HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-16 City Commission Minutes G q'L R R e-. o - _r THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,February 22, 2016 Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present A. 06:01:16 PM Call to Order--6:00 PM- Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. m B. 06:01:19 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence I C. 06:03:18 PM Public Service Announcement, 1. Blunderbuss Science and Maker Faire (Fontenot) 2. 2016 Bozeman Historic Preservation Awards (Saunders) D. 06:02:26 PM Changes to the Agenda E. 06:07:20 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) s 2. Authorize Mayor to Sign the Grant Award with the Montana Department of Commerce, Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program for the Meat Company(MMC) (Fontenot) t,�;3 3. Final Adoption of Ordinance 1932 approving the Stucky Road Zone Map Amendment to Establish Initial Zoning Designation of R-4 (Residential High Density District) on 20.62 acres The property is addressed at 3000 Stucky Road Application 15-233 (Rogers) too ii 1 i Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 22,2016 4. Final Adoption of Ordinance 1933 Sourdough Water Tank Annexation Zone Map Amendment Establishing PLI (Public Lands and Institutions) for 11.663 acres at 4330 Sourdough Road.Application 15529 (Saunders) �N- 0 - 5. Final Adoption of Ordinance 1935, Granting a Non-Exclusive Franchise to NorthWestern Energy for Natural Gas Delivery (Stambaugh) I-Na 6. Final Adoption of Ordinance 1937, George Smith Annexation Zone Map Amendment,Establishing R-4(High Density Residential)for 1.1815 Acres at 1163 Thomas Drive. Application 15430 (Saunders) na 7. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance 193 8 Bozeman Health Zone Map Amendment, changing 32.047 acres from Business Park to Community Business at 915 Highland Boulevard. Application 15430 (Saunders) ta 8. Resolution 4671 amending the Fiscal Year 2016(FYI6)Northeast Urban Renewal Tax Increment Finance District Work Plan and Budget to Include Additional Expenditures for Payment of the Local Share of the North Wallace Avenue Reconstruction Project(Fontenot) na 9. Ratification of Revised Bylaws for the Planning Board dated February 2, 2016 (Saunders) t,�:J 10.Ratify Professional Services Agreements with All Secure Inc and Frontier Security and Consulting Security Companies (McLane) na 11.Professional Services Agreement with GIS Data for a Variety of Data Maintenance Workflows for the City GIS Department(Henderson) tla 12.Ptt & U4ifity E or. e 4 F v Water and Sewer Mains for access across State f JJ across FJ IRGO-OS 13.Approve a Restaurant Beer and Wine License for South 9th Bistro LLC of Bozeman,Montana to sell Beer and Wine at 721 S 9th Ave (Rosenberry) �a 14. Approve an All Alcoholic Beverages License for T Bar at the Red Chair of B-ozeman,Montana to sell Alcohol at 407 S Ferguson Ave(Rosenberry) Mo 06:09:51 PM Public Conunent on the Comsent Agenda Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:10:11 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-11 and 13-14 as submitted Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor- Cynthia_Andrus: Second Commissioner- Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mel-& Approve Page 2 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 22,2016 Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve F. 06:10:37 PM Public Comment One person spoke in support of the Urban Forestry Plan and Emerald Ash Borer Plan. 06:13:20 PM Public Comment closed I Mayor Taylor closed public comment. I a G. 06:13:25 PM Special Presentations 1. 06:13:35 PM Introduction of New Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Trisha Wolford (Chief Waldo) 2. 06:15:43 PM Results of the National Citizen Survey(Kukulski) 06:37:40 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed quality of life and housing affordability and land affordability. H. 06:41:30 PM Action Items !! ]i 1. 06:42:02 PM An Application for a Growth Policy Amendment to Revise Figure 3- 1, the Future Land use Map from Community Commercial Mixed Use to Residential on 6.2294 Acres for Sundance Springs, Phase 1B, Application 15-580 x (Rogers) to i 06:42:04 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Tom Rogers gave the staff presentation for an Application for a Growth Policy Amendment to Revise Figure 3-1,the Future Land use Map from Community Commercial Mixed i Use to Residential on 6.2294 Acres for Sundance Springs,Phase IB,Application 15-580. J 06:54:48 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the prior zoning of the property and the Planned Unit Development process, the changes in the growth policy and the reason this property hasn't i developed until now, nearest commercial areas, growth since 1995, how long the area has been zoned commercially, the distance to 19th Street, processes that need to occur for residential development,the 60/40 rule in regards to open space and future phasing. 07:15:34 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant representative gave their presentation regarding an Application for a Growth Policy j Amendment to Revise Figure 3-1,the Future Land use Map from Community Commercial Mixed Use to Residential on 6.2294 Acres for Sundance Springs,Phase 1B, Application 15-580. 07:21:42 PM Commission questions for Applicant The Commission and Applicant representative discussed traffic counts and roof counts, meeting ;? the criteria and Commercial nodes. Page 3 of 7 jf. a Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 22,2016 07:29:56 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment Three people spoke regarding approving this amendment with requirements met for open space, that the PUD should be amended to reflect the zoning change, that the covenants under the PUD should be followed for all of the lots,and that home association dues be paid,history pertaining to a possible commercial node, the possibility of the 60/40 space between two of the lots, the bird habitat in the area, and the desire to see this area become residential and would like architectural guidelines followed. 07:39:14 PM Public Comment closed Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 07:39:17 PM Motion that having reviewed and considered t/ie application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for Resolution 4676 a resolution of intent to amend the growth policy per application 1 S- S80 and move to approve the growth policy amendment with contingencies and subject to all applicable code provisions. Deputy Ma. or- Cynfta Andrus: Motion Commissioner—I-Ho Pomeroy: Second 07:40:44 PM Commission discussion on the Motion Deputy Mayor Andrus does not support the motion. She feels we have not given this enough time.It is in the best interest to the community to keep this a small commercial node. Cr.Pomeroy spoke regarding affordable housing. It has sat for 19 years for commercial use. We need to help supply affordable housing. She will be supporting the motion. Cr.Krauss stated that he does not want this growth policy amendment.It doesn't cure a deficiency because there is not one there,this is the ideal commercial node for connectivity and he does not feel that it meets any of the criteria. Trying to build the City to last. Cr.Mehl stated that he is going to support this. He urged reconsideration and spoke regarding the size of the development. He feels it will never be a 4 way intersection. There is a need to update the Community Plan.It is not the size to handle a substantial commercial area. Will be a long time before the traffic counts meet Kagy. Mayor Taylor spoke regarding his concern of it being a Planned Unit Development and spoke regarding the Commercial zoning. 08:03:27 PM Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment,and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff reportfor Resolution 4676 a resolution of intent to amend the growth policy per application I5-580 and move to approve the growth policy amendment with contingencies and subject to all applicable code provisions. Deputy Mayor Andrus: Disapprove Commissioner---1-Ho Pomeroy: Second Commissioner- Jeff Krauss: Diqappvove Mayor- Carson Taylor: Disapprove Page 4 of 7 Bozeman City Commission M6rtttes,February 22,2016 Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andras: Disapprove Commissioner-I-Ho Porneroy: Approve Motion Failed 2-3. 08:03:45 PM Break Mayor Taylor declared a break. 08:17:05 PM Meeting called back to order Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order. 2. 08:17:08 PM Resolution 4679 to Adopt the 2016 Urban Forestry Management Plan and Emerald Ash Borer Course of Action Plan(Overton) n4m 08:17:32 PM Staff Presentation Mitch Overton,Director of Parks and Recreation began the Staff Presentation regarding Resolution 4679 to adopt the 2016 Urban Forestry Management Plan and Emerald Ash Borer Course of Action Plan. Mr. MaKoutz gave a brief refresher on these plans stating that it has been 20 years since it has been updated. 08:48:36 PM Commission questions to Staff The Commission discussed execution of the plans and the successful rates,the precipitation rates, the rounding up of utilities, the informal type trees in creek beds, limiting liabilities, private ownership and how Emerald Ash Borer will be addressed. 08:55:32 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:55:46 PM Motion to approve Resolution: 4679 adopting the 2016 Urban Forestry Management Plan and EnteraldAsh Borer Course of Action Plan. Commissioner—I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner—Jeff Krauss: Second i 08:56:15 PM Commission Discussion on the Motion Cr. Pomeroy spoke regarding the benefits of having trees. Cr.Krauss spoke regarding the costs, green ash trees,bacteria and infestations,outreach,the fact that there is a much higher number because of trees beside just the street trees. Cr. Mehl it is without question that it is time to update the plan,there are some operational goals and some challenges. Will be voting for this. Deputy Mayor Andrus thanked the board. Mayor Taylor thanked the contributors. 1 i Page 5 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 22,2016 09:05:11 PM Vote on the Motion to approve Resolution 4679 adopting the 2016 Urban Forestry Management Plan and Emerald Asli Borer Course ofAction Plan. Commissioner—I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner—Jeff Krauss: Second Conunissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Carson Ta, ly orApprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor=C n�Andrus: Approve Comunissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 3. 09:05:31 PM City Commission Goals Update for 2015-16 and Commission discussion of Setting Priorities for 2016-17(Kukulski) t43 09:06:30 PM Staff Presentation City Manager Chris Kukulski gave the Staff Presentation for the City Commission Goals Update for 2015-16 and Commission discussion of Setting Priorities for 2016-17. 09:07:35 PM Commission discussion The Mayor spoke regarding the items that will be occurring anyway and the need for things to come off of the list in regards to this.There are policy purposes,budgetary purposes and then there are things that are on the list to show that we are paying attention. The Commission discussed and arrived at the following to be considered in conjunction with the 2015 Goals: 201fi-�017 Commission norit .and:Goal Ideas; 2- 1 Gas Tax/Focus on County Wide&State/Legislature 2 Affordable Housing/City Land 3 Broadband/Moving Forward and Funding/Policy Discussion 4 Parking/Downtown/Long Term/System Upgrades F5 Impact Fee Update 6 Community Plan Update 7 Cardiac Arrest App 8 Park Maintenance District 1-9 Compact of Mayors/Carbon Imprints/Targets/Measurers/Action Plan 10 Minimum Wage for the City/Engage Experts 11 Legislative Agenda/Staff Time Staff will prepare a memo including these items along with the 2015 Goals to be considered for next week's meeting. Page 6 of 7 Bozeman 00,Commission ddinutes,February 22,2016 I. 09:56:25 PM FYI[/Discussion 1. School District Representation (Fontenot) 2. Chronicle Article regarding Non-discrimination Ordinance (Taylor/Sullivan) J. 09:58:58 PM Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 9:58 p.m. AAO yAI- 1 PREPARED BY: CMC City Cleric Approved on: qylftsrr S I �?3 ; i 0 r ;4 { i Page 7 of 7 I� ji