HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 40- 699, Amends Sections I and V of Ord. 682 I I I 16B ORDINJIN CE NO. 699 .1fJJnIt Jr Umfmmn8 Nt1,_...~z tL__ AN Or..;)ULtUT CE OF THi~ CITY OF BOZI:~r:;~.TJ AMSK.un:c S~CTIOl:3 I AlD V OF Or..=-nNANCE NO. 682 OP T}13 CITY OF BOZEMAN m':TI TLbD: "AN ORi)INi\JJCE CLASSIP'{ING, REGUL\Tn~G AIm rc:~S'lTIucrfn: G TIlE LOCA- TIONS 01:' TRADES AEiJ INDUSTRDS M\':J THI~ LJCA'rIJli OF BUILJH:;-(]S DZSIGNED eaR SPECIF'IED USES; REGULATING AND LIMITING TEE HEIGHT AND BULK OF' BUILDIFGS In~R'i":AFT.~m=mEC T:~;D OR ALT'.ml:D; iZEGULA'1'I HG A!':D Ln:ITING 'I'EL:: n:TBESITY OF THE: USE 01" LJT AREAS, AND REGUL//I'ING AND DErrJ~mnEIEG TIT.E AHCA Ol" YARDS, COUR'l'::; Al~.JO'1'}r~~E OIEK SF ACES 'NI THIN AND STJRHOUNDING SUCH BUILDINGS; ESTAB:::'ISHING rfEE B01Jl~DARr;~s OR DISTRICTS l"OR TEE SAID f'URPOSES; AND PRSSCHHnNG PENjulf'ruS POR .Tim VIOLATING OF ITS PROVISIONS; AND REFE!\Ln;G- ORDINAECE NUTvi13ERED 664 OB' Tm~ ::j ITY 0:" BOZL~MAN": TITE A~i:::':NDME:rTT OF SECTION I CONTAINING DE:PH;ITIONS so AS TO CLi\Rn'y AND DISTIN- GUISH BiET,'{fi;EN II APARTMENT HOUSES" AND "~.murIPLE FAFILY .;Yi{2LLU:GSIl; T::.n~ A;'/':':;NDI,;G;NT OF SECTION V SO AS TJ CHANGE: TH~ CDU1'JDj\RII;:S OF II A" R~~SIDENCE DISTRICT Al':;-D 1'0 ?iAKE THE BOUNDARIES OF liB" RESIDlmCE DISTRI:::T CONPO~Tl TO '1'13 CHANGES MADE IN Tl:lE B01J1'W!\RI r:S OF "A" RESIDl~NCE DISTRIC T. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE cm:~]\;ISSION 01" l'HE CITY OF BOZET:'AlJ: Section 1. l'hat Sections I and V of Ordinance No. 682 of The :"::it;r of Doz;-:rman, 8ntitled: "AN ORDINANCE CALSSLf:i'YING, REGULA':PING AND RES'l'HICTING Tm~ LOC/.'1'ION3 .01<' TRA:;)ES AND INDUSTRI~~S AKD Th'3 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS DESIGIL:i:.J POR Sl.'ECIB'LW USES; REGULATIKG AN;) LIMITING THE HEIGHT AKi) BUIK OP BUILDINGS HEHEAPTER EnECT20 OR ALT3RED; IlliGUL,^/I'ING AN:;) LIMITING THE Il\T~~ESlrrY. 01" TW~ USE OF' LorI' AnBAS, AND R1~GULAr1'ING AT~D DETERT~iTNING r1'lE An;'::A OF YARJS, cour:'l'SA}~D OTHEH Ol-'EN Sf! ACES 'NITIIIK AND S URROmmnJG SUCH BUILJHiGS; ESTADLISIIIYG 'rlG~ BOUNDARIES OR DISTRIC'l'S l-"OE THJ~ SAID PURPOSL;S: AND PEESCTtIBTNG Fi:i:l\ALTIES FOR rl'BS VIOLNI'ING OF' I'I'S fHOVISIO(.JS; AN;) REFEALING OHDn~/,1\C::; NUlJ3ER::m 664 OJ" TEE CITY OF BOZm\:Al~." be and the same are herob:;' amended so as to read as follows: SECTION I. -- DEFINITIONS Title: This Ordinance may be referred to as "The Zoninp.; Ordinance." For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are defined as follows: Words u.sed in the present tense include tho futlJre; words in the singular nlJ bel" in- clude the plural number and words in the plural nu..'TIber inclucle the singular number; tho masculine:-::ender includes the femin:ine and neuter genders; the word "building" includes theworcl "structure" and the word "lottl includes the words "plot" and "parcel;" "slgnature" includes mark when the person cannot write. The word "person" includes associations, partnerships, corporations, societies, religious, educational and fraternal organizatLlns. .L\cces sory 81.1.i Idinc;: A su bordina te buildinIT or portion of the main bui lding w i ch is 10c3.ted on th!) lot occupied by the main building, and tllO use of which is clearly Inclden- tal to tho use of tho main buiLlinrr. '-.,,", Alley: d. public tl:a>ou,':':hfare not over tV'[ent~T feet (20') wide. Dloc;{: 1'ho property frontinf, on one s ide of any s tree t, a vemJe, or bOlll evarcl bo- tween the two nearest of' any of the followinf" intersecting such street, avenue or bouleg vard, to-wit: stroet, avonue, boulevard, park watorway, railroad rights-or-way. BoardIng Hou::, e: A buiLling or premises whore meals arose rved for COrJpens tion for five or moro persons but not exceeding twenty (20) persons. Building: A structure having a roof supported by colm;IDs or wal12 for the shelter, support or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels. Classification of Use i)istricts shall be as follows: I. riA" Residence Districts. 2. rI E" Res Idence Dis tric ts. 3. ":::;" Res idence Dis tric ts . 4. liD" Residence Districts. 5. ~ain Business DistrIcts. G. Business-Residence Districts. 7. Industrial Districts. 164 The use pcrml ttod in Class" /\." Residence Dis trict shall be the highest, and the lJse permItted in the Indu~'trial District 311all be tho lowest. Corner Lot: A lot situated at trle junction of an,;~ fronting on two or more streets, and having a width not greater than sixty-six (66) feet. Its width dimension is its "front" and its depth dimension its "side", f'ar the purposes of this ordinance. Where there is doubt Gr dispute on this point the decision of the Building Inspoctor shall I con trol. Depth of L)t: The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. Side Yards: 'ThE; distance from the sides of a buiLting to the side property lines on the "Wid th" dimcns ion of' tLe lot as above definod. [)epth of Rear Yard: The mean horizontal distance between the rear line of' tho builJing ana tho rear lot line. District: A section of The City of BozewBn for wLich the regulations governing the heic;ht, the area, or the use of buildincrs, and premises are the same. Family: Any number of indi'Jiduals living and cooking torrether on the promises as a s ~ngle hOllS ekeeping uni t. Height of Building: The vertical distance measurod from the average street level at the buildin~ wall. Height of IJourt or Yard: 'l'he vertical distance from the lowest level of such court or yard to the higher t pain t of any boundinG wa 11. Hotel: A building or premises where lodging is provided, Witil or without meals, for more than twenty (20) p;;rsons. In torior or Ins ide Lr" t: A lot 0 ther t.han a c orner lot. I Lo'),ging House: Ii. t::miL:inr; or premises where lodgin['; is provided for compensation for fi ve or more persons but not exceeding tW8n ty (20) persons. Lot: Land occupied or to be occupied by one buiLd.ng and accessory buildings and uses and including open spaces required unJer this ordinance. A lot may be land recor- ded as such on the Records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin Oounty, Kontana. Lot Lines: 'The lines bound:ng a lot as def:.nod herein. Non-Conformin['; Use: A use of a bulldinp or premise th:3.t does not confoTIn with the n-,gulations of the use distri:t in which it is situated. Private Garage: A private garage is one Wllich is accessory to a buildinrr used for private residential purposes, single farnil~r,multip18 family, or apartment, a." tl:ose terms are used and defined in this OrdInance. If it is a sinr;le family dwelling the garage ~ay have a capacity of not more than thrse cars. If it is a ~lltiple family dwelling for more than three families, or an apartment house, it ma:,' llave a garage of not more tl an one car capaci ty for each family. No business of any kin_lor character shall be conducted or carried on in a privatcsarae:e. Public Garage: Any "arage not included wi thin the deflni tlon of a Private Garar-;e. Side Yard: An open unoccupied space on the sam.o lot with a building, between the building am: tLe side line of the lot, extending throuc;h from the front building line to the r,-~ar yard, or to the rear line of the lot where no rear ~Tard is required. Sin0'le Fami ly Dwelling: A de tachecl building ha v::n c: ro cornmoda tions for and oc- I 4- cupied by one family only. Ordinance No. 69~ I I I 1-65 !.;Tultiple Family Dwelling: A building of not !'lore than four (4) units under one roof, hav:tng two or more separate sinr:le rooms or sets of rooms or apartnents for human occupation, each set having a separate entrance from the street or from tho grounds on which the building is cree ted; and each sepal'a te li vine: lml t to be comple to in i tsclf, with separate cooking equipment, bathroom and toilet facilities. Apartment House: A buiLiinr; under one roof but divided lntoseparated living accom- modations of one or more rooms for human occupation; access to any such apartment bein8 from a hall or corridor for the common use of two or morc tenan ts, an,-l the building ha vin <:" one or more en trances from the ~ tree t or grounds for the common us e of tVIO or mo re, 0 I' all, tcnan ts of the apartments, each apurtmen t to be complete In its elf and each wi th cooking equipmen t and. be throom and toilc;t facili ties. Au to Court: An II Au to Courtlf is any mul tiple dwellinc or Zr0up of dwellings other than Bungalow Courts or Cottage Court;l, hotels or apartment houses, which is desi.gned am1/or intended for tcmporary occupancy froIT' day to d8.~'- of transien ts, and a t a ciai ly or weekly rate. fuJto court as here def~_ned includes Auto Camp Bnj Tourist Camp. Cottase Court; A cottage "'ourt, (as distinzuished from an "auto Gourtll, "Auto Carnpll of "Tourist Campll,) is a group of separa te one-famil:t or two or more ramilJ" uni ts designed and intended for permanent tenants at a monthly or yearly rental. \"i~18re perrr.::.tted, such Cottage Court sinGle-family units shall be subject to the same floor area requ::.rements as sin~le-family dwellings, and two or more family units in such Cottage Courts shall be subject to t[;e sam:) floor area requirements as for mul tiple fardly dwellintss in tLc same di s tri c t , Where other def:tr~i tions are necessary resort may be ha__l t, thecurr8n t issue Uniform Building Code of the .l:'acific Coast Building Officials I ';';onfcrn,:;ce an: ~he Duildinc Code or Ordinance of The Ci ty of Bozeman. In all cases of doubt or dispute arising lmder this Ordinance, the decision of the Building Inspector of The Cit:r of Gozemnn shall control, subject to appcal to the Board of A'ljustment. SECTION V. 130UNDAEI~~ OF JISTRICTS tI A" RESIDEl\CE DISTRIC T. The boundaries of "l" Residence Dis trlct shall be as follows: g,e;glnninr; at a po:'t of ~ntersection of the south line of Olive .street and the cast line of Pourt:l A\'enuc, thence eas terly alonG the southl_ine of Oli 0 Strec t to tbe weB t . line of W:tlls on Ii onue, thence southerly along the Y10S t line of ,HIlson i~venue 100 feet, thence e8sterly along a line parallel to the south linG of Olive street and distant IOO feet therefrom to a point in the west line of the allye between Tracy j-'venue and Blacl{ Avenue, thence southorly along the west line of said Alley to tho point of intersection of saId west line of said Alloy with the south line of Dickerson Street produced, thonce westerly along the said south line of DIckerson Street produced, t~ the west line of Tracy Avenue, thonce westerly along tb_c south line of Dickerson Street to the went line of the alley between Tracy Avenue and Willson Avenue, thence southerly alon{: .said west line of said alley and saicl line produced, to a polnt l~lhlwGY lFtween colL~ge 8nJ Larri- son S tree ts, thonce can terly a long a line mid\'my be tween s Sill Coll?e and Harrison S ./-ree ts to the City Limits; thence southerly, westerly, southerly, westerly 8nd southcrl;:r along the ci ty lim.-;. ts to a point midwa:;r between the south line of Garfield Street produced and Ordinance No. 699. 166 the north line of llayes Street produced, thence wes terly midwa7' between said Garfield and Hayes Streets to the east line of Sixtb Avenue, thence northerly along said" east lino of Sixth Avenue to the point of intersection of said line with the south line of Harrison Street, thence westerly along the soutb line of said Harrison Street to the point of in- tersection of said south line wi th tl:8 center line of EiGhth Avenue, thence northerly along said center line of E:!-trhth Avenue to a point midway between tree north lino of Harrison Street and the south line of Collerre Street; thence easterly along a line miciway between saicllIarr:lson and Collsr,;e Streets to the east line of Pyurth Avenue, thence northorl~r along said east line of Fourth Aven'le to the point of bop;inninc. I II B" RESIDN!.CCF':: DIS 'l'RI C '1' The "B" Residence District shall embrace four parts described as follows: to-wi t: Part I. Beginning at the point of intersection 01' the east line; of Third Avenne and the south line of Sl:ort Streot, thence easterly along tl""e said south line of Short Street to its in tersec tion wi th the eas t Li.ne of' the a lley be tween Wills on Avenue and 'frac y Avenue, thence northerly alonC': saId east line of said alley to the south line of l)each Stree t, tbence eas terl y along saId son tI1 line 0 f Feach Stroet to the wes t line 0 l' Bl ack Avenue, thence southerly along said west line of Black Avenue to its intersection with the nortL line of the alloy between Lamme Street and IVIendenhnll Street, tllonce westerly along said north line of saId alley to a point 490 feet east of tho east line of SeventJ:.l /I.venue, north, thence .north parallel wi th and 490 foet eas t of said eas t line of 3even th Avenue, north, to the north line of Beall 3treet, thence east along sald north line of Beall Street to the erast line of 'l'hird Avemlo, thonce northerlJ~ along the sald east lin(3 of rl'llird A venue to the po in t of !Jep;lnnin,,;. I P9.rt II. BOE,::i.nnlng 8. t the poin t of :i.n tersec tion of the wes t line of 'l'h1rd t:,verme and the south line of the alley ()otween 11a:i.n and Babcocl<;: Streets, thence southerly along said west line of ThIrd Avenue to tho north line of Babcock Street, thence westerly along the said north line of Babcock 3treet to the point of intersection of sald north 11r:e of Babcock Street with the west line produced of E'ourth Avenue, thence southerly along said west lir:.e of L"ourth ',"vonue to a poirt midway between the south line of College Street and the north line of Harrison Stre8 t, thence wes terly along aline midway betv,een said College and Harrison Streets .1-0 its inter~~ect10n with the center line of E1ghtb I,venuc, thence northerly alonn' said conteI' line of Eighth Avenue to tlle nortll line of Collo~e Street, thence wESt erly alon!! said nortll line 01' College i..Jtroct to the Vlost line of EJ.e venth Avenue, thonce northerly alon~~ the west line of said ~levenn' Avenue to the S! uth line of the alley between Babcock Street and l=a,~n Street, tr:once easterly along tlle soutll line of said alley to the polnt of beginning. Part III. Bor,inning at a PO'i":t in the east line of the alley between Tracy Avenue and I Blacle: Avenue 100 feet south of tho south line of Olive Street, thence easterly along a line parallel wi th the south line of Oli ve Streot t.o the west line of Black Avenue, thence southerly alone: the west lire of B19c;( A"enue to the C1 ty L1mi ts, thence following the C1 ty Lirits westerly and southerly to a point midway between College and Harrison 3treets, thence easterly along a line midway between said ColJ.ege and Harrison Streets to the point of Intersection of s3.,:d line wi t:, the east l:ne of:' the aIle:}" between Tracy Jl.venue and Willson Avenue, thence northerly alone: the east line of said alley and otherwise to a point 150 feet west of the west line of 'rrac~ A"renue in the south line of lJica:erson Ord~nance No. 699 I I I 167 Street, thence easterly along the south line of Dicekrson Street ami its projection to the east line of the alley between Tracy Avenue and Blacl[ i:"venue, thence northerly along the east line of said alley to the point of beginnin~. Part IV. Beginning at a point in the east lino of Sixth Avonue 150 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street, thence east along a line parallel wi th Garfield Street to a point in the city li"1'1its 150 feet south of the south l:!.ne of Garfield Street, thonce southerly along the line of the city limits to Lincoln Street, thence 'westerly along north the/line of Lincoln Street to the east line of Sixth Avenue, thence northcrly along t~e east line of Sixth Avenue to the point of beginning. "c" RESIDENCE DISTRICT Tho "c" Residence District shall embrace parts clescribed as follows: l'art I. Beginn.1.nz a t the poln t of intersec t:i.on of the eas t line of Black Avenue and the south line of Lamme Street, thence easterly along the south line of Lamme 'street to the east line produced of Perkins i lace, thence ortherly along said eab t line to the south line of reach Street, thence easterly along the south line of Peach Street to a point 150 feet east of tl:e east line of ','[allace Avenue, thence southerly to a poI.nt in the south line of Lamme Stree t 150 fee t eBS t of' the eas t line ci f '~~'all Bcertvenue, thence wes ter- ly along the soutt. line of Lamme Stree to a point 56 feet west of the west line of Wallace l\.venue, thence southerly to a point :tn the north line of the alley in Blcok H, Houses I Addl tion 56 feet west of the west line of Wallace Avenue, thence westerlJT to a point 'n the east line of Blacl{ Avenue 150 feet south of the south line of Lamme Stre:;t, thence northerly along Lhe east line of Black Avenue to the point of beginnine. Part II. Beginning at a point of intersection of the eact line of Black Avenue and the south line of Olive Street, thence easterly alan=: the smlth line of Olive Street to the east line of C'hurch Avenue, thence northerly alonc; the east line of Churcu Avenue to the south line of Babcock Street, thence easterly alonr~ the south line of Babock Street to the west line of the ally between Church Avenue anot "'1allace Aver:ue, thence southerly ,slong said wes t line of saiel alley to the point of in tcrSec tion of the south line of .Koch Stree t produced wI th the wes t line of sa', d alley, thence we 13 terly alone; the south line of Ko~h Street produced to the west line of Church Avenue, thence southerly alon:: the ',vest line af Churc i.venue to the ci ty limi ts, thence westerly along the ci ty liIri ts to the oas t line of B18cl( :\ venue, produced, thence northerly along said eas t line of Black /,venue to the poInt of' beginning. liD" RESIDENCE DI3TRIC T The "D" Residence DistrIct shall embrace two parts descrL:->ed as follows: Part I. Beginning at the point in the NortL Jity Limits, said point beigg 490 feet eaS t of the eo. st line of Seventh Avenue, north, thence eas tcrly a long said North "'i ty Limi ts to the east l:i.ne of Third Avenue, thence southerly along- the east line of 'l'hird Avenue to the south line of 'ramarack Street, thence easterly along the m uth line of Tamnracl= Stree t to the ens t line 0 l' Rouse Avenuo, thence northerly along the eas t line of Rou se Avenue to the south line of Juniper Street, thence easterly nlonfj the south line of Jun- ipr~)r Street to the east line of Church i,venue, thence southorly along the east line of Church Avenue to the nort:h line of Peach StreEt, thence westerly along the north line of Feach Street to tl:e point of intersection of the west line produced of Perkins Alley, Ordinanee No. 698. 168 thence sOlltherly along sAid west lino of Ferkins Alley to the north line of Lamme Street, thence westerly alan:" the north line of Lamme Street to the east lIne of 131<1 ck ll.Venue, thence northerly along the east line of Black Avenue; to the north line of Peach Street, thence wes terly along the north line of Peach Street and the north line 01' Durs ton Road to the west line of the alley in Block 47 ImBs Addition, thence southerly along a line parallel witr.l the west line of Tracy Avenue to the point in the north line of Short Street I 164 feet west of Trac~ Avenue, thence westerly on the north line of Short Street to the west line of 'I'llird Avenue, thence sou,therly along tho wept line of Third Avenue to the north line of Beall St.reet, thence weB terly along the north linG of Beall Street to a point 490 feet east of the east line of North Seventh Avenue, thence nortberly parallel with and 490 feet east of said east line of North Seventh Avenue, to the point of beginning. Part II. Also bee;inning a t the poin t of in tel's ec tion of the Nor tll C1 t~, Limi ts wi th the West City Limits; tl1enc8 east alonc' said North City Lhlits to a point 4:.;0 feet west of the west line of North Seventh Avenue, thence southerly parallel with and 490 feet wefit of said west line of Nor th Seventh Avenue to the north line of tbe east and west alley between 1tain an0 Mendenhall Streets, thence west along the north line of saiu alley between Main and Mendenhall Streets to the ~iest City Limits, thence north along the said West City Limits to the point of beginning. DESCRIPTION O:F' BUSn;E~)S DIB TRICrr Beginning a t the point of .lntersection of the east line of Third Avenue and the south line of the first Fllley north of Mendenhall Stre$t, th3nce easterly along the soutL line of saio alley to a point 56 feet west of tho vvest linG of .,'iallace Avenre, tI.lGnce I' northerly alon~ a line parallel to an 56 feet distant from the west line of Wallace AVenuo to the south linG of Lamly,e Street, thence easterly alonf~ the south line of Lam- me Street to the Vlest line of'I','allace Avenue, thence southerly alan:! the west line of Wallace ;\.Venue to the nortil line of Babcock Street, thence wes terly along the r:orth line of' Babcock Street to the west line of Church Avenue, thence southerly along the west line of Churc AvemJc to the north line of Olive Street, thonce westerly alone; th, north line of Olive Stree t to the wes t line of Black /1.venutJ, thence sou th{rly alor,o: the wes t line of Blacx Avenue to a point leO feet soutr]'f the south line of Olive Street, thence westorly along a line parallel to and 100 feet south from the south line of Olive Street to a point l.n the east line of 'dillson Avenue, tllence northerly alone; the east line of Willson Avenue to the north line of Olive utreet, thence weB terly albng the nortL linc 0f Olive Street to the east line of ~ourtL Avenue, thence nort'crly along the east line o f Fourth Avenue to the sout.h line of Babcock Street, then~e easterly along the south line of Babcock Street to the east line of Tbird Avcnu{J, thence Lortterly along the ea,:,t line of TY:ird A~.enue to the point of beginninG' The Res:dence-3usiness District shall be composed of two parts, to be designated as Residence-Business :)i,3trict No. I anc} R',sidence-Business District No.2 and c.ies- I cribed asollows: RESIJl~;~;CE-B1TSINESS DISTRICT NO.1 3eginninz at the point of intersection of the east 11.ne of Third Aven~ 8, South, with the center line of Story's Addition, thence west alon~ sald center line of Story's Adell tion throw:(: Blocks D, '::;. F. G, and H, of said Aelcli tion to the Nes t Ci ty Limi ts, tLence north alon,,: said -iles t Ci ty Lit'i ts to the 8Y tended sou th line of the firs t alley north of Ordinance No. 699 I I I 169 ~ffain street; thence easterly alons said south line of the first alley Nort:, of MaiD Streot to the west line of the north and south alley botv,.een Ei<:hth and Ninth .4vonues, north, said line being 490 feet west of the west line of Seventh A'.'onue, north; thence north along the said west line of the alley between Eizhtt. and J'.:inth AVonlJ8s to the south line of Beall Street; thence oast along the south line of Beall street to a point 490 feet east of the east line of said Seven th Avenue, nor th, tb en c e south parallel with and 400 feet cast of said east line of Seventh .\venuc, north, to the north 11~e all'c~y Dart:") of l'londenhall Street; thence east along sald nortb line of Alley Dartt of j\Tenctenhall Streo t to tho ea s t line 0 l' Third Avenue:; thence soutL alowJ' sal"", eas t line 0 r T}1ird ,;venue to the pain t of beginn ing. RESIDENCE-BUSINESS DISTRI:::T NO. 2 Beginning at a point in the North City Limits, R~id point ~e:n~ 400 feet west of the wes t line of Seven th A venu , nortrl; thence eas t alonG said :Kortli 01 ty Lirri ts to a f-1oin t 490 feet east of tho east line of said Seventh Avenue, north; thence southerly :parallel with and 490 feet east of said cast Line of Seventh Aver.ue, nortL to tl:w soutl1 line of Beall Str.set; thence '-','est alonz saici sout~,- line of 3eall Stroot to a point 490 feet west of the west line of sal:.l Sevonth AVOr'..'10, north; thenco north parallel with ancl 490 feet west of said west line of Sev"mtL AV8nuo, north, to th() point of becinning. INDusrrRIAL DISrr'YCGT Bezinnin2' at a point in the city li!Y'its 1381 foot west of the west lin,,; of house Avenue, north; thence e~lsterly alone; tlle ci ty limits to the wesil line of House Avenue; tLcnce south-easterly along the south-westerly siQe of Front Street vacated ana nor vaca- ted, to the west'c-::rly side of :rt.cAdow Avenue; thence southerly alonE: tl-le west line of l\lcAdow Avenue to t:::lB north line of Main Street, thenco westerly alome: t'r'e north line of lvain Stroet to t})e point of intersection of said north line of :v'a,1n Stroet with the west line bf Lindley Park produced, thence southerly along said wosterly line of Lindle~ Park to the point of intersection with 1.1111 Canal, thence along the said ]\"111 C:nal to Star:! Street, thence westerly almg the north line of Story Street to tho east line of ChurcL Avenue; thence nortLcrly along the cast line of Churcl: A\'en1lf) tOth3 point of intersection of said east line of ChurcL Avenue w':th the south line of Koch Street, produ~el:l; ttlonce easterly along satd south line of Koch Street pro:luced to the point of its inter::cection with the cast l:tne of the nort:>. nnd south alley bctVl()o~ ChUI'ctl Avemlo ar.cl,'iallace Avenue, thence nortlcerly alon! the cast line of said alley La Dabcock ;Streot, t:rlence ensterly along trIO SOllth line ofSabcocl: 3treet to the east line of "i'allace Avenue, thence no:! thor-l'T alrmp; the east line ofilallace Aven'Je to the sOl1th line or Lorrme Street, thence easterly al;')1')8 the south line of Lamme Street to a point 150 feet 88.S t of the cas t lino of 'iiallace Avenue, thence nOI'tlli3rl y along a lin 0 paralle 1 to an_i If):.! foo t from the ea 8 t Iln e of' Wallil ce Avenue to tl1e north 1 ine of Peach Stree t, th ence wes terl:1 alcm,! tho north l:1n 0 of' }'eac;:j Stree t to the eaR t line of ChlJrch Avem'o, thence northorl:T al,nT the eas t lIne 0 f Church Avenue to the north line of Juniper Street, thonce wcsterl:r alan:: the nortL line of ,Tnnip er Streo t . to the eas t 1 ine of Rouse Avenue, thence nor therl y alon:3 the e as t line of Rouse Avenue to the nort>. line of BircL Street~ thence westerly alon('" the north line Ordinance No. 699 170 , f :V" !" ,. ; ,; . t t ',' ~:}~;" of Birch Stree t to the eas t line of Eon tana Avenue, U:ence northe rl y alonp: the eas t line of Montana Avenue to the north line of Oak street, thunce westerly ~ong the north line of Oal{ S tree t 1027 feo t, thence northerly to tJ:Je po::'n t 0 f beginninG' Section 2 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty days after i ts sdop tion . Passed anJ adopted at a regular meeting of the City Conm,ission held on the 7 tJ:J da;' of June, 1940. Attest: /!!.~~ ~o the ity ~om~lssion C/) /Jd-.. ( 1) A -~_ -3--', Published in Bozeman ~Qily Chronicle June 9, 1940. S ta te of )ITon tana S8 COUD ty of Sa lIB tin I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commls slon of 'rho C1 ty of Bozeman do lIe r0;by certify tha t tho foregoing Ordinance No. 699 waspublished by tl tIc and number in tho bozo~an Dgily Chron.1.cle, a newspaper of goneral clrcul'3. tiOD printed andL~ublishecl ~l.n said C'ty in the is StF:l 0 f J1.me 9 th, 1940, and thn t Que proof is on f il c; .in my office. I1~ vnrrNF;;ss '.ill~<~Rr:OF I IH~R',(JWl'O se t m:r :hand and af1':tx the S oal of my 0 ffie c t:tis 10th da:r of June, 19 4U. 4~ C k of thevorrmll, S 2 :Lon , I I I