HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 42- 719, Appropriations for FY 1943 I I I 9.1-9, , f.. , . ORDINANCE NO. 719 Proof Read a.nd Checked AND MAIN'l'ENANCE, ETC ..,....1/;~( .Utl:t:...... MONTANA F'OR THE FISCAL ;i +?J1' ____""__ ...__..IIo........___~_ AN OR!JINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE OPERATION OF' THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF 1'HE CITY OF BOZEMAN, YEAR ENDING ~JNE 30th, 1943. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMrrrSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZ~1AN: Section 1. That out of the certain balances, accrued and unencumbered, after the claims allowed July 3rd, 1942 have been paid, and after the interest and principal of bonds or warrants heretofore called have been paid, and after certain transfers have been made in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Ordinance, which remain, as balances, in the several funds shall be, and are hereby appropriated for use during the year endinp: ~lne 30th, 1943, as provided by law. Funds General Fire Street Library Park Cemetery Band Firemen's Relief Cemetery Perm. Care Cemetery Suspense P. L. & P. Airport Plumbing Examiner Police Reserve Public Park Imp. Bond Warrant Fundina' Bond SID Revolvin~ S. I. D. Water Garbage War Bond Balanc es $ 6,361.28 6,389.85 15,947.28 4,548.59 6,622.00 2,017.29 6,322.84 130.55 4,165.72 1,513.91 8,205.99 3,580.66 23.65 608.95 628.48 852.81 725.03 11,979.95 30,997.91 3,713.13 12.99 $ 115,322.88 To tal Sec tion 2. That the following sums of money, inclusive of the aforesaid balances, be, and the same are, hereby appropriated for the operating expenses of the Municipal Govern- ment of The City of Bozeman, for the payment of its obli,-ationsj for transfer as shownj for capital outlaYj and for investments for the fiscal yp,ar 1943, pursuant to the provi- sions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inclusive, R. C. M. 1935j and amendments thereto and in accordance with the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1943 and reco~~endatioDs submitted by the City Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commis~ion as hereinafter set forth. OPERATING COST FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING ,JUNE 30th, 1943. Department of Law Salaries Expenses Department of Safety --Salaries & Wap:es Expenses Capi tal Ou tla y $ 2,100.00 540.00 $ 2,640.00 28,100.00 7,740.00 13,125.00 48,965.00 Department of Finance Salc'ries Expenses 2,550.00 4,726.20 7,276.20 Departmen t of Welfare SalRries Expenses Capi tal Outa1ay 21,875.00 20,710.00 5,070.00 47,655.00 Department of Service Salaries & Wages Expenses Capi tal 0" tlay 43,100.00 70,920.00 20,360.00 134,38.0.00 240,916.20 Total Operating Cost 220 De 1;Jt Pa ymen t s Warrant Funding Bonds Public Par]{ Improvement $ 8,899.90 4,255.00 Total Estimated Expenditrues $ 13,154.90 $ 254,071.10 ANTICIPATED REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDIEG JUNE 30th, 1943. Taxes Special General Rights & Privileges $ 33,870.00 48,990.00 $ 82,860.00 13,475.00 69,450.00 2,020.00 5,700.00 I Sales & Services Fines & Forfeitures Grants & Donations Transfers hereby authorized from surplus available for appropriation: From Street Fund to GenII Fund $ From Fire F1md to Gen' 1 Fund From PL&P Fund to Gen'l Pund From Water Fund to Gen'l Fund From Gen' 1 F1md to Gen' 1 fund Sub-Total to Gen'l Fund Water Fund A" t 1" d .l.rpor un Band J:t"\md Ceme tery }'und Library Park 17,015.98 7,132.34 8,205.99 12,679.95 7,735.74 52,770.00 6,640.00 1,150.00 2,021.20 1,880.00 1,340.00 1,610.00 Total to balance "Surplus" in Sch. 4 & 6 Total Operating Revenues 67,411.20 $ 240,916.20 Pund balances nlloc'-'tdrl from r'~_1rpl1JB ,9vl:1"11 blc .cor 8.P~~l'C)l~irat:L'-'1~, for possible emergency use: Water Fund Li brary Fund Park 1<und Band Fund Airport Fund Cemetery Fund Garbage Fund SID Revolving- Fund ~f) 15,229.55 3,664.91 5,595.57 4,528.51 2,540.40 137.29 3,713.13 823.27 I $ 36,232.63 Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as II'ovided by law but it shall not be passed until ten days after its publica tion nor before the second M:inday in Augus t (August 10th), 1942. Section 4. 'l'hat this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final pa s Rage. Provisionally adopted and ordered pnblished this 31st day of July, 1942. A ttes t: ,/),,1. ~~~- Clerk of the Comrrds s ion MaYof7~ F'ina11;r passed by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a reglllar session thereof held on the 14th day of Augus t, 1942. At te>>:;f, ~P.~~~--z~) Clerk of the Commission Published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 4th & 16th day of August, 1942. State of ~antana ) ) ss County of Gallatin I,L. '}. Sh8. daan, ClerT,,: of the Commis s ion of The C1 t-:r of Bozeman do hereby certify thB t tIle forego Ing Ordinance No. 719 was p1J})1 i shed a t length Augus t 4th, 1942, and b;' title and number August 16th, 1942, in the I30zemaniJaily Chronicle, and that due proof is on file :in my office. IN ViIT]\:ESS ~i;"H~:RT;~OF I hereunto set my Iland and affix the seal of m;T office this 2Hth day of 1I.Uf.ust, 1942. a~ Mayor I 61~~ Ordinance No. 719.