HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 40- 697, Appropriations for 1940 158?-~(ol\ ~ 0'-'\ "c.....""i ~t 0. Q~ 1 J .~v.:,_'-- ORDI""J ^ IT" T' ""TO 697 ~~rlJ.~';1- ../ ' _.1 H "d 1,. . /;..--/. ~,-<;.>,.. JUT ORDr17i\lTCE APPIWPIUA TING I\:ONIES FOR THE SUn'ORT Al;I) T.:AIKTEl;ANCI~, E'I'e., __ff" OF '1' Eli: l:llJNICIP AL GOVERNMrmT OP TIm CITY OF BOZET.:A!;, LWNTAlJA FOE THE i"ISCAL " YEAR 1940. BE IT ORDAIlJED BY 'rus CQI-.:ir:;rS3IOlT OF THE CI'fY OF Bozm,:AN: Section I. rl'hnt the certain balances, accured and unencumbered, (after the claims allowed ,January 5,1940, have been paid, and after trle interest and princIpal of bon,ls I or 'warran ts hore toforc called have been paid,) which renain, as balances, in the sev- eral funds shall be, and are, hereby appropriated for use durin,,: the current fiscal being as follows to-wit: year 1940, all as provided in Section 5006, R.C.~~. 1935. Said balances so remaining Funds Gene 1'al Fire S tr e e t Library Park Ceme tor:r Band Firemen's Helief Refunding Bond SID RevolvinG SID Fund Cene tery Perno Care r;~L. & p Vlo. tel" Airport Public Pk. Imp. Bd. Plumbing Examiner's Police Reserve Cemetery Suspense To tal Balances $ 13,625.37 10,88'7.39 17,434.53 4,609.31 6,996.04 2,35f3.28 1,262.27 335.93 1, 574 . 62 (Overdrawn) 5, 2~jl.60 6,339.17 531.42 11,422.19 5,965.39 2,694.04 3.00 935.94 __,_ 1,330.56 ~~ 93,037.17 $ 500.88 Sec tion 2. Tho. t the fo110winf'; Sllr.1S of m"in ey, inclus i ve of tl1e aforesaid balances, - ~'--~'- -..........-.._----_.~- I be, and the same arc, hereby aprropria ted for the opera tine expenses of the Municipal Government of The City of Bozenan, for the pa:nnent of its obl~t:1_ons; for transfer as shown.; for capi tal outla:n and for Investments for the fiscal :rear 1940, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inclusive, R.C.M. 1935; and in accordance with approved by the COlmnission as heroinaftor sot forth; the Annual Budc;et and HecormTlendations submi ttecl by the Ci t:'T Manager as amended and/or II I" OP1GHNl'ING EXPJ~NSES Department of Law Par Salary For Expenses Total Department of Law Department of Safety For Salaries POI' Expenses Total Department of Safety Department of Finance . For Sa1arie s For Expenses Total Department of Finance Departmen t 0 f Welfare ~or Salaries & Wages Por Expenses Total Department of Welfare Depar tmen t of Service II A" For Salaries & Wa~e3 For Expenses 'l'otal Department of Service "An TOri'A:!.J OPERATIl:G EXP:~NSE (:Sxclus ive of ii/a tel" Departmont) ~~ ',' :!~ 1,710.00 50.00 " ~? 1,'760.00 27989.80 4900.00 32, ,Sa9 . (30 5,220.00 17,91G.~2 23,13G.42 I 24,974.92 12 41G.79 __:::...1___...._,_ 3'7,391.71 8,'700.00 II ,.QJj). 00 29, 315 .O~__ ~~ 115,492.93 I I I Depart:nent of Service "B~l - Water DepartQeLt - For salaries & Warres For Expenses Total Department of Service "B" ~;j; 14, 6 GO. 00 _--..EL30C?~00 GRAND TorrAL - OPEF{ATING EXPE1\"S8S "II" DEBT SERVICE General Obligation Bonds Warrant Refunding Bonds Public Park Improvement Bonds ,I, ~? 8,800.90 4,53~~.50 s.r.D. Bonds & ~arrants Total Debt Service 59,231.60 "I I I" CAPI'l'J\.L mFl'LAY, "2T8. General Fund F'ire Fund Ceme terv Fund Llbrar-:r" Fund Band Fund Park Fund Strce t Fund Water Fund Airport P'md $ 500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 750 .00 552.51 2,000.00 10,000.00 12,500.0() ,___2t385.85 $- 37,183.36 Total II IV" IKV2STr-.mrYTS Cer;Je tar'.; Pem. Care Fund Water F'~;nd (Stores) Total ~~ 14,389.17 9,500.00 $ 23,889.17 "v" CAl'ITAL EARNll;GS Watsr Fund to General Fund Vlater Fund to Garbage Fund General Pund to Cemetery Fund Total ,~. ~~ 10,OOO.OO 8,000.00 500.00 18,500.00 "VI" TRAK SFImS (Ordinance No. 637) P.L. & F. Fund to General Fund F. L. B: P. I<\md to i-'ire Fund Total $ 6,480.00 __4, 32 O..!..,OO 10,800.00 "VII" D!l.rtAGES, :t;:L::mWli:lrCIES, :JEF'IClillTCISS, ETC. General Fund Fire Pund Cemetery lo'uncl Library Fund Park Fund Garbar:e Flmd Stree'i Fund 1;Va tor Fund Warran t }'undinp; Bond Fund Park Imp. Bond.- Fund 8.1.1). Revolvinc Pund P1umb~ng Examiner's nmd l;olicc Reserve Fund Cemeter7 SusDonse Pund , L To ta 1 ~~ 9 12 . D I 2,000.69 283.213 320.22 1,2::::7.41 7, O~)O .00 2,(171.82 5,91~:.19 633.91 24.10 364.35 33.00 1,"1'73.98 1 HZl(). 56 ;~~-5-:-3-4tr.-4o 159 (" :;p _-.l:g~-.? 0 · 0.9_ ;~ 135,452.93 72,G64.00 Section 3. rllhnt this Ordinance shall be pt:tblished as provided :In Section 5503, Political Code, H.C.l.I. 1935, and ten days after such public:Ol.tion, TIm:r be finally passed, but shall not be finally passed before the firnt Monday in Febru:T;r, (February 5th, 1'040.) Sec ti on 4. Thn t this Ordlnanc e shall be in full f'orce and ei'fec t r rom and af tor its final passage. Ordinance No. 697 160~ Finn11y passed by the Commission of The Cit~' of Bozemon at a regeJlnr session tbereof held on the 16th day of February, 1940. At'~: p/ . g ~~~ C-LC rk of the COl11J:'1ission JL_A Ma:ro r ~~-'~ '. U--- I Introduced, read for the first time, provisionally passed, date set for l.:ublic hearIng January 20, 194U, by thc Commission of ':Lho Cat:: of DozcmaD this 12th day of January 1940. PUblished as provisionally passed, in the BozemanDall:r Chronicle, on the 17th day of January, 1940. l't1.blished as finally passed .:n the Dozo"'an Dell;,;' Chronicle on the 18th day of February, ID40. Effec ti ve .January Is t, 1940. State of Nantana ss COlmtv of Gallatin .. ~) I, L. G. SJ:-1S.cloan, Clerk of the "'ornmis E: ~_on of The Ci t:' of Boz erlan do hcrcby cert::fy that the foregoins Ordinance No. 697 was published as }Jrovisionally passed ,In the Bozeman Dally Chronicle a newspaper of :jeneral circulation printed and flUb- 1ished in The Ci ty of 130zemnn on the 17th day 0 f January and Pcbruary 4th, 1940, and tha t due proof ia on file ln my office. 11'; WITr::~;SS VJ:::srmOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the se al of my nffic e I thl s 20 th dR:: of February, 1040. ~. --< .--/ ~ '--_._,-~.~"=-- the CO!1l.'Td 8 s i em Sta te of [",'On tanB ) ) S8 Covnty of Gallntin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commissicm of the Clt~ 0)' I3ozon::.an do hereb:r cer- tify tha t the forec:olng Ordinance No. 697, was published as finally passed by title and number in the Dozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circuila ti on prin ted and ?~;ublished in said Cit:,' in the issue of Pebruary 18th, 1940, and th<'Clt due proof is on file in ~y office. IN VIITI<:E~)S WH:<:nEOP I hereunto set my hand and affix the ::00.1 of my office this 20th day of Fobrunry, 1940. ~!2~ ~~ f t.-"lB COrJnis s ion I Ordinance };o. G97 ;'