HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 35- 665, Regulates garbage and rubbish disposal. .. I , I. I ! ORDINANCE NO. 665 33 <t~ ". ? '<Jq%". ", "'. ~ O.Qn ';;>/'1" '~ ", '..f -(>1: "11 ",.x ", .4 "'I,>' "",9 '-'-, , , , ".., .....'" " " " AN ORDP'ANCE HELATING TO ACCUMULATI1JG OF nUBT3um AND GARSAGE ON PHIVATTI PREMISES, REQUIRING TIrE HEMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OI" THE SAI:lE AND PROVIDING THAT WHERE NO'l' REl/lOVED AND DISPOSED OJ;< UPON NOTICE THE CITY 01" BOZEI..TAN Iff.AY RELIOVE AIm DISPOSE OF frnE SAME AND ASSESS nm COST 01" SUCH HET'.10VAL AND DISPOSAL AGAINS'.C 'I'HE PROPERlrY -0- BE 1'1' OHDATrmD BY THE co;,:rnSSION OF' 'I'EE CI'1'y or: EOZE7:,AN: SEC'I'ION I -- DEPIHI'l'IOH Garbac;e within the meaning and intent of this ordinance is hereby defined. to mean and include all animal and vegetable refuse, offal, and manure of every kind dead animals and fowls, debris and waste matter of every ldnd solid or liquid, which is deleterious to health~ or other menace to the public safety, including waste paper, ashes, tin cans and other discarded containers and receptacles, a~d all unsightly accumu18t:tons of rubbish and waste matter whetLe.r s-:Jecifi cally mentioned herein or not. SEc'rION II :..- DUTY fro REI/lOVE GARBAGE It is hereby made the duty of every person, corporation orassociation owninE, possessing or occupying (includin~ tenants) property within the City of Bozeman~ to l{eep su,ch premises free from any and all accumulations of garbage as defined 11. Section 1 hereof, that is offensive to the senses, unsanitary, uns1i;htly, or unsafe; and UDon notice by any duly constituted 8.uthorj.ty of the Cit;T' of Bozeman ,~o relilove and abate the same. SEC'EION III. -- CI'I'Y MAY REliTOVE .1).I'm ABATE If after t'orty-ei:~ht hours notice, oral or wri tten, b" the City of BoZer(,ml thr01'_gh its Director of Public Safety to the owner, occupant, or tenant, of any premises within the City of Bozeman to remove and abate any accumulation of ;,~nrbo."~e as defined in Sec- tion 1 of this Ordinance such parbage shall not have been removed or abated, the City of Bozeman may remove and abatethe same and the cost of such removal and abatement shall be CharGed and assessed a~ainst such nroperty as a special assessment to be collected as a tax a~ajnst the nroperty at the time other taxes are collected, if not Daid prior tbereto. Por tJlepurpose of' such abatement and removal any employe of the Ci ty of Bozeman acting under the authori ty and by the direct10n of the Director of P'-blic Safety of the Ci ty of Bozeman shall have the right and authori ty to ;'-0 :in and upon any such prem:U;es at any reasonable dayliGht hour for tll,e purpose of 3uch removal and abatement. Any person who s]'I9.l1 :interfere with or obsb,:!rct such employe in the per- formance of such dllty shall be deemed guilty of a violation of' this or(:~i,nance and u.,,)on conviction thereof in the nolice court of the City of Bozeman shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more t}lan twenty-five dollars, or impriscned in the city jail for not less than one day nor more thr:-m ten dro.ys, 'or h:r both such :Cinc and imprisonment. SECTION IV -- EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty days after it,;) passage. SECTION V -- REPEALING CLMJSE All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 34 Passed and adopted by the Cit~y' Commission of the City of Bozeman, 1.10ntana, this 22nd clay of Hovember, IG3t3. AT'YE:S'l': " // . j ~:ul1~j Cle-~T.:-/Ythe C OTnrl.i s s 1 on "-0*, ' ' ~~. ~- I Mayor I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerl{ of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, hereby certify that tho forogoin,p; Ordinance No. 665 vms pu,b1ished by title in the Gozernan Daily Chronci1e, a daily newc3paper of c;cneral circulation, printed and pllblished in said City of Bozeman, in the issue 01 December 1, 1935, and that due proof of said nublication was made and flIed in m"'T ,y office. IN WI 'I':NIi::';S \'rc,f':~\i-;()F' I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my 0:' "ice c"nfs 2nd day of Dec8111"LJO:;:', 1935. '-. t-::. /, : /~~ ~he om:rn'lssion I" I -Ordinance No. 665-