HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 44- 730, Appropriations for FY 1945 23~oO' ~:;.. 1.- ~". ~.'!.-~ ORDINANCE NO. 730 /....1 t....~ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MUNICI... ....... PAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEWiAN, MONTANA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE .... 30, 1945. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That out of the certain balances, accrued and unencumbered, (after the claims allowed July 7th, 1944 have been paid, and after the interest and principal of bonds or warrants heretofore called have been paid), which remain, as balances, in the several funds of theCi ty of Bozeman, the following amounts are hereby appropria ted for use during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, as provided by law: FUnd General Library Park Wa te r P. L. & P. Public Park Improvement Bond Warrant Funding Bond Cemetery Cemetery Suspense Cemetery Permanent Care Garbage Airport Band Firemen's Relief Police Reserve Plumbing Examiners War Bond S. I. D. Revolving S. T. D. Withholding Tax To ta 1 Balance $ 58,562.35 4,243.81 14,485.87 40,829.40 7,324.17 2,067.79 2,707.03 3,921.99 1,232.50 3,950.66 5,016.40 3,617.65 256.00 120.90 660.52 45.15 42.29 1)483.95 4,354.75 605.38 $ 154,233.22 Section 2. Tha t the following sums of money, inclusive of the aforesaid balances, be, and the same are, hereby appropriated for the operating expenses of the Munlcipal Government of The City of Bozeman, for the payment of its obligations, for transfer as shown, for capital outlay, and for investments for the fiscal yeAr ending June 30, 1945, pursuant to the proviSions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inclusive, R. C. M., 1935; and amend... ments thereto and in accordance with the annual budget and recommendations submitted by the City Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commission as hereinafter set forth. OPERATING COST FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30th, 1945. Department of F'inance Salaries General Maintenance $ 3,040.00 1,279.90 Department of Law Salaries General Maintenance Capi tal 0" tla y Department of Safety Salaries & Wages General Maintenance Cs pi tal au tla y Department of Welfare Salaries General Mgintenance Capi tal Outlay Department of Service Salaries & Wages General Maintenance Capital Outlay 2,250.00 315.00 35.00 33,800.00 7,803.00 13,450.00 25,300.00 24,836.00 6,500.00 32,700.00 27,611.60 14.500.00 ~otal Operating Cost 4,319.90 2,600.00 55,053.00 56,636.00 74,811.60 $ 193,420.50 I I I I I I 'J35 . I.. , ESTIMATED RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1945. Taxes: General Taxes Special Taxes Special assessments $ 53,658.52 21,183.99 19,246.82 $ 94,089.33 M~scellaneous Income: . Rights & Privileges Services & Sales Fines & Forfeitures Interest & Premiums Sale of Property From General Fund Surplus 12,574.11 67,860.71 2,002.24 993.14 5,200.00 ' 88,630.20 10,700.97 $ 193,420.50 DEBT PAYMENTS Warrant Funding Bonds Princip~l Interest . 7,366.71 1,533.19 $ 8,899.90 Public Park Improvement Bonds Principal Interest 3,700.00 333.00 4,033.00 12,932.90 To tal $ Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and ten days after such publication, may be passed, but sha 11 not be finally passed before the seoond M~nday in August, August 14, 1944. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall 'be in fullfbrce and effect from and after 1m final passage and approval. Finally passed and approved by the Commission of The City of Bozeman, of Bozeman, Mon tans, at s regular session thereof held on the 18th day of Augus t, 1944. ~~ lerk of the ommi ssion ;$ !2~ ~- Mayo Introduced, read for the first time and provisionally passed by the City CommisSion, July 28th, 1944; date set for public hearing as August 7th, 1944. Published as provisionally passed, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, on the 1st day of August, 1944. Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 20th, day of August, 1944. Effective July 1st, 1944. State of M ntana ) County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 730 was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a newspaper of general circula tion printed and pub Ii shed said Oi ty in the issue of Augus t 1st, 1944, and that due proof is on file in my office. ss I, hereby further certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 730, was published hy title and number in the Dozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation prlrlBd and published in said City in the issue of August 20th, 1944, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 22nd day of August, 1944. ~.t~ Clerk of the ommission