HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 47- 743, Appropriations for FY 1948 258 L~~e~_ dJ:;:t---...... -~Ji;fj~f....- --.---- .-- A1\ OHD1N AN CE APP ROP RIAT lNG MO N lES FOl\ E),PU~DIT"t)Fn,b Dfi;:FJ,'iE.J -U,C};;'),S_<'I. ,-rt L~ ACCORDANCE ''IV J..TII BDDETOHY REQ,U lHRiE:NrrS FOE. MAJ..NTENAi~CE, ETC., OF TEE :,1U- NICIPAL GOv'EHNII,EK"T OF' THE CJ.. IT OF BOZEMAN, IviO:LTANA F'OR rl'l-m Fl.sCAL YEAR EriDU..G JUNE 30, 1948. ORDINANCE NO. 743 BE IT ORDA-,,-NED BY TIlE Cm"IHSS10N OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAL: Section 1. That out of the certain balances, accrued and unencumbered, after the I claims allowed July 2, 1947 have been paid, 8nd after payment of the interest and princi- pal of bonds or wnrrants heretofore called, whIch remain, as balances, in the several funds shall be, and are, hereby appropri<:tted for use durir.g the fiscal yeer ending June 30, 1948, as provided by law. Fund Cash Balance 6-30-47 General Library Park <f~ 'It' 6,648.28 5,507.22 9,345.36 81,406.06 G,602.71 10,533.08 8,005.89 919.75 6,670.06 5,101.43 10,391.55 3,684.60 372.26 529.22 120.65 5,998.52 9,085.01 5,472.50 5,267.13 -aD ter P.L. & P. WBrrant Funding Bond Cemetery Cemetery Suspense Cemetery Permanent Care Garbage Alrport Band Firemenl s Hellef Police Reserve Plumb..i..ng EXerrl.l.ners S.I.D. Revolving s. 1. D. Park ing I'lleter F'WA 24-P-56 Less Wi thholding Tax Fund 181,6G1.88 1,137.90 $ 180,523.98 I Section 2. That the following sums of money, inclusive of the aforesaid balances, be, 8.nd the same are, hereby appropriated for the operation of the M.unlcipal Government of The (it:;, of Bozeman, for the payment of its obligations; for transfer as show; for capital outley; and for investments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, pursuant to the pro- visions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inclusive, R. C. IV;. 1935; and amendments tllereto and in Rccordance with the annual budget and recommendations submitted by the City Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commission as hereinafter set forth. EST1MAT1D EAPENDITUHES FOH THE FISCAL YEAR END1NG, JDNE30, 1948 Department of Finance Sa1arie s G en era 1 If. ai n t e na nc e CapitAl Outlay Bond Payments $ 3,500.00 2,250.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 $ 21,750.00 Department of Law Sal aries General Malntenance DR-pital Outlay 3,000.00 500.00 100.00 .3,600.00 Department of Bafety Salaries & Wages General Maintenance Capital Outlay 61,000.00 20,450.00 55,500.00 136,950.00 I Department of Service Salaries & Wnges General Maintenance CaD ita 1 Ou t 1 o..~r 56,700.00 38,450.00 30,000.00 125,150.00 I I I 9/".:.9 ,,Ii). ' Department of ~elfare Salaries General Maintenance Capital Outlay -II, 'W 33,950.00 34,700.00 24.500.00 :$ 93,150.00 ,$ 380,600.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNe 30, 1948 Taxes & Assessments: General Taxes Speci al Taxe s Special Assessments Bond Levy 60,000.00 26,300.00 22,060.00 15.000.00 $ 123,360.00 Miscellaheous Revenues: Rights & Privileges Services & Sales Fines & Forfeitures Interest Be Premiums Sale of Property 23,950.00 51,250.00 15,600.00 500.00 4,000.00 95,300.00 From Unencumbered Balance 6/30/47 133,021.81 28,918.19 380,600.00 From "iVater Revenue Transfers TO TAL Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and ten days after such publication, may be passed, but shall not be finally passed before the second Monday in August, 1947. Section 4. The t this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage and approval. Finally passed and approved by the Commission of The Cit.y of Bozeman, of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of September, 1947. Y1J ~~ ~ _~_ Clerk of the Com~ission Ma~ Introduced, read for the first time and provisionally passed by the City Commission August 13th, 1947; date set for p1,blic hearing as August 20th, 1947. passed Published as prOVisionally/in the Bozenan DR..t.ly Chronicle, on the 22nd day of August, 1947. Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle on the 4th day of Septem- ber, 1947. Effective July 1st, 1947. Stat.e of Montana S3 County of Gallatin I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of theCommi s sian of The City of Bozemm do hereby certify that the foregoing Ord..inance No. 743 was published at length in Che Bozeman DI'111y Chronicle, in the issue of 22nd day of August, 1947, and that due proof is on file in my office. ll~ 'I; ~TNESS WHEREOF 1 Hereunto set my ha.nd and affix the seal 01' my office thls 23rd day of Augu3 t, 1947. ~/~/ Clerk of the CommIssion 260 State of Montana ss County of Gallatin 1, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Conunlsslon of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 743 wns published by title and number ir: the Bozeman Daily ChronIcle, a newspaper of general circulFlGion printed and published in said City j~n the issue of September 4th, 1947, and t;hat due proof is on file .in my offi ceo IN H1Tl':ESS WHEREOF, I Hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 5th day of September, 194'1. c~.~~ .: I I I