HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 40- 701, Amends Section 37, Article VII of Ord. 672
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NO. VII, OF ORDINAECS NO. 672 OF TW-= CITY 0.2' Dozl~;r,'AF, R:GULATI.i\"G
BE re ORDAINED 3Y THE COM:nS;:;ION 01';' THE CI'I'Y OF B()ZEhiA]\~, 1\1ON'rA?li.
Section 1.
Th~1t Section 37 of Ordinance No. 672 of The City of 0ozoFan be, and the same is
hereby amended so as to read as follows:
(a) Any person drlvine a vehicle on a street shall drive the same at a careful anu
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prudent speed, no t groa tel" tt,an i s reasonable and proper, ha ving clue r egrlrd to tllO traf-
fic, surface and width of the street and of any other conditions then existing, and no
person shall drive any vehicle upon a street at such a s;;ecu as to endanc:er tl:l8 lifo,
limb or property of any person.
)b) Subject to the Provisions of Subdivision (a) of this Section and except in
instances where a Inwer speed is specified in this Ordinance it sLctll be prima facie la,v-
ful for the driver of a vehicle to drive the same at a spclcd not exceed:i.r',?; the followjng,
but in any case whon snch speed would be unsafe it sholl not be lawful:
(1) Fifteen (15) Miles an hour when approaching witl'lin fifty (5_) feot o~ a 'C'rade
crossing of any steam railway when the driver's view is obstructed. A dri~r's view
shall be d,=:emed to be obstructed when at any time dur:i.nf" the last two hundred (2JO)
feet of his approach to such crossing he does not have a clear and uninterrupted view
of such rai lwa y c ros s in[1' and of any traff1.c on such rai lwa:y crossi np: and of any traffic
on such railway for a distance of four hundred (400) feet, in each direction from such
School Speed Zones
(~~) (a) There arc hereby created in the said City of Bozem.an, School Speed Zones,
the l1ml ts of which are herein defined, wherein it shall be unlawful for in y opera tor
of any vehicle to drive a t a speed :~reater than fifteen (15) miles per hour, between the
hours of 8:0CJ A.M. and 6:00 p.rt., to-wit:
HIGH SCEOOL SFT~ED ZONE. All that part of Main Street 150 feet west of the west
lino of F'ifth Avenue and a line l5J feet east of the east linG of Third Avenue. All
that part of Thiru Avenue between the south line of },:ain Street and the F'or'th line of
Babcock Street. All that part of Babcocl-c Street bet\veen a Line 150 feet west of the
west I:l.Yl8 of i"ifth Avenue and a 1 ~.ne 150 feet east of the east line of Granel ~\venuc.
All thl,t part of Grand Avenue betvveen the south line of Bbbcock street and a line 15:';
feet south of the south line of Olive Street. All that part of CLive Street botviecn a
lino 150 foet cas t 0 f the cas t lin e of Granl A ver:." e an,j to 8. line If;O fee t :,1;:8 t of the
wes t Ltne of Fourth Avenue.
All that part of '1hiru. Avenue between tLc south line of
Oli ve Stroet 8.nd a 11 that part of Fourth Avonue betlveon the SOUt:l lino of Babcock Street
and a l:i.ne 150 foe t sou th of tho south l:':ne 01' Olive Street.
IIAvrrIWrum SC1:0JL SPEED ZONS. All that part of nOUSG .'1.vonue l;ortll 30tween a line
150 feot south of the sou.th line of r,:endenhall Street and a line 150 foet north of the
north line of La~:::s Street. All that r:art of .L.aTl1.!".8 1:itroet betvieer~ the wect l:..ne of
C::l1rc:.-_ Avenue and a l:lne l[')J feet--est of the west line of .Honse Avenue. All tha t part
of i:iendcnhall street betwoen the west Ilne of Churc. Avenue an(i a line li:;0 feet W':2t
of the wes t line of Rouse Avenue. All thit pnr t of Church Avenue between a line 150
feet 90uth or the south line of MendenhaLL ::itreet and 150 feet north of thEforth line of
Larr:-:oe Stree t.
LOlWB'El,I.":)\'V SCH"ODL SFSED ZOJ\:~. All tha t par t 0 f 'l'rac y Avenue South be tvleen the south
line of West Story Street at the west cornor of Blcok 6 of FaIrview Addition and a line
l~'),,; feet south of the south line of \lest Alderson Street; all that part of West Dickerson
Street between the west line of 'rracy Avenlle and the east line of , i-ills on Avenue; all
that part of West Alderson Street betiveen the east line of Tracy Avenue and. a line 167
f&et east of the east line of said Tracy Avenue, and all that part of West Story Street
between the eas t line of Tracy Avenue and a line 167 fee teas t of the eas t line of
Tracy Avenue.
IRVING SCEOOL SPE,'i:D ZONE. All that part of Eigh th Avenuo be tweon a lIne 150 fee t
south of the SOUUI line of Alder:?on street and a line 150 feet north of the north
llne of Dickerson Street; and all that pHrt of Ninth Avenue between a line 150 foet
sou th of the SOll th lIne of A1d erson Stree t and a line 150 feet nortll. of the north line
of Dicker2 on Stree t; all tha t part of .AldersoD Street be tween a line 150 feet eas t of the
east line of Eic;bth Avenue and a line 150 feet west of t he west line of Ninth Avenue;
all that part of' Dickerson Street betwoon a line 150 feet wc.st of the Vlest line of
South Kinth Avenue and B line 150 feet east of the east lin e of ~i~htt Avenue.
(2) (b) There is hcreb:r created in the said Cit'JT of Bozem:;cn,Quiet Zones, the
limi ts of which are defined asfollows:
All that Dart of Trac'T Aven')e between the north
..... t,.o. . .
line of ~f:ondenhall Street and the soutt: line of Villard Stroot; all tha t part of Vlil-
Ison Avernc betwoen the nortl, linc of r.r.cndenha11 Stroet and the south line of Vill:::::rd
Street; all that pDrt of Larmy,e Street betvlon the WC~lt line of Blacl( Avenue Dnd the
east line of Grand AVODllC;, and all tha t part of Beall Street between the west line of
Black Avenue and the east line of Grand Avenue.
It shall be uriawful in the said Quiet Zones to drive or OlXJrate any vetdcle in a
noisy or offensi Va manner so as to cause BnJ: discornfl ture who. tever to the IB tients in
sa:1.d hospitals; and A.n:T person c1riv:lnz or operat:'mg a motor vehicle within said quiet
zones crmtrary t'J th.c provisions herein shall be deemed guilty of "reckless dri.vl.nG",
and shall be punished as herein provided; every porson in charge of a vehicle shall
exercIse special care to appro;:tch and ~.rocoed thy.ou~;h SUCIl zones as noiselessly as possible.
(3) Pifteen (15) miles 3n hour when malctn!3 a right hand turn at any lr:torsec:lon
and/or when approaching wi thin f1ft;" (50) feet and in trayors 'ng an in tarsection of
streets W~lon tl"'..8 driver's view is obstrllcted. !l drl'..'or's view sh8l1 be deemed to be
obstructed when at any timE) dlJrlnr; the last f::tft:,: (5e)) feot of his approach to such in-
tersection, he does r:ot have a clear and unimterruptod view of such intersection and of
the traffic upon all of the streets entering such intersection for a distance of two
Imndred (200) feet from such intorsection.
(4) Fifteen (15) miles an hour in any cemetery or in travurstng or goinG Bround
Cl}rVeS or traversing a grac:le upon a streot when the driVer's view is obstructed within
a d:i.stance of one hundred (100) foet alone: such h'7:1.hwa'7" in tho ctirectlon in wl--ich he
',.' '.".' ""' ' - --
Ordinance No. 701
is I)rOCeocting.
(5) Twenty-five (25) miles an hour undor:l.ll other c::mdi ti:ms.
It shall be prip.~a facie unlawful for any person to exceed any of the forer;olng
speed limitations. In every charge of violation of tbis section, the complaint sL_all
s ;:'e 0ify Ule speed a t which the defenclan tis al10 r'ed to have dri v8n, also the speed which
tlJis section declares shall be pr:tma faale lawful at the tirr>e and place of sr::ch alleged
vio la tion.
(6) 1'('0 drivsr of a Motor Vehicle shall operate S8::.'0 Dt a speed less than fifteen
(15) miles an hour on any arterial higtmay. (See Section 56.)
Section 2.
This Ordinance shall be ~,n full force and effect from and aft,,:;r thirty (3u) days
after its adoption.
Passed andadorted a t a r:c:c;ular meeting of the Cor,1l:1ission of 'I'te Ci ty of Bozo~1[m
held on the 11th day of October, 1940.
State of Montana )
) ss
County of Gallatin )
I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commisf:ion of The vi t~T of Eiozor;an do hereby certify
tr.ia t the foregoing Ord.inance 1\0. 701 was publishod by ti tle and nr,mbor In the Dozer1~m
Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed Sfll.l pubLt.sLed :"n said City
:in tLe issue of October 17th, 1940, and till t due proof Is on fIle in my offico.
IE .,riITl::-;;:SS1;C3RLWI" I IE reun to se t rr.y hand nnd affIx the soal of rr:y 0 ffice t1:is
18 th day of Oc to bor, 1940.
~~ ~-_.
~CitY ~ommission
Ordinance No. 7UI