission authorization and approval of the sewerage charge and provisions in respect thereto therein set forth, or, if such author- ization and approval cannot be obtained, to call the facts in respect thereto to the attention of the City Commission. If it shall be found that the foregoing schedule and basis of 'sewerage charges are inadequate to comply with the City's covenants set forth in said Revenue Bonds and in Section 10 of this ordinance, the City Commission shall hold a publiC hearing, upon reasonable notice, and shall thereupon promptly amend and revise such schedule andbbasls so that the sewerage charges imposed hereunder will comply with the covenants of said bonds and of Section 10. Section 15. Any provision of this ordinance which snaIl be held invalid because of any illegality hereafter determined to exist in any provision hereof shall not be deemed to be part of this ordinance and shall not affect the legality of any other provision hereof. Passed by the City Commission of Bozeman, Montana, and approved by the Mayor this 7th day of April, 1948. Attest: ",_ c~~'~n Approved: (Y~ ~ .'1~yor State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify tha t the foregoing Ordinance No. 746 was published by- -t'1.t;le -and number in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation p'I'1il-t:ea:'a~d published in said City in the issue of April 8th, 1948, and that due proo'.t is on file-in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 9th day of April, 1948. .~~ ~k ~ the Ci ty Commission