HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 39- 691, Salaries of city officers for 1939 ORDnTANCE NO. 691 Pi'OOf neact _&~ c.'Jj,:ckeu -hd..1 c;J hu_.~~22;;~/":;/"'.' . -.....-.....~..-..._.............- :1.47 AE ORDn~A]\;CE FIXING THE AJ:mUAL SJU:,ArC'? OR cmTF;:l;Sj~~'I01'i QIi' TIm CITY lIAKAGEH, TIE'; HT~~\DS OL,l Dm"l\HT]\,~:CNTS, 1'1m l'LU1'51:HEG II!SP:SC'l'OH M:D ~:rm EMPLOYEES OF 'J'TC~; CI TY COMTHSSION, pTTHSUAr'I' 'lD '1'1:7'; lIWVL',T or.'s OT<' SECTION 5507, R. C. M. 1935. PREAIV'BL~: Whereas, the Oi ty Comm.is [) ion is required by law to fix b:r an-:1Ual 01'- I dinance the salar';r or compensation of the City T,~anaf'"eI', the lIeads of' Departments and its own e~;;ployee s; thcrefor BE IT OR.JAn::m BY THE cora'US:':;I on o:~ TIm 01'J:'"',- C'F BO/;:j:A]\: Section 1. (a) That the City IVlanac::er sI-mll }lave anc\ receive tL.e sun of ;;~;275.00 per month as salary and compensation for services as City ~anaEer, and ~~at his said salary is hereb;' fixed at said DriOl..mt; thn.t snid Y'lontbly salary sh2.11 -8e cl:,:rgecl to and pai(~. t'1'm1 the following funds, to-wit: :;'~100 .00 from UtC Gcneral Fund Ji17:) .00 fro:!1'- tho Via tor Fund " This salar7:,r srlall include all services as Head of thc Depc.rt:r,ont of Service, Depart:--:'cnt of Welfare and Depart,::ent of Safety; and his bond shall oe :LYJ. the sur} of 'rwo 'l'housand. (:\~2,OOO.O()) . (b) That the .J;-'olice <Tudze shalJ. h"ve ar,d reee.1vc tho S~.F" of ,;~60.00 per c;:onth as sa1ar-7:,T and co~.pensation for services as :r;olice .Judge, and that his [wi.d 8ala1'7:' 1s hereby fixed 8t said am01mt; tlVlt said monthlJ~ salar71 sh8.11 be charged to and paid. from tl'.e General Fund. The bond of' the Folice Jud0'e shElll be :~l'"l t:~c SUi'; of '1\-:0 Thousand I Dollars ()2,000.OO). (c) That the Head of the Deparhlent of Law s11.,-:o.ll have and rcceive the sur! of ~135.00 per month as salary and compensation for services as City Atto1'ne:; tl:1Ct t 1,'j '" _ l..lo. ....~ said salar:T is here;"):' flxecl at saId amount; thnt said, "lontlll:~ 8a1al':~ shall ';)e chnl'~~ecl t:::J and paid froY.1 the General PunG.. 1'he bond of the Eead of the De':)o~rtncn t of Law s1-.;.8.11 be in the sum of 4~no/100. (d) Tho. t the Direc tor of li'inance shall have and receive for all servIces rendored the f ;':'000 00 . t' SmI!"" o. 'iP'" . . pe r con ,n, and tl.,<.".,'t l'..L'S "a" rl s"'l"'''''''T .j", ''''0'' Y'C' ,,,,. . J.I~ ..._ L_ "-.> .L\. CJ.. t..:'...... li ...J...J..J "".... "_, Io..Jv f ize~i 2 t so-leI OJilO'.JD t; t}-lat saIcl monthly salary sl10.11 be charcod to and :pa:tcl fr:)c:~ the followin; flmds, to-v:tt: ~lOO.OO from the General ~]nd ~plOO.()O fr.:Hll the "Watcr D'1md. The bond of the .heacl of the Departrncn t of Finance shall be in the SUI". of Twen t~, rl'11-.'01;~,n.-..y;_.,d_ 011"1''' ("20 OOU 00) ~ __ _L ~ ,-j . ,..D _~, w ~:) , . -- . . (e) That the Clerl-:: of the Comlri~,s5"on shall receive the Sl..F''1 of 1;;50.00 per month as salar~r and compensation for 30rvices as Clerk of the Co:-;m:ic.::oion ar;cl t'n~.t sald monthly salary shall be charged to and paj..d from the Gene 1'0.1 Fund. I (f) That the Fllmbine; Inspector shall receIve co,'1ponsation at the rate of 75rJ per hour for t ir:le a": tual1y employed. ;.lection 2. The salaries and bonds f. , as ,lxeu. b:,T' this Or,"llnm.'lce shall be effective as of the fir~3t clay of Januar:r, 1939. Sec tlon 3. 'nlls Ordinance shall be In full :L'orce anU effc c t J. ror:l 2...."'1Q af t"c'r t>irt~T dO,;T8 D.ilt~~~ tl',~~c d~,.,.~tc of i tD flllal ~)aSsa2;e. 148 I"in'''clly passed by the Corn1"11,"slon of '1'11e Cit;: of Bozer's.n tllis 20th da:,' of January, 1939. M a :'0 r ~~- A/~__ ~~:C the Commission Stn to of t'on tQna ) ) 58 Coun t>- of Gall at in ) If L. G. ("1, ,..... u,1RCi.OQ:n , Clerk of the Com~1iss:i.on of Tho Cit"';' of BOZ8F'ClD do hereby certi f~T thnt the forec;o in{" Ordinance Yo. 691, was published by ti tle 8D d Dlun-:JOr in the Boze~;,n.n Dail-;r Chronicle a newspaper of general circlJaltion prirtcd and pub- lished in said C:lty in the is SlJe of January 22nd, 193D, and tiLt due proof is on fi le in rn~ office. IN WITFES[j VJl~"ER:W;~'I herelmto set my hand and affix tb.e seal of nl"\'" " office this 23rcl day of' JanuRr:r, 1939. ~~ C erk of the COIDnlis s ion I I ( ."