HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 38- 688, Amends Section 57, Article VII of Ord. 672 I I I Rep~.1h1 b~' n, rrf:.,,,~, n," N ., tv. ~J ,.. , ' "w 0;2' / t':J - ,1~H:j~, (p~ ORDINANCE NO. 688' ,u____ 139 "". pt'tQ~;" .. '<<:S7 04- .... " II< -'7'Q~ ~ " ..... ~ \rt:.),'-q "'~,"'/"'" <t~Q '.c....-::;; ", '~ ," AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 57, ArTICLE VII, OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 672 OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZEMAN, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE HEGULATING TRAFPIC UPON THE PUBLIC s'rHEE'rs, AVE1TiES, AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, 1.1 OlFr AHA , AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 576, AND 610, OF THE CIrfy OF BOZEI.IAH, AND ALL o'r:mm ORDINAXCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLIC'I' HEHEWITH" SO AS TO MAKE MENDENHALL S'rREErr FROM SEVEN'l'H AVEi'r!.JE NORTH '1'0 BROADWAY, AND EH.OADWAY '1'0 MAIN STREET AN ARrrERIAI.J EIGHViAY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY SO TEA'll TEIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FORCE AND EFFEcrr FROM Arm A}i'TSR ITS ADoP'rION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE}.IAN: That Section 57, Article VII, of Ordinance Number 672 of 'rhe City of Bozeman, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 57 (a) The following streets are hereby declared to consti tu te arterial hirr,hways fo!' the purpose of this Ordinance: Main Street, between Buttonwood and Eighth Avenue, except at the intersection of Main Street with North Seventh Avenue. Nort:l Wallace Avenue from the north line of Mendenhall Street to the north line of Peach Street. Elghth Avenue, between Maj.n Street and Cleveland Street. Seventh Avenue North, between lllaj.n Street and Durston Road. Cleveland Street West, between Willson Avenue and Ej.ght'n Avenue. Willson Avenue ~outh, between Main Street and Cleveland Street. Mendenhall Street from Seventh Avenue North to the east line of Broadway. Broadway from the north line of Mendenhall Street to the north line of Main Street. (b) Every operator of a vehicle or other conveya~ce traveling upon any street within The City of Bozeman intersecting the above desiGnated Streets and Avenues shl111 brin~ such vehicle or conveyance to a full and complete stop at tIle place where such street meets the prolongation of the nearest property lines 0f such arterial highway?, subject however to the direction of any traffic officer or sign of any police officer. at ,such intersection; provided, thnt it shall not be necessary to stop before entering vBoradway from Main Street nor before entering Mendenhall Street from Seventh Avenue. ' (c) The operator of any vehicle who has come to a full stop as required above, upon entering any arterial highway, as well as operators of vehicles on any arterial highway, shall be subject to the usual right of way rules prescribed by law and ap- plicable to vehicles at intersections. (d) The City Mannger 1s hereby authorized and required to place and maintain, or cause to be placed and maintained. on each and every street intersecting any arterial highway designnted above, and at or near the property line of every arterial hip:hway, appropriate signs upon the street; such signs, devices or marks to be3.r the '.'lord uSTOP" and to be located in such posi ti(m and to be provided Vii t:rl letters of a size to be clearly read and leGible from a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet along the street intersecting the arterial highway. By reason of traffic condi tions on Mendenhall Street and ::',roadw8Y, recently paved, and in consequence of such pavement subJected to greatly 4ncreased and speedier traffic, it is necessary for the control of such traffic and the public sa ety that this ordinance take effect, and it shall be in full oJrce and effect, from and s.fter its adoptIon. Passed and a.dopted by the C1 ty COTI1...'1lission of The Ci ty of Bozeman, I:lontana, tl1is 16th day of December, 1938. Attest: ~1~_~_ ~(f of the Cormnlssion. ~ Q ~,- ~ -~~ Acting Mayor ~J' -- State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of 'lihe Ci t;T of Bozeman cb ereby certify tha t the foregoinc. Ordinance No. 688, was published by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circualtion nrinted and published in said City in the issue of December 18, 1938, and that due proof is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WElmEOF I HEREUNTO set my hand and affix the seal of my office t};is '7 19th day of December, 1938.