HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 36- 666, Appropriation for 1936. I I I 35' ORDINANCE NO. 666 "" ~~ , ".?, OL ~~, <to.... .." ~ -"Oo~~. "'~ ......;".;,;:> Its.. '''[', ,~ ... "'( e "'" "', '.... '. .... "', AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE, ETC., OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNliIENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MOWrANA, FOR TIm FISCAL YEAR 1936. BE IT ORDAINED BY rrHE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEr,:l'.N: Sectionl. That the certain balances, accrued and unencumbered, (after the claims allowed January 3, 1936, have been paid, and after the interest and principal of bonds or warrants heretofore called have been paid,) which remain, as balances, in the several funds shall be, and are, hereby appropriated for use during the current fiscal year 1936; all as provided in Seotion 5506, R.C.M. 1921. Said balanoes so remaining being as follows, to-wit: FUNDS BALANCES $ 16,337.11 3,735.03 13,650.06 3,802.61 4,185.56 1,462.81 503.15 1'72.50 899.00 475.20 5,513.66 1,512.25 136.05 245.70 78.20 1 618.90 $ 54;327.79 General Fire Street Library Parlt Cemetery Band Firemen's Relief Warrant R. F. Bond S.I.D. Revolving S. I. D. Cemetery Permanent Care P. L. & P. S. I. D. No. 295 Construction A/C. w. & C. 1935 Construction a/c Airport TOTAL Section 2. That the following sums of money, inclusive of the aforesaid ba1- ances, be, and the same are, hereby appropriated for the operating e:~penses of the Mu- nicipal Government of the City of Bozeman; for the payment of its obliGations; for trans- fer as shown; for capital outlay; and for investments for the fiscal year 1936; pur- suant to the provisions of Section 5502, R.C.M. as amended by Chapter 173, Laws of 1925, and in accordance with the Annual Budget and Recommendations sub~itted by the City Manager as amended and/or approved by the Commission as hereInafter set forth: "I If OPE RATING EXPENSES Department of Law: For Salary - For Expenses Total Department of Law Department of Safety: For Salaries For Expenses ~'" 1,320.00 'W 40.00 $ 1,360.00 19,605.00 3,860.00 23,465.00 5,390.00 9,191.!05 14,581.05 18,076.97 8,79'7.63 26,874.60 6,200.00 -1--9. 910.90 26,110.00 ~, 92,390.65 'J? 15,560.00 5,175.00 20,735.00 $ 113.125.65 -. Department of Pinance: For Salaries For Expenses Total Department of Finance Department of Welfare For Salaries & Wages For Expenses Total Department of Welfare Department of Service "A" For Salaries & Wages For Expenses Total Dept. of Service "A" TO'rAL OPERATING EXPENSE (Exclusive of Water Dept.) . Department of Service "Bn -- Water Department For Salaries & Wages For Expense Total Dept. of Service "BIf GRAND TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 36 "II" DEBT SERVICE General Obligation Bonds (Warrant Refunding Bonds) S.I.D. Bonds & Warrants Total Debt Service $ 8,899.90 53,513.66 $ 62,413.56 trllr" CAPITAL OUTLAY, ETC. Street Fund $ 3,000.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 I General Fund Water Fund S.I.L.D. NO. 295 Const. alc W & C 1935 245.70 Airport Total Capital Outlay, etc. 78.20 2 865.01 1~18: 688.91 "IV INVESTMENTS Cemetery Permanent Care Fund Water Fund (Stores) Total $18,712.25 5,000.00 23,712.25 "V" CAPITAL EARNINGS Water li'und to General Fund $ 10,000.00 "VI" TRANSFERS P.L.& P. Fund to General Fund ,'h 4,080.00 ~ P.L.& P. ~"l to Fire Fund 2,720.00 .t'und Total $ 6,800.00 I "VII" EMERGIENCIES, DAMAGES, DEFICIENCIES, ETC. General Fund ~~ 4,576.00 Street Fund 2,210.59 Water FuIld 2,978.64 Warrant Refunding Bond Fund 730.10 S.l.D.Revolving Fund 999.23 Total , 11,494.56 Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published as provided in Section 5503, Poli- tical Code, R.C.M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 173, Laws of Montana, 1925, and ten days after such publication, may be finally passed, but shall not be finally passed i5efore the first Monday in February, (February 3rd). Section 4. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage. Finally passed by the Cormnission of the City of Bozeman at a regula.r session thereof held on the 7th day of February, 1936 ~~t~. M~ I ATTEST: ~l ~~/ / >L-~~ erli of the Commission -Ordinance No. 666- I I I 37 Introduced, read for the first time, proviffionally passed, date set for public hearing January 17, 1936, by the Commission of the City of Bozeman this 17 day of January, 1936. Published as provisionally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 21st day of January 1936. Published as finally passed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 12th day of February, 1936. C\flM-' 1,$. Effecti ve F~-ary 7th, 1936. I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 666 was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City of Bozeman, in the issue of Febr1~ary 12, 1936 and that due proof of said pub- lication was made and flIed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 12th day of February, 1936. /~ /:/- ~ ~l.'er~~ Commission. -Ordinance No. 666-