HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 39- 693, Sewer connection payment I I I 1.51 ORDINANCE NIDf,BER 693 " <\' "'" " ;p '='oj" ',,_ '-"....:7 I (~..<t'j" " -'. r;L '-(~..oq "'4/'? CV ..( I;: '., "'fV>'" "" ,'~ ", AN ORDINANCE OF THS: C IT)' OF BOZEMAN HELl\. TIHG 'TO Sm'.'ER CONNEGTIOJ\'S AND PROVIDING TEAT THE COST THEREOF' MAY BE DIVIDED IKTO NOT rro EXCEED EIGHT .f.}JNUAL P AY11Il:.~NTS WITH INTEREST ON THE DEFERHED P ATICt':N'l'S AT NOT '1'0 EXCEED SIX PERCENT PEn AlJNID,~ PAYABLE ANNUALLY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMf/':ISSION OF' TEE CITY OF' BOZEMAN: Sec tion 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 5486 R. C. lliont. 1935, as amended by Chapter 45 of the Laws of the 26th Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana, 1939, it is hereby provided that whenever any sewer connection shall be made volun tarily, or ordered to be made by the direc tor of public servic e, and the person so voluntarily making such connection or making it pursuant to such order shall within thirty days after such connec tion is completed reques t in wri tine filed with the clerl{ of' the commission that the cost thereof be divided into not more than eieht (8) equal annual pa:y<llents with interest on the deferred payments at not to exceed 67~ per annum, the director of finance shall make the appropriate entry on his books of account and said assessment shall be certified and collected as are other assessments for street improvements. Sec tlon 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all sevier connec tions made subsequent to the effective date of said Chapter 45 of the Laws of the 26th Legis- la ti ve Assembly of the Sta to of Mon tans approved Februar~r 21, 1939. Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session of said COl11I:1ission held on the 8th day of September, 1939. Z.tt st: ::i~ erk of the Commission MaYor4/~~ State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerlc of the Commission of The vi ty of Bozeman, do hereby certif:r that the foregoing Ordinance No. 693 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and ~lb1ished in said City in the is sue of September 10 th, 1939 and thn. t dlJe proof of such publica tion is on file in m"J' office. IN WITNESS WIlliREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 11th day of September, 1939. c;{r1~, C erk of the Conunission