HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 41- 705, Salary of city officers for 1941 I I I ORDINANCE NO. 705 ~./d dl!J-fl~.... 18B AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ANNUAL SALARY OR COJD'EHSA'l'ION OIl' TIm CITY MANAGER, TEE HEADS OF DEPARTIvIENTS, AND THE EMPLJY~ES OF THE CITY COMltISSION, FURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 5507, R.C.M. 1935. PREAMBLE: Whe reas, the Ci ty Commission is required by I aw to fix by annual ordinance the salary or compensation of the City Manager, the Heads of Departments, and its own em.ployees; therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Cmfu\HSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEr,:AN: Sac tion 1. (a) That the C1 ty Manager shall have and receive the sum of $250.00 per mon th as salary and compensa tion for services as Ci ty Manager and tha t his said salary is hereby fixed at said amount; that said monthly salary shall be charged to and paid from the following funds, to-wit: $100.00 from the General Fund ~~15:j .00 from the Wa ter Fund TI1is salary shall include all services as Head of the Department of Service, Departnent of Welfare, and Department of Safety; and his bond shall be in the sum of T'lo Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). (b) That the Police Judge shall have and receive the sum of $67.50 per month as salary and c ompensa tion for serv~.ces as I'ollce Judge, anj tha t h1s said salary is hereby fixed at said amount; that said monthly salary shall be charged to and paid from the General Fun.1. The bond of the rolice .Tudge shall be in the sum of T':!o Thousand Dolla rs (ijp2, 000.00) . (c) That the Head of the Department of Law shall have and receive the sum of ;~125.00 per month as salary and compensation for services as City Attorney; that said monthly salary is hereby fixed at said amount; that said monthly salary shall be charged to and paid from the General FUnd. The Head of the Departmen t of Law shall recei ve in addi tion to the above $25.00 per month for office help. (d) That the Director of Finance shall have and receive for all services rendered, the sum of $200.00 per month, and that his said salary is hereby fixed at said amount, and that said monthly salary shall be charged to and pa id from the following funds, to-wi t; $100.00 from the GeneraL Fund $100.00 from the Water fund. The bond of the Head of the Department of Finance shall be in the sum of Twenty Thousand DolJa rs ($20,000.00). (e) That the Clerk, of the Commission shall receive the sum of $50.00 per month as salary and compensation for services as Clerk of the Commission and that said monthly salary shall be charged to and paid from the General Bund. Section 2. The salaries and bonds as fixed by this Ordinance shall be effective as of the first day of January, 1941. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full.:!brce and effect from and after thirty days after the date of its final passage. Finally passed by the Cornr.:lission of The Cit~{ of Bozeman tLis 17th day of Januar:r, 1941. Attest: ofg~ Clerk of the Commission 184 State of Montana ) ) as County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby cer- tify th8 t the foregoing Urdinance No. 705 was published by ti tIe anu number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a 'newspaper of general circulation printed and pubLLshed in said in the is sue of January' 19th, 1941, and tha t due proof is on file in my office. Dated this 2lst day of February, 1941. ~k~. L. G. Shadoan Clerk of tile Commission Ordinance No. 705. _. I I I