HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 37- 679, Plumbing code and regulations
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SECTION 1. That wherever in this ordinance the following terms are used they shall have
the meanings ascribed to them in this article.
A. "Code" includes "ordinance" and "ordinance" includes "code".
B. PLUMBING - Plumbing is the art of installing in buildings the pipes, fixtures,
and other apparatus for bringing in the water supply and removing liquid and water-carried
C. PLUMBING SYS'rEM -The plumbing system of a building includes the water supply
distributing pipes; the fixtures and fixture traps; the soil, waste, and vent pipes;
the house drain and house sewer; the storm-water drainage; with their devices, appurt-
enances, and connections all within or adjacent to the building.
D. WA'rEH-SEHVICE PIPE - The water-service pipe is the pipe from the water main
to the building served.
E. WATER-DISTRIBUTION PIPES - 'Ehe water-distribution pipes are those which
convey water from the service pipe to the plumbing fixtures.
F. PLlJI'/rBING FIXTUHES - Plumbing fixtures are receptacles intended to receive
and/or discharge water, liquid, or water-carried wastes into a drainage system with
which they are connected.
G. TRAP - A trap is a fitting or device so constructed as to prevent the pass-
age of air or gas through a pipe without materially affecting the flow of sewage or
waste water through it.
H. TRAP SEAL - The trap seal is the vertical distance between the crown weir
and the dip of the trap.
I. VENT PIPE - A vent pipe is any pipe provided to ventilate a house-drain-
age system andVto prevent trap siphonage and back pressure.
J. LOCAL VENTILATING PIPE - A local ventilating pipe is a pipe through which
foul air is removed from a room or fixture.
K. SOIL PIPE - A soil pipe is any pipe Wl1ich conveys the discharge of water-
closets, with or without the discharges from other fixtures, to the house drain.
L. WASTE PIPE AND SPECIAt WAS'l'E - A waste pipe is any pipe which receives
the discharge of any fixture, except water-closets and conv~ys the same to the house
drain, soil, or waste stacks, When such pipe does not connect directly with a house
drain or soil stack, it is termed a special waste.
M. MAIN - The main of any system of horizontal, vertical, or continuous
piping-is that part of such system whicll receives the wastes, vent or back vents, from
fixture outlets or traps, direct or through branch pipes.
N. BRANCH - The branch of any system of piping is that part of the system
which extends horizontally at a slight grade, with or without lateral or vertical
extensions or vertical arms, from the main to receive fixture outlets not directly
connected to the main.
o. STACK -Stack is a general term for any vertical line of soil, waste, or
vent piping.
P. HOUSE DRAIN - The house drain is that part of '~le lowest horizontal piping
of a house drainage sys tern which receives the dis charp;e from soil, vms te and other
drainage pipes inside the walls of any building and conveys the same to t he house
sewer beginning 5 feet outside of the inner \'face of the building wall.
{ Q. HOUSE SEWER - The house sewer is that nnrt of the horizontal piping of a
house drainage system extending from the house drain 5 feet outside of the inner face
of the building wall to its connection with the main sewer and/or cesspool and con-
veying the drainage of but one building site.
R. SIZE AND LENGT~ - The given caliber or size of pipe is for a nominal
internal diameter, except that other than iron pipe size, brass pipe is measured by
its outside dimeter. The developed length of a pipe is its length along the center
line of pipe and fittings.
s. DEAD END - A dead end is a branch leading from a soil, waste, vent, house
4rain, or house sewer, which is terlninated at a developed distance of 2 feet or more
by means of a cap, plug, or other fitting not used for afunltting water to the pipe.
T. - \~en, if and as necessary, and applicable, the rules prescribed in
Section 16, Revised Codes of Montana, 1935, shall be followed for the definition of
other words, phrases and expressions used in this ordinance.
SECTION 1. APPOIWIIMEWr OF BOARD - Wi thin thirty days after the passa!-~e and approval
of this ordinance, the Mayor of the City of Bozeman, with the aD~roval of the City
Commission of the City of Bozeman, shall appoint a Board of Plumbing Examiners, con-
sis ting of three members, one to be the Health Officer of the City of ;)ozeman" ODe to
be a master plumber and one to be a journeyman plumber~ The members of the examining
Board, with the exception of the Health Officer of said City, shall serve for a period
of three years from the date of their appointments; provided, hOVfever, the first
appointments shall be as follows: The ,journeyman plumber shall be appointed to serve
until January 1, 1939, and the master plumber until January 1, 1840. rrhereafter, upon
the expiration of the term of bffice of each member, except the Health Officer, or
when a vacancy occurs, the Mayor shall make a new appo~ntment for the unexpired term
or for a period of three years. 'l'he members of said Board, exceptinc; the Health Offi cer
of said City, shall be entitled to a compensation of Five Dollars per diem, each, for
eacll and every day while actually engaged in the work of the Board; the compensation,
however, to be paid from the revenues realized from license fees only and under the pro-
visions of this ordinance, and not otherwise or at all, and paid only on claim there-
fore duly verified and filed as in the case of other claims against the City.
Section 2. The Board of Plumbing ~xaminers may adopt its own rules of organization
and procedure and from time to time alter and amend the same as they see fit; provided,
that no such rule s':all conflict with the provisions of thisordinance nor of any other
ordinance of Irhe Ci ty of Bozeman rel,,,- ting to plumbing. The Board shall cause to be
kept a careful, accurate and complete record of its proceedings in a book/or books pro-
vided by The City for that purpose and which shall be the property of The City. It
shall keep an accurate account of its receipts and expenses and at least every three
months make a report to The City Commission of licenses granted and money collected and
any other pertinent information. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of its business. The Board's record must show the presence or absence
of any member at all meetings and such record shall be the basis for the allowance or
rejection of any claim for per diem or expense of members of the Board. All records of
the Board shall at all reasonable times be open for the inspection and examination of
of the Director of Public Service of fhe City of Bozeman and any person having a definite
and bona fide interest in such proceedings and whose rights may be affected thereby.
Section 3. EXAMINATIONS. Any applicant for a liyense to worIc at the business
of plumbing in The City of Bozeman shall be examined as to his qualifications by the
Board of Examiners of plumbers for The City of Bozeman. I~ shall be the duty of the
said Board to examine each applicant for a license as provided for in this ordinance,
they to determine his qualifications and fitness for carrying on the business of a
master plumber or journeyman plumber; and if the applicant successfUlly passes the exam-
ire tion as prescribed by the said board, then a license shall be issued to such appli-
cant for such license, authorizing him to engage in the business and occupation of a
master plumber or a journeyman plumber, as the case may be, wr...1.ch license, when is sued,
shall au thorize the holder thereof to carryon the busine ss of a mas ter plumber or a
journeyman plumber.
Section 4. APPLICATIONS FOR EXAMINATIONS. Any person, firm or corporation, desiring
to engage in or work in the blJ,siness of plumbing, ei ther as a master plumber or as a
journeyman plumber, in The City of Bozeman, shall apply to the secretary of said board,
of plumbing examiners in the City of Bozeman, by filing a written application with the
secretary of the Board, stating his place of residence, age, experience, and the place
wher'e he has acquired his experience, and shall at such time and place as may be desig-
nated by the said board, as here:tn provided for, be examined as to his qualifications
for said license. In the case of a firm or corporation, the examination and issuing of
a license to anyone member of tlw firm or to the manager of the corporation, shall sat-
isfy the requirements of this ordinance as to master plumbers, but not as to journeymen
plumbers; provided, however, thnt no person shall do the work of a master plumber un-
less licensed and bonded as provided for in this ordinance.
Section 5. A master plumber, whether licensed as such or not, (is one who is
thoroughly sl{illed and experienced in the laying out and installation of sanitary plumb-
ing s'Y'stems, who mainta:ins a regular, so designated, place of business) and who inde-
pendently contracts or agrees to do plumbing on pis owh account and not as an employee
or agent of another and who is directly responsible to the person, firm, corporation,
partnership or association with whom such contract or agreement is made, for the quality
Ordinance No. 679
. "Ir' '
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of the workmanship and material, or either entering into such plumbing.
BOND -Every master plumber doing plumbing work in The
City of Bozeman shall give bond to said City in the penal sum of five hundred ($500.00)
dollars, with a Surety Company as surety thereon, acceptable to and approved by the City
Commission of The City of Bozeman, conditioned to the effect that such master plumber shall
perform all work in connection with the installation, extension, additions, alteration and/
or repairs of any plumbing work done by such master plumber in a skill~ll and workmanlike
manner and in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and shall use in such work
only suitable and approved material, and shall comply with all of the provisions of this
ordinance and any other ordinance of The City of Bozeman now in effect or hereafter adopted;
and providing, further, that any person, firm, corporation or association injured or damaged
by reason of any plumbing work done, or being done, by SllCh master plumber within The CTIy
of Bozeman shall have a right of action in his or its own name upon such bond.
Any person, firm, corporation or association doing b11.siness as a master plumber as
herein defined wi thou t fir ~)t having given the bond as herein required shall be deemed guilty
of a violation of this ordinance and shall be subject to the penalties prescribed for such
Section' 7. EXAMINATION FEES - LICENSE RENEWALS - No applicant for a master plumber's
license shall be entitled to submit to the examinations prescribed by the said board of
plumbing examiners until he shall have deposited with the secretary of said board the sum
of Ten Dollars as an eX~lination fee, and no applicant for a journeyman plumber's license
shall be entitled to submit to the examination prescribed by the said board of plumbing
examiners until he shall have deposited with the secretary of said board the sum of Two
Dollars as an examination fee, such examination fee to be returned to the applicant in
ease he fails to pass the examination and i~/refused a license. Each license when issued
shall expire one year from the date of its /issuance, and shall have no 'force or effect
after tIle expiration of one year after the date of its issuance. Any license, however,
issued to a master plumber or a journeyman plumber shall be renewed annually, without
examination at any time prior to i~ expiration, by a written request for its renewal,
directed to the secretary of the said board of plumbing examiners, and the payment of the
sum of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents for a renewal of a master plumber's license and tIle
sum of O~e Dollar for a journeyman plumber's license, and any such renewal shall also be
for the period of one year.
Section 8. Apprentices. Nothing in this ordinance shall prohibit any person from work-'
ing as an apprentice in said trade of plumbing with a plumber duly licensed by said board
as herein provided for, and under such rules and re@llations as may be prescribed from
tilne to time by said board of plumbing examiners; provided, the name and residence of each
apprentice, and the names and residences of their employers, shall be duly filed with said
board, and a record in a suitable book, to be provided by said board, shall be kept by said
board, showing the names and residences of such apprentices.
Section 9. PLUTJIBING EXATHlfERS FUND. All moneys paid for license fees as provided for
in this ordinance shall be placed in the custody of the Director of Finance of The City of
Bozeman, who shall keep such sums in a distinct fund, and any money in such fund, and no
more shall be applied in defraying per diem, and expense due members of the board of exam-
'iners of plumbers in The City of Bozeman under the provisions of this ordinance, upon
Ordinance No. 679
proper claim therefore sworn to and filed as are other claims against The City.
Section 10. REVOCATION OF LICENSES. The license and permit granted as herein provided may
be/any time revoked for incompetency, dereliction of duty, violation of tllis ordinance, or
other sufficient cause, after a full and fair hearing by said board; but this provision
shall not be construed so as to deprive The City of Bozeman by its duly constituted ffilthor-
ity of the right to revoke or refuse a permit to any licensed plumber for~olation of
this ordinance or for the refusal or neglect of such licensed master or journeyrnan plumber
to make good any damase incurred by the City or any other person, firm, corporation, or
association by reason of any willful or negligent failure of such plumber to observe the
provisions of this ordinance.
Section 11. QUORUM:. A majority 0::' said board of plumbing examiners shall constitute
a quorum for the nurnose of transactinro any and all business that may come before the board.
Section 12. PLillllBERS ALREADY LICENSED. All master and ,journeymen plumbers now li-
censed shall not be required to submit to any examination whatever. Such licenses as are
now in force shall be renewed from time to time annually as hereinbefore provided.
Section 1. ADMINIS'l'RA'rIVE AlT'l'HORrrY. The Director of Public Service for the City of
Bozeman shall be the chief administrative authority in all matters affecting the inspection
of piliumbing in The City of Bozeman. The City Manager shall appoint some competent person
as plumbing inspector, who shall hold his office at the pleasure of the City Manager and
who shall receive such compensation as may be by ordinance provided. 'rhe Inspector shall
be subject to the directions and orders of the Director of Public Service in all matters
relating to the duties of the inspector.
Section 2. PERMIT REQUIRED. Before doing or having done any plumbing work in any
building in The City of Bozeman, excepting repairs (and repairs are defined to consist of
mending lealcs in drains, soil, 'waste, and vent pipes, and mending leaky faucets, valves
and water pipes and cleaning out waste pipes and/or other emergency work), and/or before
making connections with any sewer or water main, the owner or owners, or his or their
agent, shall file with the Director of Public Service an application for a permit.. fIle
application shall contair: such detailed information as the Director of Public Service may
deem necessary. When the Director of Public Service is satisfied thut the proposed work
will meet the requirements of the laws in effect and the ordinances of rI1he City of Bozeman
he shall issue a permit for the work specified in said application. It sball be unlawful
for any owner or any plumber to do, or have done, any worl: for which a per::ni t is or may
be required before such permit has been issued by the Director of Public Service. Vfuen
the worl~ is roue;hed in, and before it is covered by . mther construction, the plumber
shall report such fact as specified in Article XV of this ordinance.
Section 3. CONNECTION FROM MAIN TO CURB. The City reserves the right to make,
(doing necessary work and furnishing necessary material) all connections and all repairs
of connections from sewer or water mains to the curb; charges for such work to be paid by
the property owner or his agent and accompany the application for a permit. The Charges
for such connections shall be fixed by Resolution of the City Commission from time to
time on the basis of average cost figures. The charges for SllCh repairs shall be as
estimated by the City Engineer; provided, thst an excess of deposit required over the
Ordinance 679
actual cost of the repairs shall be refunded to the owner upon completion of the repair.
Section 4. TAPPING MAINS FORBIDDEN. That no person except he be employed by the City,
shall under any circumstances, tap any water main or mains of The City of Bozeman or in-
sert pipes therein, or without a written permit first had and obtained, lay or repair pipes
in any street, alley, avenue or public place in The City of Bozeman.
Section 5. TURNING ON WATER FORBIDDEN. No person shall turD on the water at a curb
cock except upon a written order of the Director of Public Service of The City of Bozeman
or his authorized agent. Provided, that any licensed plumber may so turn on water for the
time required to make necessary tests; upon completion of the test he shall immediately
turn off the water and leave the curb cock closed and shall make report thereof as pro-
vided in the next succeeding section (6).
Section 6. REPORTS. Within forty-ei[~t'hours after tile completion of any new or
additional installation, the plumber, or other person doing the work, shall make to the
Director of Public Service a full written report, stating;
(a) the number of additional fixtures he installed,
(b) the number of fixtures he found already installed,
(c) the ordinany and special uses for which water is to be applied
(d) the number of rooms in the building
(e) all other facts that the particular case may call for, and particularly
as to whether he left the water on or off at the curb cock.
Section 7. AL:L'ERATIONS E'l'C. IN OLD BUILDINGS. When plumbing is des ired or required
to be done in old buildings or when sanitary inspection has shown the plumbing or drainage
in any building, which 1s or may be occupied, to be in a condition which endangers health,
such plumbing or drainage shall be done, or altered, so as to comply in every respect with
the provisions of this ordinance; and such plumbing must, when fInished, be reported to
the Director of Public Service or his authorized agent for inspection and for approval.
Section B. AUTHORITY TO ENTER TO INSPECT, ETC. The Director of Public Service or
his authorized agent shall have authority at all proper and reasonable hours to enter
private premised for the purpose of inspecting plumbing and sewer and water connections,
and it shall be his duty to see that all ordinances of The City of Bozeman relating to
water and sewer connections, and the use of water, are complied with, and that all plumb-
ing and water connections within The City of Bozeman are in conformity to such ordinances.
He shall have authority after written notice of tl~ee days to the owner, agent or occupant
of any premises, specifying the ordinances violated and the particular defect or omission,
to prohibit the use of any plumbing or sewer or water connections on such premises, and
to turn off the water from such premises at the curb cock until the provisions of any
such ordinances have been complied with.
That all plumbing in The City
of Bozeman shall be done by licensed plumbers only; provided, That any owner may, in a
building owned by himself, install a plumbing system therein, which system shall, however,
be reported and be subject to inspection and approval, as Section 6 in this ordinance
provided, (Article III Section 6)
Section 10. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS. That all plumbing done in 'fhe City of
Bozeman shall meet the minimum requirements hereinafter provided and shall also meet the
inspections and tests prescribed in Article XV of this Ordinance.
Section 11. GRADES OF HORIZONTAL PIPING. All horizontal piping shall be run in
practical alignment and at a uniform grade of not less than one-ei~lth of an inch ner foot,
Ordinance No. 679
pipes. I
and shall be s11pported or anchored at intervals not to exceed 10 feet. All stacks shall
be supported at their bases, and all pipes shall be rigidly secured.
Section 12. CHANGE IN DIRECTION. All changes in direction shall be made by the ap-
propriate use of 45 degree wyes, half wyes, long sweep quarter bends, sixth, eighth, or
sixteenth bends, except that single sanitary tees may be used on vertical stacks, and
short quarter bends may be used in soil and waste lines where the change in direction
of flow is from the horizontal to the vertical. Tees and crosses may be used in vent
Section 13. PROHIBITED FITTINGS. No double hub, double T, or double sanitary T
branch shall be used on soil or waste lines. 'rhe drilling and tapping of house drains,
soil, waste, or vent pipes, and the use of saddle hubs and bands are prohibited.
Section 14. DEAD ENDS. In the installation of any drainage system dean ends shall
be avoided.
Section 15. PROTEC'l'rON OF NIA'rEHIAL. All pipes passing under or through walls shall
be protected from breal;:ap;e. All pipes passing through or under cinder concrete or other
corrosive material shall be protected against external corrosion.
Section 16. WORKNIANSHIP. Workmanship shall be of such character as fully to secure
the results sought to be obtained in all of the sections of this code.
Sec tion 17. INSTALLATION OF PLU1\lBING BY OWNER. All plumbing ins talled by the owner
shall comply with the requirements of this code and in such event the worn ~wnerlt shall'
be substituted for the word "plumber" throughout this code.
Section 1. MATERIALS, QUALI'ry OF. All materials used in any drainage or plumbing
system, or part thereof, shall be free from defects.
Section 2. Label, Cast or Stamped. Each length of pipe, fitting, trap, fixture, and
device used in a plumbing or drainage system shall be stamped or indelibly marked with
the weight or quality thereof and the maker's mark or name.
Section 3. VITRIFIED CL_AY PIPE. All vitrified clay pipe shall conform to the American
Society for Testing Materials (A.S.T.M.) "Standard Specifications for Clay Sewer Pipe"
(serial designation, C13-24).
Section 4. CAST-IRON PIPE.
(a) Quality. All cast-iron pipe and fittings shall con-
form to the A.S.T.M. "Standard Specifications for Cast-iron soil Pipe and Fittings"
(Serial designation, A74-l8). (b) Coating. All cast-iron pipe and fittings for under-
ground use shall be coated with asphaltum or coal-tar pitch.
Section 5. ','!ROUGHT-IRON PIPE.
All wroue:,ht -iron pipe shall conform to the A. S. T . IvI.
"Standard Specifications for Welded Wrought-Iron Pipe" (serial designation, A 72-27), and
shall be Galvanized.
Section 6. MILD-STEEL PIPE. All steel pine shall conform to the A.S.rr.M. UStandard
- ~
Specifications for Welded and seamless Steel Pipe" (serial designation, A.53-27), and
Shall be galvanized.
Brass and copper pipe shall conform, respectively
to the standard specifications of the A.S.T.M. for "Brass Pipe, Standars Sizes," and
for "Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes" (serial numbers B 43-24 and B 42-24, respectively).
Section 8. LEAD PIPE, DIAMETEH, WEIGH'l'S. All lead pipe shall be of best quality
of drawn pipe, of not less weight per linear foot than shown below.
Ordinance No. 679
(a) Lead soil, waste, vent, or flush pipes, including bends and traps (extra light):
Internal Diameter Weights per foot
Inches Lbs. $
1 2
l-+- 2 8
lt 3 8
(b) Lead water-supply pipe above ground (strong):
Internal diameter Weight per foot Internal diameter Weight per foot
Inches Lbs. Oz. Inches Lbs. oz.
.l. 2 1.1- 4 12
2 ~
5/8 2 8 1"2 6 -
3/4 3 -, 1 3/4 6 8
1 4 2 7
(c) Lead water-supply pipe under ground (extra stnong):
Internal diameter Weight per foot Internal diameter Weight per foot
Inches Lbs. Oz Inches Lbs. Oz
~ 2 8 1.1- 6
5/~ 3 11 7 9
3/4 3 8 1 3/4 8
1 4 12 2 9
Section 9. SHE:E;T LEAD. Sheet lead shall weigh not less than 4 pounds per square foot.
Se'ction 10. SHEET COPPER OR BRASS. Sheet copper or brass shall be not lighter than No.
,18B and S. Gauge, except that for local and interior ventilating pipe it shall be not
lighter than no. 26B and S. gauge.
Section 11. GALVANIZED SHEET IRON. Galvanized sheet iron shall be not lighter than the
following Band S. Guage:
No. 26 for 2 to 12 inch pipe
No. 24 for 13 to 20 inch pipe
No. 22 for 21 to 26 inch pipe.
Section 12. TlffiEADED FITTINGS. (a) Plain screwed fittings shall be of cast iron, mall-
eable iron, or brass of standard weight and dimension's. (B) Drainage fi ttings shall be
of cast iron, malleable iron, or brass, with smooth interior waterway, with threads
tapped out of soJ.id metal. (c) All cast-iron fittings used for water-supply distribu-
tion shall be galvanized. (d) All malleable iron fittings shall be galvanized.
Section 13. CALKING FERRULES. Brass calking ferrules shall be of the bes t 'quality red
cast brass, with weights and dimensions in accordance with the following table:
Pipe Size
Actual inside
4t ins.
475" ins.
4-2" ins.
2-?t inches
sf inches
4'4 inches
1 lb.
I lb. 12 oz.
2 lbs. 8 oz.
Section 14. SOLDERING NIPPLES AND BUSHINGS. (a) Soldering nipples shall be of brass
pipe, iron-pipe size, or of heavy, cast ,red brass not less than the following weights:
Diameters Weight Diameter Weif:,hts
Inches Ozs. Inches Lbs. Ozs.
1.1- 6 2~:J,.~ 1 6
11 2
8 3 2 0
2 14 4 3 8
(b) Soldering bushings shall be of brass pipe, iron-pipe size, or of heavy, cae$
red brass.
Section 15. FLOOR FLANGES FOR WATER-rCLOSETS. Floor flanges for water-closets shall
be not less than three-sixteenths of an inch thick, and of brass or cast iron.
Section 1. WATER AND AIR TIGHT JOINTS. All joints and connections mentioned under this
Ordinance No. 679
article shall be made permanently gas and water tight,
Section 2. VITRIFIED PIPE. All joints in vitrified clay pipes, or between vitrified
clay pipe and metals, shall be made with an approved bituminous compound either applied
or poured.
Section 3. CALKED JOINTS. All calked joints shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp,
and shall be secured only with pure lead, not less than 1 inch deep, well calked, and
no paint, varnish, or putty will be permitted until after the joint is tested.
Section 4. SCREW JOINTS. All screw joints shall be American standard screw joints, and
all burrs or cuttings shall be removed.
Section 5. CAST IRON. Cast-iron joints may be either calked or screw joints made in
the approved manner.
Section 6. WROUGHT IRON, STEEL, OR BRASS TO CAST IRON. The joint may be either screwed
or calked joints made in the approved manner.
Section ~. LEAD PIPE. Joints in lead pipe or between lead pipe and brass or copper
pipes, ferrules, soldering nipples., bushings, or traps, in all cases on the sewer side
of the trap and in concealed joints on the inlet side of the trap, shall be full-wiped
joints, with an exposed surface of the solder to each side of the joint of not less than
three-quaDters of an inch and a minimum thickness at the thickest part of the joint of
not less than three-eighths of an inch.
Section 8. LEAD TO CAST IRON, STEEL, OR WIWUGHT IRON. The joints shall be made by means
of amlking ferrule, soldering nipple, or bushing.
Section 9. SLIP JOINTS AND UUIONS. Slip joints will be permitted only in trap seals or
on the inlet side of the trap. Unions on the sewer side or the trap shall be ground
faced, and shall not be concealed or inclosed.
Section 10. ROOF JOINTS. The joint at the roof shall be made watertight by use of
copper, lead, or iron plates or flashings.
brass floor connection shall be wiped or soldered to lead pipe" an iron floor connec-
tion calked or screwed to wrought-iron pipe, and the floor connection belted to an
earthenware trap or asbestos gasket or washer shall be used to make a tight joint.
SECTION 12. PROHIBITED JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS. Any fitting or connection wl11ich has an
enlargement, chamber, or recess with a ledge shoulder or reduction of the pipe area in
the direction of the flow on the outlet or drain side of any trap is prohibited.
Section 13. EXPANSION BOLTS. Connections of wall hangers, pipe supports, or fixture
settings with the masonry, stone, or concrete backing shall be made with expansion bolts
without the use of wooden plugs.
Section 14. NEW MATERIALS. Any other material tl1an that specified in this code, which
the Director of Public Service approves as being equally efficient, may be permitted.
Section 1 I).'RAPS, KIND AND MINIMUM SIZE. Every trap shall be self-cle,aming. Traps for
bathtubs" lavatories, sinks, Ilnd other similar fixtures shall be of lead, copper, brass,
cast iron, or of malleable iron galvanized or porcelain enameled inside. Galvanized or
porcelain-enameled traps shall be extra heavy and shall have a full-bore smooth-interior
waterway, with threads tapped out of solid metal.
Ordinance No. 679
--~,~_: ~ ~ ...-
The minimum size (nominal inside diameter) of trap and waste branch for a given
fixture shall not be less than that shown in the following table:
Kind of fixture
Size (in
trap and
Size (in
trap and
Kind of Fixture
Siru{s, hotel or public
Sinks, large hotel or public
Sinks, small, pantry or bar
Sinks, dishwasher
Sinks, Slpp,with trap combined
Sinks, Slop sink, ordinartj:
Urlnals, lip
Urinals, troughs
Urlnals, pedestal
Urinals, stall
Floor drains 2 Washbasin*
Laundry trays It Water-closet
Siru{s, Kitchen residence l~ "
The present tendency is toward" an increase in the size of trap and waste
pipe for this fixture, in order to recude the time required for emptying it.
Bathtubs j:
Bath, shower,
Bath, sitz
Bath, foot
Combination fixtures
Drinking fountains
Fountain cuspidors
Section 2 TRAPS, PROHIBITED. No form of trap which depends for its seal upon the
action of movable parts or concealed interior partitions shall be used for fixtures.
Section 3 TRAPS, WHERE REQUIRED. Each fixture shall be separately trapped by a water
seal trap placed as near to the fixture as possible, except thst a set of not more than
3 laundry trays or lavatory or set of 2 laundry trays and 1 sink maybonnect with a
single trap, provided the trap is placed centrally and the branches connect into the
trap seal at an angle of not more than 60 degrees to the vertical arm. In no case shall
the waste from a bathtub or other fixture discharge into a water-closet trap. No fix-
ture sl'~all be double trapped.
Section 4. WATER SEAL. Each fixture trap shall have a water seal of not less than 2
inches and not more than 4 inches.
Section 5. TRAP CLEAN OUTS. Each trap, except those in combination with fixtures in
which the trap seal is plainly visible and accessible, shall be provided with an acces-
ible brass trap screw of ample size, protected by the water seal.
Section 6. TRAP LEVELS AND PROTECTION. All traps shall be settrue with respect to their
water seals and protected from frost and evaporation.
SEction 7. PIPE ClEAN OUTS. The bodies of clean-out ferrules shall be made of standard
pipe sizes, conform in thickness to that required for pipe and fittings of the same
metal, and extend not less than one-quarter inch above the hub. The clean-out cap or
plug shall be of heavy red brass not less than one-eighth inch thick and be provided
with raised nut or recessed socket for removal.
Section 8. PIPE CLEAN OUTS - MfERE REQUIRED. A clean out easily acceasible shall be
provided at the foot of each vertical waste or soil stack. There shall be at least two
clean outs in the house drain -- one at or near the base of the stack and the other,
Section 9. MANHOLES. All underground traps and dean outs of a building, except where
clean outs are flush with the floor, and all exterior underground traps shall be made
accessible by manholes with proper covers.
Section 10 CLEAN OUTS - EQUIVALENTS. Any floor or wall connection of fixture traps
when bolted or screwed to the floor or wall shall be regarded as a clean out.
Ordinance No. 679
Section 11. GREASE TRAPS. When a f7ease trap is installed, it shall be placed as near
as possible to the fixture from which it receives the discharge and should have twice the
capacity of the discharge.
Section 12. SAND TRAPS. Sand traps when installed shall be so designed and placed as
to be readily accessible for cleaning.
Section 13. BASm.1ENT FLOOR DRAINS. Celar or basement floor drains shall c onne c t into
a trap so constructed that it can be readily cleaned and of a size to serve efficiently
the purpose for which it is intended. The drain inlet shall be so located that it is
at all times in full view. When subject to back flow or back pressure, such drains
shall be equipped with an adequate back-water Valve.
Section 14.. BACK-WATER VALVES. Baclc-water valves shall have all bearing parts or balls
of noncorrodible metal and so constructed as to insu.re a posi ti ve mechanical seal and re-
main closed except when discharging wastes.
Section 1.. QUALI'ry OF WATER. The qual:i.ty of any private water supply shall meet accepted
standards of purity.
Section 2. DISTRIBUTION. The water supply shall be distributed through. a piping system
entirely separate from, independent of any piping system conveying another water supply.
Section 3. WATER SERVICE. The Water-service pipe of any building shall be of sufficient
size to permit a continuous ample flow of water on all floors at a given time; and shall
be laid at sufficient depth to protect them from frost; not less than (5') five feet.
No water service pipe shall be laid in a s~wer trench nor closer than (2') two feet to
a sewer pipe.
Sectlon 4. WATER SUPPLY TO FIX'I'URES.. All phmbing fixtures shall be provided wi th a
sufficient supply of water for flushing to keep them in a sanitary conditlon. Every
water-closet or pedestal urinal shall be flushed by means of an approved tame orfiush
valve of at least 4 gallons flushing capacity for water closets and at least 2 gallons
for urinals, and shall be adjusted to prevent the_waste of water. The flush pipe for
water-closet flush tallies shall be not less than It inches il"'i diameter, and the water
from flush tanks shall be used for no other purpose.
NO water-closet or urinal bowl shall be supplied directly from a water-supply system
through a f1ushometer or other valve unless such valve is set above the water-closet or
urinal in a manner such as to prevent any psssibili ty of polluting the water suppl,Y'-,
No plumbing fixture, devlce, or construction shall be installed which will provide
a cross connection between a distributing system of water for drinking and domestic
purposes and a drainage system, soil, or waste pipe so as to permit or make possible the
back flow of sewage or waste into the water-supply system.
Section 5. SIZE OF WATE R-SUPPLY PIPES. The minim~~ size of water-service pipes from
the curb to the dwelling shall be one-half inch, and to fixt~res as follows:
Sill cocks
Hot-water boilers
Laundry tra"JTs
Water-closet tanks
Section 6. WATER-SUPPLY CONTROL. A main shut-off on the water-supply line shall be
as provided by the rules of the City Water Department and rules of the Public Service
Commission of the State of Montana. Accessible shut-offs shall be provided on the main
Ordinanee No. 679
supply line just inside the foundation wall for each building, for each lawn sprinkler,
for supply to each hot water tank/ and for each water-closet.
Section 7. WATER SUPPLY PIPES AND FITTINGS-MATERIAL. All water-supply pipes for a
plumbing system shall be of lead, galvanized wrought iron or stee\brass, copper, or
cast iron, with brass, copper, or galvanized cast-iron or galvanized malleable-iron fit-
tings. No pipe or fittings that have been used for other ~lrposes shall be used for
distributing water. All pipes and fittings shall be of sufficient strength to sustain a
hydto.static pressure of 300# per square inch.
Section 8. WATER SUPPLY, PROTECTION. All concealed water pipes, storage tanks, flushing
cisterns, and all exposed pipes or tanks subject to freezing temperatures shall be effici-
ently protected against freezing.
Section 9. RELIEF VALVES. i/Jherever a checJe valve is installed on the cold-water supply
pipe between the street main and the hot-water tank thero shall be installed on the hot-water
distributing system an approved pressure and temperature relief valve.
Section. 10 PUMPS AND IITDRANTS. All pumps and hydrants shall be protected from surface
water and contamination.
Section 1. MATERIALS. All receptacles used as water-closets, urinals, or otherwise for the
disposal of human excreta, shall be ~itrified earthenware, hard nRtural stone, or cast-
iron enameled on the inside.
Section 2. HOW INSTALLED. All plumbing fixtures shall be installed free and open in a
manner to afford access for cleaning. Where practical all pipes from fixtures shall be
run to the wall, and no lead trap or pipe shall extend nearer to the floor than 12 inches
liness protected by casing.
Section 3. WATEH.-CLOSET BOWLS. Water-closet bowls and traps shall be made in one piece
and of such form as to hold sufficient quantity of water, when filled to the trap over-
flow to prevent fouling of surfaces, and shall be provided with integral flushing rims con-
structed so as to flush the entire interior of the bowl.
Section 4. FROST-PROOF CLOSETS- M{ERE PRm~ITTED. Frost-proof closets may be installed
only in compartments which have no direct connection with a building used for human
habitation or occupancy. The soll pipe between the hopper and the trap shall be 3 inches
in diameter and shall be of lead, or cast iron enameled on the inside.
Fixed wooden waSIl trays or sinks shall not be installed
in any building designed or used forhuman habitation. No new copper lined wooden bath-
tubs shall be installed, and an old fixture of this class taken out shall not be recon-
nected. Pan and valve plunger, off-set washout and other water-closets having invisible
seals or unventilated space, or walls not thoDOughly washed at each flush Shall/be used.
Long hopper closets or similar appliances shall not hereafter be installed. No dry closet
or chemical closet shall be installed in a dwelling.
Section 6. FLOOR DRAINS AND SHO\\fl!'1\ DRAINS. A floor dra:n or a shower drain shall be con-
sidered a fix~lre and provided with a strainer.
Section 7. FIXTURE STRAINERS. All fixtures other than water-closets and pedestal urinals
Ordinance No. 679
Section 8. FIXTURE OVERELOW. The overflow pipe from a fixture shall be connected on
the house or inlet side of the trap and be so arranged that it may be readily and
effectively cleaned.
Section 1. LOCATION OF FIXTURES. No trapped plumbing fixtures shall be located in
any room or apartment whic!.'l. does not contain a window placed in an external wall or
is not otherwise provided with proper ventilation.
Section 2. VEN'rILATING PIPE, HOW CONNEC'I1ED. Ventilation pipes from fixtures and--
toilet rooms shall be separate and distinct and have no connection whatever with the
other ventilating ducts or pipes in the building.
Section 1. MATERIAL. All main or branch soil, waste, and vent pipes within the build-
ing shall be of cast iron, galvanized steel or wrought iron, lead, brass, or copper,
except that no galvanized steel or wrought iron pipe shall be used for underground
solI or waste pipes.
Section 2. FIXTURE UNIT. The following table, based on the rate .01' discharge from a
lavatory as the unit, shall be employed to determine fixture e~livalents:
Uni ts
One lavatory or washbasin 1
One Id tchen sink 1-13
One bathtub 2
One laundry tray 3
One combination fixture 3
One urinal 3
One shower bath 3
One floor drain 3
One slop sink 4
One water-closet 6
One bathroom group consisting of 1 water-Closet, 1 lavatory, and-l bathtub
and overhead shower; or of 1 water-closet, 1 lavatory, andl shower compart-
ment -c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -8
One hundred and eighty square feet of roof or drained area in horizontal pro-
jection shall count as one fixture unit.
Section 3. SOIL Aim WAS'I1E STACKS. Every building in which plumbing fixtures are in-
stalled shall have a soil or waste stack, or stacks, extending full size throuffl tre
roof. Soil and waste stacks shall be as direct as pOSSible and free from sharp bends
and turns. The required size of a soil or waste stack shall be determined from the dis-
tribution and total of all fixture un1 ts connected to the stacl{ in accordance with the
following table, except tht no water-closets shall discharge into a sta.c1: less than
3 inches in diameter:
itary Tit
Ma.ximum lenght
includine; exten-
sion as vent
With all 45 degree
or"combination Y &
one-eighth Bend"
In one branch On anyone In one branch en any
Interval~ Stack Interval~ ODe stack feet
lA. 1 ..-- 1 1 l-SO...--
It 2 8 4 12 65
2 9 16 15 36 85
3 24 48 45 72 212
4 ~44 256 240 384 300
5 324 680 540 1020 390
6 672 1380 1122 2070 510
8 2088 3600 3480 5400 750
][ The term "branch interval" shall be interpreted to mean a vertical length of
stack, not less than 8 feet, wi th,in which a branch or branches are connected, and
and the total fixture units on all branches connected to a stack within any 8 foot
length shall not exceed the maximum permitted by the table in one "branch interval."
Ordinance No. 679
Section 4. SOIL & WASTE STACKS, FIXTURE CONNECTION. ALl soil and waste stacks ard
branches shall be provided with correctly faced inlets for fixture connections.
Section 5. CHANGING SOIL AND VENT PIPES. In existing buildings where the soil or waste
vent pipe is not extended undiminished throuf~ or above the roof, or where there is a
sheet-metal soil or waste vent pipe, and the fixture is chanGed in style or locatlon or
is replaced, a soil or waste vent pipe of the size and material prescribed for new work
shall be installed.
Section 6. PROHIBITED CONNECTIONS. No fixture connection shall be made to a lead bend
of a water-closet or similar fixture. No waste vent, circuit or loop vent above the
highest installed fixture 01"' the branch or main shall thereafter be used as a soil or
waste pipe.
Section 7. SOIL AND WASTE PIPE PROTECTED. No soil or waste stack shall be installed
or permitted outside a building un~ss adequate provision is made to protect it from ,frost.
Sect:i.on 8. ROOF EXTENSIONS. All roof extensions of soil and waste stacks shall be run
full size at least 1 foot above the roof, and when the roof is used for other purposes
than than weather protection such extension s11a11 not be less than 5 feet above the roof.
Section 9. TERMINALS. The roof terminal of any stade or vent, if within 12 feet of
any door, window, scuttle, or air shaft, shall extend at least 3 feet above the same.
Section 10. TERfuINALS ADJOINING HIGH BUILDINGS. No soil, waste, or vent pipe extension
of any Dew or existing building shall be run or placed on the outside of a wall, but
shall be carried up in the inside of the roof.
In the event that a new building is built higher than an existing bUildin;:;, the
owner of the new building shall not locate windows within 12 feet of any existing vent
stack on the lower buildlng unless the owner of such new building shall defray the ex-
penses or shall himself make such alteration to conform with section ~9 of this article.
It shall be the duty of the owner of the lower or existing building to make such
alteration therein upon the receipt in advance of money or securit~r therefor, sufflc:1.ent
for the purpose, from the owner of the new or higher building or to permit, at the
election of the owner of the new or 11igher building, the making of such alteration by
the owner of said new or higher building.
Section 11. TRAPS PROTECTED, VENTS. Every fixture trap shall be protected against
siphonage and back pressure, and air circulation assured by means of a soIl or waste
stack vent, a continuous waste or soil vent, or a loop or circuit vent, No cornervent
shall be installed.
Section 12. DISTANCKOl" VENT FROM TRAP SEAL. No trap shall be placedmore than 5 feet,
horizontal developed length, from its vent, The distance shall be measured along the
central line of the waste' or soil pipe from the vertical inlet of the trap to the vent
opening. The vent opening frc'm the soil or waste pipe, except for water-closets and
similar fixtures, shall not be below the dip of the trap.
Section 13. MAIN VENTS TO CONNECT AT BASE. All main vents or vent stacks shall connect
full size at their base to the main soil or waste pipe at or below the lowest fixture
branc11 and shall extend undiminished in size above the roof or shall be reconnected with
the main soil or waste vent at least 3 feet above the highest fixture branch.
Ordinance No. 679
Section 14. VENTS, REQUIRED SIZES. The required size of main vents or vent stacks
shall be determined from the size of tho soil or waste stack vented, the total number
of fixture units drained into it, and the developed length of the vent, in accordance
with the following table, interpolating when necessary between permissible lengths of
vent given in the table:
Maximum ermissible len th of vents (in feet) for soil and waste stacks
Number of iameter of vent in inches
Diameters of so:i.l or fixture
waste stack (inches) units li It 2 2i 3 4 5
1 J.._ 1 45'
~ Up to 8 35 60
2 Up to 18 30 50 90
2~~ Up to 36 25 45 75 105
3 12 34 120 180 212
3 18 18 70 180 212
3 24 12 50 130 212 e
3 36 8 35 93 212
3 48 7 32 80 212
3 72 6 25 65 212
4 24 25 110 200 300 340
4 48 16 65 115 300 340
4 96 12 45 84 300 340
4 144 9 36 72 300 340
4 192 8 30 64 282 340
No vents shall be less than 14 inches in dia-
meter. For 1~ inch wastes the vent s4al1 be of the same diameter as the waste pipe
and in no case shall a branch or main vent have a diameter less than one-half that of
the soil or waste pipe served, and in no case shall the length of a branch vent of given
diameter exceed the maximum length of a branch vent of given diameter exceed the maximum
length permitted for the main vent serving the same size soil or vent stack.
Section 16. VENT PIPE GRADES AND CONNECTIONS. All vent and branch vent pipes shall be
free from drops or sags and be so graded and connected as to drip back to the soil or
waste pipe by gravity. Where vent pipes connect to a horizontal soil or waste pipe,
the vent branch shall be taken off above the center line of the pipe, and the vent pipe
must rise vertically or at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical to a point 6 inches
above the fixture it is venting before offsetting horizontally or connecting to the
branchl main waste, or soil vent.
Section 17. CIRCUIT AND LOOP VENTS. A circuit or loop vent will be permitted as follows:
A branch soil or waste pipe to which two and not more than eight water-closets, pedestal
urinals, trap standard slop sinks, or shower stalls are connected in the series may be
vented by a circuit or loop vent, which shall be taken off in front of the last fixture
connection. ~~ere fixh~res discharge above such branch, each branch shall be provided
with a relief one-half the diameter of the soil or waste stack, taken off in front of the
first fixture connection.
Section 18. VENTS l~OT REQUIRED. No vents will be required on a down spout or ratn
leader trap, a back-water trap, a subsoil catch bastn trap, or on a cellar floor drain,
provided the cell'ar floor drain branches into the Louse drain on the sewer side at a
distance of 5 feet or more from the base of the stack.
Where bathrooms or water-closets or other fixtures are located 011 opposite sides of
a wall or partition or directly adjacent to each other within the prescribed distance,
such fixtures may have a common soil or waste pipe and common vent.
Ordinance No. 679
Section 1. INDEPENDENT SYSTEM. The drainage and plumbing system of each new building
and of new work installed in an existing building shall be separate from and independent
of that of any other building, except as provided below, and every building shall have
an independent connection with a public or private sewer when available.
Exception. Where one building stands in the rear of another building on an interior
lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through
adjoining alley, court, yard, or driveway, the house drain from the front building may
be extended to the rear building and the whole will be considered as one house drain.
Section 2. OLD HOUSE SEWERS AND DRAINS. Old house sewers and drains may be used in
connection with new buildings or new plumbing only when they are found, on examination
and test, to conform in all respects to the requirements governing new sewers or dralns,
as prescribed inthis case. If the old work is found defective, the proper administrative
authority shall notify the owner to make the necessary changes to conform witb this code.
Section 3. CONNECTIONS WITH CESPOOLS. When a sewer is not available, drain pipes from
buildings shall be connected with approved private sewage disposal works.
Section 4. EXCAVATIONS. Each system of piping shall be laid in a separate trench,
provided thnt drainage trenches may be '\benched not. l~ss than 18 inches for lighter
piping, if not in violation of any city regulation prescribed for tlleir installation.
Where a double system of drainage is installed, the sanitary and surface house sewers
or drains may be laid side by side in one trench. Tunneling for distances not greater
than 6 feet is permissible in yards, courts, or driveways of any building site. When
pipes are driven, the drive pipe shall be at least one size larger than pipe to be laid.
All excavations required to be ~de for the installation of a house-drainage sys-
tern, or any part thereof within the walls of a building, shall be open trench work.
All such trenches and tunnels shall be kept open until the piping has been inspected,
tested, and approved.
Section 5. HOUSE DRAINS UNDERGROUND. Whenever possible all house drains shall be
brought into the building below the basement or cellar floor.
Section 6. MATERIAL. (a) The house sewer beginning 5 feet outside of the inner face
of the building wall shall be of cast iron or of vitrified clay pipe; (b) the house
drain when underground shall be of lead, brass, or cast iron; (c) the house crain when
above ground shall be of cast iron, galvanized wrought iron or steel, lead, brass, or
copper approved standards. (See Article IV, Sections 46 to 53, inclusive.)
Section 7. DEPTH OF DRAINS AND SEWERS. No house sewer or underground house drain shall
be laid parallel to or within 3 feet of any bearing wall, which miCht be tr..ereby weakened.
The house sewer and drains shall be laid at sufficient depth to protect them front fros.t..
Section 8. SIZE OF DRAINS, SEVlERS, AND HORIZONTAL BRANCHES. The req,ilred size of sani-
tary house drains, sanitary house sewers, and horizontal branches shall be determined
on the basis of the total number of fixture units drained by them in accordance with the
following table:
O~dinance No. 679
Sanitary System only
Maximum Number of fixture units
Diameter of
pipe (inches)
Slope, 1/8 in.
fall to 1 foot.
slope "2" inch
fall to 1 foot.
slope, t inch
fall to 1 foot.
15 ~,
6 *
18 :A;-
8 :it
21 :It-
:it No water-closet shall discharge into a drainpipe less than 3 inches.
:It- Not more than two water-closets shall discharge into any 3-inch horizontal
branch, house driin, or house sewer.
The required sizes of storm-water house drains and house sewers and other lateral
storm drains shall be determined on the basis of the total drained area in horizontal
projection in accordance with the following table:
Storm systems only
Maximum drained roof area (square feet) :A;
Diameter of
pipe (inches)
Slope, 1/8 in.
fall to 1 foot.
slope -~ inch
fall to 1 foot.
slope, -t inch
fall to I foot.
3 865 1230 1825
4 1860 2610 4170
5 3325 4715 7465
6 5315 7515 11875
8 11115 15745 24890
10 19530 27575 43625
12 31200 44115 69720
14 42600 60000 95000
:it The calcua1tions in this table are based on a rate of rainfall of 4 inches per hr.
Section 9. HOUSE SEVffiR IN MADE GROUND. The house sewer when laid in made or filled-in
ground shall be of vitrified clay pipe, laid on bed of approved grillage or concrete,
or of cast-iron pipe, A.S.T.M. approved standards.
Section 10. DRAINAGE BELOW SE'vVER LEVEL. In all buildings in which the whole or part
of the house drainage and plumbing system thereof lies below the crown level of the
main sewer, sewage or house wastes shall be lifted by approved artificial means and dis-
charged into the house sewer.
Section 11. SUMPS AND RECEIVING TANKS. All subhouse drains shall discharge into an
air-tight sump or receiving tank so located as to receive the sevrnge by gravity, from
which sump or receiving tanl,: the sewage shall be lifted and dis charged into the house
sewer by pumps, ejectors, or any eq11ally efficient method. Such sumps shall be either
automatically discharged or be of sufficient capacity to receive the house sewage and
wastes for not less than 24 hours.
Section 12. E.TECTORS, VENTED. The soil or vent pipe leading to an ejector or other
appliance for raising sewage or other waste matter to the street sewer shall, where a
water-closet or closets are installed, be provided with a vent pipe not less than 4
inches in diameter, and vlhere fixtures other than water-closets are ins talled the
waste vent pipe shall be the same diameter as the waste pipe.
Section 13. MOTORS, COi1IPRESSOHS, ETC. All motors, air compressors, and air tanks
shall be located where they are open for inspection and repair at all times. The air
tanks shall be 80 proportioned as to be of equal cubical capacity to the ejectors con~
nected therewith in which there shall be maintalned an air pressure of not less than
Ordinance No. 679
"." \.
2 pounds for each foot of height the sewage is to be raised.
Section 14 EJECTORS FOR SUBSOIL DRAINAGE. When subsoil catch basins are installed be"
low the sewer level, automatic water ejectors provided with a ball float attached to the
main water supply shall be used. Such ejectors or any device raising subsoil water shall
discharge into a properly trapped fixture or into a storm water drain.
(See Article XI, Section 8, for chart on storm sewer systems)
Section 1. DRAINAGE OF YARDS, AREAS, ROQFS, ETC. All roof, paved areas, auto-wash racks,
yards, courts and court yards shall be drained into the storm-water sewage system. Where
there is no sewer accessible, unless otherwise directed by the City Co~~ission, such con-
nec-tions need not be trapped and shall be discharged tnto the pUblic gutter.
Section 2. SIZE OF GUTTERS AND LEADERS. No gutter or inside leader shall be of less
size than the following:
Area of roof (in square feet)
Up to 90
91 to 270
271 to 810
811 to 1800
1801 to 3GOO
3601 to 5500
5501 to 9600
Outside leaders to the frost 11ne shall be one size larger th'1,n required in the
above table.
Gutters 8 inches or over in width on new buIldings shall be hung with wrought-iron
hangers of approved type.
The above sizes of rain leaders are based on diameter of circular rain leaders, and
gutters based on semicircular sheet"metal gutters with tiLe top dimension givenand other
shapes shall have the same sectional area.
Section 3. INSIDE CONDUCTORS. When placed wi thin the walls of any buildIng or IUn in an
Inner or interior court or ventilating pipe shaft, all conductors or roof leaders s11all be
constructed of cast iron or of galvanized wrought iron or steel pipe.
Section 4. OUTSIDE CONDUCTORS. When outside conductors or dovm spouts of sheet meatl
are connected wi t'J the house drain, they shall be so connected by means of not less than
one length of cast-iron pipe extending vertically at least 1 foot above the grade line.
Along public dirveways without sidewalks they shall be placed in niches in the walls,
protected by wheel Vlards, or enter the building through the wall at a 45 degree slope
at least 121 above the grade.
Section 5. DEFECTIVE CONDUCTOR PIPES. Vfuen an existing sheet~etal conductor pipe
withIn the walls of any building becomes defective, such conductor shall be replaced by
one which conforms to this code.
Section 6.VEHT CONNECTIONS WITH CONDUCTORS PROHIBITED. Conductor pipes shall not be used
as soil, waste or vent pipes, nor shall any soil, waste, or vent pipes be used as conductors.
Section 7. OVERFLOWS. Overflow pipes from cisterns, supply tar1:;,:;, expansion tanks, and
frip pans shall connect only indriectly with any house sewer, house drain, soil, waste
or vent pipe.
drains are placed under the cellar floor or used to encircle the outer walls of a building,
Ordinance No. 679
the same shall be made of open-jointed drain tile or earthenware pipe, not less than 4
inches in diameter, and shall be properly trapped and protected against back pressure by
an automatic back-pressure valve accessibly located before entering the house sewer or
drain. They may discharge through a cellar drai".,
Section 9. SUBSOIL DRAINS BELOW SEVillR LEVEL. Subsoil drains below the main sewer level
shall dischargo into a sump or receiving tank, the contents of which shall be automatical-
Iy lifted and discharged into the drainage system above the cellar throu[~ some properly
trapped fixture or drain.
Section 1 FIXTURES PERMITTED TO CONNECT. No waste pipe from a refrigerator or ice box
floor. drain or from water cooled mechanical or gas refrigeration platn or any other re-
ceptacle where food is stored shall connect direcly with any house drain, soil, or waste
pipe. Such vTaste pipes shall in all cases empty into an open sin],: that is properly sup-
plied with water, connected, trapped, and vented, the same as other fixtures, or they
may discharge into a down spout or rain leader trap located inside the building or into
a cellar floor drain, but their ends wust be left open. Such waste connections shall
not be located in inaccessible or unventilated cellars.
Section 2. REFRIGERATOR WASTES. Refrigerator-waste pipes shall be not less than It
inches for 1 opening, l~ inches for 3 openings, and for 4 to 12 openings must be not
less than 2 inches, and shall have at each opening a trap, and clean-out at angles, so
arranged as proper~y to flush and clean pipe. Such waste pipes shall be continued not
less than full size through the roof, except where such fixtures are located in the
basement or first floor.
Section 3. OVERFLOW PIPES AND MOTOR EXHAUSTS. Pipes from a water-supply tank or ex-
haust from a water lift shall not be directly connected with any house drain, soil,
or waste pipe. Such pipe shull discharge upon the roof or be trapped into an open fix-
ture or discharge as for refrigerator wastes.
Section 4. TRAPS, WASH RACKS. All garages having a wash rack on which automobiles or
other vehicles are wasl1ed, shall be provided with a sand trap, the diameter of which
shall not be less than twenty-four inches, the depth not less than t~ty-six inches.
Wash racks may be connected with the storm sewer system but not with the sanitary sewer
Section 1. DEFECTIVE FIXTURES. All installed fixtures found defective or in un unsan-
itary condition shall be repaired, renovated, replaced, or removed within 30 days upon
written notice from the Plumbing Inspector.
Section 2. TEMPORARY TOILET FACILITIES. Suitable toilet facilities shall be provided
for the use of worlnnun during the cons truction of any building. 'l'hese toilet facilities
shall be maintalned in a sanitary condition.
Section 1. INSPECTIONS. All piping, traps, and fixtures of a plumbing system shall
be inspected by the Plumbing Inspector to insure compliance with all the requirements
of this code and the installation and construction of the system in accordance with the
approved plans and permits.
Ordinance No. 679
Section 2. NOTIFICATION - FEES. Va) At the time the permit is taken out a written waiver
by the owner of notice of test or of inspection may be filed with the plumbing inspector.
(b) It shall be the duty of the plumber to give the owner or his authorized agent
notice of not less than eight working hours before the time set for such inspection or
test (unless such notice has been waived by the owner or his authorized agent as above
provided) 'and of the hour set for such inspect:'Lon or test. lI'he burden of proving such
notice shall, when in dispute, be upon the plumber.
(c) It shall be the duty of the plumber to satisfy himself that the worl'.: will
stand the test or inspection prescribed before.giving such notice and/it fails to stand
such inspection or test and another inspection or test shall be necessary, he shall give
like notice thereof and any expense of such additional inspection or test shall be paid
b;\.' the plumber.
(d) If the PlUmbing Inspector fails to appear within 24 hours of the time set for
each inspection or test, the inspection or test shall be deemed to have been made, and
the plumber required to file an affidavit with the Plumbing Inspector that the work was
installed in accordance with this code, the approved plans and permit, and that it was
free from defects and t hat the required tests had been made and the system found free
from leaks; also whether the owner or his authorized agent was present when such inspec-
tion or test was made, or was duly notified.
(e) At the time the permit is taken out a written waiver of notification by the owner
may be filed with the Plumbing Inspector.
(f) Before the plumbing inspector shall issue a certificate of inspection or
approval, there shall be paid to him the following fees; which shall be in full for said
inspection, except as otherwise provided herein:
For each plumbing fixture
for sewer line from building to alley
The following shall be construed to be a separate fixture under this section; each
drinking fountain, bath tub, water closet, sink, laundry tub, urinal, lavatory, bar
fixture, soda fountain or floor drain; provided that a min::'mum of two dollars and
fifty cents ($2.50) shall be charged where the fixtures do not amount to three (3) or
over. In addition to the above named fees, the plumbing spector shall receive for each
extra trip caused by fffillty work, or the work not being ready for inspection, the amount
of the above named fees.
In remodeling or alteration work already connected with the sewer, the added work
or changed fixture shall be inspected and the above fees paid.
Section 3. METHODS OF TESTING. (a) Water Tests. The water test may be applied to the
dralnage system in its entirety or in sections. If applied to the entire system, all
openings in the piping shall be tightly closed, except the highest opening above the
roof and the system filled with water to the point of overflow above the roof.
If the system is tested in sections, each opening shall be tightly plugged, except
the highest open:l.ng of the section under the test, and each section shall be filled with
water; but no section shall be tested with less than a l~-foot head of water or a 5-
pound pressure of air. In testing successive sections at least the upper 10 feet of the
next preceeding section shall be retested, so that no joint or pipe in the building shall
Ordinance No. 679
have been submitted to a test of less than a Ie-foot head of water or a 5-pound pressure
of air.
Under any test the water or air pressure shall remain constant for not less than
15 minutes without any further addition of water or air.
(b) Air Test. The air test shall be made by attaching the air compressor or test
apparatus to any s11itable opening and closing all other inlets and outlets to the system,
then forcing air into the system until there is a uniform pressure sufficient to balance
a column of mercury 10 inches in heie~t or 5 pounds per square inch on the entire system.
This pressure shall be maintained for 15 minutes.
Section 4. ORDER OF TESTS. The tests may be made separately, as follows:
(a) The house sewer and all its branches from the property line to the house drain.
(b) The house drain and yard drains, including all piping to the height of 10 feet
above the hif)1est point on the house drain, except the exposed connection to fixtures.
(c) The soil, waste, vent, inside conduc:,l~or, and drainage pipes which would be
covered up before the building is inclosed or ready for completion. The tests required
for (b) and (c) may be combined.
(d) After the above test has been made and proved acceptable the Plumbing Inspec-
tor shall issue a written approval.
Section 5. MATERIAL AND LABOR FOR TESTS. The equipment, material, power and labor
necessary for the inspection and test shall be furnished by the plumber.
section 6. COVERING OF WORK. No dra:i.nage or plumbing system or part thereof shall be
covered until it has been inspected, tested, and approved as herein prescribed.
Section 7. UNCOVERING OF WORK. If any house drainage or plumbing system or part
thereof is covered before being regularly inspected, tested and approved, as herein
prescribed, it shall be uncovered upon the direction of the Plumbing Inspector.
Section 8. DEFECTIVE WORK. If inspection or test shows defect~ such defective work or
material shall be replaced within three days and inspection and test repeated.
Section 9. HOUSE DRAIN TESTS. The house drain shall be tested with water or air. The
water test shall have not less than a lO-foot head of water and the air test not less
than a 5-pound pressure. All alterations, repairs, or extensions, which shall include
more than 10 feet, shall be inspected and tested.
Section 10. STABLE AND STABLE-YARD DRAIN TEST. tf a stable or any part of a stable be
used for human habitation, the same inspections and tests of plumbing and drainage sys-
tems thereof shall be made as in the case of any ordinary dwelling. Otherwise, all stable
and stable-yard drains shall be inspected, but need not be tested.
Section 11. GARAGE AND DRAINAGE SYS'fEJ\1. For a garage or any part of' a garage the same
tests and inspectlonof the plumb:'Lng and drainage system thereof shall be made as in the
case of an ordinary,dwelling.
Section 12. TEST OF WATER-DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Upon the completion of the entire water-
distribution system it shall be tested and provedtight under a water pressure not less
than the maximum working pressure under wIdch it is to be used.
Section 13. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. Upon the satisfactory completion and final test
of the plumbing system a certificate of approval shall be issued b7 the Plumbing Inspec.
tor to the plumber to be delivered to the owner.
Ordinance No. 679
Section 14. AIR TEST OF DEFECTIVE PLUl~BING. The air test sIlall be used in testing the
sani tary condi tion of the drainage or plumbing system of all buildings where there is
reason t 0 believe that it has become defective. In buildings condenmed by the Health
Officer because of unsanitary conditions of the plumbing system the alteration in such
system shall not be considered as repairs, but as new plumbing.
Section 15. INSPEC'rIONS AND TESTS NOT REQUIRED. No tests or inspectlons shall be required
where a plumbing system or part thereof is set up for exhibition purposes and is not used
for toilet purposes and not directly connected to a sewerage system; nor after tb,e reapir-
ing or replacing of an old fixture, faucet, or valve by a ney. one (to be used for the same
purpose); nor after forcing out stoppages and repairing leaks.
Section 1. PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE ON ARREST. That for any violation of any of the pro"
visions or requirements of this Drdinance the person, or persons so offendin8 shall be
fined in any sum not exceeding Three Hundred DOllars, or may be imprisoned in the City or
County Jail for a period not to exceed ninety days or may be punished by both such fine
and imprisonment.
Section 1. That Section Three of Ordinance No. 459, Ordinance No. 562 and all other
ordlnances and parts of ordinances of The Ci ty of Bozeman ire conflic t wi th, or incon-
sistent with, the provisons of this ordinance are hereby r~pealed, but nothing herein
shall be construed to alter, modify, amend or repeal Ordinance No. 518 of The city of
Bozeman relating to reports of plumbers, but the provisions of this ordinance insofar
as they relate to reports of plumbers shall be considered as supplementary to and cumu-
lative as to said Ordinance No. 518.
Section 1. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after thirty days after its final passaee.
Finally passed by the Commission of The City of Bozeman this 17th day of December,
1937. --
Attest: ,/ a
, e~~ t~
Ma y ~"" , .
Intorduced, read for the first time, and provisionally passed by the Commission of
The City of Bozeman, this lOth day of December, 1937 final passage fixed for a meeting of
the Commi.ssion December 17th, 1937.
Published in the Bozeman Daily Chro~le December 21st, 1937. Effective 1/16/38.
State of Montana )
County of Gallatin)
I, L. G. Shadoan, ClerIc of the Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman, do hereby that
the foregoing Ordinance was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle
11 newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City, o~ the 21st day
of December, 1937 and that due proof was made and filed in my office.
Dated this 22nd day of December, 1937.
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e'rk~ of the Commission
Ordinance No. 679