HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 38- 681, Appropriations for 1938 114 1\et'o\ j?1'OO't 'lJ.e~'lt"o. 6. C " 901' Q }j;<'1"'1;~j ..f.... L {~,~;l."""'" .-..~... ........~ -..... ORDINANCE NO. 681 AN ORDINANCE APPEOPRIATING MONIES FOR rrITE SUPPOErr AND MAIN'I'ENANCE, E'l'C., OF THE I.1UNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CI'rY OF BOZEMAN, MON'rANA FOE. r:CHE F'ISCAL YEA!'\ 1938. , ,.' BE IT OE.DAINED BY 'rHE COLIIHSSION OF 'um CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. 'l'hat the certain balances, accrued and unencumbered, (after the. claims allowed January 7, 1938, have been palc1, and after the interest and principal of bonds or warrants heretofore called have been paid,) which remain, as balances, in the several funds shall be, and are, hereby appropirated for use durj.ng the current fiscal year 1~38; all as provided in Section 5506, R.C.M. 1935. Said balances so re- maining being as follows, to~wit: FUNDS General Fire Street Library Park Ceme tery Band Firemen's E.elief Refunding Bond Pub. Pk Imp. Bond S. I. D. Revolving S . I. D . l"und Cemetery Per. Care P. L. &: P Water Airport Rec. Constr. F'und Swmf:. Pool I<'und Total $ BALANCES $ 15,193.86 9,114.13 13,534.23 4,133.74 8,588.82 1,133.14 1,008.12 177.12 1,192.92 2,377.30 750.52 18,674.62 1,976.59 58.64 3,920.16 2,319.34 3,766.84 19,139.23 107,559.32 Section 2. Irhat the followinC; sums of money, inclusive of the aforesaid balances, be, and the same are, hereby appropriated for the operating expenses of the Municipal Government of '1'he City of Bozeman; for the payment of its obligations; for transfer as shown; for capital outlay; and for investments for the fiscal year 1938; pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5502 to 5506 inclusive, R. C. M. 1935; and in accordance wi th the Annual B:l(dget and Recommendations subrni tted b'J' the Cl ty Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commission as hereinafter set forth; "I" OPEHATING EXPENSES Department of Law: F'or Salary POl" Expenses Total Departn~nt of Law ~~ 1, 500 .00 50.00 -'-"...........~---.- $ 1,550.00 Department of Safety: For Salaries For Expenses 27, 1~'i4. 60 ~90.00 32,024.60 Department of Finance: For So.laries For Expenses 4,997.50 17,190.00 22,187.50 Department of Welfare For Salaries & Wages For Expenses Total Department of' Welfare Department of Service HA" For Salaries & Wages For EXDensos Total Depl1rtment of Service "All 18,449.92 11,OG1.92 '-, 29,511.84 6,950.00 -1-~~,27f? 00 18,225.00 TOTAL EPERATING EXPENSE (EXClusive of Water Dept.) $ 103,498.94 1 I I DEpartment of Service "BII -Water Department - For Salaries & Wages For Expenses Total Department of Service "B" 13,520.00 ~50.00_ 17,870.00 $ 121,368.94 GRAND TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES I "II" DEBT SERVICE t General Obligation Bonds (Warrant Refunding Bonds Public p ark Imp. Bonds S.l.D. Bonds & Warrants Total Debt Service $ 71,073.06 8,899.90 4,498.54 57,674.62 11111" CAPITAL OUTLAY, E'l'C. General Fund $ 2,500.00 Fire Fund 1,250.00 Street Fund 10,000.00 Park Fund 3,000.00 Cemetery Fund 750.00 Wa ter Fund 10,000.00 \, Airport Fund 2,844~34 , Rec. Construction Fund 3,7(:)6.84 Swimming Pool Fund $ 19,139.23 Total 53,250.41 ltIV" INVESTMENTS Cem. Perm. Care Fund $ 18,394.59 Water Fund (Stores) 7,000.00 'l'otal 25,394.59 "V" CAPITAL EARNINGS Water Fd. To General Fund f~lO, 000.00 1 "VIII TRANSFERS (Ordinance No. 637) P.L. S: P. Fund to General Fund $ G,357.18 P.L. e'<:. P. Fund to Fire Fund 3,571.46 Total 8,928.64 "VIlli EMERGENCIES, DNJAGES, DEFICIENCIES, ETC. General Fund Fire Fund Street Fund Library Fund Park Fund Cemetery Fund Water Fund Warrant Refunding Bd. Fd. S. I. D. Revol v:i.ng Fund Total $ 1,963.16 1,356.93 2,873.15 579.31 949.18 113.14 13,590.16 1,036.38 845.52 ~~ 23,306.93 Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided in Section 5503, Political Code, R. C. M. 1935, and ten days after such publication, may be finally passed, but shall not be finally passed before the first Monday in Febrt.:tary, (February 7tjJ., 1938). Section4. rEha t this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after I its final passage. Finally passed by the Corrnnission of rl'he C1 ty of Bozeman at a rc,gular session thereof held on the 11th day of February, 1938, Attest: ~a~.fu;- ~ U ~~~~ erl, 0 e 11 s s on Crdinance No. 681 1.1.,5 --- 116 ,.', if , ~' ,> ,,; .,' ~.: , "i Introduced, read for the first time, provisionally passed, date set for Dub1ic hearing February 4th, 1938, by the CommIssion of The City of Bozeman this 14th day of Janunry, 1938. Published as provisionally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 20th day of January, 1938. Published as finally passed :l.n the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 13th day of I February, 1938. Effective January 1st, 1938. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of bo;:;eman do hereby certify that the fore going Ordinance No. 681, was plJ.blished as provisionally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a newspaper of general circu10tion printed and published :tn the C:i.t;T of Bozeman on the 20th day of January 1938. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hQnd and seal this 21st day of January, L,?38. =/~~ fuf~of the ommissiOri State of Montana ) ) ss County of GaJlatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby I certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 681 as finally passed was published by ti tle and number in the Bozeman D'1! ly Chronicle a newspaper of gneeral ,circulation printed and published in 'llhe C:L ty of Bozeman on the 13th day of February, 1938. IN WITNESS WllliREOF I hereunto set TI1Y hand and seal this 14th day of February, 1938. ~t~.-J- C erk of the Commission I Ordinance No. 681