HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 37- 677, Gas fitting code I 1 ......v''''''' I 85 ORDINANCE NO. 677A AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER FROM THE WATER FUND TO THE FIRE FUND OF THE SUM OF 'l'HREE THOUSAND DOLLARS '1'0 MEE~ A DEFICIENCY IN THE FIRE ~JND UNDER THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION THEREFOR CAUSED BY THE ENACrrMENT OF CHAPTER 200, LAWS OF 'rrm 25th LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 01" 'l'HE STATE OF MONTANA, APPROVED MARCH 18, 1937, RELATING '1'0 'l'HE NUMBER AND WAGES OF FIREMEN IN CI'l'IES OF Il'HE SECOND CLASS. ['reo! fv-.ad J' d Cheukecl :l J <0' ._..... __" '..I:f.j_;~:~'/. ;'-I.Lcc- .......- -~~.....~~'~- - PREAMBLE. WHEREAS, the budget ordinance of The City of Bozeman for its fiscal year of 1937 was passed and adopted on the 12th day of February, 1937, and thereln was made provision for the support and maintenance of the fire department of 'rhe City of Bozeman as it then existed for the fiscal year of 1937; and WHEREAS, thereafter and on the 18th day of March, 1937, the Twenty-fifth Le[,islative Assenfuly of the State of Montana enacted Chapter 200 of the acts of said legislative assembly whereby cities of the second class in the State of Montana are required to rnake an eight hour day for firemen and pay a wage of not less than one hundred and forty dollars ($140.00) per month, which Act of the le[,islative assembly, approved March 18, 1937, is hereby referred to for further particulars, and WBEREAS, by reason of said Act of the legislative assembly The City of Bozeman, a c'i ty of the second class, was required to increase the number of its employed firemenand thereby incurred an additional expense not contemplated nor necessary when the budget ordinance for the fiscal year of 1937 was adopted; and WHEREAS, the appropriation under said budget ordinance for the fire fund for the fiscal year of 1937 is now insufficient, by reason of the Act of the legislature afore- said, to meet the expenses of said fire department for wages and salaries for the re~ mainder of the fiscal year 1937; and WHEREAS, there is a surplus in the water fund of said city not required for any other purpose; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF TIm CITY OF BOZEl,lAN: Section 1 That the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby, ordered to transfer from the Water Fund of The City of Bozeman to the Fire Fund of said city the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) to meet the increased and unforseen requirements for wages and salaries of the fire department of The City of Bozeman for thefiscal year of 1937. Section 2- That by reason of the facts set forth in the preamble to this ordinance an emergency exists making it necessary that this ordinance be, and it is hereby declared to be, in full force and affect from and after its adoption. Passed and adopted this 5th day of November, 1937. A ttes t: ~ ?~ t.-,.'~~~~ lerl: of the Corrrrnission Ma~ff~ State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. ShA.doan, Clerk of the Commiss'lcn, of 'rhe City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was published by title and number In the Bozeman Daily Chron- icle on the day of November 7th, 1937, and that due proof of publication is on file in my office. ~/ jJC~ , Dated this 8th day of November, 1937. ~~~ lerk of the Commission ss 86 ~ ,4~~ ?/ ORDINANCE NO. 678A ~~~~'~~./""'.~.,./ AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, EXTEN- ",/ SION OF GAS EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES FOR THE CONVEYANCE AND USE OF GAS, ..../ NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED, FOR HEATING, LIGHTING, AND ANY DOMESTIC, BUS" ,/ INESS OR INDUSTRIAL USE IN THE CIrrry OF BOZEMAN, REGULA'I'ING THE INSTAL" LATION AND USE OF SUCH EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES IN THE INTEREST OF P1JBLIC SAFETY, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 611 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF TIill CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1 Application of Regulations The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all installations of gas appli- ances and to the extensions, additions, alterations, or repairs of gas piping from the meter of the gas utility to all appliances in the consumers building, and in and about all buildings where natural or manufactured gas is used in The City of Bozeman. Section 2 Responsibaity for enforcement It shall be the duty of Director of Public Service and of the Plumblng Inspector, subject to the orders and directions of the Director of Public Service, to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and they or either of them shall have the right ~t all reasonable times to enter any and all buildings and any and all nremises which contain gas pipinp' or gas appliances using natural or manufactl:l.red gas for t he purpose of in- specting the same. Section 3 Bond Required of Gas Fitter Any individual, firm, corporation, or association engaged in the work of a gas fitter, or in the business of instaLLing or repairing gas piping, gas fixtures, or gas appliances shall file and keep on file in full force and effect, at all times, in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission of The City of Bozeman, Montana, a surety bond, executed by a surety company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Montana, and running to The City of Bozeman in the State of Montana, and acceptable to and approved by the City Commis sion of The City of Bozeman, I'ilontana, in the sum of Two r:Ilhousand Dollars ($2,000.00), conditioned to the effect that such person shall per" form all work in connection with the installation, extension, addItions, altera.tions and repairs of gas piping, gas fixtures and gas appliances done by him in a skillful and workmanlike manner and shall aDply only suitable a.nd proper material and shall comply with all the provisions of the ordinances of The City of Bozeman, Montana, now or hereafter effective relative to gas piping, gas fixtures and gas appliances; provi" ded, that any person, firm, corporation or association injured or damaged in person or property by reason o:V any willfl11 or negligent act or omission of the pr:tncipal under such bond irwork done or being done in installing or repairing gas piping, gas fixtures or gas appliances in The City of Bozeman, shall have a right of action on such bond in his, hers, or its own name, and such bond shall so provi~e. Section 4 Responsibili ty for 'I'urning lIGas Onn It shall be unlawful for any person except an agent of the gas utility to turn "gas on" in any premises or building or structure, within the City og, Bozeman, Montana, either at the time of installation of a meter or after gas has been "turned off" at any other time~ Provided, however, that the utility shall upon demand of the Director I 1 I I I I 87 of Public Service or the Plumbing Imspector turn gas on at any time for the purpose of inspection and test. Section 5 Duties of Plumbing Inspector Every person, firm, corporation or association before installing any gas appliance or extending or altering any system of piping for the conveyance or use of illumination or fuel gas from the meter of the gas utility to the consumer's appliance shall make application at the office of the Director of Public Service for a permit for that pur- pose, and shall furnish said Director a written statement in relation to such work upon a blank form furnished by said Director for that purpose, together with full plans and specifications of the same when required for the inspection by said Director, after which, if it shall appear to said Director that the laws and ordinances are, and are contemplated to be complied with, he shall grant such permit. It shall be unlawful for the gas utility or any employee or agent thereof, or any other person, to turn "gas on" for use in any new system or any extension of an old systenl of gas piping until the Plumbing Inspector of The City of Bozeman, has inspected the gas piping and gas installation to insure the rightness of the system, tl1e proper and safe installation of piping and appliances and the llse of safe materials, appli- ances and apparatus or has caused such inspection to be made by a qualified inspector and has approved such installation, and the Plumbing Inspector shall so certify on the back of the copy of the permit on file in his office. Whenever such inspection shall reveal a condition unsafe to life or property, the Plumbing Inspector shall notify the consumer of what is necessary to correct the unsafe condition and shall not permit gas to be tl1rned on, until all such conditions have been corrected, remedied and made safe. The Plumbing Inspector may make subse- quent inspections and tests of gas piping, gas installations and gas appliances when he/believes, or has reason to believe, that any appliance or piping is in an unsafe condition to life or property, and the Plumbing Inspector shall order the gas utility to discontinue the supply of any consumer when any such condition is found and until the same is remedied, Section 6 Gas Piping and Appliances (1) Gas piping for lighting or fuel purposes and all gas consuming appliances shall be installed to conform with general accepted good practice. The "Requirements For House Piping and Appliance Installation" as adopted and amended from time to time by The American Gas Association, while not exclusive, shall be deemed to be generally accepted good practice. (2) It shall be unlawful to use any gas pipe or gas appliance or gas installation until the same has been inspected by the Plumbing Inspector as provided inthis chapter. (3) It shall be llnlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use or permit the use of a new system or any extension of an old system of gas piping in any building or strr.cture before the same has been inspected by the Plumbing Inspector or by his duly authorized agent as hereinbefore provided. (4) Rubber hose connections or fittings arranged for rubber hose connections for gas heaters or similar appliances shall hot be used. ordinance No. 678A 88 (5) The use of gas in ranges, heaters, or water heaters, wi~~out proper flue connections is prohibited. (6) Piping shall be of a size and so installed as to provide a supply of gas sufficient to meet the maxinmm demand without undue loss of pressure between the meter and the appliance or appliances. (7) Piping shall be .tested for tightness by means of "Meter Turn-on Testlf, or "Air Pressure Test", as follows: {a) i:1eter Turn""on Test. All gas outlets shall be closed and the meter shall be turned on and the hand on the test dial carefully watched to ascertain that no gas is passing t1:1.rough -the meter. 'l'his test shall be applied for a reasonable length of time, but in no case for less than fifteen minutes. (b) Air Pressure 'rest. The air pressure test shall be made by the appli- cation of an air pressure of" two pounds per square inch above the atmospheric pressure for a period of not less than tenminutes. In case of qoncealed piping, the air pressure test must be used. (8) Standard full weight wr01..1ght--iron or steel pipe free from defects shall be 11sed in conveying gas to and inside of bldldings. Approved non'ferrous materials may be used for making service connections to buildings. Approved seamless, well annealed copper, brass or other approved non-ferrous tubing with approved fittings may be used for permanent connections of stationary appliances. All fiti1ngs for wrought-iron or I steel pipe (except step cocks or valves) shall be of best quality malleable iron. Threads shall be in accordance with the American Pipe Thread Standard. Section 7 Service Cocks All service pipes shall be provided with a shut off valve on the outside, located near the curb line or peoperty line. A suitable valve box shall be installed extending to the surface of the ground, which shall be of easy access and have the top thereof plainly marked "Gast1. A suitable stop cock shall be provided for turning off the gas at the meter. Section 8 Dispu te between Gas Utility anc: Consumer Vfuenever there shall arise a dispute between a gas utility and a consumer relative to the safety of any installation or appliance, the matter shall be referred to the Director of Public Service who shall examine the same or cause it to be examined and make final determination thereon. Section 9 Fees for Inspection There shall be pa:td to the City for the making of each inspection by the Plumbing Inspector of any gas piping, gas installation and gas fixtures and appliances the fol- lowing amounts: for the first opening, One Dollar ($1.00); for each additional opening the after/first, twenty-five cents (25~). This fee shall be paid upon twcing out permit. Section 10 Disposition of Fees ~ ;.. - ')".All money paid for inspection fees under this chapter shall be placed in the CUS tody of the Director of Finance of 'I'he City of Bozeman, who shall Imep such moneys in such fund as.'l'he City Commission shall be ordinance direct, and any moneys so credited shall be applied toward defraying expense incurred by the City in carrying out the provisions of this ordinance, or as otherwise directed and required by such ordinance. Ordinance No. 678A 1 I I. 1 I .1 All inspection fees shall be payable in advance. Section 11 Violatlons--Penalty Any person, firm, company, or corporation violating any of the 1Jrovisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be Dunished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00), nor more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment in the. city or county jail for not less than five days nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 12 Ordinance No. 611. of 'llhe City of Bozeman, adopted July 24, 1931, and relating to the installation, maintenance, extension and repair of " gas fittings, etc, in The City of Bozeman, is hereby repealed. Section 13 This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after thirty days after its adoption. Finally passed and adopted this 17th day of December, 1937. \ U~ erk of the ity Commission ..f//~~- I/laybr Introduced, read and provisionally adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission on December 10, 1937. Finally passed and adopted on December 17, 1937. Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle, December 21st, 1937. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in said City, in the issue of December 21st, 1937 and that due proof of said publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I tlereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of Decmeber, 1937. iti~~ ark of the Commission 89 90 i\.. "''f'-<'0' ~ ;;~'f(P6U:~<l-v;iJ, ....... \).0 j _- a- .-",'-" ./ .... -_-:-.~..-_.-.--- .....~. ......."'.... ORDINANCE NO. 679 AN ORDINANCE OF 'nm CITY OF BOZEI.1AN REGULATING AND GOVEHHHm PLUMBING, Es'rABLISHING A PLUMBING CODE, REGULATING CO:i~NEc'rIONS WI'rE' AND 'l'HE USE OF WATER MAINS AND SEWERS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: PROVIDING FOR 'l'HE APPOINTMEWl' OF A BOARD OF PLUMBING EXAMINEES AND A PLUMBING INSPECTOR, DEFINING THE DUTIES OF SUCH BOARD: AND SUCH INSPECTOR: PROVIDING PENAL'l'IES FOR VIOLA'rION OF 'EElS OHDINANCE, REPEALING SECTION THREE OF ORDINANCE 459 Aim ALL OF ORDINANCES NUMBER 489 AND NUMBER 562 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PAR'ES 01" ORDDTANCES OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZEL1AN 11: CONFLIC'E HEHEWI rrtr . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY 01" BOZEtiIAN: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS OF 11'ERMS SECTION 1. That wherever in this ordinance the following terms are used they shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this article. - A. "Code" includes "ordinancetl and "ordinance" includes "code". B. PLUMBING - Plumbing is the art of installing in buildings the pipes, fixtures, and other apparatus for bringing in the water supply and removing liquid and water-carried wastes. c. PLUMBING SYSTEM -The plumbing system of a building includes the water supply distributing pipes; the fixtures and fixture traps; the soil, waste, and vent pipes; the house drain and house sewer; the storm-water drainage; with their devices, appurt- enances, and connections all within or adjacent to the building. D. W.A'rER-SERVICE PIPE - The water-service pipe is the pipe from the water main convey water from the service pipe to the plumbing fixtures. F. PLUMBING FIXTURES - Plumbing fixtures are receptacles intended to receive and/or discharge water, liquid, or water-carried wastes into a drainage system with which they are connected. G. TRAP - A trap is a fitting or device so constructed as to prevent the pass- age of air or gas through a pipe without materially affecting the flow of sewage or waste water through it. H. TRAP SEAL - The trap seal is the vertical distance between the crown weir and the dip of the trap. I. VENT PIPE .. A vent pipe is any pipe provided to ventilate a [louse-drain- age system andVto prevent trap siphonage and back pressure. J. LOCAL VENTILATING PIPE" A local ventilating pipe is a pipe through which foul air is removed from a room or fixture. K. SOIL PIPE .. A soil pipe is any pipe which conveys the discharge of water- closets, with or without the discharges from other fixtures, to the house drain. L. WAS'rE PIPE AND SPECIAt WASTE - A waste pipe 1s any pipe which receives the discharge of any fixture, except water-closets and conv~ys the same to the house drain, soil, or waste stacks, Vfuen such pipe does not connect directly with a house drain or soil stack, it is termed a special waste. M. MAIN - The main of any system of horizontal, vertical, or continuous piping, is that part of such system which receives the wastes, vent or back vents, from fixture outlets or traps, direct or through branch pipes. I~ 1 1 ~