HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 41- 713, Vacating a Triangular Strip of Land Along West Side of Rouse Avenue North Pursuant to Commission Resolution No. 510 \ 1>-, ',',:t" ."~' ~, I I I 209 ORDl NAWE NO. 713 AI, OHDINAI>CE OF THE CITY OF BOZNIlAN VACATLNG A TR1ANGULAR SfRIP OF LAKD 0- ALO i\G TH.t; WE::::,T SIDE OF ROU -.)E AVLlI)UE, l'JORTH, PURiJ'UAliTro 'rIlE ?ROV IS10 1.:3 OF oOti\e;'oo. CONl;',ilSSIO N R~SOLUT 10 N NO. 510. J~a. o-oe._.'fJ.--:,Z' ~/ :r: d'f..'/ Preamble ,,' "JJI..'" The Commission of The C1 ty of Bozeman heretofore having passed and adopted Co~'ission Resolution No. 510 declaring it to be the intention of the Commisslor to vacate and discon- tinue a triangular strip 01' land on the west side 01' Rouse Avenue, North, 1'or the proposed straightening 01' said Rouse Avenue, North, which Commission Resolution No. 510, is hereby referred to 1'01" further particu1ars. And due and regular notice having been given 01' the adoptiot: 01' Commission Resolution Ko. 510 as required by law, which notice stated that at the regular meetir.g 01' the Conunls- sion to be held on October 31, H14l at the Commission Room in the City naIl building would be the time and place when and where protests against the action proposed to be taken pur- suant to Commission Resolution No. 5~O would be heard and cor~sidered; and said time having arrived and the Commission being it: regular sessior at the time and place stated ir, said notice and no protests 01' any kind or nature have been received or filed against said pro- posed vacating; now therefore BE IT ORDAIl'iED BY THE COMMlSJlO N OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That 1'0r the puroose 01' straightening Rouse Averme, l-Jorth, all the t por- tion of said Rouse Aver.ue, North as the same is now shown on the official plat thereol' on file in the City Engineer, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 19, Block D, of the Or.e;inal 'rown- si te of Bozeman, thence north along the west line or Rouse Avenue, North,' as shown on the official plat of the Orlginalrownsite of Bozeman and said line extended, to the north line or East Beall Street; thence east along north line 01' East Beall Street a distance 01' twenty-1'ive feet, more or less, to the intersection of said north line of East Beall Street with the west line 01' House Avenue, north 01' Beall Street; thence southerly in a straight lirJeto the place of beginning; yet savir:g and exceptil'..g from said vacating all intersections 01' Rouse Avenue, North, with east and west streets and alleys, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued. Passed and adopted by the Commission 01' The City of Bozeman in regular session assem- bled the 31st day or October, 1~4l. Attest: ~l~~rssroi1 rIff. ~ / L(,.- ~--=<-"~ rJ State 01' Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozemar. do hereby certify that the 1'oragoing Ordinance No. 713 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper 01' general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of l'iovember 7th, 1~41, ar:.d that due proof is on file in my office. IN 'lnrI\,b;~S 'NHEHJ:.:OF I hereunto set my hand and al'l'ix the seal 01' my o1'1'ic e this 3th day of November, 1941. fi~.J~~dV~ Ie k or tle City Commission