HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 40- 698, Salary of city officers for 1940 I I I 161 ORDINANCE NO. 698 1>),0(', t a"d ('11 nelld p , 6ckect -......~.- i~ -- . !/ ............ ....-i7:II~1f t~..Z::'~ AN ORDINANClJ.: PIX1NG 'l'lTE ANNUAL SALARY OR COMPEl'JSA'lIION 01<' 'rIIE crry YANAGER, 'l'HE HEADS OP DEPARnmIJTS, AND TIIb mif'LOyg:c;S OF '1'1;:8 01 'lY cora'fIssION, PURSUANT TO T:iD PTIOVISIOES OF SECTION 5507, R.C.M. 1935. PREAr.~BLE; Whereas, '1llle Ci ty Commission 1s required by law to fix by annual or- dinance the salary or compensation of the C1 ty ~i;ana reI', the lieads of Departments, and its own employees; therefor BE IT ORJJAIFED BV THE CO}iUnSSION OP THE CITY OF BOZ],J/:AI':: S~~ction 1. (a) That the City I','lanac;er shall have and receive the surr of :;~300.00 per mon th as salar'y and compensation for services as City I;lanncer, and tlw t his said salar~r is hereb:l fixed a t said amoun t; tha t said man thly saler;,' sl1all be charc;ed to and :Jaid from the followlng funds, to-wit: :~125.00 from the General :t."und $l?ti .00 from the \'13 ter Fund This salary shall include all services as Head of the Departrnent of Service, Department of Welfare, and Department of Safety; and his bond S11811 be in the sma of 'l'wo 'Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). (b) 'rhat the police Jud[e srlA.ll have and receIve the SUr.l of ;,~67.50 per month as salary and compensation for services as I'olice JudGe, and that his sald salar'7 is hereb'r ..... ' v fixed at said amount; that said r.lonthly salary shall be cb,arged to and paid from the General Fund. The bond of the Police Judge shall be .In the sum of Two '1'housand Dollars 0$2,000.00). (c) Tha t the Heau of the Department of Law shall have and rocei ve the emn of :~142.fjO per :rr:.onth as salary and compensation for serv.:.ces as C.:.ty Attorney; that said salary is hereby fixed a t said amoun t; th[l t said mon thly salar:r shall be charced to and paid frof'. the General Fund. The bond of the Eead of the Depnrtnent of Law shall be in the sum of ~~no/lOO. (d) Tha t the Direc tor of !i'inanc e shall have und re ce i ve for all services renrlered, the sum of :il;200.00 per month, and that his said salary is hereby fixed at said amount; and. thnt saiel man thly salar7;' shall be charged to and paid from the fa llowing funds, to-l.*;;i t: ;~100 .00 from the General Fund $100.00 from the h'a tor }'und The bond of the Eead of the Department of Finance shall be :Ln the sum of 'l'wenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00). (e) '1'ha t the Clerk of the Commins ion shall receive the sUr.! of 1~50 .00 per man th as salary and compensa ti-m for services as Clerk of the Commission and th. t sald monThly salar~T shall be charged to and paid from the Genernl Pund. Section 2. 'I'he salaries and bonds as fixed b'T tLis OrcUnance shall be erfee tl ve as " of the first day of January, 1940. Sec tl rm 3. 'l'h:ts Ordinance shall be in f1J 11 forco Q::}d effec t fro:m and after thlrts' days nftcr the date of its final passaGe. Flnall:r passed b,' the Corrun:tssion of The Uit:r of Dozer.:an this 19th day of January, 1940. ~ Ac _d~ Clerk of the Commission rn yor --T lti2 \" State of Kontane ) ) ss Cmlnty of Gallatin ) I, Ra.chel Turcott, Acting Clerk of the Comnlssion of 'The City of Bozeman, do hereb:" certify the t the foregoing Ordinance No. 698, was p'_lblished by ti tIc and num- bor in the Dozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and IN WITN:~SS ',!iIIt'~mwp, I hereun to set F.,y hand and affix the seal of lY'.y office I published in said in tilO is sue of Jantlery 213 t, 1939, and tlH\t due proof is on file in my office. this 22nd day of Janunr~', 1940. h__.~1i_c:/~ -- rc t:tng Clerk of the liommi s sian I I ,