HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 41- 704, Appropriations for 1941 1.80 ~~~~.,. _00 ~~c~ ...... v 0.. 0 /1 .' 1 J:,.f.~~;J'1:/ j!./j I (<11/' ..' ~;-';...... .' ..' ORDINANCE NO. 704 Bozeman, Montana AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR 'rHE SUPPORT AND MAINT13NANCE, ErrC., OF THE MUNICIPAL GOV,i<;RNMENT OF THE CI'1Y OF BOZl:'lfliIAN, Mm;'l'ANA FOR 'I'EE FISCAL TEAR 1941. BE IT ORDAIN'ED BY THE COMMISSI01:- OB' TIlE CITY OP BOZEMAN: Section 1. Tha. t the certain balances, accrued and unencumbered, (after the claims allowed January 3, 1941, have been paLl, and after the interest and principal of bonds or warrants her(o,tofore called have been paid), which remain, as balances, in the several I funds shall be, and are, hereby appropriated for use during the current fiscal year 1941, all as provided in Section 5506, R.C.M. 1935. Said balance's so remaining beIng as follows: FillJDS General Fire Street Library Park Ceme tery Band Firemen's Relief Ceme tery Perm. Care Cemetery Suspense P.L. & P Ai rpor t Plumbine Examiner's Police Reserve Public Park Impr. Bd. Warrant Fund Bond SID Revolving S.I.D. Wator Garbage Total BALANCES _.~_.,. "". -~- $ 13,859.23 '11,070.81 18,052.23 4,784.01 5,67l.15 3,255.58 1,815.14 374.19 2,994.27 1,549.06 441 .51 6,226.95 6.65 2,658.06 2,'582.93 1,235.99 64.33 (Overdrawn) 3,578.59 24,123.67 ~J--L,!-7 7 . 71 $ 111,594.40 Section 2. That the fo110winZ sums of money, inclusive of the aforesaid balances, be, and the same are, hereby appropriated for the opera ting expenses of the Municipal Government of The City of Bozeman, for the pa;ment of its obligations; for transfer as shown; for capital outlay; and for investr.1ents for th.e fiscal y-ear 1941, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inchlsive, R.C.M. 1935; and in accordance with the Annual Budget and Recommendations submitted by the City Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commission as hereinafter set forth; "A" OPERATING EXPENSES Department of Law For Salaries POI' Expenses Department of Safety POI' Salaries ]:<'01" Expenses Department of Finance For Sa li;:lrie s B'or Expens es Department of Welfare For Salaries and Waces 201" EJI.P ens es Department of Service "I" For Salaries & Wages For Expenses TOTAL OPERA TDW EXPNESES (Excl us i ve 0 l' Wa tel" Dept.) Department of Service "II" (Water Dept.) For Salaries & Wages l<'or Expenses GRAND TOTAL - OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,800.00 50.00 1,85).00 27,080.00 5,170.00 32,250.00 4,910.00 19,576.51 24,486.51 29,000.00 13,282.24 42,282.24 9 , 300 .00 L.I,615.00 19,915.00 ;;$ 120, 7B3. 75 16 ,940.00 5,850.00 22,790.00 ---,- $ 143,573.75 I I I I I 181 "B" DEBT SERVICE General Obligation Bonds Warrant Refunding Bonds Public Park Impr. Bonds 8,899.90 4, 421 . 50 S.r.D. B~nds and Warrants 49,578.59 -.?_~?J 1 · 92- $ 6~,89_~.99_ "C" CAPITAL OUTLAY, ETC. Gene ra 1 Fund Fire Fund Street Fund Library Fund Pa rl{ Fund Cemetery Fund Wa tel" Fund Airport Fund Band Fund $r 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 25,000.00 7794.88 1,399~OL 57,193.99 To tal "D" INVESTMENTS Cemetery Permanent Care Fund Purchases of Stores (Gen) Purchases of Stores (Wtr) To ta I 13,844.27 8,000.00 3,000.00 24,844.27 "E" CAPITAL EARNINGS Water Fund to General Fund Water Fund to Park Fund General nlnd to Cemetery Fund To ta 1 14,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 $ 17,500.00 "plf THAN SFERS (Ordinance No. 637) P. L. & P. Fund to General Fund P. L. & P. Fund to Fire Fund To ta 1 6,330.00 4,220.00 $ 10,550.00 "G" EMERGENCIES, DAMAGES DEFICIENCIES, ETC. General fund Fire Fund Street Fund Library Fund Park Fund Cemetery Fund Water FUnd Warrant Refdg. Bond Fund S.l.D. Revolving Fund pUblic Park Impr. Bond Fund Plumbing Examiner's Fund Police Reserve Fund Cemetery Suspense Fund Garbage Fund 2,401.75 1,076.35 2,639.90 201.87 697.94 605.58 7,883.67 1,279.09 1,102.63 28.93 36.65 3, 497 .46 2,549.06 _!h..527 .71 _ 29,528.59 Total Sec tion 3. That tbis Ordinance shall be published as prOVided in Section 5503, Political Code, R.C.!i~. 1935, and ten days after such publication, may be finally };assed, but shall not be finally passed before the first Monday in February, (February 3, 1941.) Sec tion 4. Tha t this Ordinance shall be in full C:>:frce and effect from and after its final pa ssage. Fina 11 Y pa s sed by the Comml ssi on of The Ci ty of Bozeman a tare gular ses s ion thereof held on the 14th day of February, 1941. 182 Introduced, read for the first time, provisionally passed, date set for public hearing as January 24th, 1941 and .Tanuary 3ls t, 1941, by theCommiss ion of The City of Bozeman trlis 10th day of January, 1941. Published as provisionally passed, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, on the 14th of January 1941, and February 2, 1941. Published as finall~T passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 19th day of February, 1941. Effective January 1st, 1941. Sta te of Montana ss County of Gallatin I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify tilat the foregoing Ordinance No. 704 was published atlength in the Bozerean Daily Chronicle a newspaper of generl circulation printed and published in said 01 ty in the issues of .January 14th, 1941 and February 2, 1941, and that due proof is on file in my office. AND I HERI;;;BY further certifY tha t Ordinance No. 704 wa s published by ti tIe and numoer in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed & published in said C1 ty in the issue of February 19 th, 1940, and that due proof is on file in my office. Dated this 21st day of FEbruary, 1941. ~$~ l:,rk of the ommission I I I