HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 39- 694, Vacates portion of East Alderson Street 152 ~~.Jj, ORDINANCE NO. 6\,14 ~.. ~'V /~ <p~C~".J,"jr/AN ORDINAK CE VACATING APD DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF' EAST ALDImSON srrRE~~T J..' il (1.. / .' J/~Vhereas on the 21st day of April, 1940, o. B. VanHorn, R. H. Honne, E. J. Parkin, ," .... .....". and Leora Hapner as trustees of School District No.7, Gallatin County, State of Montano, and for and on behalf of s aid School Die tri c t, toge the r wi th Bernard Copping and Dora ~'. Chapman, actinp: for themselves, filed a petition with the City Commission asking for the vacation of tha t pro t10n of Eas t Alderson Strec t, in The C1 ty of Dozeman, Whereas pursllan t to said po ti tion notice of the f lllnE thereof was pub lished in I hereinafter described; and Bozeman Daily Chronicle at least once and a week before said petition was acted upon, as appears by tho affidavit of the p'LIblisher of said Bozeman ;)ail:- Chronicle on file w:1.th the Clerk of the City Commission and which said notice :.1oscribed the protion of said East Alderson Street asked by said petition to be vacated and givinG notice that the hoarinp: on said peti tion would be had a t the re gular mcet.~nc of the C1 t:' Conu"':dssion to be held on the 5th day of May, 1939, at 7:30 o'clock P.V., at the Cornnlssion Room in the 81 ty Hall Building of The Ci ty of Bozeman; and lNhereas at the time and place so des1bnated the CityCommiss3..on, in regular session assembled, did then and there fully consider said petition anel aftc:r StIch consideration did decide tha t such pe tl tio,' shau Id be gran ted and such de tern:i.n I'.ltion was en tered upon the r.1inute~l of said meet.:ng, and did then and there detemj_nc and decide thnt such vaca- t~on of t~Bt portion of East Alderson Street as describeel in said vetition and he~ein- after cOlJld be made without detriment to the public interest, and sale: petition bear.i..ng the si~natures of all of the ovmers of lots abutting on that portion of East Alderson I Street souCht to be vacated; 1':o'.:l Tlilllr~POR~S, in consideration of the premises, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'E;:!; CmIrfISSION OF rllL:~ Crl'Y 0:2 DO~m,:In{: Section 1 That all that portion of East Alderson Street in The City of Dozem~, ~ontana, ly- ins betweon the East line of 'Tracy Avenue and the West l~_ne of the alley runnin,r,,; betvleon Tracy Avenue and Black Avem.le, w1;1c1:1 said portion of East .'\ldorson E3treot lios between Blocks "E" and "G" of Supplementary Plan of Hoffman's Add::.tion to 'rho Cit:7 of l3ozema.n, COlmt'J. of Gal1~:;tin, State of :.:onto.nn, be and the Sf3Y':e is hereby vacated and. discontinued. Section 2. Thls ordinance shall be in full force and effec t from ~m(j [(ft"r tlirty da~'s after i tn adoption. !.dopted at a regular meetinG of' the City Corwisslon of '1'he C1t:" of Bozeman held on th.ts 22ncl day of September, 1939. A ttCfl t: ~~- l'ubllshed in Boz orl.an Dally Chronicle Septemb,;r 2'1, Faio/.k. L4--- 193D. ~~~~!l I f) ta te of T"on tana County of Gallatin ss . I, L. G. Shadoan, CIeri\: of the Commis:.~.ion of The Cit:: of Do:,;er.:an do the fo!'err,oinr; Ilrclinance No. 694 waE:: publis.hed by ti tIe &:. nUEller in the a newspaper of general circulation printed 8: published in saId City on September, 193\), and thnt c.ue proof is on file In my office. . n: WITNESS WEEHEOF I hereunto set my hand and aHlx my seal tl:l/;Y~' :' sePt: ~r-"tLecom1~s:on . hereby certify tlw. t Bozemun Daily Chronicle the 24tb do.7' of .. 193CJ