HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 38- 687, Transfer of funds from water fund to street fund 138 .~ ~~~o. . \. '0 : ~- ; " -..;tiCl O\C~1l " . , ~o c;,,;1-'A':);/ ..' ORDINANCE NO. 6817 ),";j ,d../' All EMERGENcY ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE TRAllSFER OF THE SUM )5~" OF ~?lO,OOO.OO FROM THE WATER FUND fro THE STREET FUND AND WHEREBY THE CI'fY'S ,/ SHARE OF THE COST 01" STREET IMPROVEt1ENTS IN SPECIAL IMPROVET;TENT DISTRICT NO. 315 (MENDENHALL STREET) l,~AY BE PAID FFWM rrHE STREE~[l I"UHD, PURSUANT TO THE Au'rnOHITY OF SECTION 5035 AND SUBSECTIONS (a) AND(b) OF SECTION 5038 R. C. MOWr. 1935 AND SECTION 5 OF COI'/IlHSSION RESOLUTION NO. 394 CREA~nNG SAID SPECIAL IMPROVET/lENT DIS'rRICT NO. 315. PREAMBLE WIJEHEAS, the City Corrnnission of The City of Bozeman, I-.Iontana, on the 21st day of .January, 1938, duly created Special Improvement District No. 315 of said City for the purpose of mo.ki~p; certa.i.n improvements in said District as so created; and Wr::E..T\EAS.. it is provided in Section 5 of Commission Resolution No. 394 of The Ci ty of Bozeman, creatin? said Special Improvement District No. 315 that The City of Bozeman.. as authorized by Subsections (a) and (b) of Section 5038 R. C. Mont. L:35, shall pay the cost of said improvement as to all street intersections embraced therein "out of any money in lts hands available for that purpose;" and whereas, There is not sufficient funds in the Streot Fund of tne City to defray such cost and there is a surplus in the Water Fund of the City; and WHEREAS, 1t will be for the best interests of sa:1.d Ci ty that the Ci tyl s share of such cost be pald in cash so as to save interest on the amount of such cost, and for ..... other reasons; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, upon request of the City Manager, and pursuant to the authority of Sections 5035 and 5505 R. C. Montana, 1935, BE 11' ORDAINED BY THE COl:1MISSION OF THE CI'rY OF BOzm~AN: SECTION 1. That the Dlrector of Finance be, andhe is hereby ordered and directed to transfer from the Water Fund of 'rhe City of Bozeman to the Street Fund of said City, the sum of Ten 'l.'housand Dol1q rs (;j~10, 000 .00) to make up the deficiency in said Street Fund and whereby the Cityls share of the cost of said improvements in said Special Improvement Dj.strict No. 315, as provided in Connnisslon Resolution No. 394 creating said Special Improvement District No. 315, may be paid from the Street Fund. Section 2. T>at for the reasons set out in the Preamble hereto and emergency exlsts maklng it necessary that this Ordlnar.ce be, and it 1s hereby declared to be, in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Passed and adopted t}1:ts lf3th day of November, 1938. 0r~- T:layor State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerlr. of the Commies ion of '11he City of Bozeman do hereby certify tha t the foregoinr~ Ordinance No. 687 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newflpaper of general circulation pr:tnted and nublished :in said City in the issue of November 20th, 1938. ss IN WI'rNESS WHEHEOF I hereunto set my hadd and affix t he seal of my offi ce this 21st day of November, 1933. ~, I I I