HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 40- 700, Amends Section 57 of Ord. 672 I I I Rar.:~;' ,oll' b"J; nr.~;""'In1\Q vpv'. \.1.;/";"'IV No./-a ~ 71 "-. &~<* '. .,t:;/'. c~ ,lj>el "<0/ ',1( "1 %<f: Itq . ',(i// '<. ~ :.<< . . 7..~... '\, "\to, "lo...., .."" ORDINM;C~ NO. 700 AN ORDINAl'iCE OF' r1'1[C: CITY OF BOZEMAN AM3NDU;J SIW'I'IOE 57 OIl' ORL)INAN'~3 NO. 672 OF 'rIlE CITY OF BOZEMANEN'l'ITIED: A~J O:1DINAliCE ;:mGULNrnW TRAFFIC urON 'l'EE l)UBLIC ST~:Z:~I~ '1'$, A VSNFI":S, AIm ALLEYS OF TEE CITY OF BOZ::i:],{/\N, lWNTANA, AID R.G1:-EALING OR.JIl-:Al:C.2S FOS. 567 AND 610, OF THE CI'I'Y Or' J30Z:~~h'1\}:, Al<:D Ai-l" OTIUR OTI.JDL'\YCES AYD PAwrs OF ORDINAl~CES n~ CO};FLIC'':: IlliTIEWITIT. SO AS 'TO W.AKE V'ilLLLSON A VENUE AN ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FRO!{ TIC~ sou'rH F3mNDARY OF WILLSON AV!j;]\H'E TO 'rHI-!: SOUTH :SOTJND!l.RY OF l\.RTHUR STRET.~T INs'r:SAD OF THE SOUTH BOUhlJAHY OF CV~~VEL,\ND STH2;,;:'l' BE IT ORDA:NED BY TEE cmn,:IS3IOlT O:~? TEL: CI'lY OF BOZEMAN: (a) The following streets are hereby declared to consti.t1Jte arterial hifhways for the purpose of this Ordinance: j\'aln Street, between Buttonwood ani EishthAvenue. North 'Hallace Avenue from Main Street to the north line of J.'each Street. L~i ,!h th A venue, be tween Main Stree t and Cleve land Stree t. Seventh Avenue North, between ~!:ain Street and Durston Road. Cleveland Street West, between 'vi11ls':)D Avenve and EiC'hth Avenue. Willson Avenue South, between the S01lth lil18 of riiainStreet fmd the S:)l1tl:J l:1.no of Arthur Street. rr:endenhall Street from Seventh Avenue North to the cnst line of i3roadway. Broadway from the north linc of Mendenhall Street to the north lino of Ha:n Street. (b) Every opcra tor of a vehicle or other conve7;~ance traveling upon any street v,.:tllin The City of Bozeman ..:.ntersect.:.ng the above designated streets nnd Avenues shr',ll br:ng such vellicle or conveyance to a full anl com;)L tc :::toj,:; G t the place where SllCh s tree t moe ts the prolonga tion of the neares t p ropGrt:,i lir.cs 0 [' such arte ria 1 hi"'-hway, subject however to the direction of any traffic off=-cer or s,:.[';n of any :~olice officer at such intersection. (c) The oporator of any vehicle who has come to a full stop as requireu. above, upon en terinr:: any arterial highwa y, as woll as ope 1'a tors of vel,icles on any arterial hi,r.;hway, sLall be sub}- ct to tIle usual right of way rules .prescribe,:;. by law and. a;;pllca- ble to vehicles at intersections (Soe Sec. No. 55). (d) rl'he City 1C,anager is hereby authorized and roquired to place anJ maintain,. or cause to be placed and maintained, on each and BIery stroot intersectin,s: any arterial hi-:rhVlay desi("::nated above, and at or near the pro;::;erty line of every 8.rtsrial hL~hwa:r, appropriate sis;ns upon tbe street; such si.zns, devices or mHrks to bear the word "Srl'Opll and to be located in such posi tion and to be provided wi. th Ip,tters of a sIze to be clearly reae}, and legiblo frorJ a distance of at least one hundred (100) fc)et along tLe street in- t;r:3rsectI.ng the arterial highway. Passed and adopted ::JY the COnl.--::.is::::ion of The City of Bozeman at a regular session of sald Commission held on the 27th day of Sel)tember, 1940. Attest:' ~/! b ~-/~~J Cle"'rkoT the City Comrr.ission r~/d~ Ilayor f 172 '" '.""',,",' .....:c~ . -, ~',. \~... , ..;,... 1;; .' ~st ":!!:; State of Kontana ss Corm ty 0 f Galla tin I L G Sl' . -, _, . . 18__oan, Clerk of the City l.Jomn:issLm of The C1 ty of Dozeman do hercb:/ certify th8.t the foree;oinc; Oruj,nance Ko. 700 was pubLished by ti tIe and nur:1ber in the Boz eT'18.n DRi ly Chroni cle, a newspaper 0 f "'eneral c ircuJatlon prin ted and published in S8.lU City :in the issue of' October 5, 1940 and that cLue proof' I is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WL:1:Rj~OP I IIEREUKTO set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 7th day of October, 1940. -F~ ~trk of the Commission I I