HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 39- 690, Appropriation for 1939 144 ~ ~ ,I.. ~1j; 1:!~"'~ ORDINAlrCP. 1W. 690 ..~r' <r:J.... A1\T OD,.;'\,I1\T ,~"'rc'T'j' Al TOP, ODT?I ,\ m,','T1\~(', M01\T-I",'[' '[;lC\T"' TT"" , (:'1'p.:, >i,', l?T, ,fl.]") ',.F^, Tl,,-rT',,'lIT [ 1'ii(~ ii r,'mr' ,0" Ii' ""..,,~ ~,.~ 1'1 ...\,.Ij .J-'.~"i.l,.......J "..L J.L 1. ~~ l..1...L_l'........~ ..I.',.. ..I.,~ 1.....i0 . V...\ _.,..L__~-' o-Il...,.. _ V.Jo.,I" ......." '-' _,J..l.."_"'~ 1........Jl\..I.-1.,\,o;V_L......J, "...1.1....1., ..~. ..' "'1-1'11' FTT1ITT'''I ,", A,' I' C"O'lT'i'.'PT,Ti,.j":'IITT 0::> TUTi' ("Imy 01:;1 P')'-:":-l,,-'~7,,- M(\T;T~,"~J." "l'-'Q'\' 'I'ITlI'f4'IC'i""A':' 'l"-",','R .., .J.. ...."..1 ~;_t.,..;..L...,~',,) ..r I..", _1 J ~.,.J...I_-,-.JI.,"",,-,,~ __ .......L...:...:..J...J. ..1. _ ..L.. ..,,J, 1...11_. ................,', _~_\......l,. .,....I....,~ ~ .... Iv..... "1,.....~...J _ UU .l..J _.!--1J"I.,' " ..~' 1930. BE 1'1' ORDJ.UI;-ED HY THE COl],;ISSIOF 01.,,' lI'~m CrLn(~~F DOZ'::!,I:\K: Section 1. 'l'lmt the certa'n balances, accured Dn:llJnencul~'!bored, (..,l't-,''1' t'18 ",~,I. '.., ~ 1... ru9.lynS allowed JamJar:;r 6, ID39, have been paLL, and after the interest and principal of bonds or warrants hero tofore calle c1 rUlve been }')oi._,,) which I' emam, as balance s, in the several funds shall 'be, and are, hereb-::r appropria ted for use durinc the current fiscal year 1939; all as 'c,rovided in See t:Lon i)~::UG, fl.. C .1;:. 1035. Said Balances ::;0 rer:lainlnc be: ng as follows, towit: Funds Balancer, :;;; 16,740.61 11,013.03 10,270.33 5,118.43 9,420.95 1,555.77 1,124.65 213'~45 2,16/1.04 2,829.62 220. :A 5,23U.2? 244.f>.1 81.84 6,208.52 1,342.34 32.00 :'h, --8-4-, 373 .05 - ., Genera 1 :~ire S tr e e t Li brar:;r l;arJ:..c Cemetery Band Firemen's R lief Refunding Bond Pub. Pk. I~p. Bd. S.I.D. Revolving S.l.D. Yund Cem. hn'. Care P . L. P: 1'. Water l\irport Plumbing Exa'l;in or IS Total Section 2. 1]:1hat the followinc sun's of l'coney, inclusive of the aforesaid balan.ceo, be, an:-} the saI".e are, hcreb7.' apIJropriated for the o~_erf',tille; e::;cfJen8CS of the l'.:unicipal Government of 'The C5.ty of BOZ81\1an; f or the pa 7T11 en t of its ob liS'3- tiOri2; 1'0 r transfer as shown; for Capitnl Outla-;r; and for Investents for the fiscal :;rC8l' ID39; purs1.Jant to the provisions 01' Sect.1,onn 5;:)02 to __5()6 inclu.sive, R. C. LI. 11;:i35; and. in accorc1ance with the Annual l'hld[",8t and Rccon!'~,end8.. tIon s submitted by the Oi ty 1.1ano.7ccr as amended and/or apDroved by the COl~1Cnis c :ton as llcre inaft'::r se t forth; "I" 0F:.:RA'I1IlTG E,Xri:;:n.3ES Department of Law: Por Salar:r For Expenses Total Depn.rtmen t of Law !.! (' ij";) 1,620.00 50.00 (~ ',r 1,670 .ao .-.-- Depnrtrr'ent of Safety: For Salaries Por Expenses Total Depart""cnt of Sr,.cfety 27,73D.00 f),20~).00 32,993.00 Depart....1en t of :8'inance: 1i'or Salaries For EXIlenses To tal Dep,:'..rt;~cm t of li'inRr:c0 4,9 0.00 ~?J.l_41 .34 r'v" lC"1-o4- t....,;~) , _ ,_.I . U Departmen t of VIe lfare For Salaries & Wages F'or Expens e s Total Departr1en t of "eli are 20,3U5.5G 9,2f50.64 r')(1 "-E-;-""-~"'-~ w"::", )t...JJ .;.:...;0 Dep,-~rtment of Service "A" ~;'or Salaries 0~ ~;Vaces For Expenses 'l'otal1')epnrtm of Service II All 8,200.00 --.l9_, 700 .00 18,09(5-:-00 fJl(JTAIJ Ol)_:.~~tI\.~lIITG' :2~(1):CI\J'~~Y3 (Exclusive of TIatcr Dept.) ;~l; 106,421.04 I 1 I Departrnen t of Service !tE" - Water Department ~ For Salaries & ~ages Par ~xpenses Total Dept. of Service "B" ,I.. 'Ii ,'I, IIi) 14,040.00 4,500.00 18-;54,) .00 GR1\.ND TOTAL OP:=;:RATnm EXF'mST,;s :;:; 124,961.04 "II" DEBT S!<;RVICE I General Obllpat~on Bonds Vlarran t Refunclinp: Bonds Public Par:: Im,p. '"Bonds ~.i;) {3 , 8 9 ~~.j . D 0 4,643.50 40 .!.23,j ~~7 SID Bonds & ~arrants Total ~ebt Service " ;~ 62,77:3.67 "III" C1\.PI'l'M__ 01JTI.,AY.:~'l'C. ... General Fund Fire Pund Street Pund Library Pund Park l"'...lncl Cenetery ~"und Wa tcr Fund Airpor t I<\md JL, 'W 1,500.00 2,OU'i.Oj 12,50().OO 550.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 1.5,000.00 5 51/1:.31 ~-,----_.,'-"'-- 42,064.31 To ta 1 .' ~;} "IV" nJVESTJ','F.}~'l'S COY:l. Perm. Care Pund Water Fund (Stores) Total 10,74/1.84 r~1 ....... t-..--. ,'-" ,- ~~LJY . v ~-L 1'/,744.84 "V" CAPITAL Water Fund to General Fund General Fund to Cemetcr:y Fund Total E/~mn?'GS (~ 10, OO,J . CO 50~ .00 10, 57Tj-~ OJ ", ',~ 1 "VI" TRAES:;'lmS (Ordin311ce IT:,. (,37) to General i?und ,) to Fire 1i'l1.11o. To tal (: P. l.lund E,; P. Panel 5,800.00 :::; 000.UO ,,~--,--- ;:" D, 700 . v C) L .L. 1'::: . I,. "VII" EMERG:2I~C 1 I'; 3 , D~~J."j\.C-ES, lrS~llICI31':CI~~~S, ETC. GCl1cra1 Fund I,l ir e Fun e1 Street Fund Librar:T l<'und Parl: Fund Ceme ter~" Fund VIa ter F~mcl Viarran t Refunding Bel. Pd. SID Rcvolvino; Fund Public Park Imp. Bd. Fund Flumbin~I<;xaminl:cr 's ll'und To tal 1, (,Sl~). ~-jG 2,004.21 4,lG~).21 762.38 1,93C.80 235.'77 9,082.52 1,730.08 ;3CG .08 1'7U.4'7 57 .00 'rP 22,265.08 Section 3. That this Ordinancc shall be imblished as ~rovided in Section bo03, Political Code, H.C.I;:. 19 Z,!5, anu ten cla7TS a:Ctcr sucl-:c :(~:ubli_c,:,_ti:m, r~a7" be finally passed, but 31'io.11 not be flnalJ:;-- passod be foro thc f5.rct I:onuf< in Fcbruc~l':T, (Fcbrl'ar,r G, 1939). I Sec tion 4. Th,n, t t::,is OrcL1nance shall be in full force a::-"d offoo:: t fro~} and nfter its final passaSe. Intpoduced, pead for tho f:i.rst tlr:c, pl'ovlsl',,)r:all:;- f)aosed 0:,' tLe Cm,,-'::i2::::ion of The City of' Bozeman this 13th da:;,T of January, 1939; date set for ,mblic hearing Janu2ry 27th, 1939 and February 3rd, 1939. Ordinance Eo. 690 145 14fi Finall'y Passed b;T the Commission of rrhe City of Bozeman nt a rern,llar session thereof beld on tl;e l,t11 cia:' of J:i'ebr1f'r:", 1:)39. G~ lEa "'.r cr " l'ubllshed asprovlsl:Jno.1Jy pascecl in t:,-e DOZAr12.n Dail:' Chronlcle on the 21st day of January, 1939. :'-)ubli.slled as finally passed in the BOZEll:J.aE Daily Chronicle on tlJe 12tL da:, of February, 1939. Effective January 1st, IB3G. State of J\Tontal1a ) ) ss Cou~ty of Gall~tin ) I, L. G. Shadoo.n Cleric of th,e CQ)';y:.i~Jsion of 'rhe Ci ty of BozeY:~an do hereb;:, cert' fS tha t the forerJ'oini:" Ordinance was pub1 ished at lenGth and b;: ti tle nnd number in the Bozeman bally Chronicle, a neVlsf_,a,[:er of general circulatlcm pr~_nt8d and "ublished in said Cl,t"'T 1]J the issues of January 21,1',-;259 and jYebrnary 12th, 19:39, res.c,ectively, and that dne proof' is onCllo it: 1'1,Y office. IN ViIT1':2S~J ','C-=n:':O:i' I heNnlnto set my b,~'\11d an~ a;;:.C.x the seal of rny office this lLlth do.:7 of l!'e bruar:/, 193';). Ordinance No. G90 I 1 I