HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 42- 714, Appropriation of Money for Six Month Period Ending June 30, 1942 210 ~l> t. ~-{,;; ;\:..f' ..- ~~(~,<;pvlt:~""~IJ// ORDINANCE NO. 714 '6''\.' J tl' {n,P' . J<-"'-i~ll,~-' / AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES l<'OR TEE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE, ETC., OF ..- rj,' THE IvWNICIPAL GOVF:RNM':~NT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA FOR THE SIX MONTHS ,.,/ PERIOD ENDING J1JNE 30th, 1942. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF TIill CITY OF BOZEMAN: ~ Section 1. That out of the certain balances, accured and unencumbered, (after the claims allowed January 2, 1942 hBve been paid, and after the interest and principal of bonds or warrants heretofore called have been paid), which remain, as balances, in the I severnl funds s1'.19l1 be, and are, hereby appropriated for use during the six months period ending .Tune 30 th, 1942, as provided by law. Funds Genoral Fire Street LibrBrv Park . Ceme terv Band ' Firemen's Relief Cemetery Permanent Care Cemeterlf Suspense P. L. & P. Airport Plumbing Examiner's Police Reserve Public Park Improvoment Bond Warrant Funding Bond S. I. D. Revolving S. I. D. Water Garbage Total Balances $ 20,048.08 9,583.02 18,053.93 4,740.32 9,255.11 2,309.56 4,932.25 304.38 3,f)59.67 1,737.56 291.68 2,339.63 10.15 4,431.11 2,669.03 1,330.86 -93.15 (Overdrawn) 3,119.20 13,536.48 7,975.46 ~~ 110,534.33 Section 2. That the following sums of money, inclusive of the aforesaid balances, I be, and the same are, here b'. appropria ted for t'he operating expenses of the Municipal Government of The City of Bozeman, for the payment of' its obligations; for transfer as shown; for cap! tal ou tla y; and for inves tments for the fiscal year 1942, plJrSuar. t to the provisions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inclusive, R. C. :tvl. 1935; and amendments thereto and in accordance with the sem:i.-annual budget and recommendations submitted by the City Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commission as hereinafter set forth. OPERATING COST FOR THE SIX MONTHS PERIOD ENDING, JUNE 30, 1942. Department of Law Salaries Expenses $ Department of Safety Salaries and Wages Expenses Department of F'inance Salaries Expenses Department of Welfare Sal.'?ries Expenses Department of Service Salaries Ec War:es Expenses Airport Expenses 1,050.00 50.00 ~~ 1, 100 .00 14,507.00 7,320.00 21,827.00 1,770.00 1,180.00 2,950.00 10,356.00 15,508.00 25,864.00 34,880.00 I 300.00 22,760.00 12,120~00 300.00 Administrative Salaries Expenses 3,219.39 3,133.61 Total Operating Cost 6,353.00 93,274.00 I I I 21t Debt Payments General Warrant Refunding Bonds Public Park Impt~ Bonds $ 3,200.00 3,187.18 3,700.00 $ 10,087.18 Capital Outlay General Fund Fjre Fund Street Fund Library Fund Park F\lnd Cemetery Fund Airport Fund 'Na tel" Fund Garbage Total Departmental Expendi tures 7,150.00 10,800.00 6,000.00 700.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 (es tima ted) $ 38,650.00 l42,011.18 ESTIMt\TED RESOURCES FOR THE SIX MONTHS PERIOD TmDING JUNE 30th, U)42 Taxes Special General $ 34,820.30 46,180.00 81,000.30 Transfers Water P. L. & P. General Salary Deductions Other Income 8,500.00 3,190.00 1,500.00 276.00 13,466.00 From "Estimated Revenue" P A.Gr e 3, Eud p: e t 57,604.13 57,604.13 152,070.43 Total Estimated Resources COMPARATIVE ESTIMATE Probable Income ~lnd Balances, Actual 1/1/42 Ad:.U tional Revenue Est. 1/1 to 6/30 110,534.33 57,604.13 168,138.46 Proposed F~penditures Departmen ta 1 Expenditures Es t. _ 1/1 to 6/30, 1942 Allocated for Possible Emergencies III to 6/30, 1942 ~ Fund Balances, estimated 6/30/42 142,011.18 10,059.35 16,068.03 152,070.43 16,068.03 ~ ~}-9~ 138. 46 Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be ~lb1ished as provided by law and ten days after SllCh publication, may be passed, but shall not be finally passed before the first Monday in February, (February 2,) 1942. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passarre. Finally passed by the Commission of The Cit;J of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 13th da;T of Febru"ry, 1942. Attest~: . ~ /;:1 J .y _, . --n.ft--~~ Clerk of the Commission a~ __L Mayor C/ -~~ Introduced, read for the first time, provisionally passed, date set for public hearings as January 23rd, 1942 and January 30th, 1942, by the Commissi on of The Ci ty of Boz eman this 9 th da ~r of January, 1942. Published as provisionally passed, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, on the 14th day of .January, 1942 and Febr1)ary 3rd, 1942. A-.. . . Ordinance No. 714 '~.. 212 Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 19th day of February, 1942. Effective January lst, 1942. State of Montana :Ss County of GallAtin I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of 'Jlhe City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 714, was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle in the issued of January 14th, 1942 and February 3rd, 1942, and tha t d11e proof of such publica tlons is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 13th day of March, 1942. ,/J/p. "- ~'g---;"/~ "'Clerlc of the ommission S ta te 'of Mon tana ss County of Gallatin I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerlc of the City CommisC"ion of The City of Bozern..:-,n, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 714, was published by title and number in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle. a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said Ci ty in the i,"'su8 of February 9th, 1942, and tha t due proof is on file in my office. IN WITJ\TESS WhEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my officethls 13th day of March, 1942. ~~~ ~ , ~ I I I