HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 37- 676, Regulates public camp and auto court construction 80 ORDINANCE NO. 676 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC CAMPS AND AUTO COURTS, PROVIDING FOR THE SANITATION OF THE SAME AND ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURE FOR THE LOCATING OF PUBLIC CM1PS AND AUTO COURTS, IN TIill CITY OF BOZEMAN. BE IT ORDAINED by the Commission of The City of Bozeman: DEFINITIONS Section 1. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following terms shall be \ construed to have the meaning herein given: APPROVED: Whatever material, workmanship, method, appliance, construction or other matter which meets the requirements of this ordinance, and the approval' of the department charged with the admlnistration and enforcement of this ordinance. AUTO COURT: Any multiple dwelling or group of dwellings, other than bungalow courts, hotels, or apartment houses, which ls designed or intended for the temporary residence of motorists or travelers. The Term "Auto Court" shall also include Auto Camp and Tourist Camp. CAMP CAR AND/OR TRAILER: Is any unit used for Ilving or sleeplng purposes and which is equipped with wheels or similar devices used for the purpose of transporting said unit from place to place, whether by motive power or other means. BUNGALOW COURT: A group of separate dwellings facing directly on a common court, place or street. PERSONS: Any person, partnership corporation or association. PUBLIC CAMP': An approved area, lot or parcel of land regularly used or intended regularly to be used for temporary camping in tents or other portable shelters; provided, however, than an occasional and temporary use of an area, lot or parcel of land for camping by a single camping party shall not be construed as a public camp within the meaning of this ordinance. Section 2. PERMIT REQUIRED. No person shall construct, establish, maintain or operate an auto court, bungalow court or public camp, or cause or p~rmit the same to be constructed, established, maintained or operated in The City of Bozeman without a permlt to do so from the City Commission. Application for such a permit shall be in writing and shall state the extent and character of the proposed accommodations and camping spaces provided for. The application shall be presented to the City Commission, accompanied by a fee of ~~5.00. The Commission shall not grant any per- mit for the construction or establishment of an auto court, bungalow court or public camp in any location where such auto court, bungalow court or publiC camp is not allowed by the provisions of Ordinance No. 664 of The City of Bozeman, commonly known as "The Zoning Ordinance." Upl::>n!the approval of such applicn.tion by the Ci ty Commlssion the permit applied for shall be granted. After the permit has been issued complete plans and specifica- tions for the construction of such auto court, bungalow court and/or public camp shall be submitted to the Health Department and ,the Building Department of the City. If such plans and specifications meet with the requirements of this ordinance and other applicable ordinances of The City of Bozeman, the Health Department shall place a stamn of approval thereon and the Build~ng Inspector shall then issue a I , -I I 1 I I' 81 building permit for the construction of the buildings shown thereon. The building per~ mlt fees shall be the same as required for other like sturctures erected in The City of Bozeman. A separate building permit shall be required for each separate building or structure erected ln such auto court, bungalow court and/or public camp. Section 3. It sgall be unlawful for any person to camp on any property belonging "..r~- . to or under the control of The City of Bozeman without havlng first secured from the City Manager a written permit so to do. Such camping permits may be issued by the City Manager upon such terms and conditions and for such periods of time as in his judgment shall be proper, and shall be revocable by him at any time. Section 4. CAMP CARS AND TRAILERS. It shall be unlawful to permit waste water or material from sinks, showers or other fixtures in camp cars or trailers to be de- posited on any street, alley, ,auto court, public camp, or upon any lot within the corpor~ ate limits of The City of Bozeman. Sinks, showers, or other s!milar fixtures in camp cars or trailers, when in use, must be connected to some approved disposal system in a manner acceptable to the City Health officer and Director of Pulbic Safety of the City. A camp car and/or trailer having its running gear, wheels, or other equipment designed for the transportation of such vehicle from one location to another removed, or blocked up, or otherwise made stationary and in use for living quarters shall be classed as a dwelling and as such be subject to all the provisions of the building or- dinance and/or ordinances of The City of Bozeman. Section 5. CARETAKER AND SUPERVISION. All auto courts, bungalow courts and public camps shall be provided at all times with a resident caretal{er whose duty shall be to enforce all sanitary rules and regulations and see that no part of this ordinance is violated. The management of every auto court, bungalow court and/or publicremp shall ass~e responsibility for maintaining in go~repair and operation ,all sanitary appli- ances on the premises. Dogs shall at no ,time be turned loose or '-::e permitted to run at large on such premises. Supervision and equipment 'sufficient to prevent littering of the ground with rub- ~ish, garbage, Or other refuse shall be provided and maintained. Fly-tight metal de- positories with tight fitting covers for such materials shall be provided and conspic- uously located. Each and every dwelling and/or camping space shall be within a distance of not over one hundred (100) feet from such depository. Said depositories shall not be permitted to become foul smelling, unsightly, or breeding places for flies. Section6. REGISTRATION AND INSPECTION. It shall be the duty of the management or caretaker to keep a record of all patrons, including each indlvidual of a camping party. The record shall be in the form of,a hotel registry. Said registry shall specify the date of arrival and in the event said patron or camping party is traveling by means of an automobile, the register shall further specify the name of the owner of the automo- bile, the make of the automobile, the state in which said automobile is registered, the number of the license thereof, and the year of its issuance. The register shall at all times be open fQr inspection to all police officers of The City of Bozeman. Each and every auto court and public camp must be thoroughly inspected by the City Health Officer. Ordinance No. 676 82 Section 7. WATER SUPPLY. A water supply of pure, sanitary quality shall be pro- vided in ample quantity to meet all requirements. Water to be furnished and available through an approved. pipe distribution system leading directly from the City water mains ) or other approved source. Water supply faucets shall be located not more than two hun- dred (ZOO) feet from any camping space; also, a water service pipe shall be installed for supplying water to each separate apartment, dwelling or bungalow, and in each separate I apartment of any multiple apartment dwelling. Section 8. REFUSE AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL. All garbage, waste and refuse shall be promptly and entirely removed from the premises as required by the City Health officer. A sufficient number of approved lnclnerators shall be provided for burning all combus- tible rubbish. All auto courts, bungalow courts and public camps shall be provided with a complete approved sewerage or other approved disposal system. Water-flushed water closets shall be provided and maintained in clean, sanitary condition. In those parts of the City where public camps are permitted, said camping spaces shall be provided with approved community toilets. Separate toilets shall be provided for men and women, located in separate compartments, the entrances to which shall be not less than ten(lO) feet apart. One water-closet and one lavatory or sink shall be provided for each ten (10) woman, or fraction therof of the maximum number of individual persons up to the capacity of any:public camp; and on e shower shall be provided for each twenty (20) persons, or major fraction thereof, up to such capadty. Twentyfive per cent (25%) of the required water closets for men may be substitlred by approved urinals or approved equivalent. One shell or lip urinal or twenty four (24) inches of urinal trough may be computed as one water closet. The location of all toilets shall be plainly indicated by approved signs. All toilets shall be screened fly-tight and be well illuminated both day and night. All toilets, shower andlor washroom floors shall be constructed of concrete, tile, or equal material properly drained and connected to sewer system. All toilet, shower andl or washroom walls and partitions shall be impervious to moisture. All toilets and water closets shall be provided with at least one wash basin approved by the health officer and kept and maintained in a clean and sanitary donqition. A sufficient number of approved cast iron enameled slop sinks shall be provided, and each shall be connected with the sewerage or other approved disposal system; these si~s to be used for the disposal of domestic waste waters only. Section 9. PROTECTION AGAINST FIRES. no fires shall at any time be so located as to endanger automobiles or other property. No fires shall be left unattended at any time, and all fires shall be completely extinguished before leavin8. No camp fires will be permitted excepting in approved allotted public camps having approved camping spaces. Section 10. CAMP VffiLL DRAINED. The area, lot or tract of land upon which any auto court or publiC camp is located or maintained shall be well drained and properly graded so as to prevent stagnant water or muddy conditions. Section 11. ALLOTTED SPACE AND DRIVEWAYS. The space or unit in a public camp allotted to each camping party shall contain not less than three hundred sixty (360) square feet of ground area. All dwellings shall be located on a space of not less than eighteen (18) feet by twenty (20) feet. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to Ordinance No. 676 I I I I I 83 modify or dispense with the court and yard requirements for apartments or dwellings as required by any other Ordinance of The City of Bozeman. All dwellings and camping spaces shall be arranged in rows facing on a continuous driveway at least twenty- five (25) feet wide. For the purpose of computing the number of persons to be ac- commodated in any auto court, camp ground, or other such location as provided in this ordinance, each three hundred sixty (360) square feet area shall be required for three (3) persons. SECTION 12. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. All buildings shall comply with all re- quirements for such structures as provided herein and/or in the Bozeman Building Ordi- nance. It shall be unlawful to prepare or cook food in any bathroom, toilet room, closet, garage, or any room used for sleeping purposes. All required windows, doors, and similar openings must be fully protected with screens. No kitchen shall have less than twelve (12) square feet of window area. All windows shall be constrl1cted so that at least half of each window can be opened. Each building shall be provided with ap- proved means of lighting same at night. This applies to all rooms, kitchens, baths, toilets, halls, stairs, garages, etc. All floors shall be permanently 10cB-ted above the ground as the Building Inspector shall require and space underneath shall be kept free from obsturction. The floorlng proper_shall be constructed of tongue and groove material. Interior walls shall be plastered or constructed of surfaced lumber, or other material that may easily be kept clean. Each bullding shall- be cleaned daily, and after each occupancy shall be thorough- ly cleaned. If bedding is provided, it must be kept in.a clean and sanitary condition. Section 13. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. Any person, as defined herein, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or fail to comply with any order or regulation made thereunder, or who shall operate or malntain auto court, or bungalow court, or build, construct or make alterations in violation of any part of this ordi- nance, shall upon conviction thereof be punishable by a flne of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment for not less than ten days (10) days and not more than ninety days (90), or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every such person as defined herein shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day any prowision of this ordinance is violated. Section 14. CONFLICTIONS. Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to conflict in such a way as to modi~y or' amend any of the requirements of the Building Ordinance of The City of Bozeman, Montana, but is to be deemed supplemental thereto for the spe- cial purposes setout in the title hereof. In the event that any part, clause or sentence of this ordinance be adjudged void and of no effect, such decision shall not affect the validity of the res~ nor any remaining por~lon. Section 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage. Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman, this 20th day of August, 1937. Ordinance No. 676 ./',. ,.,.., 84 t;/JrJ~. MkYo Attest,; . ~~ I State of Montana ~ounty of Gallatin ) ) ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City of Bozeman in the issue of August 22, 1937, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 23rd day of August, 1937. cr:;;f!,d/~ad C erk of the Commission I I ,