HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 37- 677, Provides for transfer of funds from water fund to fire fund I 1 .,...,..,r~ I 85 ORDINANCE NO. 677A AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER FROM 'EBE WA'1'ER E'UND TO THE FIRE FUND OF THE SUM OF THREE 'rHOUSAND DOLLARS TO MEE~ A DEFICIENCY IN THE FIRE FUND UNDER THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION THEHEF'OR CAUSED BY TI-IE ENACTMENT OF CHAPTER 200, LAWS OF 'rHE 25th LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF 'rEE STATE OF MONTANA, APPROVED MARCH 18, 1937, RELATING TO THE NUMBER AND WAGES OF FIREMEN IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS. ['r<)or 1l.e:\d. J' d ct,~u1ted ./ ,,;2 .u.... ~."._..__ _.~;1!;.~{.:.2:..... PREAMBLE. WHEREAS, the budget ordinance of The City of Bozeman for its fiscal year of 1937 was passed and adopted on the 12th day of February, 1937, and therein was made provision for the support and maintenance of the fire department of 'Ehe City of Bozeman as it then existed for the fiscal year of 1937; and WHEREAS, thereafter and on the l8tb day of March, 1937, the Twenty-fifth Leeislative Assenfuly of the State of Montana enacted Chapter 200 of the acts of said le8islative assembly whereby cities of the second class in the State of Montana are required to make an eight hour day for firemen and pay a wage of not less than one hundred and forty dollars ($140.00) per month, which Act of the legislative assembly, approved March 18, 1937, is hereby referred to for further particulars, and WHEREAS, by reason of said Act of the legislative assembly The City of Bozeman, a c'i ty of the second class, was required to increase the number of its employed firemenand thereby incurred an additional expense not contemplated nor necessary when the budget ordinance for the fiscal year of 1937 was adopted; and WHEREAS, the appropriation under said budget ordinance for the fire fund for the fiscal year of 1937 is now insufficient, by reason of the Act of the legislature afore- said, to meet the expenses of said fire department for wa~es and salaries for the re- mainder of the fiscal year 1937; and WTillREAS, there is a surplus in the water fund of said city not re~lired for any other purpose; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF 'Elm CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1 That the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby, ordered to transfer from the Water Fund of The City of Bozeman to the Fire Fund of said city the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) to meet the increased and unforseen requirements for wages and salaries of the fire department of The City of Bozeman for thefiscal year of 1937. Sec tion 2- That by reason of the facts set forth in the preamble to this ordinance an emergency exists making it necessary that this ordinance be, and it is hereby declared to be, in full force and affect from and after its adoption. Passed and adopted this 5th day of November, 1937. Attest: ,t:~~on ~~ Ma~(; .. State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission, of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was published by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chron- icle on the day of November 7th, 1937, and that due proof of publication is on file in my office. ~/ tJ C4 Dated this 8th day of November, 1937. ,~~ lerk of the Commission ss 86 ,"1S~"b ./ ORDINANCE NO. 678A ",;'0"(;,>"' ,/ / ,:;/ x:// ,/' AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE INSTALLATION, MAIN'rENANCE, REPAIR, EX'rEN- "../ SION OF GAS EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES F'OR THE CONVEYANCE AND USE OF GAS, "// NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED, FOR HEATING, LIGHTING, AND ANY DOMESTIC, BUS" ,/ INESS OR INDUSTRIAL USE IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, REGULATING THE INSTAL- LATION AND USE OF SUCH EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES IN THE INTEREST OF F1:JBLIC SAFETY, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 611 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION QF TIill CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1 Application of Regulations The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all installations of gas appli" ances and to the extensions, additions, alterations, or repairs of gas piping from the meter of the gas utility to all appliances in the consumer~ building, and in and about all buildings where natural or manufactured gas is used in The City of Bozeman. Section 2 ResponsibUity for enforcement It shall be the duty of Director of Public Service and of the PlumbIng Inspector, subject to the orders and directions of the Director of Public Service, to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and they or either of them shall have the right at all reasonable times to enter any and all buildings and any and all D~emises which contain gas piping or gas appliances using natural or manufactured gas for t he purpose of in- specting the same. Section 3 Bond Required of Gas Fitter Any individual, firm, corporation, or association engaged in the work of a gas fitter, or in the business of installing or repairing gas piping, gas fixtures, or gas appliances shall file and keep on file in full force and effect, at all times, in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission of The City of Bozeman, I.'1ontana, a surety bond, executed. by a surety company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Montana, and running to The City of Bozeman in the State of Montana, and acceptable to and approved by the City Commission of The City of Bozeman, Montana, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), conditioned to the effect that SUCll person shall per- form all work in connection with the installation, extension, additions, alterations and repairs of gas piping, gas fixtures and gas appliances done by him in a skillful and worlananlike manner and shall an ply only suitable and proper material and shall comply with all the provisions of the ordinances of The City of Bozeman, Montana, now or hereafter effective relative to gas piping, gas fixtures and gas appliances; provi- ded, that any person, firm, corporation or association injured or damaged in person or property by reason 011- any willful or negligent act or omission of the prlncipal under such bond i~ work done or being done in installing or repairing gas piping, gas fixtures or gas appliances in The City of Bozeman, shall have a right of action on such bond in his, hers, or its own name, and such bond shall so provi4e. Section 4 Responsibility for Turning "Gas On" It shall be unlawful for any person except an agent of the gas utility to turn "gas on" in any premises or building or structure, witt.tin the City o~ Bozeman, Montana, either at the time of installation of a meter or after gas has been "turned offlf at any other time~ Provided, however, that the utility shall upon demand of the Director I 1 I