HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 41- 710, Repealing Ordinance 707. I I I ORDINANCE NO. 710 .Pr,'Our .TH""H(j [till! ()It(;okl~1f h.... !.llLl/.0...7;:.. ~h.S';? cU . "o. _...__"...._""__....._.....~ 1.91 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 707 OF THE CITY OP BOZEMAN, EETI'l'LED: '~AN OHDINANCE TO Mtr<:KD SU3DIVISION "(b) II OF FAR'l' II C" OF ORDINANCE NO. 637 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN," REVIVING SAID SUBDIVISION II (b)" OF' PART "c" OP SAID OR- DIFANCE HUMBER 637 AS IT STOOD BEFORE AMENDNENT, I;RO"VIDn~G FOR REFUNDS n: PART OF' LICENSE FEES FAID UNDER SAID ORDINANCE NO. 707. Whereas The City Commission of The City of Bozemnn on February 7th, 1941, passed and adopted Ordinance No. 707 entitled "An Ordinance to Amend Subdivis10n "(b)" of .tart "C" of Ordinance No. 637 of The City of Bozeman"; and WHEREAS The City Gommission upon further consideration of the provisions of said Ordinance No. 7CJ7 is of the opinion that said Ordinance No. 707 serves no useful purpose, slwuld be repealed and said Subdivision (b) of Part C of said Ordinance No. 637 as it stood before such amendment revived; and WI-ISREAS, somepa:yments under sa.id Subdivision (b) of i'art C of Ordinance No. 637 as amended by said Ordinance No. 707 have been made and the ei ty Cormnission is of the opinion tho t differences shmJld be ad jus ted and exces spay-men t re funded; Now, Therefore: BE IT ORDAINE::l BY TEE COMMISSION OF THE CITI OF BOZEr,':AN: Section 1 Repeal and Revival Tha t Ordinance No. 707 of 'l'he City of Bozeman amending Subdivision (b) of .Part C of Ordinance No. 637 be, and the same is hereby, repealed; and it is hereby declared the purpose and intention that said Subdivision (b) of l"art C of said Ordinance No. 637 as it stood before such amendment by said Ordinance No. 707 be revived by this repeal and stand as it was before said amendment by Ordinance No. 707. Section 2 Refunds 'l'hat there be refunded to those who have paid ;;;;100.00 as the liconse fee 1.mder said Subdivision (b) of Part C of Ordinance No. 637 as amended by Ordincnce No. 707 heroby repealed, the difference between the amount of the license as provided by said Subdivision (b) of J:art C of said Ordinance No. 637 as sald Subdivision stood before such amendment and the S12m of ,~100.00 paid under said Subdivision after amendment; such refund to be made upon clai':' presented, audi ted and approved as are other claims against the Ci ty. Passed and adopted tLis 23rd day of lv;a:r, 1941. Sta te of Montana County of Glllatin ) ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Cit:: Commission of The Cit7 of Bo~er.mn, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 710, was published b:; tl tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chornicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed andpubliRhed in said Ci ty in the issue of Jilay 25th, 1941,; and tha t due proof is on file in my office. Dated t~is 26tt, ~ay of Kay, 1941. /!,~ /;?:. :/<:----: ./- ~~~: o tne omrnlSSlon