HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 38- 680, Salaries of city officers for 1938 112 i"e# cO> i _n~ ""y,:. /~~'Fct2,,'-;/ ./ / >""1/' oj:,./' All; ORDINANCE PIXING THE ANNUAL SALAHY on COlIIPENSATIOlJ OF 'rl-lE crry MAHAGE~, .<., ;:1. j. THE HEADS OF DEP ARTMEwrs, 'rEE PLUMBING INSPECTOR AND THE EMPLOYEES OF THE ,,/ CI'rY COMMISSION, PURSUANT fro 'l'RE PHOVISIONS OF SEC'l'ION 5507, R.C.M. 1935. ORDINANCE NO. 680 PREAMBLE: iNhereas, the City Commission is required by Imv to fix by annual ordi- nance the sialnry or compensation of the City Manager, the Heads of Departments and its own employees; therefor BE IT ORDAIlmD BY 'l'HE C01\'IUISSION OF 'I'HE CI'l'Y 01" BOZEMAH: Section 1. (a) The,t the City Manager shall hn,ve and receive the sum of $250.00 per month as salary 'and compensation for services as City Manager, and that hie) said Salary is hereby fixed at s.aid amount; that said monthly 3alary shall be charged to and paid fom the following funds, to -wi t: ~$100.00 from the General Fund ~~150.00 from the Water Fund This salary shall include all services as Head of the Depnrtment of service, Department of 'Welfare and Department of Safety; and his bond shall be inthe sum of '1'wo lJ:'housand Dollars ($2,000.00). (b) 'I'hat the Police Judge shall have and receive the sum of i~60.00 per r.1ontl~ as salary and compensation for services as Police ,Judge, and th8.t his said salary is hereb71 fixed at said amount; tht?t said monthly salary shall be cllarged to and paid from the General Fund. lJ:'he bond of the Police Jud[';e 3hall be in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ( :$2, 000 .00) . (c) 'lihat the Head of the Department of Law shall have and receive the sum of $125.00 per month as salary and compensation for services as City Attorney; that his said salary is hereby fixed at said amount; that said monthly salary shall be charged to and paid from the General Fund. The bond of the Head of the Department of Law shall be in the sum of $nO/100. (d) 'l'hat the Director of l';inance shall have and receive for all services rendered, the sum of :;t200.00 per l;1onth, ana thst his said salary is hereby fixed at said araount; that said monthly salary shall be charged to and paid from the following funds, to"'wit: ~~100. 00 from the General Fund $100.00 from tb.e Water Pund. The bond of the Head of the Department of Flnance shall be in the sum of 'llwenty rrhousand Dollars ($20,000.00). (e) rrhnt the Clerk of the C01illnlssion shall receive the sum of $50.00 per m.onth as salary and compensa tlon for services as Clerk of the Commis s ion and thn.t said monthly salary shall be charged to and pai.d from the General Fund. (f) That the PlumbinG Inspector shall receive cOrrlpensation at the rate of 75rJ per hOllr for time actually employed. Section 2. The salaries and bonds as fixed by th.is Ordinance shall be effective as of the firs t day of <Tanuary, 1938. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in fullilirce and effect from and after thirty days after the date of :i.ts final passage. I I I :11.3 Finally passed by the Corrnnlssion of Tlle City of Bozeman this 14th day of January, 1938. Mayor IZ~r!~ I I State of Montana ) ) ss County of Galli,",t:Ln ) I, L. G. Shadoan, ClerIc of the Commission of 'Ehe C1 ty of Bozeman, do hereby tha t tl;e foregoinr!; ordinance vias published by tl tIe and number in the 3oze':11nn Daily ChronIcle a newspaper of General circulation printed and published in said City on the 20th day of January, 1938, and that due proof is on file in my office. I!1 WITNESS WHEREOli' I hereunto set my hand and seal this 218 t dfJ.y of January, 1933. -~A/~ Clerk of the Comm:i..sslcn